If this doesn't make you believe in angels, nothing will!
By chunkers
@chunkers (1050)
United States
December 21, 2006 12:52am CST
When I was a child growing up back in Iowa, we lived next to the train tracks on the edge of town. I met a lot of people who rode the rails and became friends with a few of them. One gentleman I met still stands out in my memory and I doubt I will ever forget him. When we first met, he seemed like every other hobo I had ever seen: raggedy trousers, dusty, ripped and soiled jacket, worn out shoes, and a leathery, but likeable face. He said he couldn't recall where he'd originally came from, but seemed like he was from somewhere in the south. Said he'd served in the army, but couldn't recall just when or where. Couldn't remember if he had any family or not and wasn't sure just how long he'd been riding the rails. When I asked him where he was going, he just smiled and said "I'll know when I get there, son."
This old timer did not seem crazy to me, in fact he was quite intelligent. He carried some kind of a musical instrument in his knap sack and pulled it out to play for me. The sounds he produced sounded like a chorus of angels! I had never heard anything like it and probably never will. Of course, this is coming from the memory of an impressionable young boy, and it seems to get more beautiful every time I retell this tale, which isn't often because most people don't believe me.
Well, to make a long story short, I ended up inviting him home for supper. He reluctantly agreed, saying he didn't want to be a burden on anybody. My parents thought I was crazy but didn't want to embarrass the old timer or me, so they let him stay for what was probably the only home-cooked meal he'd had in years.
When supper was over, I walked the old timer back to the train which seemed to be waiting for him on the tracks. As he was pulling himself up on the boxcar, I recall telling him it was nice to meet him and I hoped we would meet again someday. He looked over his shoulder and said, "Don't you worry, young man. We will. We definitely will".
I stood and waited as the train pulled out and waved goodbye until I couldn't see the train any longer. As I stood there, I kept wondering what he meant by "We definitely will".
As the years rolled past, I often thought of this old man and wondered what had become of him. His music filled my dreams for years to come, and sometimes still does.
About ten years after this brief encounter, and his face had nearly been erased from my memory, I was working as a waiter at a local restaurant. It was my first job out of high school and things were rough living on my own. I had no car, barely making the rent, and eating only while I was at work.
One day an elderly, but very elegantly dressed man walked through the door of the restaurant. It was probably my imagination, but as he passed the sun-filled window, it appeared as if a halo appeared above his head! For one brief instant I thought it was the old man from the train years before! Then it was gone; I realized that the old man from the train was probably long since passed on.
As fate would have it, he requested to be seated in my section of the restaurant. This was odd in myself, as anyone who had been in before would NEVER had asked to sit in my section. So, as I served him, the day at the train yard kept replaying in my mind.
After he had finished his meal, he got up and left the restaurant. When I went to clear his table, I noticed that he had not left a tip, which really bothered me because I desperately needed the money. Just as I was about to start complaining to myself, the hostess approached me and handed me an envelope. She said "the old man who just left asked me to give this to you and to tell you thank you for treating him well when he had nobody. He said you'd know what that means."
Dumbfounded, I opened the envelope. Inside there was a simple inscription. It read: "I finally got there, and this is for you." Also inside the envelope was the title to a brand new 1983 Monte Carlo and $500 CASH!
Rushing to the door, I ran outside and in the employees parking area was a white Monte Carlo! The old man was nowhere to be seen.
I drove that car for the next ten years, and only parted with it when it started to have major problems and I could afford to purchase a new vehicle.
I don't know where that old man is today, but I figure he'd be in his 90s or older. But wherever he is, I hope he knows how much he changed my life that day.
26 people like this
80 responses
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I agree he has some talent, if he wanted to write a book he could. I see potential in him. Go for it Guy!
2 people like this
@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
nice story.
kind of unbelievable but still.... keeps the christmas spirit going.
cheerS! :o)
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I usally do read long post, but I always read yours, that was a excellent story, you will get plenty of ratings for this one. I loved that story, that's the best story anybody on Mylot ever told. I glad he changed your life, now that's something to tell, that just goes to show you are a good person. You can win a prize for this one! Have a Happy Holiday!
2 people like this
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
21 Dec 06
That is very inspiring. Good things do happen and that was very nice. I don't know if he had a halo, but someone sure was looking out for you!!!
2 people like this
@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
21 Dec 06
Maybe its just a story. However i do believe in angels and i think i was helped in two difficult situations by them. What i saw was fusy but was realy bright, and i could stay with my eyes open looking that bright without hurting or blinding my eyes and cant remember faces or if i could had seen the faces, but i felt very warm and so confy in body and spirit that till today i cant explain (the difficult situations is that in both i was dieing, and as you can see i didnt :))
@heartonfire (4119)
• Denmark
21 Dec 06
hmmmm..i love stories,they have been fascinating me since i was little but as i grew up,the real stories impress me the most,so i have to ask you if it came from your imagination,or real facts??..
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
22 Dec 06
This is my Christmas story to my friends of MyLot. I hope it blesses and refreshes you. Please take from it that which makes you feel the best. Is it true? It is true to the extent that you wish it to be true!!!
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!
@theaterjunkie (342)
• United States
22 Dec 06
That was a beautiful story. I got all choked up reading it. That must have been a great experience for you. I hope that I meet my angel someday, or that I already have.
1 person likes this
@lilttownmommie (1473)
• United States
21 Dec 06
That is so sweet. I love to hear stories like this, they put a smile on my face, and we all need a smile :) I think we should all smile atleast once a day :)
@DeeBloomers (688)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Now this is an excellent story! You need to publish it! I'm serious, it is really good! And who cares if anyone believes it or not? It is worthwhile reading! Wonderful story, thanks for sharing it.
Oh yeh, I do believe in angels. :)
1 person likes this
@josephperera (2906)
• Sri Lanka
26 Dec 06
This is similar to the alien in a building story you had posted in another discussion. What you got was a monte carlo.
Was is registered with the authorities?
If so who had signed at the time of registration?
How was proof of purchse proved to get the documents through?
An angel cannot just register a vehicle, or become a chairman of a company. He must have a valid residential address.
How did the vehile get its engine number and chasis number?
How did you manage to register the vehicle in your name?
Didn't the Angel make occassional visits to give you spare parts. If not where was he when you needed spares?
These are points which I have to clarify.
@chunkers (1050)
• United States
26 Dec 06
First of all, if you have to "clarify points", you have missed the entire purpose of the narration. You don't go to a movie and ask to speak to the director in order to "clarify points". This is a Christmas Story! That's it....nothing more! It was told in the spirit of Christmas in order to give hope to those who might have been having a hard time this year, for whatever reason. Now you've gone and over-analyzed the story and took the fun out of it. I hope you're happy! You probably work for the DMV, that's why you are so anal-retentive! lol Just kidding about the anal-retentive stuff, but you should really just try to enjoy the story like everyone else did!
Secondly, the alien story is factual: no misconceptions there. The conversation with the old man took place exactly how I told it. Whether he was being honest, God only knows. I didn't make it up; just re-told it as it was told to me.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
21 Dec 06
Wow! I sure ho[pe you didn't make this up because it is such a eautiful story. And even if you did, it is a lovely story of faith in mankind. I guess Karma or angels or what ever we want to know them as really does happen. I appreciate your story.
@Tanika (632)
• Australia
21 Dec 06
Heya chunkers, That is a wonderful story and it certainly reaffirms my belief in angels. i can see why ppl may not believe you as there are so few good ppl in this world and it is sometimes easier to push away stories like that than to actually beleive. I am sure that that man was so glad to have helped you out as you did him.
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
22 Dec 06
That was a great story and really fascinating. How lucky you are to have met such a wonderful being.
@moonflowerpixy (536)
• United States
21 Dec 06
It is said that before we are born everyone we enounter here on earth knew us in heaven. We know what will happen in our lives before they are lived and choose to do so regardless. I wish I could have had such a personal encounter with my guardian angel as you have. That is a wonderful story, true or not!
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@mauier113 (688)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
well. it was an angel after all. A great story. It probably would change the people reading your post about angels.