The Simple Life
By kennyj43
@kennyj43 (187)
December 22, 2006 2:02am CST is the day of reality shows......almost every famous person has had their own reality show..........from Donald Trump to Jessica Simpson.....every 1 has tried it............i am gonna review some of these shows which r shown in India.............
A few of us might be knowing who Paris Hilton and Nicol Richie are............well 4 the people whom don't know them.........well they r a couple of spoiled B******(no offense, i think they would loved to be called that)..........well Paris Hilton's dad own the Hilton group of hotels..........and Nicol Richie is the daughter of Lionel Richie....................u can how rich they r............well these 2 gals have a reality show of their own called "The Simple Life"
The Simple life..........its about these 2 rich gals..........who 4 a period of time go into the homes of the average Joe's of USA or some not so rich family..........they wont have any money.........nothing they have in their life they will have here...........they have to life by the rules of the family they staying credit nothing..............they have to do jobs and earn money...........i think its more or less like what i said...........any way it has all the ingredients of a perfect disaster.................and i wasn't wrong.............well i day out of utter boredom i turned this show.............well and i wasn't wrong..............its nothing but crap...........even i could make a better show than that...
Well when i switched it was like they were with a family...........and there was a small gal there who didn't have a best friend something like that................and then these gals decide to get that gal a couple of best they give adds in radio..........a plane fly round with a flyer's and all..............then the D day comes.............many gals line up near their house......its like an audition...........every i saying i wanna be her best friend...............then 1 by 1 they question the gals..............and finally without out even asking that poor little gals opinion they pick up 2 gals and show it to that gal and say that these r your 2 new best friends...........they hug each other and all..................if this isn't crap i don't know what is................this is an outrage.............this has been ruining the peoples mind 4 too long now............i think that the stupid program hasn't been called off yet cause of there dad' can buy u a lot of i guess until these 2 gals understand what they doing is crap v would have to bear with them...............they have been on it 4 a while now and they r saying that they r having a lot of fun...............any way this is 1 of the worst reality shows i have ever they take it off the air soon and put something people can watch without having nightmares
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