Stones in the kidney!!
By cacophonix
@cacophonix (238)
December 23, 2006 1:14am CST
one of my friends had this problem. he had a lot of pain in his lower back again and again. he got some tests done and he showed me his x-ray. he pointed out a small white round thing on it which, his doctor had told him, was supposed to be a stone in his kidney!!
hey! how do stones get into the kidney?
and how do you get it out? is it by surgery?
also, he has been asked to drink lots of water. how does drinking lots of water help?
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62 responses
@nanrezhel (43)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
hi possble he have a very high uric acid level. it can be clearly seen by performing laboratory test. i also have a friend who have the same situation, and fortunately taking her medicines in a proper manner helpled in easing the pain he felt because of the stone. in relation to this, if the stone cannot be trerted by medicines anymore, a procedure will be done that a sahockwave was emitted to dissolve the stone for easier excretion.
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@prasadr (871)
• India
24 Dec 06
Kidney stone is a painfull desease. I recommend to drink atleast, that is at lest 12 cup of water every day. But if u take 20 glass. It is very effective. THere are many treatment methods. There are both surgical and non surgical... Holistics systems lke ayurveda (an ancient indian system) is effective and doesnt need surgery. Ayurveda is the system which is said to be most complete type of healing medcal sstem which llustrated ever desease that can ocur in a human body and the logic to create theremedy. The ayurvedic docor (called 'vaidyer') only have to take the medicinal plants with the approprate propert. this is why Kerla (in South Indi) attracts ore nad more tourists for health care...
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Kidney stones form when to much calculi (sediment) accumulates in the kidney(s). When the urine becomes too concentrated and or the body has issues breaking down calcium, the calculi will clump together and form a crystal like stone. This is why everyone should drink adequate amounts of water daily, because it will prevent the urine from becoming so concentrated and it will help flush out the sediment before it has time to clump together and form a larger stone.
Depending on how large the stone is will determine the type and course of treatment your doctor/urologist will choose. The reason your friends was asked to drink lots of water is because it will help move the kidney stone and hopefully help it pass out of the body, and also, drinking lots of water will help your friend prevent future stones from forming.
If the stone is big, and the doctor does not believe it will pass naturally as the person flushes it out with drinking water and keeping active (exercise also helps the stones move through the kidney and out of the body), the doctor may opt for a procedure known as Lithotripsy. Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses a laser to blast the stones while they are in the kidney. This will shatter and fragment the stone and make it into smaller pieces (sandlike), which will help them pass out of the kidney and body easily. Sometimes, if the stone when the stone is big and has a potential to cause a blockage in the kidney, they may opt to surgically go into the kidney and remove it.
After the fragments or stone passes, the doctor may request that you collect the stone so they can send it to the lab and analyze the type of stone it is. Very often they are calcium formed, and there are new medications that can be taken to prevent the formation of calcium stones.
I know alot about this because I have had kidney stones several times in the last 8 years, and have had lithotripsy a few times, and I am on a constant vigiliant quest to prevent future stones from forming.

@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
23 Dec 06
I drink lots of cranberry juice, and it is actually my favorite choice of juice. However, it doesn't lessen my body's production of kidney stones because I produce calcium stones due to a hindered ability to metabolize and breakdown calcium on a whole. So, I am on a low calcium intake regimen, and I should probably buy stocks in the bottled water company I use, as I drink so much of it
@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
i think this is the most complete and understandable answer i got!
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@AngEngland (320)
• United States
23 Dec 06
My dad uses cranberry capsule supplements to help prevent kidney stones. He too has frequent kidney stones and taking the cranberry is the only thing that helps. He went four years stone-free and figured he was done and quit taking the cranberry pills. The next month he got another stone and it was awful. He's never quit taking the pills since! *laughing*
If you haven't tried cranberry supplements they are much preferred over the juice. Cranberry juice has lots of sugar in it which in itself can aggrivate your condition, so pills are better. :-)

@profcentral (719)
• Philippines
23 Dec 06
The stones are crystals that have formed for quite some time. Sometimes surgical procedures are being done to take out the stone it could not be managed my medicines. There's another technology which does not require surgery which makes use of soundwaves to "crush" or break the stones called Soundwave Lithotripsy. Tell your friend to ask his doctor if this is being offered. And best dude, always consult your doctor regarding topics you read from the internet.
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
23 Dec 06
I put up with my stone for 6 years until I opted for surgery in August 2006. Sound waves can break up the stone into smaller pieces but it is still very painful to pass these stones through the urethra and it is not always effective. His Dr. will most likely give several options for stone removal. My surgery was done in my right kidney with the incision made in my lower right Back. There will be pain medication for pain management.The pain should ease up after a few days. Good Luck! I survived it and I am a 53 year old Grandpa.
@profcentral (719)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
Thanks for appreciating my response Cacophonix! Soundwave Lithotripsy is an option for nonsurgical means. If it cannot be managed by medicines well this is an option actually.
As for budsr03 if you say that it's painful these crystals passing through the urethra wouldn't you think that this is better than having a surgical procedure? I'd rather prefer this, if ever that it is offered here. As I say again this is a new technology and an alternate for surgical removal of kidney stones. Again, best information is through your doctor and not just anything you read from the internet, these are just options you might want to ask your doctor or healthcare provider.
@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
wow! that's great!
sound can break the stones - now that's something new for me!! i am surely going to ask my friend to ask his doctor about it.
does this mean that anyone can get rid of his kidney stone problem by soundwave lithotripsy?
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
thank you for the advise!
i wonder what kind of traditional medicine would help. is it any herbs or juices or something like physiotherapy!
are there any changes to be made in food or lifestyle?
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@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Yes, there are dietary changes you can take to help prevent future occurrences of kidney stones. Since most are calcium formed, you can cut back on calcium intake (dairy products), also lessening red meat intake. Other things that you can do is increase your water intake, and exercise, because this combination will help flush your kidneys, and keep the urine from becoming too concentrated, which can set up an environment for the production of stones.
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@tba123 (457)
• United States
23 Dec 06
the water is to try to help break the kidney stones down so they don't have to do surgery. I believe now a days they have it where they can do laser surgery but not completely sure.
My dad had these back in the 80's and he had to have surgery -- they didn't have laser surgery then. He was in a lot of pain and has said he imagined it would be about like the pain a woman feels when going through childbirth.
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@tba123 (457)
• United States
23 Dec 06
sorry about that I had it wrong, the water helps pass the stone not break it up.
Another incident with my dad having a kidney stone -- He went into the dr on a friday in a lot of pain and blood in his kidneys, they confirmed he had another stone. They told him to go home and come back monday and they see what could be done about it.
From the previous experience mom had learnt that water was good to help pass the stone. She stayed on him all weekend about drinking water, pratcially pouring it down his throat.
Result monday was no more blood in his kidney and no more stone either. And no more pain!
Tell you're friend to definetly drink LOTS of water!
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
will surely do that!! i hope it cures him completely! thank you!
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
thanks for the response!
wow! i never thought it could be so painful!!
well, how can water break a stone? especially when it flows so slowly in the kidney ( i presume it flows slowly in the kidneys)!
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@Freespirit (593)
24 Dec 06
I have the problem of Kidney stones, & it comes every two or three years.
Yes, it is agony.
Last year, I searched the internet & found some that were "guaranteed to work"
This was what I paid for..........
Drink a whole large bottle of Coke within a few hours, followed by a pound of fresh Asparagus which has been put through a blender.
I never drink Coke or Pepsi, but tried it anyway. plus the Asparagus.
A complete waste of time.
The only thing that really works & is free is to keep drinking loads of water, & keep drinking loads of water, until it flushes through your kidney.
The stone forms in the kidney.
The pain starts when the stone begins to dislodge & begins to move.
The pain will stop when it moves down further.
So flush flush and flush.
This sometimes takes a few hours & sometimes days.
Best thing to do is urinate into an old cup or glass so that you will know when the stone passes through.
Then hope you don't get it again for another few years.
Magnesium, is supposed to help dissolve the stones so they don't form, but I keep forgetting to take it.
It is very cheap because it is Epsom salts & only a very small amount on the end of a teaspoon should be taken daily.
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@MichelleLDevon (828)
• United States
23 Dec 06
The stones are usually a buildup of things in the body, often calcium. Most of the time, as long as they don't get stuck and become infected, stones are not dangerous, but they can be excrutiatingly painful. They don't usually require surgery, but they do have a laser thing they can use that shatters the stones so it passes normally, and can usually do this without cutting a patient open... it takes time, but the stone will probably pass on its own, and though it will be very painful when it happens, it won't cause any further problems. Hope your friend gets better.
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
some one suggested lithotripsy and some suggest laser... i wonder which is better!
thank you!
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
wow! you are living with a single kidney and even had 4 operations on it!! amazing!
what is keyhole surgery?
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@sylviekitty (2083)
• United States
23 Dec 06
This is scary stuff. I'm not a big water drinker, but I'm on this particular medication right now that can potentially cause kidney stones if I'm not careful. So I have to up my intake of water.. which is REALLY hard. If I'm not thirsty, I don't drink. You know? LOL But if drinking water helps you avoid surgery, then chug it down! :)
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
right! better to drink water than undergo an operation!
thank you!
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@agrawalnakul (648)
• India
23 Dec 06
well large quantity of water will result into more
and it may come out buy that source
and tell him to avoid tomatoes
it will help him reduce the attacks of pain...
and take care of him
that thing really hearts
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
24 Dec 06
nice thought - thank you!
i am taking care of him!
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@mforseth (169)
• United States
24 Dec 06
My husband waws just in the ERlast week for back pain. They did a cat scan and saw kidney stones as well. It has been 9 days and nothing has came out yet. The Dr. said that he will pee them out but there is not telling how fast or slow it will happen. They may break up before they exit which would be a good thing. The bigger they are the more painful they will be coming out. He was told to drink lots of water also. I suppose just to flush them out faster. I have heard cranberry juice helps also. He needs to pee through a strainer and bring in the stone once it passes so they can do a byopsy on it. From what everyone is telling us, it is the most painful thing ever.... Good luck!!!
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@sanket_gandhi226 (227)
• India
23 Dec 06
i don't know but still drinking water helps in many waya it keeps skin glowing...and lot's more and 80% of body is water.
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
ha ha! thanks, but glowing skin is hardly among his priorities right now!
thank you!
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@AngEngland (320)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Cranberry is excellent for kidney stones and your friend will probably be benefitted from taking cranberry supplements (in pill form rather than juice form) as a preventitive measure. You can buy cranberry capsules anywhere...Wal-Mart, health food stores, etc. It will help with urinary tract health.
When my dad takes cranberry he has no kidney stones. If he stops he will get one! He's had five or six over the past twenty years. NOT fun!
If the stone is small it will pass on it's own. If it is too large surgery will be needed to remove the stone. But that is typically a last resort.
It IS very painful. So cranberry pills to help prevent a future stone are WELL worth it! Just ask my dad!! *laughing*
@cacophonix (238)
• India
24 Dec 06
thanks for the suggestion.
i will try looking for cranberry supplements!
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@milott (2646)
• India
24 Dec 06
Kidney stones is not actually what you think as the normal stone that's lying around everywhere, but actually it is a collection of calcium deposits formed as a mass and gets collected in the kidneys, it could also occur in pancreas, gallbladder, etc. But kidney stones occur because of the dietary habits, especially bad water. If your water has too much of minerals, irons and other particles in it, it could lead to kidney stones. I guess that the kidney stones diagnosed earlier is treatable through medications but if it has become a chronic and long-term issue, or if the stone has become very large then it could be treated with the laser like kind of beam passed through it to break it into pieces and will pass through the urine. As said by the doctor, the best treatment and prevention is to drink lots and lots of water and making the stone dissolve and pass it through urine.
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@dradelelassy (1208)
• United States
23 Dec 06
stones are formed due to deposition of some salt ,due to failure of metablism of these salt
management of stones depends on size ,nmber and how much affecting kindney functions
usually if small ,the patient is encourged to drink fluids which help to keep salt disolved and help removal of them through urine
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
yeah! does sound logical!
although i have seen his x-ray, i dont know whether there was a single stone or many, and whether the one that i saw qualifies as a small stone or a big one!!
thanks a lot!
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@gkrisiyer (393)
• India
24 Dec 06
drinking lots of water will help ease the pain.Actually kidney stones occur depending on the variety of food that you eat.The Minerals that cannot be disposed out of the body get deposited as hard white stuff in the kidney.This leads to kidney stones.
@suahsan (785)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Yeah this is really painful but by the grace oof ALLAh now it is about to finish soon with out operation and the solution of laser is come so it is not a big problem now a days but it is really paid fu my friend also have the same problem but now he is fine..but I always pray that God save everyone for this stoneā¦
@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
thank you for your prayer!!
may allah always keep you away from illness!
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@cacophonix (238)
• India
23 Dec 06
i hope my friend also passes out the stone!
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@grace1045 (115)
23 Dec 06
drinking lots of water would hel;p to flush out the bad things in the body and help clear up the stones.
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