@arseniajoaquin (1732)
December 24, 2006 10:30pm CST
1In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was invisible and unequipped, and darkness was above the abyss, and the Spirit of God was moving above the water.
3And God said:
“Let light become.”
And light became. 4And God saw that the light is good. And God separated between the light and between the darkness. 5And God called the light day and He called the darkness night. And it became evening and it became morning, first day.
6And God said:
“Let firmness become in the middle of the water and let separation be between water and water.”
And it became thus. 7And God made the firmness, and God separated between the water, which was under the firmness, and between the water above the firmness. 8And God called the firmness heaven. And God saw that it is good. And it became evening and it became morning, second day.
9And God said:
“Let the water under the heaven assemble into one synagogue, and let the dry appear.”
And it became thus. And the water under the heaven assembled into the synagogues of them, and the dry appeared. 10And God called the dry earth and He called the systems of the waters sea. And God saw that it is good. 11And God said:
“Let the earth grow botany of grass, seed yielding according to genus and according to likeness, and fruit-bearing tree producing fruit, of which the seed of it in it according to genus on the earth.”
And it became thus. 12And the earth brought out botany of grass, seed yielding according to genus and according to likeness, and fruit-bearing tree producing fruit, of which the seed of it in it according to genus on the earth. And God saw that it is good. 13And it became evening and it became morning, third day.
14And God said:
“Let lights become in the firmness of the heaven into lights of the earth to separate between the day and between the night and let them stand into signs and into times and into days and into years. 15And let them stand into lights in the firmness of the heaven so as to shine on the earth.”
And it became thus. 16And God made the two great lights, the great light into ruler of the day and the lesser light into ruler of the night, and the stars. 17And God set them in the firmness of the heaven so as to shine on the earth 18and to rule the day and the night and to separate between the light and between the darkness. And God saw that it is good. 19And it became evening and it became morning, fourth day.
20And God said:
“Let the waters lead out reptiles of living psyches and birds flying on the earth throughout the firmness of the heaven.”
And it became thus. 21And God made the great fishes and all psyches of living reptiles, which the waters led out according to genus of them, and every bird flying according to genus. And God saw that they are good. 22And God eulogized them saying:
“Grow and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.”
23And it became evening and it became morning, fifth day.
24And God said:
“Let the earth lead out living psyches according to genus, four-footed and reptiles and beasts of the earth according to genus.”
And it became thus. 25And God made the beasts of the earth according to genus and the cattle according to genus and all the reptiles of the earth according to genus of them. And God saw that they are good. 26And God said:
“Let us make man according to our icon and according to likeness, and let them rule the fishes of the sea and the birds of the heaven and the cattle and all of the earth and all the reptiles creeping on the earth.”
27And God made the man, He made him according to the icon of God, He made them male and female. 28And God eulogized them saying:
“Grow and multiply and fill the earth and lord over it and rule over the fishes of the sea and the birds of the heaven and all of the cattle and all of the earth and all of the reptiles creeping on the earth.”
29And God said:
“Behold I have given to you every grass producing yielding seed, which is above all the earth, and every tree, which has in itself fruit producing seed — it will be to you into food – 30and to all the beasts of the earth and to all the birds of the heaven and to every reptile creeping on the earth, which has in itself psyche of life, every green grass into food.”
And it became thus. 31And God saw all the things, whatsoever He made, and behold they are very good. And it became evening and it became morning, sixth day.
1And the heaven and the earth were completed and the whole world of them. 2And God completed in the sixth day the works of Him, which He made, and He rested on the seventh day from all of the works of Him, which He made. 3And God eulogized the seventh day and He made it holy, because He rested from all of the works of Him in it, which God began to do.
4This is the book of the genesis of heaven and earth, when it became, which day God made the heaven and the earth 5and every green of the field before the time to become on the earth and every grass of the field before the time to rise; for God rained not on the earth, and there was not man to work the earth, 6and spring went up out of the earth and watered the whole face of the earth.
7And God molded the man dust from the earth and He breathed into the face of him breath of life, and the man became into a living psyche.
8And the Lord God planted paradise in Eden down from the east and He placed there the man, whom He molded. 9And God made to rise out of the earth every beautiful tree into appearance and good into food and the tree of life in the middle of the paradise and the tree of knowledge to know good and evil. 10And a river went out of Eden to water the paradise; it separates from there into four beginnings. 11A name to one is Phison; this is the one which surrounds the whole land Euilat, where the gold is there; 12and the gold of that land is good; and the coal is there and the onyx stone. 13And a name to the second river is Geon; this is the one which surrounds the whole land of Ethiopia. 14And the third river is Tigris; this is the one going opposite Assyria. And the fourth river, this is Euphrates.
15And the Lord God took the man, whom He molded, and He placed him in the paradise to work and to guard it. 16And the Lord God commanded Adam saying:
“From every tree in the paradise thou may eat food, 17but from the tree to know good and evil, eat not from it; and whichever day you eat from it, you shall die with death.”
18And the Lord God said:
“It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make for him a helper according to him.”
19And God still molded out of the earth all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the heaven and He led them to Adam to see, what he will call them, and everything, whatever living psyche Adam called it, this is the name of it. 20And Adam called names to all the cattle and all the birds of heaven and all the beasts of the field, and Adam found not a helper like him.
21And God casted ecstasy on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of the ribs of him and He filled up flesh for her. 22And the Lord God built the rib, which He took from Adam, into a woman and He led her to Adam. 23And Adam said:
“Now this is a bone out of the bones of me and flesh out of the flesh of me; this will be called woman, because this herself was taken out of the man.”
24Because of this a man shall leave the father of him and the mother of him and he will be joined to the woman of him, and the two will be into one flesh. 25And the two were naked, both Adam and the woman of him, and they were not ashamed. (Genesis 1:1 to 2:25)
I hope everybody will learn from this. May God bless all of us. SEN
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5 responses
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
Chapters 1 & 2 of the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible - whole of creation. Nice to have it here for anybody to want to know or scrutinize.
@paarsurrey (62)
• Pakistan
21 Jan 07
Well I have read the Bible, OTBible, NTBible and Quran. To me, Adam was not the first man but he was the first civilised man who got revelation from GodAllahYHWH. The rest is all symbolical, othewise a lot of questions arise which do not have a proper solution. My belief is reason oriented and it is not a blindfaith.
I am an Ahmadi, a peaceful faith in Islam
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@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
21 Jan 07
Great! The hands of God moves in lots of wonderful ways, just a while ago I responded to one who was asking why there should there be only one god?
Because, my time now is spent mostly in the net, I seem to forget to read my bible, Good you now have the time to encode them here. God Bless your sharing here.
@celinlocario (334)
• Philippines
31 Jan 07
I can't ask for more, all the verses pertinent to creation are already here. I hope people will learn from these which are actually Bible verses.