Why do people own animals if they don't treat them
@margieanneart (26423)
United States
60 responses
@leedug (920)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Some people are just plain ignorant when it comes to the care of animals. Many people see them as just "animals" and were raised think that all they have to do is throw them some food and that's it. These kind of people do not deserve animals. I really think that everyone who is going to get a pet should be forced to take a pet care educational class first. Unfortunately I don't think that will ever happen because there are still an overabundance of homeless animals needing homes, so just about anyone can have a pet.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
What an awesome idea. Thank you. I agree with you completely. You get a + rating.
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@royrules1 (180)
• India
24 Dec 06
they only like to keep the animals not manitain it i do agree with u
@caramello (4377)
• Australia
24 Dec 06
I cannot understand why some pet owners have pets, and probably never will. In all the years I have always had one or two dogs and the same with cats, we also have an aviary of birds, and we are so committed to our pets, that holidays are out of the question for now! But that is my choice as I do get great comfort from them and am once again going to dread the time they are no longer in my life.
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
24 Dec 06
Thank-you very much margieanne, you are so kind.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
As you are dear. Just enjoy your babies to the fullest while you have them. Live one day at a time.
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@lizabeth (666)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think there are people who have pets and think of them as family, I know I do. And then there are people who get animals because they think at the time they want them, but after seeing how much work it is they change their minds. Some people just get a kick out of mistreating a small animal that can't defend themselves. Its hard to know what makes people treat animals bad, but I wish it would stop!

@marciascott (25529)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think thats why some animals turn on the Master. from being abused.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Well said my friend. Those poor creatures have no one to come to their rescue when they are being abused. It gets me so upset.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
24 Dec 06
It drives me insane to see people abuse their pets. Abuse is not just physical, it is neglecting to give them the proper nutrition and love. Too many times I have seen animals penned up outside. Pets are family. They belong inside with the family.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I feel just like you. It hurts, as who is there to stand up for the animal? Even labs bother me. Especially for makeup. Did you know that they put acid in rabbits eyes and they go blind. It sickens me.
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@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree with you. I can't see why people even have animals if they don't take proper care of them. My cat is treated like the royal prince that he is, and that's the way I want it. He is 12 1/2 years old now, and I have him on good, nutritious food and an herbal supplement. He IS a family member here, just as all our pets have ever been. He knows how much he is loved and taken care of, and that's what's important. If people don't treat their animals with respect, they should find a home for them elsewhere that will.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree 100% with you. We treat our two cats with so much love. They are our furry children. Thank you for sharing that. You get a + rating.
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@Simplemind26 (510)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
This really outrages me.I know and hear alot of cases like this.I think some people mistreat animals because they dont consider them as having feelings that really burns me up inside.I think that when you haev a pet you should be able to treat them as you would to a child.Your suppose to care and shelter them and show them love ect.Some sick people out there get a kick of harming a defenceless animal as well i think.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
You said that just the way I feel. It ourages me too. But, perhaps it is the pet mills and breeders and shelters that should do more investigations of whome they adopt these creatures out too. You will get a + for your rating. Thank you.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think if people can't take care of their pets they should'n t have them, give them to someone who will give them a good home. But i dont have any pets.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree, but I guess they keep them thinking they are right.
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@pamzammit1 (61)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
26 Dec 06
Bless your heart. I'm giving you a + rating. Have a great day.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I can't figure out why they would do that either. To me pets are just kids with fur coats.
We have a beautiful collie that we got from Collie Rescue. Her name is Lassie, no she came with the name but she does look like her name sake. We got her because she had gotten non-contagious mange and her previous owners had let all her hair fall out, her body covered with sores and then finally took her in to be put to sleep. Even through all the pain she was in though the Vet saw her trying to play. He called Collie Rescue and they took her in. When we got her she had all her fur back and it was about 3/4's what it should be. We've had a few crop ups with the mange but we've been able to treat it so it doesn't cause her any discomfort.
The original owners though had bought her with the intentions of either showing her or breeding her, neither of which could they do since she had the mange. To them she was worthless. TO us she is part of the family. She plays with us, protects us, gives us love. she's a wonderful addition to our family. She sleeps on our beds or couchs when she wants. She plays with the cats and the bunny rabbit we have (she keeps trying to get the bunny to go back into it's cage).
Owners that neglect or abuse their pets in anyway I think should have the same done to them. Maybe then they would understand that pets are far more then just creatures. They are warm, loving, living beings who we are lucky to have in our lives.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I gave you a + for this response. I wish so many more people felt like you and I. God bless you dear.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Thank you. I wish more people would realize that pets are a part of our lives. That they effect us. They rely on us for food, love, protection. That when we adopt one or if we are lucky and they adopt us that we are taking on a responsibility to care for them. That they are just as important as anyone else in the family.
@JustSimplyLissa (547)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I'm an animal lover too. I think it's so sad that people do this to animals. It breaks my heart. I've rescued some animals myself. I have 2 new kittens right now from a rescue.
I got them at 5 days old, abandoned by their ferral mother. So i hand raised them. They were born July 16th.
They are healthy and happy. And I'll Never ever Get rid of either of them. Too Bad they took away my rights to upload pictures of them. I've got some of them when they were really tiny until now!
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@JustSimplyLissa (547)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I added some photo's to my profile, Maybe you can see them =o) They are of the kittens just a week or 2 old. They were just starting to open their eyes.
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
It's totally wrong. I do think that a lot of these stem from good intentions... they want a pet to love and to love them back, but these people often overlook the amount of work that goes into owning a pet.
My wife works for a lady who's husband just came home with a baby border collie one day, and she feels so bad for the poor girl... she's locked in a basement bathroom for the whole day and is picked up and placed outside to go to the bathroom and picked up and brought back to the bathroom and locked back in again.
The only excercise she gets is when my wife goes over and cleans her place and she closes the upstairs door to the basement and lets her out. She says she's such a good puppy but they just don't work with her, they dont play with her or anything. They aren't necessarily abusing the dog, but via their neglect I guess it is indirectly abuse.
I am tempted to have my wife say if they don't want her or if it continues that we'll take the dog. I have a beagle that's just over a year old and she's the most lovable dog you'll ever meet. Even when we're playing on the bed and she's growling and nipping it's never malevolent. She never scratches or breaks skin and she knows when to calm down. I couldn't ask for a better puppy.
We also have to cats who are really good. It's all in how you treat your pets. Treat them well and train them and you can get all the love you want in return... but the opposite is also true. Treat them poorly and you'll get a bad animal that will end up having to be put down or end up being homeless or hurt or whatever.
It's so sad.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
You broke my heart with that story. I had a nieghbor that had a golden retriever. He kept her in a crate that she could not stand up in, locked up in a bedroom with the lights out and the shades drawn and the door closed. And no water or food. He did this all day until he came home from work or when he went out. He went on vacation and asked me to watch her. This is how I found out. She was the sweetest animal. But those big dogs need to run. Her hair was matted and her skin was bleeding. He left her again with someone else for a week. When he came back he could not understand how come she did not go to him, the jerk. Well it's a long story, not to take too much of your time. But I see so much of this with dogs, cats and horses where I live, and it is so depressing. We can only do so much. I think that the people should be investigated like when adopting a child, before they can get an animal. Animals should have more rights, they have emotions and feelings. I will give you a + rating for this. Thank you for responding.
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@Kackie3 (345)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I hate hearing things like that. These animals give us unconditional love, how can people be so cruel. A pet will grow up, to be whatever they learn from being with you. If you show them love and give them time to play, and spend time with family, then you couldn't ask for a better part of your family, and one that would give his life for you, if you were in danger. Heck you won't find many people like that.
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
26 Dec 06
I agree... pets are what you make of them. I'm so sick of hearing that a certain breed is this way or that way - especially with dogs. You can have a dog that so - so-called - predisposed to 'not being good with kids' or 'being mean,' etc. But you take one of those dogs and treat it well and you'll get what you put into it.
Another tag on, to my story... apparently my wife also said that the dog had a kitten crate to sleep in!!! The dog couldn't turn around or move in that crate! And they also apparently forget to feed it as well.
In Canada we have the SPCA - or Humane Society, as we call it. Not sure if you have it in your country, but you probably have something similar. If they were to find out, they'd lose the pet. The regulations are clear - dogs must have a crate that they can do a full 360 in without touching the sides.
I feel so bad for that dog and I want so bad to take it in, but I'm worried I don't have enough cash to support a fourth animal. At the very least if it doesn't get better I'll get her address from my wife's client list and call the SPCA!
@momknows (284)
• United States
24 Dec 06
What really gets me angry are the people who see the little puppy or little kitten and don't realize they grow into adults, same as humans. My children, I mean dogs have the greatest life on earth. My husband and myself are both on second marriages and had the children in the first, so this time we had dogs. They look just like us lol.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Bless your heart. How can humans, that are suppose to be so smart, be so stupid? My husband and I have two cats we saved, and they are our furry children. They are so loved and taken care of as if they were our blood children. They have feelings and emotions and are very affectionate. We never treat them as pets or animals.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Very wisely said. Thank you so much. Wish those awful people would read these posts replys.

@makem0ney (293)
24 Dec 06
beause they like it at 1st and think it was a good iead to get it, then after a while they get bored and niglect them
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Don't you think that is irresponsable and sad?
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
24 Dec 06
It's our throw away culture. People think pets are just commodities. Buy them from a pet shop who got them from a pet mill, then get bored, dump them in a shelter where most will be euthanized. Next year, kid wants another pet, parent didn't learn that children do not care for the animals, that's the parent's job, and so the cycle runs its course again.
@midnyt_purplez09 (183)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
I agree to that, we must treat them like our own family members, they are creations of God, so as we, so we really must do something for them like our own family members
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree, but so many people are animals themselves, not even as good as an animal.
@yoyoduelistsb17 (23)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
We really must treat them nice because those animals also have their lives,
@Kackie3 (345)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I have often wondered the same thing. I had neighbors that kept their dog chained up way in the back of their yard, with a dog house. It just didn't make any sense. My dogs on the other hand have always been house dogs no matter how big they were or how small. To me, if you are going to have a pet, they should be treated as part of the family. As for protection..how are they going to protect you if they are chained up outside?
@hassei_takano (1411)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 06
Some people has sort think about it
They just think "Wow.. he is so cute.. I want it" Bt never think how to take care of it. And that kind of buyer must be easy to get bored. And if they bored.... I don;t know.. maybe will thor away or die....
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I agree with you, and bless you and your sister for being caring with wisdom to understand this. Thank you. These are our spoiled, but loved and cared for babies.
@hassei_takano (1411)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 06
yes it is. That's why I never want to have pets. My older sis love sea turtle a lot. but she never buy it from pets store. She prefer to collect it wallpaper, photo or the seaturtle plushy.
I think animals life better in their REAL world

@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I don't understand why people get dogs then tie them out in the back yard for the rest of their lives. If you ask them they will tell you they have the dog for protection. How can it protect you if it's chained up? Then they will tell you that they can tell when someone is around because it barks. However almost every dog I know that is always chained, always barks and the owner is always telling it to "shut up"...
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I see that out in the desert country a lot were I live. It makes me sick. How would those people like to sit in the rain and sun on a five foot leash and eat and drink from a bowl with ants in them. And constantly scratch their bodies. Don't these people have feelings at all for their pets? Thank you for your response dear.
@amafrias (455)
• United States
24 Dec 06
This angers me to no end, I see it so much. people say, "Oh cool let me get a pet." then the new wears oss and it's like a discarded toy.My neighbors have Shi Tzus and they are the saddest little dogs. There is a place in their fence and they have figured out a way to come over to my yard, and I don't really mind. Sometimes they will pop their heads in the doggie door to see if I have a treat for them. I usually take then out some food. Noone spends any time with them, they are always outside in the rain, cold, whatever with nothing but a car to sleep under.They are covered in burs, and filthy. I have seen animal control there on a few occasions, but nothing changes. It just kills me.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I gave you a + rating. Thank you for sharing this, it saddens and hurts me to hear this. Thank you for turning them in and being kind to an animal who has emotions and feelings. God bless you.