Is GOD the right name?

United States
December 23, 2006 5:10pm CST
I have been studying the name of God for years now and have come to the conclusion that the name GOD IS NOT THE RIGHT Name. It is a title. And everybody has that title. You got demon gods. You got the sun god. You got the star god. You got the Buddha god You got the money god And now you got the heavenly father god? nope nope nope, I DON'T THINK SO Besides why would the almighty father associate his name with a dog? If you say the name GOD backwords, it spells dog. There is just no way that our heavenly father would associate his holy name with a dog? The whole world has been deceived He is our heavenly father and he has a name. His name is Yahweh The Tetragrammaton (Greek: tet?a???µµat??; "word with four letters") is the usual reference to the Hebrew name for God, which is spelled (in the Hebrew alphabet): ?? (yodh) ?? (heh) ?? (vav) ?? (heh) or ????? (reading right to left= YHWH). It is the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel. Yahweh, Yahshua, Messiah, is the Names above all names, that's been hidden to us for 2000 years Thanks to the discovery of the Dead See Scrolls (DSS) the real, true Names of our Heavenly Father and His Son's Name have been revealed to the world,
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60 responses
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Actually, that name never was truly hidden. Practicing Jews have always referred to God in that manner. And "God" and "Dog" don't really have anything to do with each other either. The English word "God" comes from the Germanic "Gott"--a pagan deity. Most things about Christianity are Pagan. Christmas is celebrated on the day of Saturnalia, a big ancient Roman holiday. The whole Christmas tree, wreath, yule tide--all of that comes from Celtic and Germanic peoples. The Khristos was probably born in the springtime anyway. God is still a mystery to most, and I'll tell you why most westerners don't even understand there Messiah is this: We see things through a western philosophical viewpoint. Yeshua was an eastern philosopher--so westerners don't even have a clue what he was talking about when he talks of God and Heaven. Buddha is not a God either. Buddhism teaches very little to do with deities other than the occasional metaphor. (There's a good likelihood that Khristos studied Buddhism, however--Buddha spoke the Golden rule several years before Christ and many of Christs parables are echoes of Buddhist stories.)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Davidreedy you sound like a very intelligent man. You sound like you are still learning like myself in anycase I like your tone and some knowledge that you have but I tell you that I agree with you 100% that Christianity is pagan. I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN AT ALL. I DO NOT GO TO CHURCH. I seek to know the father for myself and I worship the father at home. THAT'S IT. However I do disagree with you about GOD and DOG. They have everything to do with one another. The point I am trying to make is the almighty creator WOULD NOT associate himself with a name like GOD because backwards it spells DOG. You see our heavenly creator is all magnificant and glorious and honorable. HE WOULD NOT PICK A NAME LIKE GOD TO REPRESENT HIS GLORY when backwards god spells dog. There is just no way.
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think she means hidden from us as in Christians .. or something similar. Hebrews have known His name(s) all along... they know a lot of other stuff, too! I think we can all learn something from them, eh? You're correct that so many "christian" things are of pagan origin. In light of that, let me ask you you think it matters whether paganism is the origin of a particular ritual or occasion? And if so, can we make it right and good? If not, why not?
• United States
24 Dec 06
What are you if not a christian? There are so many things about the christian faith that make me say, "If that's what a christian is, I am not one". Yet I'm not a heathen, either. Nor am I a Jew. Or a Muslim. I don't attend church because they're all full of man made doctrine. Every one I've ever been to, in one way or another, twists truth to suit their own needs, their own beliefs. I worship my ABBA every day but not in a church building and not always with others present. So, out of curiosity, what do you call yourself or do you not have a name for it?
• United States
24 Dec 06
If one accepts the Old Testament, which three religions appear to do, there is reference in it to the name of God is unspoken, there is also reference to more than one name, all of which are unspoken. Taking this a step farther, there is reference to other gods. Baal for example, the statement placing one God above the others is 'though shall have no other gods before me' which is assumed to mean no other gods reverred above the god which is speaking. But I do agree with the conclusion the word God is a title rather than a name.
• United States
24 Dec 06
nobodyspecial just think about his for a moment How can you have a relationship with somebody, and not call that person by their name? I don't know if you are a girl or a boy but have you ever had a girlfriend? If so, did you go around calling your girlfriend hey girl come here? Where you been girl? Hey girl where you going? Did you do this all year long calling her like that? Or did you call her by her name?
@pvleroux (606)
24 Dec 06
I agree with you. We can call Him Father or Abba Father if walking by the Spirit and believing in Him, we will have a close relationship with Him and He is then our Father. We dont need to argue about His name, His name is "I am" and He would love for all to have a relationship with Him. He said to Moses His name is "I am" and nothing changed since the OT to the NT regarding the characteristics of God. I think it is far fetched to read symbolism in chaning the word God to dog. As it was first said He has other names in Greek and Hebrew and yes the word God in Hebrew came from God and the Romans used the same word for God for their gods as they thought their god had the same characteristics and therefore they used the same name. We know who God is and if you dont just read the Scriptures as He wants us all to know Him and who He is. Therefore we dont need to argue about His name especially to people who dont believe in Him or Christ because we dont talk about the same God now do we?
@pvleroux (606)
24 Dec 06
I am a Christian however and also believe in Christ - just had to mention it.
• Egypt
24 Dec 06
You are right. The right & only name for God is Allah, only Allah, no other names.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
Allah merely means 'The One' or 'The One Who Is' or even, 'The Breath' ('ah' being the sound that breath makes) in English. Again, it is not a name, it is a description. I believe that YHWH is actually intended to mean much the same thing. In other words, there is no name; there can be no name, as humans have names. There is only one supreme Being who is unnameable, indescribable, ineffable. He doesn't really mind what you call Him, so long as you try your best to know Him as He is. If you like to call Him Jahweh and someone else likes to call Him God (but not 'a god' or even 'the god'), then it doesn't matter one bit. It is what each of us MEANS by the name that matters. It's unfortunate, perhaps, that you might mean something else by the word 'God' but that is not a matter to argue about. As an example, if I were German, I might refer to Him as 'mein Vater' which sounds rather rude if you think of the sound as representing an English word. I think that your basic fallacy is that you are saying that the word 'god' means 'idol'. This is not true. In English the word 'god' means something that is worshipped (correctly or not) as a supernatural being capable of affecting the lives of mortals. If it is used in lower case, it is generally understood to mean 'things worshipped falsely' but when written with a capital 'G' it means 'thing(s) worshipped truely'. That is just a convention of the English language, no more.
• United States
2 Jan 07
Does nature have authority over the creator or does the creator have authority over nature? You speak well You read well and You learn well but you only speak of nature and not the creator. For the creator WOULD NOT give people a name and not take a name for himself. Now if you have been reading very careful you notice in the scripture that John the Baptiser was given a name by the spirit. And many of the children of Israel were given a name by the father. If you think names is not important, then why did the father give the children of Israel names if it was not important.
@easwizz (203)
• United States
23 Dec 06
ou can call god watever you want. Who says Yahweh is right? just because its the orignal bible Gods name. Words are Words. And plus you're assuming the God of Christianity. God Defined~::# An image of a supernatural being; an idol.# One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed" That is God.
• United States
23 Dec 06
The original post is not assumeing anything.The post stated a thought of the hebrew God and expressed it.In the meaning of the true name of that God as yahweh.The Hebrew bible says its right,answer to the other question.You or anyone else can call your god anything you want.But the post is about the hebrew GOD and his name Yahweh.
• United States
24 Dec 06
But that's my point easywiz, you cannot call our heavenly father whatever you want. Thats like me calling you a BIT** If that's that case. If you can call our supreme power above. Our ruler and wonderful creator whatever you want, then that me I can call you a jack*** if I wanted because you just said that we can call our heavenly creator whatever we wanted. THAT IS SUCH A LIE Well now I know you got a little offended when I said that if you can call our heavenly creator whatever you wanted then that means I can call you whatever I want to. That means I can call you a jack*** since you said names don't matter. But you see, if you were offended by me calling you a jack*** or BOB, or Tiny Tim, or whatever, how do you think that our heavenly creator feels when we call him by that demonic name GOD? Think people. THINK. and open your eyes. He answers our prayers because we don't know any better but now that the truth is coming out, we have a choice to choose truth over the years and centuries of lies that we were taught.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
As I have said, Tradeshow, He is actually nameless but if you want to call Him Yahweh, that is OK by Him. It's what YOU understand by it when you use the name that matters. If I prefer to call Him Father or Abba (which is simply Aramaic for 'daddy', by the way) or even Tiny Tim, then so long as He knows that what I am visualising is the best approximation to what He is that I can manage, He understands and, I believe, is as amused as any parent would be at a child's earnest attempts at using language.
@imrajesh (1965)
• India
24 Dec 06
no dear u r not right GOD is the right word it means G: Generator O: Observer D: Destroyer as we can see all the components of life is involved here which only god can do for us so it is the right word
• United States
24 Dec 06
Since you want to go with what G stands for and what O stands for and what D stands for well then lets do it First G stands for Garden. Lets check out what happened in the garden between Adam and Eve the devil said to Eve," the father knows you are going to be like GODS and your eyes will be opened and you will know right from wrong. How therefore that the father can be a GOD when the devil told Eve she gonna be like GODS. So is EVE equal to the Father or is EVE equal to the devil. Second O represents the earth they are idols. Third if you can find anything in value with the letter D, please let me know.
@pvleroux (606)
25 Dec 06
It was not like GODS plural but God singular, and it was the devil the great deceiver who said this.
@pvleroux (606)
24 Dec 06
Is this biblical, anywhere in the Bible or normal symbolism?
@koustubh (62)
• India
24 Dec 06
Idon't know that GOD is the right name,but its the only word that gives peace to the herat
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
Right on, SunshineCup! It seems to me that there is confusion but not in your mind or mine!
• United States
24 Dec 06
Sorry but if I address you as a man and do not know your name and I said I know you, don't you think it will be confusing?
26 Dec 06
Tradeshow, I just have to ask, do you call your father by his first name? Or do you call him Dad, Daddy, Oldman, Father, etc. How is that any diffrent? IMO my relationship is just as close no... MORE close than my relationship with my parents. Do you feel God is upset with us for not getting his name right? Just curious, I've been reading through the posts and I am not clear.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
24 Dec 06
You are quite right. 'God' is a title or common noun that describes supernatural beings (real or imaginary) and distinguishes them from other things like 'humans' or 'men' or 'spirits', &c. The name of the god of Israel is given as YHWH, without vowels or pointing in Hebrew, because the name was considered so holy that it should never be written in full or spoken out loud. This is why God is referred to in many ways in the Bible to avoid using His name. The word Messiah does not refer to God. It simply means 'The Anointed One' (I believe that the 'ah' at the end indicates 'by God'), so it is truly a title and is translated in Greek as 'Christos'. Unlike someone earlier, I think that Jesus was often addressed by his given name (which was a fairly common Jewish personal name) and was NEVER addressed as Messiah unless someone wanted to make a theological point. His disciples, of course, addressed him as Master (again a title), just as we might address someone as Doctor. How we address people (including YHWH or God) generally indicates what and how we think of them. I usually call Him Father, as Jesus taught us to. Just like our human parents, we rarely use 'given' names for someone with whom we have such a personal relationship.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
I am not sure what you mean by 'mixing up two deities'. There are those that assert that the God of Israel - the one referred to as YHWH - is, in fact, a tribal god who was worshipped by the Jews, just as Baal and many other gods mentioned in the Bible were worshipped by other peoples. Naturally, the Jews asserted that their god was better/more powerful than the other gods. My own view is that there is, indeed, only one Creator who pervades (actually and through His creation) all things in the Universe. He doesn't have a name, as such, and to give Him a personal name reduces the concept we should have of Him to something bounded by the human mind. I wish I could show you how great this Being is, how worthy of our love and involvement as we feel ourselves to be unworthy of His. However, I cannot show you: He Himself will show you, though, if you allow him to do so. Unlike the YHWH of the Bible, He does not fight corners, He does not support one race against another, since all men are His creation, nor is He subject to what we think of as the emotions of love and hate. His business is, indeed, Love (and that is the best word I can find to describe the caring, intelligent energy which maintains everything in a state of continual creation). Call Him/Her/It what you will, He is immanent in everything and His Way is the way the Universe works. As humans, we can either be in agreement or opposition to that Way. Being in agreement is what we call 'good', being in opposition is what we call 'evil'. Giving this Being a name is a very natural human trait. We have language, therefore we need names to call things by. However, by attempting to name God (notice that this title is distinguished by a capital letter to indicate that there is only one), we also tend to reduce our concept of Him to human terms, which is not doing Him justice.
• United States
24 Dec 06
you are very knowledgable and I recognize you knew something but I'm differ because I believe we are mixing up two deitys and actually putting them in one. But the name is different to another and the result is completely different so I will like you to make a little more research and check it out and see the difference.
@loudcry (1043)
• India
24 Dec 06
G-Generator O-operator D-Destroyer I think that is appropriate.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
If we are reduced to acronyms, how about G.O.D. ... Goodness Overrides Denomination
• India
24 Dec 06
do you know the full form of GOD?? you have been studying about GOD after all?? reply
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
Father = Creator = 'force of Nature'. They are one and the same. What we are talking about is truly beyond human comprehension because it has no name except those that humans choose to give it. Is there a problem with that?
• United States
24 Dec 06
Yes I've been studying. It is the force of nature that i'm dealing with and not the creator. That's what I am trying to portray. This is what I know the force of nature thats what you are referring to but not the father. That's one of my description of describing god
• United States
24 Dec 06
Forget not the Goddess, the Great Mother of Us All. What is the Force of Creation but God, Yahweh, Goddess, Jesus, etc. What is important is that you believe in a Force of Creation, in a Supreme Being. FAITH is something we all need to survive in the messed up world and I believe more would be better off if we could put aside petty differences such as NAMES. God names. Goddess names. Religion names. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." (btw, I didn't read past the first page of discussion...)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Listen to me I'm glad that you bring that up since you don't want to identify yourself. Let's be anonymous and lets keep your GOD in the dark and lets all don't know nothing about him and lets all be afraid of him. Since you said names are petty. I appreciate you want more in this messed up world and that's where I am trying to assist you so your mind can grasp a little more than what you have
• United States
27 Dec 06
Don't want to identify myself? (insert confused look here) It sounds like you've totally missed my point. (sigh) I wish you luck on your path and hope that the light finds you someday.
@sanorita (58)
• India
24 Dec 06
look gurl./. u r hurting many people with ur arrogant replies.. y dont u accept tht GOD is universal belief.. n jus wt ur explanations no ones gonna try n change instead thy wil b hurt... different religion n differnt people cal the lord as thy wanna.. thrs no proper rule which applies all over the universe.. it all depends on the perspective.. so u believ wat u wanna.. but dont u try n deny n doubt the universal belif
• United States
24 Dec 06
Hold on, is this mylot or are we in church? Now listen to me, there is so much hurt in the world, how can I do more hurt to the world by just trying to clarify that nature and the Father IS NOT THE SAME? I am not denying that your GOD do not exist but all I am saying is that HE IS NOT THE FATHER. Well you are right GOD is universal because GOD is nature but it has nothing to do with the FATHER
@pvleroux (606)
25 Dec 06
That might be your oppinion but dont try and force your oppinion unto everybody else, it is not going to happen.
@sunshinecup (7871)
24 Dec 06
Very interesting points there, but I use the word God, meaning he is the God of all Gods. He is number one, and comes before all others. I don't know what others thinks, that's just my take on it. I don't try to even begin to find the real name of God and Jesus, I think if it was that important to them, I would know it. I think what is important is beleiving in God and living by his word. Again you have some interesting points there. Thanks for posting.
• United States
24 Dec 06
But do you hear how that sounds? He is the God above all gods? So in actuality, you are saying he is the idol above all idols right? Because that's what god really stands for. Also, our creator cannot destroy himself. It says in the bible that he will destroy ALL GODS. Now how can our creator destroy all gods and destoy himself also?
26 Dec 06
So in actuality, you are saying his the idol above all idols right? Because that's what god really stands for. You may see him as just an idol, but the meaning of the word God, is Supreme Being. Just checked the dictionary to be sure. Also, our creator cannot destroy himself. Yep, that is true. It says in the bible that he will destroy ALL GODS. now how can our creator destroy all gods and destoy himself also? Because the statement "he will destroy ALL GODS", does not seem to me to include himself, just because he is a God. Now if it said, "He will destroy all Gods, including himeself", then well there would be reason to question how that could be. IMO I hoped this has helped.
@pvleroux (606)
24 Dec 06
I dont think we should argue about these things. If you have a peronal relationship with Him then you know who He is you are talking to. If you look biblically then the word YAHWE or YHWE aithout the vowels is the God of the OT the first One that created everything. That is why GOD is written in the OT in capital letters and then the Roman gods was introduced which they thought had the same characteristics and therefore they thought their gods also had deity and therefore they gave them the names of god in Hebrew. With the coming of Christ in the NT which He is also God the Son as Isaiah prophecied about when he said "for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isiah 9:6
• United States
24 Dec 06
There are 2 different deity's One is false and One is True So if you examine the name very careful the Hebrew people does not give their children pagan name because sometimes the Father himself give the children the name. My point is that the messaih came from Israel and how could the messaih come with a pagan name to save the world?
@pvleroux (606)
25 Dec 06
Yes the MEsiaha is Jesus as it has been prophesied about for more than 2000 years. I dont know what name you talk about which is a pagan name? The Romans started the name from the orriginal name God as given n the OT before the Romans.
@SSorel (178)
• Romania
24 Dec 06
I think he haven`t name. We put one name but real name i think is Alpha & Omega
• United States
24 Dec 06
Well Alpha and Omega is greek. It is not Hebrew so therefore this is the Greek deity and has nothing to do with the Father. I appreciate that you are looking for something but identification is important in life. If a man was to identify himself as a man in the bank, how far will he get in withdrawing his money?
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
Identification is only of importance to humans, of whom there are many. Why should the One be concerned with identification? 'Alpha and Omega' is, indeed, Greek. We would say 'Ay and Zee', perhaps, meaning simply 'First and Last'. Again, it's not a name but an attempt at a description!
• Indonesia
23 Dec 06
If you have only one god for everything... you can call with the other names depends on by god's power, but this is just one god basicly . But if you have god more than one, you can call your god for every thing you want.Monotheism and Polytheism.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
You would be better, Tradeshow, to worship Him in your heart. Perhaps you do, though, and I am merely splitting hairs over terminology.
• United States
24 Dec 06
and that's another problem, we have too many da** religions in this place, that's why I don't even go to church. I worship the creator right in my house.
24 Dec 06
Yeah... you might be perfectly right abt it but I don't it makes any significant difference to the actual belief in any religion. Whether you call Him, God or Yahweh or Allah... you know in your heart who you are referring to... so what does it matter? Oh ya... Buddha is not a god but a great teacher. Buddhism is not exactly a religion but more like the Buddha's teaching and a way of life.
• United States
24 Dec 06
Buddha is a da** statue Buddha is an idol and the bible is against ALL IDOLS and golden images or wooden images
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
There are statues of the Buddha, it is true, but Buddhists will tell you that the Buddha (notice that this is a title, not a name) was a man who achieved enlightenment. He is in no way a god, or even a representation of one, and he is worshipped (or revered, if you prefer) as a great man, in the same way that people revere George Washington or Winston Churchill or Mahatma Gandhi, say (though, of course, these are not revered to such a degree). In Buddhism there is no word or name for what Christians or Muslims think of as 'God' or 'Allah' or for what you and I refer to as the 'Creator'. As often happens, though, statues become imbued with their own life in the minds of many people and superstition is a natural and essential thing for many. Buddhism does not teach that one should worship idols but the fact is that the tacit encouragement of idolatry is as big a money-spinner in Buddhism as it is in the Catholic Church!
• India
27 Dec 06
Hey whatsoever the name may be GOD is GOD...
• United States
2 Jan 07
What if I say, man is a man and you just a man, how would you feel? Is that identifying who you are?
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree with you 100%. I use the title God when talking to others who don't know who YHWH is though I use Yahweh with them, also. I do the same with Yeshua, referring to Him as Jesus with those who don't know His Hebrew name. One thing that really got me was when someone said to me, "No one ever called the Messiah 'Jesus' to His face". I thought about that and realized that would be true. That started me on a journey that's now going into its 10th year. :) By the way, when did you reach this conclusion?
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
26 Dec 06
I disagree with that statement, BrickShy. I think that, until Jesus began his teaching (when he was about 30), most people would have called him by his given name, which we render as Jesus. His disciples, however, seem to have addressed him by the title of 'Master'. We still do this sort of thing universally when we address someone as 'Doctor' or 'Professor' or 'Sir' or 'Madam'. Messiah is likewise a title. It means 'Anointed [by God]' in English and 'Christos' in Greek. I am quite sure that nobody ever addressed Jesus as 'Messiah', though to state 'you are the Messiah' would have been a valid answer to His question 'Who do you say that I am?'
• United States
24 Dec 06
About 7 years ago
@bayuokto (223)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 06
what you studying is good it means taht you serching for god and what is god! well like my friend's says " you don't know cos you never know ?". Goodluck
• United States
25 Dec 06
The fact of the matter is, I do know his name. And if you read, you will know too. It is right in front of our eyes. All you have to do is open your eyes and stop being blind. I am not searching for GOD, I am searching for the heavenly father of heaven and earth. NOT GOD. There is a difference.
• Romania
31 Dec 06
You said that u have studying the name of GOD for years...i was waiting to read here that u found out the real name. Why do we have to care for a name?? We have so many languages on earth, why should we give him a name . God is everything and everywhere. HIS limmitation is beyond us and words. We cant understand this, so dont bother to find out the roots of His provenience.
• United States
2 Jan 07
Ok Rick Jones, I have said and proved everything regarding our fathers TRUE NAME in this thread. If you want to stay ignorant go right ahead. By the way, your name is Rick Jones right? Ok good so today your name is Rick Jones Then tomorrow, your name will be Chung Kow Ling Then on Wednesday, I will call you Abdul Buchaneer Then on Thursday I will call you Jack Jerk Then on Friday your name will be Gay Harrison Now on Saturday when you try to cash your paycheck, tell the bank teller that your name and identification does not matter. Then come back here and tell me how far you got.