How long do you think you should be in a relationship before getting married?
By sarilynne
@sarilynne (273)
December 21, 2006 8:59am CST
What is the appropriate length of a relationship being proposing? Or getting married? I've been with my boyfriend for over two years now, and I know we aren't going to get married in the next year, but probably within the next three years. Is there such a think as too long to wait? Or too soon?
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170 responses
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
21 Dec 06
i was once in this relationship with my ex boyfriend for 8 years. i thought he's the one for me. but we ended hurting each other. he dumped me for anotehr woman. and now,i am inlove with my boyfriend for 8 months now. and we are talking about marriage. and i do wanna marry him one day soon. in a year or two, we will get married. there's no specific length about a relationship before getting married. for as long as you two are ready to settle down and if you are both responsible to live together, then it's time for you to get married.
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
21 Dec 06
well I disagree with you there...first 8 years is a long time to be "dating" either tell them to s*** or get off the pot. Why let someone have that much control and power over your life. I think a year to 1 1/2 yrs is enough to figure things out.
@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
22 Dec 06
well I would! but I am stubborn bull headed taurus. My hubby and I have been together for 16 yrs, married for 12 in may! By the time we got married we were together for 3 yrs, so I had a 1 1/2 yr engagement.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I don't know that 8 years is too long to be dating someone.. my mom was dating someone for 12 years and then the relationship didn't work out - I think it depends on your situation. They didn't want to get married because they both had kids and wanted to wait.
I don't know that you can set a definite time period for this sort of thing because everyone is different.
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@dmanuel (411)
21 Dec 06
i dont think that there's an appropriate length of time that can determine that you can bget married. It should come from both of you. If you both feel that you're emotionally, physically, financially and mentally healthy to take the plunge then that's the right time. regardles if you've been for a year or a month.
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Great response! I agree with you 100%! There are so many factors to take into consideration as everyone and every relationship is different!
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
In your opinion, what is properly aged? Age of majority? Out of school? What if they don't feel as though they are ready for marriage yet?
@clover (104)
• Malaysia
21 Dec 06
I don't have any time frame for proposal. I believe it comes at different time depending on situation or people. some people can be dating for 5 years and ,arry happily and otehr person might have 5 years relationship but then break up. it's more of finding someone you comfortable with and confirming yourself that 'we're born for each other' in other means we want to live with them and believe taht we'll be happy. that's my personal view
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Thank you for sharing! I agree that every relationship is as individual as the people within it!
@melis11577 (65)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I don't think there is a certain length of time, however if I was in a relationship for 3 or more years without a ring I wouldn't be hopeful of course depending on your age. I was with my ex for 6 1/2 years and had a child together and didn't want to marry him when he asked me, it just didn't feel right. My fiancee asked me to marry him after 6 weeks of dating and I didn't hesitate to say "yes", It just felt right. We were supposed to be married 7/4/06 but he passed away 10 days before.
I think it's all what you feel anyway no right or wrong but you must question if you've been with someone a long time and aren't married why that is?
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Well in my case I definitely don't feel as though I've reacher that point yet considering I'm 21 and still in school - and we've still only been dating for a little more than 2 years. Now, 5 years from now if we still aren't married I'll be very concerned...
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@smiley20903 (495)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I am going to say one year...but it just depends on how you both feel.....after 2 years of dating u and he should know deep within if u want to marry each other......i myself am in the same sitauation but and am questioning myself......about this same issue but in my case he propsed in 2000...and now it's 7 years later....and brought the issue up with and told him that I don't plan to make it year number it depends on the situation...
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Oh we both know and have known for the majority of our relationship that we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Now we're just waiting for the circumstances to be right - til we can afford it. However, I'm afraid that if we keep waiting until we can afford to get married that we never will. Especially if he won't even propose til he can afford it!
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
21 Dec 06
I proposed to my wife after a couple of months but we didn't get married for almost 3 years. I don't think there's any real time frame for it, you just have to go with what you feel.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
That's quite a long engagement! What was the reason for waiting that long (if you don't mind my asking)? I find it interesting to hear other people's stories. :)
@bong_bong4 (8)
• Philippines
21 Dec 06
As i recall according to some write-ups i've read, the right time as to when along a relationship period with BFs or GFs is the right time to get married is statistically a "Skewed distribution". It was implied there that the shorter the engagement is, or the longer it would be will certainly affects the success of its married life. Some factors being considered were attitudes and aquaintance with each other.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
So is that "the shorter the engagement the longer the marriage" or "the shorter the engagement the shorter the marriage"? Please clarify.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
21 Dec 06
My husband and I were only dating about 3-4 months when he asked me to marry him. We took 8 months to plan the wedding and have been married for almost 5 years. We were really good friends for about a year before we started dating. We are very happy and have 3 kiddos. This worked well for us, but I know that this wouldn't work for everyone. I think it's a very personal decision and up to the individuals.
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I think that appears to be the consensus - that it is very personal and depends on the couple. However, it is still interesting to hear about other peoples' experiences and opinions.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
21 Dec 06
Like everyone is saying - when it's right for you is how long it should be. Everyone is different. I dated my first husband for 2 or 3 years before we got married. That was a horrible marraige - all 10 years of it. My second husband and I decided to get married within 4 months of meeting each other. It took a year to get married because of our family's schedules and stuff. We've been together all told, almost 3 years and we're loving it!
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you've found someone that makes you happy!
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I don't think there is an appropriate length before proposing. I've met people where they've gotten engaged after two or three months, but stayed engaged for nearly two years before they even put thought into a marriage. I think the best time for proposal is -obviously- when your heart is in to it. If you're in a relationship for four..five years, your heart may be in the relationship, but it may not be there for the idea of marriage. My boyfriend now and his ex girlfriend, before they broke up, were dating all through highschool and they broke up for two years then after 8 months together again, he proposed to her, and then she left him a month later.. I think for some people there IS a such thing as too long to wait, because some girls,(and I speak for just girls, as traditionally it's the male that proposes, but I know it's possible vice versa) when they're in a relationship for three or four years, they start to wonder "is he EVER going to ask me to marry him? I want to, but maybe he doesn't" and it makes them paranoid, or panicky. So both hearts and minds have to be in it.
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I know what you mean about a girl getting a bit antsy waiting for a proposal... but in that case I would say that she needs to have a discussion with her partner to see if he is on the same wavelength, because if she is thinking about marriage in the future and he is not thinking about it at all then they need to get in sync.
@coolcager (496)
• Costa Rica
21 Dec 06
two years is quite a long time hehe. 1 year is enough for a relationship to get merried. The reason for marriage is not how long youve been together its the trush and faith for each other. even if youve been together for 5months but if both of you are very loyal to each other and trust each other. sooo there will be no problem
@bryelee (451)
• United States
21 Dec 06
I think you should know the person for at least a year, you need to get out of that goofy love stage where everything they do is wondderful. I feel at about a year you are in a more real stage and you have gotton to know the other person and them to get to know you. I don't think you are waiting to long. My hubby and I were together for 2 years, got engaged and waited 2 more years to get married.
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
Thanks for sharing - I'm interested to hear other peoples' experiences and opinions. I don't feel like I'm waiting to long, and I know that I don't want to get married or even plan a wedding until I'm done school. However, I feel as though the time to get engaged is approaching...
@chetan423 (121)
• India
21 Dec 06
every thing has its own limits...
should have relatonship but within its limit...
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
There are other factors besides whether or not you are emotionally ready - for one, I want to finish school first (which will be by 2008) and we also want to make sure we are financially able to get our own place (I don't want to be married and living with my -or his - mother).

@pammitch (465)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I think one year is too soon. My partner and I have been together for 4 years, we have a 7 month old and we're in no rush to get married. We're in a common law relationship and have all the benefits of a marriage without the title. We've always had a plan on being together forever but decided not to rush like everyone else does when there in a relationship or have a baby. No wonder there are so many divorces. I think the longer you wait to get married is key to the marriages stability. The marriages I know of that have lasted the longest were of people who had been together for a long time before they got married. I'm not saying that your marriage will not last if you get married after a year I just think the chances are slim if you do. Life is short, but long enough to take time with the person you really love. If things are going good in a relationship than that's great but I don't believe there should be a rush to throw the marriage element in. Marriage seems to be more about the title and a huge attention grabbing ceremony now a days than anything.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I agree that it is not a decision to be rushed into. Thanks for sharing how you and your partner are able to live together and don't feel the need to get married yet. It's a different point of view - many people do get married just for the ceremony - but I know I do want to have a nice wedding someday ... I feel it's important to me. Call it attention -seeking or whatever, but I think it would feel nice to have one day in your life that's all about you.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
You say that so definitively... Any particular reason for that length of time?

@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
I think the appropriate time to get into marriage is that when both of you are mature enough to commit to the relationship. Both of you knows each others flaws, weaknesses and strengths. Both of you knows how to resolve simple misunderstandings and mistakes. And most especially, both of you believe in GOd, whatever religion/belief you maybe.
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
22 Dec 06
Why is the belief in God a necessary ingredient in getting married?? Are you saying that atheists shouldn't get married?
@zotopec (307)
• Pakistan
21 Dec 06
You can live with each other for ten years and still face the strangeness when you both change roles. You are now only friends, what happens when you turn man and wife is an altogether different thing. You can propose a one-day acquaintance and still live with each other for long. Now that the divorce rate is high, it is almost a fashion, I have come to know a lot of divorces for disgraceful reasons, they were not reasons to start with. They keep seeing each other even if they are divorced. I can't comprehend how is that possible, if you can bear the sight of each other, can even remain good friends then you can compromise a little more to remain in wedlock. It is just a way of thinking: just think that you two are going to get bound with each other and make it a point to live with each other ever after. Only then you can succeed in your married life. Only separate when no stone is left unturned...
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
I agree that divorce should only be considered as a last resort. When I get married, I want it to be forever. That is why I feel it is such an important decision... you should be 100% sure that this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, because divorce should not be taken lightly. Besides being painful for everyone involved, it's expensive and a waste of time!!!
@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
23 Dec 06
Then you should move to Canada! It's allowed here! And in certain States...
@subhadiproy (847)
• India
22 Dec 06
i don think theer shud b any time limit for it.... coz it s not necesry tht if u spend years with ur fiance u wud knw him completly els u wont,.
@harikumar4 (328)
• India
22 Dec 06
i praposed to my girlfriend 2 yrs back but i never like say my girlfrd i love to tell her as my wife everyday..... she is the first and last girlfrd in my life....i am gong to marry her soon........
@singhapra (14)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 06
u must go married, so you can powerfull happy with her, go go go
@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
21 Dec 06
When I get married this summer, the relationship will be over 2 years old. I was proposed to 10 months into the relationship, and we'd been living together for less than that amount of time.
How long you wait depends on you.