Honest or Rude? What do you think?

United States
December 24, 2006 5:17am CST
Some people have a way with words. They say things that don't really have to be said. Their explanation is "I call it like I see it. I will not lie. " Some say you always know where you stand with people like that. Others think these are horrible people and they are just mean and evil. This is the person who will take one look at you and exclaim "My! You must have gained over 20 pounds since I last saw you! You have got to take some of that weight off. That is not good for you." They say they are doing it for your own good. Somebody needs to tell you. This same person is the person you wish you could become invisible with because they embarrass you when they talk about people around you out in stores, restaurants and such. They critisize other people's clothing, hair styles, mannerisms. They talk about clerks in the stores and I know the clerks can hear them. Sometimes they say something cute or funny that makes you laugh, but they always take it too far. And they are always too loud. They justify what they are saying by saying it is true. It may be true, but it is hurtful. I think hurtful things need not be said so often. How do you feel about this?
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50 responses
• Romania
24 Dec 06
honesty comes from a close friend or family...and should not anger you. rudeness....comes from people that do not deserve atention....so the best "weapon" against them is ignorance...there is nothing that could hurt a rude person more than that.
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• United States
24 Dec 06
Good point. Although, it is difficult to ignore rude people. They tend to position themselves so they can be heard loud and clear. It takes practice to ignore tiem.
• China
25 Dec 06
it is just soso as i think
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I pretty well agree with you, although I have occassionally been told I am too rude, when I did not think I was. Usually I am so meek and shy it is painful. I guess I have to be really over the top to speak my mind. I do not mean to hurt people, though. About talking about others in public, a lot of my family members do, they should not. I have worked in too many jobs where confidentiality is mandatory, and I hopefully have gotten rid of this habit I grew up with. My boss makes me a little crazy, she always finds one little speck of lint or something to remove from my clothes. The other people I work with says she does this too. It is almost creepy. Like you are not old enough to dress yourself properly and get out the door. My mom would say to me, at family gatherings, You look short and dumpy next to your cousin. True--She was 6'2" and I was 5'7" but this comment came after I had just lost 25 pounds, and I was 14 years old. I realized later in life that that would always be her topic of conversation, with everyone. Size, and weight. Boring. Embarrassing. You want to crawl under the rug.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I did not answer the question, it is rudeness in the selfrighteous guise of "honesty". Hurtful comments are best left unsaid.
@babray06 (1787)
• India
24 Dec 06
I think you can still speak the truth like an Honest person and at the same time refrain from sounding like a rude person.
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• United States
25 Dec 06
People who care about other people manage to do this all of the time.
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think it is rude. Even if it is the truth, I'd never say such things to people. My grandfather is this way - he will tell anyone, even strangers, that they are fat. They must have a very low self esteem if they have to hurt other people. Just remember people like them are ugly on the inside, and no one will want to be around them someday soon.
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@yorgaki (678)
• Romania
24 Dec 06
They are just sick people and they don't understand that nobody needs their "truths". Why they don't recognize that they are just simple idiots ?? They are fake "sincere" people because they cannot be sincere about themselves. For them life is just zoology and they cannot understand poetry or art. Name them animals and you cannot be wrong.
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• United States
26 Dec 06
LOL. I think some animals in the animal kingdom would be insulted if some of the rude people I know were named after them although I can see a resemblance when I think about them. That is a very funny comparison.
@Leonzz (195)
• Brazil
24 Dec 06
I think, in my opinion, one thing more richest in life of one people its the honesty. If the people is honesty, he have something to have to say.
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• United States
31 Dec 06
Honesty does not have to be rude, don't you think? And if you were not asked, who cares?
@balasri (26537)
• India
24 Dec 06
I call a spade a damn spade all the time.It saves the headache for everyone.
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• United States
24 Dec 06
Even if you are not asked?
• India
24 Dec 06
it depend on how do u take the comments..to some it might just be ok and to some the comments might be really offensive or disturbing..and the reason behind it that every person is different and we need to respect that...and thats why we should be very careful with what we say...and gradually people realise that some person don't like things said in a certain way and hence they start avoiding that way..so what I can make out of that is the reaction depends on the perception and mood of the person..
• United States
25 Dec 06
Perception and mood play a big part sometimes. This is especially true for someone who is sensitive about certain issues. But there are some common courtesies that you extend to everyone no matter what. When you cross that line, then you are treading on dangerous ground.
@AmStaff (142)
• Romania
24 Dec 06
It has a pozitive side and a negative side. The negative:because of what they say... many times a person will be sad. But the positive side: is that you will know that he ain't lying you. And will be sincerly every time.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Dec 06
So, is it OK to be rude as long as you don't lie? It's OK to hurt people's feelings whether you know them or not?
@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
24 Dec 06
it is true that some people really hurt at times. i think they cud do it when the other person is really hard on them. but i think they can say in a very smooth way and somewhat unhurtingly. it usually depends upon them how they receive it and respond so rude. for me, i never even try to hurt anyone!
• United States
24 Dec 06
My point is do they have to say anything. There are times when they can keep their mouth shut. Nobody asked for their advice. They are simply spouting negative opinions.
@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
24 Dec 06
For me, I tell people the truth, no matter how much it hurts the other person. I would rather tell the truth, than be some fake person, who has to hide behind a fake facade. It's just not me. I'll tell you straight to your face what I honestly think about you, without any regrets.
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@easwizz (203)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think this falls in with white lies. SOme people dont liek to feel fake thought, and tell you something that is just made up so you wont get angry from the truth. But some people do take it too far. There's a point to hoew "truth" you really can be, and then theres just an utter straw man.
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@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
24 Dec 06
I think sometimes It is good to bite your thongue and hold back from saying hurtful things.Its good to be honest but by saying something hurtful and nothing good will come from it.I think theres no point in that.
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• United States
24 Dec 06
You are right. I wish more people could see that.
• India
24 Dec 06
You dont have to be so much honest every time. Some lies are better than truths. And the truths that hurt someone are better not said. i think such people are rude..rather than honest.
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• United States
24 Dec 06
Do you have to lie? Can you just keep your mouth shut and not comment at all? There are other things that you can talk about.
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• India
24 Dec 06
i don`t think its good to be rude bec u have no rights to hurt ne 1 feelings
• United States
31 Dec 06
Thank you. Especially when no one asked your opinion. We agree.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think you can find a way to be honest without being rude.
• United States
25 Dec 06
That is what I strive to do. It seems to work most of the time.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Dec 06
i'm a "call it like I see it" person and always will be..BUT as much as some ppl who dont grasp it may say (especially ppl online in fact only ppl online) its rude or cruel/mean etc the fact of the matter is I see know point or purpose in being that way...Of course I would never do it and never have done it when it comes to things that arent necessary like the gaining weight thing..thats just flat out cruel and hurtful..I'm never vicious like that but if someone complains about their wt and then turns around and eats a cheesecake in front of me, I'll pipe up in a heartbeat..when it comes to somehting serious that I have yrs of experience with and have seen the intense negative side I most definately will speak up or if its someone I know (my friends come to me for advice becuase of this very reason) who is lets say doing the same thing over and over again that is damaging them or their kids I'll call them out on it and tell them what I see THEN I'll work with them to fix the problem....Once I call someone out I am always willing to help them but if they cant see it/dont get it..there is no point IMO Strangers in real life and online sometimes arent sure how to take me and thats understandable but if they say something, share something, ask something and I'm brutally honest with them and continue the conversation with me they'll realize that it'll go from my speaking the truth and then working with them..it doesnt always work out that way but more often than not it does...I seem harsh at first but one thing I'll never do is steer you wrong... I wonder though why more ppl arent honest like that...I mean really what is the point of candy coating tings for someone when you know that its enabling them and pretty much giving them excuses to screw up again or continue living in misery etc...That makes no sense to me at all..
• United States
24 Dec 06
Raasha we really see eye to eye on this. Thank you.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Dec 06
no no critizing is NOT something I'm in to..I dont care for being belittled so I dont do it to anyone else (unless I'm scraping with someone but thats a whole different ballgame)..I am the one that when someone is being treated like crap, sticks up for the victim so to speak...I'm never mean just to be mean...I come across as mean at times but thats BECAUSE ppl are so NOT used to ppl being brutally honest ya know...everyone seems to want and expect to be coddled and I wont do that cause IMO it causes more damage than good ya know... Happy holidays btw!!!!
@raasha (109)
• India
24 Dec 06
The 'call it like you see it' thing, in my opinion should be reserved for real close friends who'd understand and be able to appreciate honesty. Personally, I'd rather have a friend tell me " u need to loose that excess weight girl!" than " wow! the excess weight sure makes u look prettier". On the other hand a 'free for all' type of bluntness wont do anything other than hurt. People who use their 'honesty' to critize/downsize people will make more enemies than friends.
24 Dec 06
I would consider it rude. If they can say things tactfully so they do not hurt others feelings it is honest however the things you are discussing here are horrible. You would never dream of saying things like that, especially to peoples faces. You don't know what kind of effect you could have on them. People like this should learn to keep their mouths closed.
• United States
26 Dec 06
Thank you. On that we can agree. I always thought if you could not say something nice, it would be better to be quiet. If you are asked for an opinion, then that is different. You can find an intelligent way to express yourself.
@vikhram (201)
• India
24 Dec 06
Frank people need to know about others who hear what they speak They need to tell what is sensitive and what is embrassing
• United States
26 Dec 06
I think their problem is, they don't care about what is sensitive and embarassing. They just want to say what they want to say.
• India
24 Dec 06
Some people mean well and say things for our own good. That is fine. Thhere is another lot which says things to hurt us and make us feel bad though they make it sound as if they actually care but they add in that liitle smirk as well. These are people whom you should keep a distance from
• United States
26 Dec 06
Sometimes people in that first group are just a little rough around the edges but are fine once you get to know them. The second group, you want to scratch them off your friends list.