Do you judge someone based on thier looks?
By sweetdesign
@sweetdesign (5142)
United States
December 21, 2006 8:09am CST
I am so tired of people who judge people by thier outward appearances. Guys especially are bad about this. I have a very devout christian male friend and he has always talked about God leading him to the mate that he is intended for. Well guess what he is full of it. He started dating a girl who was 10 years younger than him, a nice piece of eye candy who was not even a Christian (God would not lead him to marry a sinner). Fact of the matter she looked good, had a nice figure. Of all people I would not have expected this from him. Well they married and were just over the one year mark when they split up and she left. I used to have a huge crush on this guy cause I thought he was different from the other guys. We spent a lot of time together went on road trips together and my daughter had bonded with him. I loved his son to pieces. But since he did what he did I lost a lot of respect for him.
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122 responses
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I do not judge someone by their looks and wish that society would not do that. I think too many judge a book by its cover and do not realize what they are missing out on. We should be judging the person by who they are as a person and what they are like on the inside. I think that is a problem where I live. Some of the best looking people have the worst personalities on the face of the earth.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Exactly. I have met some people who are gorgeous on the outside but having gotten to know them what is on the inside makes them the ugliest people I have ever met. Just because something comes in this glittery beautiful package does not mean that the gift inside is equal in beauty. Sometimes the gift in the plain wrapping is the most beautiful of all. But most people don't see that.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I could not agree with you more. It is nice to know that we share the same opinion on this topic. Hopefully people will realize that we should be looking at the person from the inside. I would much rather have someone who has a wonderful personality than somebody that looks like a model but has a rotten personality.
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@natuser28 (907)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Then you shouldn't judge us on our car, job or bank account.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I couldn't care less what you drive, what you do for a living, or what is in your bank account. The measure of a man is not in the things he has but in his heart and how he lives his life. I could care less if you drive a beat up old pick up truck, and lived paycheck to paycheck as long as you were a good person those other things don't matter. I have lived my life without fancy cars and money so why would I care what car you drive?

@lovelylizzie (327)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I am one of the people that judge soley on appearence. call me vain, call me what you want.. but appearence is really important. bosses more likely to hire you if you're attractive. which is okay, because I personally, like to see attractive people.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I feel sorry for you, you are missing out on knowing some really fantastic people. But thanks for your response. I hope that maybe in the future you won't be so quick to judge.
@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I don't judge people by their looks, and I dress differently than most people. I dress in what is called, to some people, goth clothes. All black, head to toe, but I care a lot about people. I have two children who are my world. I don't know what I'd do without them. I've had people avoid me because of how I dress. I feel this is childish and biased. Someone once asked me why I dressed the way I do, and I answered "To see who will talk to me and get to know me for me. Not for how I'm dressed." I don't believe in judging people by how they look, but it's also human nature. Everyone has judged someone at least once in their life. I know I have, so I can't really say too much. I try not to anymore, but sometimes it's difficult not to. Especially with the way some people dress. I feel that if someone is dressed in scantily clad clothing that they look kind of trashy. But that's just how they look, it doesn't mean they are. This is a great idea for a post, by the way, and I'm glad to have shared my opinion in it.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
22 Dec 06
My daughter's (she is 16) favorite colors are black and red. She dresses in black and red all the time. She is into the mideviel type clothing and has had a few outfits made by a friend of ours. She had combat boots on her christmas wish list (yes they are wrapped and under the tree). But if you look past all the "doom and gloom" clothing you will see a very sweet and shy young lady. People ask me why I let her dress in all black....I say she isn't hurting anyone, what does it matter what color her clothes are or what era they come from she is a good person.
@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
Men or women who go for looks only are still too immature to find a real mate. They only want eye candy. They think: good looks=good $ex, which is not always true. But what they don't know is that looks will fade, but the passion, kindness, generosity and inside beauty of a person will always remain. I went all through highschool without a boyfriend, because i was chubby. College was the same thing;guys wouldn't give me the time of day! I am not ugly, but i am chubby, so to them my overall look is not appealing. Well, finally almost 5 yrs ago, I found my true soul mate. He didn't care if i had extra weight, or didn't look like Pamela Anderson. He fell in love with my personnality, with who i am, and to him that made me gorgeous. What some people don't know is that when you truly fall in love with a person, he or she will be the most beautiful person in the world to you. That's love..
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Good for you girl! You found a good 100% gold guy who fell in love with you not the package you are in. If only all guys would realize packaging is not important. I have a not so great package but I am a great person. I am loving, caring, compassionate. I am passionate about those who I hold dear to me. I am so much more than what can be seen with the eye. I am an artist, a nature lover and God lover. I am at home in the quiet of nature and can function in the noise of the city. I am so much more than the eye can see.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 06
So, don't judge the book by it's cover. Appearance itself could be deceisive. We must look at thing wisely, thinking from different prespective. A girl with charming look could attract guys easily. Alhough she might be favorable, but she could hardly settle down, coz she aware that she got a lot choice to make. Guys are like disposable for her. So we should not only judge someone the look. Animals or plants in nature which is poisonous looks very attractive. Eg like venomouse snakes, rain frog & etc.
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@banta78 (4326)
• India
22 Dec 06
I think we should not go by how one looks from outside but connect with the person from inside. One shouldn't go by looks, appearances are deceptive. One can't really love person just by seeing their looks, this attraction, fascination or lust is temporary and wouldn't last forever as was the case with your male friend. Besides don't go by person'r sweet talk about how devout faith he has because some people go to any extent ot get what they want. But i don't think all guys are like your male friend and not all girls are alos like that.
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@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
I dont but people sure do to me. I got a shaved head, couple of tattoos and look kinda mean but Im not. I get dirty looks and people always talk down to me at first when they meet me, because I don't think they think Im smart enough to hold a decent conversation.
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I bet you are a big soft teddy bear on the inside! I have met a few guys who would scare the bejeebers out of most people but I just laugh cause they are big softies!
@Zhanec (1651)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 06
It goes both ways, gals looking at guys and visa verse. But with time and wisdom, I have learned not to be so critical until they open their mouth and remove all doubt! When I was young and naive, it was a is only skin deep but ugly goes clean to the bone...I now relate that to personalities.
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@barryallen (941)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Looks can be very deceiving... but not at all times.. judging someone based on their looks is definitely not right.. just be cautious and don't fall for it right away when you still don't know the person well..
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@cutejhan18 (910)
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
no not really but admit that when u first saw a man/woman u can be attracted at the outside apperance and then when u get along u don't mind anymore if he/she is good looking or not
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@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 06
I never judge a person on how he looks. I mean I do not judge him by how God created his face and body. But I often judge people from their appearance. How they dress, their level of cleanliness, their attitude and stuff like that. From there, I can get a general idea of what type of people they are.
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@ryanparker2050 (1)
• India
22 Dec 06
i am im complete aggreement with you. if one has a good personality,he/she can be very influencing in groups even if they are not good in looks, the way one holds himself shows his nature,his thinking, his behaviour and not looks.
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@apostrofy (661)
• Romania
25 Dec 06
i don't judge people on how their body looks, or on the clothes they wear, but i do judge their aspect. i can understand that maybe god didn't made u look like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt, and maybe u can't afford to buy Versace clothes, but that doesn't mean u can't use soap and water to wash yourself or u'r clothes, to take care of u'r hair or of u'r teeth. maybe u don't have all the time in the world to stay in the mirror all day long but 1 bath with soap and 1 trip to cut u'r hair definetly can't kill u.
@hariharbhat (1312)
• India
22 Dec 06
Oh Friend,
It is neither the outer appearance nor the Religon, which makes one good or bad.The subject of good or bad itself is a relative term and it depends on once perception.You should not blame the Mirror if it shows an ugly picture.
Then what? According to my conviction, the nature and actions of all living beings depend on their parents' genes.The contribution of blood and culture by the parents leads to bloom the character and qualities of that livingbeing.Of course the environment of the society where the one mingles has also it's role to influence one's behaviour, though it is of short term in nature.
Unless you get up in the early morning you cannot see and enjoy sunrise.Like wise unless you come out of the bondage of Religon you cannot taste the nector of Humanity and Human Culture.
@mystery777 (403)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Society and people judge by looks. It's a fact and you have to accept it. Looks play a VERY MAJOR BIG part in all life's aspects. It's not necessarily a bad thing, 'cause this is how human beings are programmed. Something that doesn't please the eye wouldn't be very comfortable to be around with. On the other hand, a good looking person doesn't have to have other things going for him/her (personality, humour...etc) to have people wanting to be around him/her all the time. It just means that the not good looking people have to compensate by having other traits pumped up, like maybe personality, sense of humour, money (yes I said money)and to convey these traits asap. As soon as they convey these traits, they become attractive people, sometimes even to the eye, no longer bad looking. But does that mean that we have to treat people according to their looks? I'd say NO.
It pisses me off when people are treated according to their looks. It pisses me even more when I find someone avoiding another person he knows JUST because he doesn't want to be seen with him/her in public, because they are not good looking. I think it comes down to the way we were brought up and the moral values someone have.
@IM2YS4U (5)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Bill Cosby once said, that women are enticed by what they hear and men are enticed by what they see. So in this cases it is obvious that in many ways he did wait on God. Basically, he may have felt that she was the one. But as you said.. being unequally yoked was the major problem. I do not want you to dislike him because of his error in judgment. It is probably good that you two did not "hookup" back then. But you never know who God has for you.. And as for judging someone based on their looks.. it happens. Some people with the nicest looks on the outside can be monsters on the inside..and vice versa. Looks are important in the real sense of the word..but true beauty comes from within. As the Bible says "Judge yet not, for that which ye judge..the will be judged also."