do you read the Bible?

December 26, 2006 7:43am CST
last night i've been thingking about the problems i'm going through, i also felt that i'm losing my strength, even my trust to God, but suddenly i remember the bible we have, my mind is telling not to get and read it, but i had this feeling that saying "go on read it", and i did,even if it's getting late already i still don't wanna close it, i still want to read the bible, i did'nt feel the emptiness, there are so much to learn from that holy book.
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78 responses
@sunshinecup (7871)
26 Dec 06
It's best if you are new to reading the Bible to invest in a Student Bible. They tend to break down the termonology into laymen terms so you can understand it better. Plus they have a discussion section that will guild you through understanding what the passage is saying to you. I also suggest focusing on the New Testoment first. That is where the most important and helpful stuff is, if your a Christain. I read the Bible on nights when I feel I just need to chill from the world and and all it's problems, then I ponder over what I have read and sort out it's meaning. i like you feel it fills the emptiness this world can give you. Good luck and thanks for posting this, it's a wonderful topic.
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• United States
26 Dec 06
I disagree that the OP needs a student bible. One might be helpful at some point but personally I would suggest a King James Bible and not a commentary bible, at least not for awhile. Bibles with commentary have a tendency to interject a lot of opinion (that's what commentary is) and that opinion can easily influence a person. Sometimes the 'facts' in commentary are simply wrong. Rather than get a student bible, just find a good KJV and Strong's Concordance. The New Testament, while very important, is not the 'most important'. The OT lays the foundation for the NT and is very, very relevant even today, so I'd start with the OT as it's vital for understanding the NT. If you can't get a copy of Strong's Concordance, you can use the online versions. There are several available. I hope that helps some!
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@craftwave (1338)
• United States
26 Dec 06
The King James has a lot of words that they used then that we use now but the definition has changed as to how we use it today. It causes to much confusion as to the meaning of scripture
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@chuggs (314)
• United States
26 Dec 06
I find that reading a study bible that is tranlated in the language we use today much easier to read and understand. I recommend to anyone who is having trouble understanding the bible to get one. It really makes a difference.
@bf1985 (57)
• Ireland
26 Dec 06
It is true that if you are going through a difficult time that you will find an answer for what you are going through. We have to study the bible for our religiuos studies. It is amazing to say that the Bible is a relevant now as it was thousands of years ago. Everything that is happening in society now can be explained by segments from the Bible. The Bible attemptes to tell us to refrain from bad things that are happening in the world today.
• India
27 Dec 06
let me tell the meaning of BIBLE...BIBLE stands for Basic Instruction Before Leaving whatever way either in good times or in bad times...U will find Peace, Joy, Happiness, Love, Justice, Salvation, Forgiveness only in THE BIBLE...
• India
27 Dec 06
hi my sorts of outdorr games, specially cricket name is mohit, i am 20 year old guy, currently i am in third year pesuing my engineering in electrical and elecronics, i love music and playin all sorts og games, i have never reead bible
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
27 Dec 06
Try reading The Bible.It will make a great change in your life.Test it and find that it is real.
• Saint Lucia
26 Dec 06
it is true although i have never read it but thanks to your discussion i will set that in mind to read the bible. i hope you find the answers you're looking for. good luck
• United States
26 Dec 06
I agree with alot of people here. You can fine alot of answer to alot of problems in your life in the texts.Also I also believe that King James version is not the best. Alot of words were added to it to boost the mean. Also the King James was translated 3 times before it was decided on which one was to be used. Also a study guide is a good idea. Thanks to all
@Riciel (24)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
yah that's really true. It feels like you are enlighten right? though you almost like to feel despair, but just read a Holy bible then you'll finally ease the burden your carrying!
@johnalan (64)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 06
I hate Christianity and how come i can read bible? if Bible can make me earn money then i will read it, otherwise, don't even say anything about Christianity to me..
26 Dec 06
Who said you have to love it in order to read it? Better yet, who asked you if you love Christianity? Ever heard of the concept if you have nothing productive to say, shut up? It's a good idea SOME need to think about. BTW brains and sense helps one to earn money, my heart goes out to you.
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• United States
26 Dec 06
Hmm, what does this have to do with the topic? Also, why do you hate christianity? I'd like to know your thoughts on that.
• United States
27 Dec 06
Maybe you should post your own discussion as to why you hate Christianity and explain yourself instead of putting others down for their beliefs. Really it is sad in my opinion that you do not believe. If you read the bible and believed, you may recieve blessings you never dreamed or imagined, but for the unbeliever, I can offer you nothing, but to search your own soul and not put others down for their beliefs.
@code_11 (902)
• Nigeria
27 Dec 06
yeah you're right the bible ain't just an ordinary book, its a great book that one needs to read at least a verse everyday.
@code_11 (902)
• Nigeria
27 Dec 06
yeah you're right the bible ain't just an ordinary book, its a great book that one needs to read at least a verse everyday.
@rap_craig (154)
• India
27 Dec 06
if its so i'll try to read it.
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
The Bible for most Christians has always been the source of life,motivation,guidance, and to live a fulfilled life.To read is to assimilate and to make into flesh the Word of God... by practicing the Word of God. (^-^)
27 Dec 06
Through the bible there is a message for each one of us for every trial and tribulations that we go through in this journey of life. When your lonely , feeling blue or just otherwise just open the bible to any page and read the first line that you catch hold of and believe it or not that line will have something valuable to say to you.
• India
27 Dec 06
no i don't bcoz i am christian
• Italy
27 Dec 06
No, I don't read the bibble. I read my mind and i looking for the problem I have. It's toodifficult but, for me, it's only way. I read, when i can, Hubbard's book. Thanks for your very interest post Ettore
@DigWeed (225)
• Romania
27 Dec 06
yes verry wekly
@JBD189 (345)
• India
27 Dec 06
Yes. I read the Bible too. But, somehow I still need lessons to interpret the Bible.
@Katy238 (1028)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I suggest keep reading it. There is always a solution to what you are going through. If you pray the Lord show you what he wants you to know. Rest assured that He will tell you what to read. He does it to me all the time. Sometimes it is a scripture of encouragment, other times He wants to show me something. Always hide the Word in your heart. It truly gives you peace!
@pitstop (14777)
• Australia
27 Dec 06
Awesome - I'm sure it was God leading you to read the Bible because He cares for you. Hope you continue to enjoy it and come close to God!
@deepakg4 (895)
• India
27 Dec 06
• India
27 Dec 06
hey my friend, As i'm not Christian,so i don't read Bible.
• India
27 Dec 06