Have You Ever Had A Gallbladder Attack?
By wmg2006
@wmg2006 (5381)
United States
December 23, 2006 12:18am CST
I am beginning to think this is what I am having periodically. When I eat pecans or walnuts I double over in pain a few hours later, am very nauseated, and feel light headed. Not every time I eat nuts, but a lot of the time, then my upper stomach area contracts into a hard ball while I am in agony! I have been to 5 different Drs. in 5 different cities and had numerous test, but they can never find anything. How can they not find anything when I am in so much pain? What does a gallbladder attack feel like? Do the test tell them anything other than if you have galls stones? Maybe I don't have gall stones but I have something wrong in that area. I have been so sick for 2 days and no one can find anything.
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28 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I personally idn't have the problem but my niece had the gallbladder problem they said it was poisoning her system she didn't have any problem with it til she got pregnant but they induced labor early at 35 weeks the baby lungs weren't even fully delevoped because her being pregnant is what was causing the problem after she gave birth aftera few days she was fine no more problems. She couldn't eat nothing hardly it made her throw up and she throwed up a yucked colored stuff which they said was gall bladder bile poison so if it is your gall bladder I would look up on the internet a good gallbladder doctor and they may just stick you on a diet of certain foods like they did my brother in law .
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@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I have a few questions for ya..my sister just went threw this..and the fact the you said its when you eat those type of nutts wouldnt have anything to do with your gullbladder..but in fact i think you might have an allergy..a severe allergy liek my son..when he ate any kinds of nutts especially peanut butter he went into those attacks. and when i gave him bendryll..it stopped the pain..Now my sister that has had gullbladder attatcks and she dint knwo it till she had some Xrays done and they found a bunch of stones..and she just had her gullbladder out completely..she would cramp up all the time..and double over..especially after eating, pasta;s, pizza, cheese,,.theres a long list,,that aggitated her,,soo..if you had Xrays and they see no stones i would go to your Doc and have them do an allerfy test for Nutts,,i bet that is your problem,,but thats my guess,,soo maybe go from there,,and i wish you the best luck!!
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@Ridgydidge (558)
• Australia
23 Dec 06
I had a very bad gall stone/bladder attack back in May 2006 It started not long after midnight, I could not get comfortable, I was feeling guilty that I was keeping my husband awake, I should have called an ambulance, (it was that bad), but the mother in me keep thinking if I did husband would want to come with me to hospital & what would we do with our 10 year old, I didn’t want to wake Mother in Law ect (strange things you think of when you don’t feel well). Child birth felt better than this… Any way long story short… After throwing up I felt a little better & was able to sleep. 2 days after that attack I did have another one (same result). I was told I had an inch long (2.5cm) stone in my gall bladder & that was blocking the exit. Hence the pain. Every so often I have niggly pain but nothing has been as bad as those 2 attacks. I am now on the waiting list to get my gall bladder out, via keyhole surgery.
I also suffer from endometriosis so was blaming that when I had my first two attacks.
Good luck, don’t give up on searching on a reason for the pain it took me multiple doctors before I was diagnosed with the endo. You know when something with your body is not right. Keep the search going… Good luck.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
12 Jan 07
well this is three weeks later I hope your feeling better. I had my gallbladder out last year. I had a high fever and pain. They did an ultrasound and my gallbladder was inflamed an twice the normal size. So now I have a big scar on my stomach. It was a painful surgery. Wish you the best
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I am feeling better thank you. I don't have the attacks often, but when I do I just want to die! I have never had any fever so they rule out a diseased gallbladder everytime. They can't see any stones, but they say I still may have some that just do not show up on their test. They think I am passing small stones when I have the attacks. I would rather have another baby than to go through this. At least with a baby you have something to show for all the pain and suffering. With this it is just pain and agony off and on for days then it goes away for awhile maybe 6 months then it comes back. Thanks for the post.
@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
23 Dec 06
hi some people are allergic to peanuts and cause of this they have to stay away from any food that has traces of peanuts.I realy think you should cut anything that has peanut ingredient out of your diest.Sometimes our body reacts different to some foods.best avoid the ones that cause a bad effect.take care

@srqmomof2 (3)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Hi. I'm not a doctor or anything but your symptoms sound like gall stones, I know because I had that like 4 years ago and eventually it got so bad and painful that I had to have surgery. You should have a doctor check for gall stones. They gave me a sonogram and that's how they found them. Good luck!
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@caribe (2465)
• United States
23 Dec 06
My sister had her gall bladder removed and your symtoms sounds similar to the ones she had. Foods high in fat can bring on an attack and nuts are high in fat. I read an interesting thing on one sight where the doctor recommended taking one adult size aspirin a day and being on a low-fat diet. Here is his link http://www.drmirkin.com/morehealth/G116.htm
Did they do an ultrasound to see if you had gallstones or how did they come to the conclusion that you don't have them?
Here is another website with some good info http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/gallstones/#symptoms
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I do take aspirin every day for arthritis in my knees and I am on the Atkins diet most of the time. Interesting fact about the nuts and fat.
They did a lot of tests, first I had to drink some chalky liquid and they watched it go through my system while they took hundreds of pictures, this took hours, I have had the colonoscopy for these attacks several times, I have gone 4 times for an MRI, but I am not able to lie flat on my back when I am having these attacks or I am claustophobic and don't know it.
Anyway every time we tried the MRI I threw up inside the machine. They have injected dye in my veins and looked at the gallbladder on x-ray, this tells them if the gallbladder is functioning correctly and also detects stones. I had an ultrasound the last 4 times and they found nothing.
The procedures of test they put me through usually makes me feel ten times worse than the attacks. LOL I will look at this site. Thank you for your response.
@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
maybe ur just experiencing gastro intriatis or whatever u call it...may mabre GERD....gastro is acid build up and gasses u have realy upset stomch usually upper abdomen pain....if its gerb its because of weak stomach spinchter so ur food in ur stomach excapes and goes back to ur esophagus.. check those out and maybe the symptoms are the same as yours :)
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@ManastheMatrix (1007)
• India
23 Dec 06
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@harsh1985 (593)
• India
24 Dec 06
well i had not undergo with gallbladder attack...better you try to check yourslf by differrnt food habits..because doctor will able judge your body than you!! by removing some food from your diet if this pain get over then it is good for you!!
why r u thinking for such serious situation!!
removing some organ from body is solution for that but iT is just a 'FOOLISHNESS'
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@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
23 Dec 06
i guess you may have allergy to peanuts ,shown on your GIT ,AND DEFINITLY RELATED TO WHAT YOU EAT
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
23 Dec 06
I had a gallbladder attack 2 weeks after having my son and I ended up having surgery. The doctor told me there are usually one of the 4 F's that point to gallbladder problems. Fat, Fertile, Forty (or over) Female. That is what the doctor told me. I had the surgery and it figures a year later they came out with laser surgery. So I'm stuck with a huge scar. I found it would act up when I ate food that was hard to digest. I had eaten raw veggies and dip that day and I was in so much pain I thought I was dying.
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@everlastin_star (61)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I have had gallbladder attacks for awhile now I would say I'd rather be in labor then have one at first they only happened at night the they were instant a sharp tighting in my back then my front followed by vomiting ang more pain I belive the only thing that they compare it to is a heart attack.... the attack can last 5 mins or 6 hrs. Greasy and spicy foods would set it off not nuts....
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@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
7 Feb 07
ok i use to have attacks , didnt know what was wrong with me, i had a bunch of tests done, i had two ercp's(putting tube down throat) they opened up the passages or whatever, then i finally had my gallbladder removed because it was just not working.
@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
8 Feb 07
I have had gall bladder attacks, and I have to agree with the doctor when he says the pain and symptoms are light that of a heart attack. I always said it feels like a big guy giving you a bear hug in the sense that you cannot breath, or even speak. You hurt too much to even move. and I've had them last for as little as 15 minutes, and as long as hour and a half. Do you have some sort of allergy to nuts that's making your inside swell, maybe?
@Spaces201 (7)
• Serbia And Montenegro
27 May 11
check this site