Do you lend money to your family in hard times?

@Faye88 (1009)
December 22, 2006 11:11am CST
Did they return you the money? E.g dad,mum,brothers/sisters. Did they borrow you money in hard times and do you return them?
9 responses
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
yup, they've borrowed a couple of times, and most of the time, nope, they don't pay me back. haha
@Faye88 (1009)
• Singapore
22 Dec 06
I agree family should help each other out.
• Philippines
22 Dec 06
yup.. :)
@jaimzana (13)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
I came from a not so financially-stable family but well, my mom and dad strived hard to help me get through college. Now, I am already working and I don't wanna forsake my family just because I can live on my own. I look back unto them and help in the education of my siblings. They have a small business which income is not enough to support the needs of my siblings. So, I send them money monthly without expecting something in return. If my siblings will graduate from school, then I am free. :) Hopefully...
@Faye88 (1009)
• Singapore
22 Nov 07
That's a great son and brother to you family.Soon all will be well and all will have a better living.As when all sibling studies till collegue and can get a better job.Do you take courses to upgrade yourself after work?
• United States
22 Dec 06
I don't lend money to my family in hard times..I give it to expectations of repayment..that is what family should do;)+
@Faye88 (1009)
• Singapore
22 Dec 06
Quite true.
@delina123 (2453)
• Canada
25 Nov 07
I always do . My mother and help eacher out all the time and we only do if we really really need it. I am just glad we can be there for each other.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
28 Jun 07
I am the same. If I have the money to give, I will give money to my family and best friends without expecting them to pay it back. I mean, it would be great to be paid back but I don't want that to come between our relationship so I would not stress on repayment but if they ever could pay it back, great, otherwise no problem. This hasn't ever been much of an issue for me because I generally don't have any money for myself, let alone to give to anyone else. I try not to borrow money. I am not comfortable with doing it.
@tuffy999 (794)
• Philippines
19 Jul 07
i'd rather give money to family members who are hard up. that way you don't expect payment. just a simple thank you will do.
@moreinfo (3865)
• China
22 Dec 06
lend? No. I give to them. But if i borrow from them, surely I will return.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I have given a lot of money to my son and his family in the past six months because of an illness with their baby. But I don't expect it back. They say they will pay me back and I tell them that I am not worried about it. They are my family.
• India
23 Dec 06
I don't lend money to my family beacuse its my resposibility to look after them and its my culture.If i will ask for the repayment what they feel as in my childhood they have fullfill my desire and needs.