Do you Hate Americans/Asians/Africans/Muslims/Christians/Hindus....
By Chaand
@Chaand (10)
December 24, 2006 12:12pm CST
I saw a discussion initiated by a member in which he referred to a certain group of people as "dirty foreigners", and another one wondering about and questioning the morality of people from Countries like Russia, China, India, Pakistan etc...
Will someone tell me whether such thoughts and comments originate from sick minds or out of frustration or due ro misconceptions.
Some people just hate a person or group or nationality or a country for no apparent reason. They could hate Americans or Asians or Africans or Europeans or whites or blacks or Muslims or Christians or Hindus or Jews or Russians or Germans or Indians... The list could be very long.
More often than not this hatred is due to one's perceptions based on hearsay or sometimes even on some personal experiences that could be nothing more than isolated incidents.
Could someone tell me how to help such people shed their misconceptions
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75 responses
@linzmcwilliams (1552)
24 Dec 06
I was really quite disturbed by the topic you make reference too. The problem is that people see foreigners as stealing their jobs and resources though really many of them do the jobs that they would not. I would also like to know how to change these peoples views but sometimes they are so deep routed one person saying it is wrong will not make a difference. More often than not it is the way such people have been brought up.
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@caribe (2465)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Talking to people who are closed minded is like talking to the wind. They are going to believe what they are going to believe and there is nothing you can say to change them. I could make some good points from some experiences but why bother. They are not going to change their hatred or beliefs, many of which are untrue, no matter what you say.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Hi! First of all, I'm in one of your above-mentioned hated groups. All I can say is, oh well, because a lot of people who hate aren't interested in learning about others or about keeping an open mind about letting individuals break stereotypes. A lot of Americans are frustrated about illegals in this country. I personally have a good reason - one of them killed my brother. That doesn't make them all bad people, I realize, but most of them aren't here to help us, if you know what I mean. They want a free ride from our country, which isn't fair. I guess all I can say is that some hate and bad feelings are caused out of frustration from situations we can't control. Some of it is brainwashed sickness. Either way, it would be nice to be able to do away with hatred against others.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
24 Dec 06
Just to clarify, I didn't say I had good reason for hating a "race." I said I have good reason for having a problem with illegals in this country. :_)
@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
just wanna say that topics like these are useless and senseless although these probably get a lot of responses too.
really guys, americans, africans, muslims, christians, hindus, black, white, yellow, etc - are PEOPLE.
and we are all entitled to the SAME RIGHTS.
whoever disagrees is a narrow-minded, ignorant, uneducated bigot.
@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
getting defensive now aren't we?
that's what this website is for.
to voice out our opinions?
free speech?
my opinion is - it's stupid and senseless?
i can't call you on the phone now, can i?
how else am i supposed to say it?
you posted something pretty controversial. i replied with my opinion as well.
and if you don't know it - then you must be stupid.
@sweetieBerry (235)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
let me correct that...
i thought you were the person who posted the topic.
@TallSteve (80)
25 Dec 06
Well with attitudes like that its no wonder the worlds countres are at each others throats - civilsed discussion I dont think so!
@dhananjay102 (48)
• India
25 Dec 06
i used to be a fond of hindusm in past.beaing of differnt religion doesnt change the fact that u r "human being".its we who created a religion.All spiritual leader told that we are iccense of a god but cetain people misleaded concept for there benifit.ok its a long issue.
Do u know 1'st clear u r concept then others.For the same purpose i suggest u to do ART OF LIVING course.For more details go to our GURUJI SRI SRI RAVISHANKARJI is a LIVING GOD.And he is SPIRITUAL not RELIGIOUS.JAY GURUDEV.
@dhananjay102 (48)
• India
25 Dec 06
Yes you are absolutely right. The art of living is one of the good course for each and everyone .It became a need for everyone in today's fast life. due to the lots of stress in the day to day life man get invited lots of disease by taking tensions. The AOL teach u how to get relaxed by doing the course it definitely reduse tension and increase your working ability by reducing ur time which u requre previously.So it is nice for every one.
@mansha (6298)
• India
24 Dec 06
I have also seen that topic but didn't post a reply to it. I thought he ws not worth wasting time on. Many americans do get rude sometimes. I met one in India, she was buying Saree, our dress. She was asking the shopkeeper how is it worn. Shopkeeper asked me to help him, I was also there to buy one. I helped the lady put on the saree and since saree's blue color matched her eyes I complimneted her that she looks beautiful in that saree, instead of thanking me she says I know that, you dont have to tell me bloody hell. very rudely. I was really taken aback. But I thought I shouldn't judge a country due to one person, so I will request people here too, not to judge a country or race based on the experience of few meetings or few people.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
25 Dec 06
interesting have never heard an american say bloody hell or bloody anything...Now my friend from the UK will usr that expression. I why I liked living where I lived. We had all races and religions. It's sad because ya know in the world blacks dislike this race and mexicans dislike this race and whites dislike this race and so on and so forth....but what is the funniest thing of all any topic on racism some how or some way someone has to point it at America....I was brought up to like everyone by my mom and was brought up in a farming community of less than 4000 people(registered) that didn't count for the illegals that we had there. We didn't have any problems in our area and were friends wiht many of them. I really don't have a problem with anyone wanting to come here to work but shoot when I first got out of high school I wanted to go to the local packing shed for the summer to work and was told I probably wouldn't get the job because I wasn't spanish so I had to go the next town over to find work. I don't have a prob until a friend was so sick and needed to get assistance because she couldn't work and couldn't get any government aid. The list goes on...Do I hate...nah But there has to be a better way to handle things. I have to walk out of the room when the topics turn to race when we are all together here and company come over. We are all human.
@ranimukul (130)
• India
25 Dec 06
I do not hate anyoine. It is a sin to hate someone... you may dislike someone...but never hate ....
@shedii (1486)
• India
19 Jan 07
I think they have started feeling insecure like for example Asians are very good in some fields & they are occuping many good jobs in USA. In such situations many people of USA have started feeling insecure that those jobs have gone to foreigners. Then there are people who think they, their country or religion is superior & they say this or that about foreigners to them. Another example is of muslims. Most of the terrorists are muslims, so many people generalise them & say that muslims are bad whereas there are both good & bad people in muslims. We really can't reason out why some foreigner talk very negatively about their foreigners because there can be many reasons behind it.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Jul 07
Well the way to not assume people from certain countries have no morals is for the people of that country to act as if they had morals. Show you are not like the bad people in your country because they are hurting your reputation and bringing your country down. That means, if it is customary for the business men or customs officials to take bribes, be the one who does not do that. I am part German and I decided not to be rude or arrogant or bossy. Yet I decided not to be ashamed. For those who see the other people they hate, if they see that more and more people of that particular group are not acting like what they assumed and hated them for that, then they will change their perceptions. About those personal experiences, they are usually a cumulation of personal experiences. One Russian ripping someone off will not make one a racist, but multiply that several times, will.
@jamie11982 (1658)
• United States
25 Dec 06
I think that people think and talk this way because of how they where brought up. When i was a child my grandmother used to call blacks the n word. As i grew up i learened that there was no reason to hate people like this and also learned that this was how she was brought up and i was brought up differently because of the schools today. I'm 24 and my gram passed away almost 4 years ago now so when she left us she was 71. I don't understand why some people have to hate other's just because of where they are from or because of the color of their skin. We are all some how realted no matter the skin color or country that they are from. We need to all get along and some don't want that.
@anjuscor (1266)
• India
25 Dec 06
A wonderful disucssion.
I do see many people, who hate people for no apparent reason. But you cant tell them the truth, they will never accept it. What they think is always right. Many americans are harsh about indians. Many indians hate muslims, just because they are from pakistan.
It doesnt make any sense to me. You always rate the person with his attitude and behaviour. Not with his religion. I never do that to anybody. I wish everybody is like me, when i see people like that. I tell them too. But they never listen which is really sad.
@sanjuktadas (52)
• India
25 Dec 06
I understand what you are trying to say and I feel that one should never pass a comment like hating a community or a group of people. One should never hate someone without knowing them well.