Whats the greatest gift you can give?
@signnprincess (25)
United States
December 24, 2006 3:45am CST
What’s the greatest give you can give?LOVE.....it costs you nothing and lasts forever. Think about it. It could end wars, save lives, change lives, heal a broken heart, stop violence, even create something new inside of you and so much more. The thing about love is it was created to be given away. If you hold it in, it doesn't help you or anyone else. I challenge anyone who is having trouble with their child to tell them they love them 10 times a day, and see if the child changes. I believe that love can change anything. Its definitely something that if your wrong, then......well really how can you be wrong? How can giving love to someone else ever be wrong. I don't mean going out and giving your heart away to every tom, bill, or harry out there. I mean loving those around you with your whole heart. I think we could always love better. Commit to love everyone better this year and see what happens. I bet that in that year things will change. No, you probably wont be richer, in the sense of money, but you definitely will be richer in your life. The bible says to "love your neighbor as yourself." That "neighbor" can be a friend, family, maybe that child you see down the street that you know is neglected. Key word "as your self" the problem today? People don't really love themselves. "I am too fat." "I am ugly." How many times have we beat ourselves up over our physical appearance, or some flaw we hate in ourselves? Probably daily (myself included). The thing is these things just don't matter. What is truly important is the heart and attitude. Cut yourself some slack. I mean your only human too, aren't you?Heres what I suggest:
*Make a list of the people you could "love better" this year and commit to doing it.
*Commit to loving YOURSELF better this year and actually to it.
*Seek out people to love. Love the "unlovable." We all know who they are, you might of seen the homeless man each week on the street. Maybe decide to buy him a meal.
*Pass it on. Share this article with other people and have them commit to "love better" this year.
*If you are comfortable with it, keep a prayer diary for those you have decided to "love better" and pray daily for them. I personally have seen this change many lives. Remember you might be the only person on earth praying for that person. Maybe thats all they needed to get their life back in order.
*If you don't believe in prayer, then do whatever your comfortable with, send warm thoughts or whatever it is you are comfortable with.
How can I "love better"?
*Pray for the person (if your comfortable with that)
*Do anonymous things that help them. Maybe send a card in the mail when you know they are discourage (you could say its from you if you want). Little things that don't get notices usually make you feel better because you know you did them. I remember giving a card with money in it to a single struggling mom one Christmas, she never knew who it was from, but the joy in her face was all I needed.
*Offer to help out when needed. Maybe that over worked, exhausted mom just needs a few free hours, offer to babysit.
*Say "I love you" to your family at least 5 times a day (if not more). How can it ever hurt to tell our children how much we love them? Our spouse? It just cant. A older child might act like you just exposed them naked in front of the entire school, but inside it feels good and they love it, no matter what they say on the outside. Think of how many times we love to hear our spouse say "I love you" for no reason, it feels good, makes us feel secure and loved. Think what it can do for your spouse and your relationship.
*Look for excuses and ways to love people in the way they need to be loved.
*There are so many other ways. Just fill a need. Give praise. Look around and listen. You can find 100s of ways to "love better" if you really want too.
If everyone who reads this committed to "loving better" at least 5 people, and because those people benefited from your love, they then start loving better, thing of the chain reaction this could create. I remember a long time ago the "random acts of kindness" movement, or the "pay it forward" movement. Those were awesome. What I am talking about is similar to that and ITS FREE. As I said it costs you nothing, and it lasts forever. The reason this is so different is because what you are doing has a lasting effect on people. The love you give to your child, may seem trivial now, but what if its that love that contributes to them being a successful adult and loving their family? I know many people have heard that when people are on their death beds they always say "I wish I could have loved more." All the working, money, and material things no longer matter, all they can leave behind, is their love. How will you change the world? Many of us will never be celebrities, or someone the whole world knows, but that is not important. You can love who you are around. You don't have to change the world, just start with yourself and those around you. Will you commit to "loving better" this year and see how it changes your life?Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope your new year is a wonderful one.
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78 responses
@datsme24 (259)
• India
24 Dec 06
there r few great gifts u can gv:-
1) 2 make sum1 smile,make sum1 happy
2)2 luv sum1 unconditionally.
3) the greatest is 2 sacrifice ur luv as he/she luvs sum1 else dats 2 make d 1 u luv happy. ders no greatest gift than dis coz its only d 1 who have been thru it knows how much it hurts 2 c d 1 u luv wid sum1 else.but stil try 2 feel satisfied dat ur luv is happy
its mixed feelin of lots of pain n a satisfaction regarding ur luv
@Sorathian (4329)
• Pakistan
25 Dec 06
The gift of unconditional love. Even though you give it you will not use it all up. There is much more where that came from located in your heart.
@mariancososchi (165)
• Romania
25 Dec 06
i think that the best gift you can give is a big kiss to your friend.
@xmanofsteel69 (458)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
Did you actually write all that or did you copy and paste that from somewhere? It seems quite long. In fact, so long that I didn't read it. But I did notice that it had some * in it, making me think that it was copied and those were the bullets for each point. Could be wrong, I'm not perfect.
@signnprincess (25)
• United States
24 Dec 06
No I wrote it all myself. It was from my blog. I put the bullets in on purpose.
@subhadiproy (847)
• India
25 Dec 06
the greatest giv u can give is to cheer up somebdy and make him smile whn he s at a stage of killing himself .
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
You said it right. Love is the greatest gift and it is the greatest among the three things that remain: faith, love, and hope. God is love. Try to read 1 Corinthians chapter 13.
May God bless you.
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 06
hmmmm, thanks for posting this good article. You're right and i agree with you. the precious and the greatest gift in this life is "LOVE" coz by love, someone can feel comfortable and feel apreciate of their presence. By love, we can understanding each other. To commit "loving better" in this new year, i think its a good resolution to do. And i also sure it will change my life much:) thanks anyway
@josan181237 (1204)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
you can give someone your time, your presence, your life but the greatest of all is love.
@senvivek2k4 (97)
• India
25 Dec 06
make others happy by your laughter n jokes...but not a single smile on your face from others tears...
@chelsy_gal (153)
• Malaysia
25 Dec 06
I think love is the greatest gift that i can give to my family, to people i love and to all of my friends. Love can bring the happiness, so show your love to other people, they will feel happy for that :)