what are the things that you can't live without?

December 24, 2006 11:29am CST
I can't go without my cellfone and laptop. How about you?
4 responses
@hemant11 (111)
• India
24 Dec 06
my cellphone my computer my girlfriend
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
my initial idea is only about material things, like gadgets. but of course, aside from celfone and laptop, i can't live without my husband and 3 kids! They are my life!
@hemant11 (111)
• India
24 Dec 06
good to hear that me too cant live without my parents and sister and my best friend besides my girlfriend
@XhappyX (143)
• Malaysia
24 Dec 06
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
yup! Sorry, i forgot LOL!!!
@Opteron (1842)
• Italy
24 Dec 06
I think I can't live without my cell phone and my desktop pc too. I love computers...so I always need a pc near me so I can stay on internet or play videogames. In summer, when I go in my second home, I use only a handeld pc that is fun..but not as much my desktop pc I am using now! Playing games or surfing internt in a 17" lcd screen is much better than a 4" screen ;D
@siva12 (799)
• India
24 Dec 06
I can't go without my purse. It always with me, when I am leaving my house. Without this I can't go outside.