Why can't people in the world just get along??
By not4me
@not4me (1711)
United States
December 21, 2006 11:15pm CST
Why, in this day and age, are people all over the world still at war with one another about land and religion? I know the phrase, "Can't we all just get along" is cliché, but seriously, why is it that people can't just chill out and stop all the fighting?
Why must people (read: extremists) from one religion try to assimilate others to their religion and why can't people just share holy land? I'm not religious myself so I tend to sit back and just shake my head at all that is going on. I mean why wouldn't others just want to stop all the fighting and live peacefully without getting all up in each other’s faces. I mean come on! Life is so short!
I agree with Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian who recently got the chance to go up in space. On her blog (http://spaceblog.xprize.org/) she said, "I honestly think we should get astronauts to run for presidency… they are great leaders with a unique perspective on the World!"
"...From the side windows in the little cabins and the docking compartment, where I sleep, you see the complete curvature of the Earth against the dark background of the universe. This view is actually my favorite because you see the “Whole” not the “Parts.” I always like to see the big picture before deciding or worrying about the pieces. I wish the leaders of different nations could do the same and have a world vision first, before a specific vision for their country..."
In another part she basically said, if world leaders could go up in space and see the world as a whole with no boundaries, no visible wars, no hate, then maybe these leaders could see how small we are compared to the big picture. The whole world as one, perhaps as it was meant to be.
It is a beautiful perspective indeed!
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33 responses
@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I like that persepctive too. You would think that with all the other problems to contend with (natural disasters, poverty, starvation, diseases etc..) that we would all be banding together. I don't know if there has ever been a time when everyone got along but maybe all this horrific fighting will end with a bang and we can have some peace

@not4me (1711)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I tend to agree with you mantian, because I am a firm believer in quantum sciences and I know that our minds have so much farther to go both in scientific discoveries regarding the universe and our history as well as our brains' natural evolvement. Thanks for your opinion!
@mantian (20)
22 Dec 06
i like your comment about they're not evolved. i believe that the stage of evolution we currently at is spiritual/emotional evolution. physical evolution has pretty much stopped for the human race. we now have to grow in other dimensions. it may well take a very long time, but eventually we, as a species, will get there..
@not4me (1711)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I just had to vote this post as the best conversation, especially hearing that people are calling Barak Obama the antichrist. This to me is an obvious sign that certain American's minds are just not evolving! I mean have you ever heard anything so ludicrous? I bet they are using his flock of followers as a scapegoat and are really afraid of the name Barak Hussein Obama. How pathetic. And wouldn't it be a shame if Americans didn't vote for the best presidential candidate just because of his name and the crazy antichrist stories? Puh leeease.
Sorry I had to get this out. lol
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
23 Dec 06
did you not here earth is one big reality TV series for space aliens and thats why there is so many UFO sighting they are comming to check on us to see if we are keeping to the scrip......Actually, until there is no long a compatition to see which religion is right and who has the most amount of money, there will always be war and violence over land and religion.
@aux_raznochinet (316)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
Let me share you my thoughts... I just graduated from a certificate course in USA. The program is designed for international students only... We are a big group and most of the activities are group activities where you present a business proposal in front of the whole population of the program. Groupings are composed of students from different countries...and i'd say, even with different culture, religion and beliefs, everything turned out well. No fighting over a topic, or a plan. We even go out and partying all together. I was wondering... if we can do everything in harmony, why can't the whole world do it too? I hope our generation will be different.
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
People in this world can never get along with each other. God is always good but there are forces of the evil, always too. God on the side of the good and Satan on the side of the evil.
Men on earth are divided into the forces of good and evil so how can we expect that people could go along with each other and have peace?
But God is overall everything and He has already given His Word - the Holy Bible. God does not force anybody to obey Him but He already said that those who do not obey Him will be thrown to hell on the last day.
God says Vengeance is for Me and the culmination of His vengeance is hell. Those who like to be with God must follow the Holy Bible. Those who do not like to be with God, He said Let them.
@amitheone (274)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
Looking at our human nature, no, it is unlikely that humans can get along well. Even close friends fight, relatives, strangers, girfriend, boyfriend, etc. Everyone fights and don't get along well. What is the issue here? It's may way or the high way.
@not4me (1711)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Right - I'm not saying we all have to be best friends, light incense, hold hands and sing Kumbaya or anything. Life would be boring if we didn't celebrate our differences of opinions and culture. Like not everyone in the United States gets along and our residents have come from every corner of the world but we have grown out of civil wars and while we are not perfect (crimes, racism, etc.) we are mature enough (we meaning the citizens and not necessarily the government's administration lol) to want better for ourselves and our children.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Wouldn't it be nice. I think that these polititians that think we should be at war and stay there should be the ones fighting.The people that are defending the countries have nothing against the people they are at war with. If the big shots were to go, there would be less of it going on and it sure would not last as long.
I have nothing against most people, just the ones that are trying to hurt other people. We all believe in different things but that does not bother me at all. Just let us live our lives and do it in peace and we would all be just fine.
@badmammajdollars (83)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Because God made us all different and although we are human we are still animals, and it is animal instinct to fight over one thing or another.
@cheongyc (5072)
• Malaysia
23 Dec 06
Conflict exsist when there are 2 humans and more. Everybody has it's own thinking or mind set. And it's human nature to fight for their own dream. So, people ending up forcing other people to think what they think, force other people to do what they think they should do. See, this is all the conflict come in. If you observe, even kids will fight with each other for their own interest. This happen in animal kingdom as well. They fight for leadership, fight for shelter or mate.
I mean, it's the natural rule of competancy and here come all the conflict in the world. It could be as small as kids fighting each other for sweets and could be in large scale like nation waging war with nation.
Although most of us want to have peace in the world. But there are still minority of people keep trying to achieve what they 'think' they should do. Like fanatism and extremist. Like ambitious politician & etc. These people is gonna to jeopardize the world peace.
Don't get me wrong though, i am just giving my opinion that it's due to human nature (or animal instinct) to fight or compete with each other. I do really hope that we could have peace and no killing in all over the world.
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
Why in the world it is happening? I always ask my self everytime I see news about wars and terrorism. Do they care about other people or just themselves? I myself don't even know the answer.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
Well I myself hope that we have peace in this world but it wouldn't make sense anymore. I mean you won't be able to experience the goodness of another person just by living peacefully with him/her. These "wars" and "sufferings" happen for a reason. You wouldn't experience peace without war, love without hatred, courage without fear. Heroes and Saints didn't just pop up all of a sudden without any purpose. They were made through the hardships and rigors of life.
Peace to you all.
@ravi19872005 (628)
• India
22 Dec 06
this is basically because of the reason that the mind set of all the people is not the same....everyone has his own way of thinking and looking at thinks...and they have a right to do so....nobody can restrain them from exercising this right.....
@not4me (1711)
• United States
22 Dec 06
That's true - I'm all about the fullest range of diversity whether it’s culture or just thoughts but I don't understand how killing because of religion or nationality can be perceived as okay and justified.
On the other hand, if a country's leader is killing his own and causing mayhem and their countrymen don't want our help then I say why interfere? Who are we as Americans to judge others, right? I don't agree with their rationalization but as long as they don't spread the killing and hatred across their own borders then who are we to say anything? If the oppressed countrymen get tired of it then they should be able to revolt on their own.
This really is a double-edged sword I think. Like on one hand I just don't see the rationality and on the other hand I don't think we as Americans should judge and police others if they don't ask for our help. Sigh.
@captainambosky (117)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I really wish the same thing. I am a christian, but I still don't understand why people fight over religion. One of the problems is the three biggest religions in the world, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all have the same small land as the birthplace of their religion. The funny thing is, they all worship the very same god, just in very different ways. Ironic, huh?
@not4me (1711)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Very ironic indeed! I wish that whole area could be some kind of a religious DMZ where no fighting is allowed or needed. Like it is belongs to everyone. I feel bad for the folks in Isreal - like it's not their fault they were put in the middle of all that, right? I don't know. I mean I heard it was their land originally but since all these religions regard that area as holy, they all think they should occupy it. I'm not really into politics and all that but that's about how I understand it.
@schizoaffectivegurl (430)
• Canada
23 Dec 06
its because people in the world have different attitudes. its hard to get along especially when all people have different ideas, races, and how they were brought up