Female President
By irisheyes
@irisheyes (4370)
United States
December 22, 2006 9:35am CST
Is America ready to elect a female president? For the first time ever, it looks as if there is a serious, quaified contender on the horizon. Women have been breaking ground at the top in Network News and in the House of Representatives. Also, a lot of European countries have or have had female heads...BUT this is the American Presidency and it's the most powerful position on earth. Are we ready to give it to a women? I hope so. How about you?
(Would really like to hear from people in other parts of the country on this. I live in Pennsylvania which is a blue state and we were really out of step on that last presidential election.)
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83 responses
@edras_2 (299)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I think Mrs.Clinton is a very strong capable woman,so I don't doubt she would do a good job as President.My concern would be what the rest of the world think.Meaning that,ok,we now have female House Speaker,third in line from the President,if we also have a female President,would the rest of the world see us as weak?Don't get me wrong,I think it's time for American women to advance on the political front,even to the Presidency.I was only considering the Middle East situation.ALL the Middle Eastern countries treat women as second class citizens,a woman is allowed to get an education,but what she does with is her husbands decision.They have no respect for women as leaders,so would that make look weak,would we be even more a target for terrorist activity?While I would support Mrs. Clinton,this would be my main concern.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Hi There! You make some really good points that I haven't really thought about but I will think about them...Right off the bat I think that a lot of the Middle East doesn't respect the US anyway and frankly, I don't think we've shown much respect either but you are right, They will probably not accept a woman as president. Is that really a reason for us not to elect a woman? If we let them dictate our vote, they win more than terrorism will ever give them.
@sweetsampu (43)
• India
23 Dec 06
@ irisheyes
Dont, Please Dont Get Me Wrong!!
But does anyone really consider whether the Middle East, South East or East West will accept a woman as a District Attorney or President??
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
You are absolutely right. Female leaders have done a good job all over the world but there is one job a women has never been seriously considered for and that is the US Presidency....I think from what I'm seeing here. The world is more ready to accept a female President than the US is ready to elect one...I just hope we can get past it and elect her whoever she may be.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Hi There!
I find it very interesting that I'm getting more response from overseas on this discussion than from the USA...What if France elects a woman and the US elects a woman. Do you think our two countries will get along better or worse?
@hannahgracesmom (151)
• United States
23 Dec 06
It is interesting the think about having a woman president. I don't care for Hilary, but that's just because I'm uber conservative. That doesn't mean she's not qualified though, I just don't like her as a person. I think that's part of the presidency is the likability factor. If you like someone and understand and agree with them on moral grounds, or the issues that are important to you, then you're likely (at least most the people I know are) to trust them with the aspects of politics you don't understand.
My feelings for Hillary aside, I don't think it's in America's immediate future for a female president to be elected. I don't know if we could handle it. Somebody mentioned it making the middle east see us as a nation as being weak. That's an interesting point. I hadn't thought about the word "weak", but I had considered it would definitely shake things up. It's interesting to think about how women have changed over the years, or rather, the rights of women. We've accomplished so much. I really am not sure exactly why, but I'm 80% sure no matter what the woman running for president was, she wouldn't get elected. It is the same thing I think with a president of a race other than caucasian. I am not saying only white males deserve to be president AT ALL. In fact, I would like to see us finally get to that point where we break the mold. I also don't think other countries should control who WE elect. On the other hand, I would hate for a minority/woman to get elected and then THAT cause more terrorism. For some reason I'm thinking it would.
It's a sad thing to think about. Personally I would like to have a fully qualified woman or minority or person of any race, as long as they are a good person and can run the country well. I just don't know if our country is in the place where they would be ok with that too. Alot of people are uneducated and sadly, people are scared of what they don't understand. I have wondered if we would be targets for attacks because of who our head of presidency was. If we got a woman in the Oval Office, perhaps that would make us an even bigger target for countries who don't treat women with respect. Or if we got an African American president in office, would they be a target by those who think one race is better than another.
These have been my major concerns. It is, obviously a huge undertaking to be the President. You have to handle all situations without doubt. However, upon reflection, and writing this actual response I got to thinking. We have always had our President to be the target from one group or another. That's what the secret service is there for! President Bush has been under attack personally because alot of people don't agree with his morals. I think that's a big reason why we have such a big problems with terrorism. Other countries don't like the beliefs and freedoms America has, including Religious freedom. So perhaps we could handle a woman president. I just don't know if America would vote enough for one so soon. If we have someone qualified, it would be interesting to see how it plays out. We shall see!
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Hi Hannahgracesmom! Thank you for your response. I can see you really thought about it...You know less than 50 years ago well meaning people in this country REALLY REALLY believed that if a Catholic were president, the capital of the US would be Vatican city and the pope would be running things. That seems ridiculous now because Kennedy broke the barrier and whatever you may feel about him, he did not turn things over to Rome. Maybe it's time to start thinking outside the box again. Unfortunately, if it takes someone with the charisma of JFK to break barriers, we could wind up waiting several lifetimes for significant change.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Why should we bother electing someone to care about and not bully a world that doesn't respect us anyway?

@anjuscor (1266)
• India
23 Dec 06
Hi, i am from India. Is there any rule that female should not lead a country. Ofcourse she can lead anything. She leads a family, then neighbours, schools, governments, so why cant the country. She can. In india, Indira Gandhi lead the country, she made so many improvements, people were happy about that. Now also we proud. I wish she was here now to lead us. Female can lead anything. Give her a chance and then you will be surprised to see the improvements and ideas she implements. Female is an other name for success. So give her the opportunity. I am sure that everybody will like the way she leads and love her Patriotism.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
23 Dec 06
You know you have opened my eyes a bit about India, I don't know very many Indian people or much about your culture and I had always assumed that they were much like middle easteners in their treatment and the roles that are chosen for women.
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@ashiflett (1045)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Yes, I believe that we are ready for a female President. Leadership roles should not be based on gender anymore considering the world that we now live in.
@kingadnan (1538)
• Pakistan
24 Dec 06
i agree with you, human friendly female should be president of america, because Bush has killed alot of innocent people and now america should elect female as a president of america, i hope she will be a friend of mankind. thanks buddy
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@arlerambabu (1079)
• India
23 Dec 06
Why not.Today even the underdeveloped countries started moving in this direction.Did you not hear about Indira Gandhi?who has shown exemplary leadership qualities that India has ever known.Many of the development programmes in vogue in India were seeded during her regime as the prime Minister.Of course she earned a bad name as 'ruthless'.But I defend her on this count as that is the only way to deal in a country.where illiteracy is more and mediocre politicins are ruling the roost.In my view,a leader has to be adept in sending the right signals in right direction.A result oriented leader like Indira Gandhi doesn't lack such qualities
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
No doubt about it Indira Ghandi was one of the best female leaders (also one of the first)...The one thing that keeps coming up here is that the world might be more willing to accept a female president than the US is willing to elect a female president. We're just starting to think it through and maybe by 2008 we'll have an answer...Thanks for the response.
@espulido76 (155)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
The Philippines had two female presidents. I cannot say its better or not, because politics is too complicated and not just ran by the president. Actually, having worked in the Philippine government myself, decisions mainly come from ministers or secretaries of government departments. The President is the only one who signs up the law after the matter has been discussed thoroughly by his/her advisors.
So, it doesn't really matter if the American President is a female or a male.The success of every leadership depends on the people around the leader.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
True and the sucess of a Presidency in the USA depends on the ability to name a competent cabinet and listen to the cabinet members.
@baldingeagle69 (749)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I think that American politics needs a wakeup call. Be it electing a woman, a minority, or just someone who isn't in the "old boys club". I think that our government has gotten stale. They only see and hear what they want to. I think it might just be time to shake the cage with someone who thinks a little differenty.
I won't say it should be Hillary or Condolezza Rice or Barak Obama, but I definatly think we need to look at things from a slightly different perspective. Enough with people who were raised on old money, bought the best education they possibly could, and were groomed to be politicians from birth.
I say let's do it. Rattle the cage America. See what happens how much worse could it really be?
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@vbembot (747)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
I think America is ready to have a lady President. You have intellectual voters in your country. I am sure if they choose a lady president it is based on qualification and not on populatiry or celebrity thing. YOu got a lot of competent women leaders. Women are as brave, intellectual as man. But what women outwits men is her compassion. The mother instinct in her is always present. IT is always for the good of her family. Decisions points will also consider what is best for the children and the family.
I think SEnator Clinton is very much qualified. She much of an iron lady but with a big heart for what would be best fot he people. She is compassionate. I think she is instrument in all the decision the good decision of her husband. That is why america was being respected by all leaders because respect for others were paramount in the white house before. Why dont you try it? YOu have a lady secretary in the cabinet and she is doing well. I think decision is not only made by the president but always in consultation with her "think tanks".
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Obviously, you know a good bit about American politics. Thank you for responding.
@brightbluesea (1143)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I'm only a state away, but we got Hillary in the NY Senate and she just won by a landslide in the most recent election. I'm ready to see a woman there. I think it would be a great improvement at this point
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Hey, two big blue states with a lot of electoral votes & Hilary would get them all!
@salome23 (43)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I think our country needs a drastic change, there are other countries with female reprsentation that are doing well, England for one.Only a man would say that this country needs to be led by a man.We've had a man in the presidency for hundreds of years and I really don't see an improvement.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Yes, it's hard to see how things could be any worse than they are right now. While it's true that other countries have had women leaders, the top world power job (US Presidency) has never gone to a woman. It took until 1960 to allow a Catholic in there and JFK was a pretty charismatic dude. If we have to wait for a lady with that kind of appeal, it may not happen in any of our lifetimes....I also think it's time for a drastic change.
@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I think the fact that we in the 21st Century have to even ask "is America ready to elect a female President?" indicates that we're really not quite ready yet. I am all for it, even though I fear that the only front-runner is Senator Clinton, who is smart and experienced in the ways of Washington, but is potentially a polarizing candidate who would alienate most conservative voters and create an "Anyone but Hilary" movement that would entail supporting someone like Pat Buchanan or (egads!) Jeb Bush!
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
You make some good points. However, at this juncture, I can't think of a single candidate in either party that wouldn't be polarizing.
@killerman7777 (114)
• India
23 Dec 06
Whats the point in this any way?????
If America is ready to elect a female president... it would sure elect... and dont think femmales are less occupied in politics... in 192 countries all over the world.. 45 countries are ruled byt females....Examples..Srilank,Bangladesh.. some of the countries in european union too.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
23 Dec 06
The point is to get a response out of people like you and it worked.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I think the country is ready for a woman president. Because women think differently then men. I think we are ready to see what a woman can do with this country and I think that woman will be Hilary.
@annettenasser (2992)
• Kuwait
22 Dec 06
im not,i dont know because im already traumatized on one country whom the president is female, she almost change everything but nothing is change to their economics and life stability, everything is worst than ever. dont know what else to say.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Dec 06
Wow Sorry to hear that. I think a lot of Americans are having that problem here with Mr. Bush. They wanted change and they got worse. Were you expecting things to be better with your female president?
@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
22 Dec 06
i live in ny and i think that it should be accepted if a women runs for president. i dont know if mrs clinton is the right one but i would love to see a woman president.
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@Asimk12 (737)
• Pakistan
25 Dec 06
Why do all stupid immature guys think that a female president would do a bad job. All the ones I've heard talk about a female president say they think she would push the panic button every 28 days. That is so immature. A woman president would probably be as good of a president if not better than a guy. think that the right woman in office would be great! It would be something great for little girls to look up to and aspire to be one day.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Dec 06
I hope what you say isn't true but I fear that it might be...A quick question for you. The 1960 JFK / Nixon election was a nailbiter and a lot of people think the Catholic vote made the difference. (eg A lot of Republican Catholics were tired of believing their religion was not acceptable for a President and they crossed over for that election) Do you think that if a woman is nominated, it will hang on whether or not women from both sides of the aisle can support her?
@abaskamal (149)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 06
Has there ever been a female US president?
I doubt she will be a war-monger type.
Peace, y-all.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
22 Dec 06
No There has never been a female president. Until now there has never even been a viable candidate.