Killing me softly!! with his WORDS!
By katskie
@katskie (128)
December 26, 2006 8:06am CST
I have a bf for a yr now and got engage for a couple of months ago. He was from London and I live in the Philippines.We are connected through skype 24/7 with webcam and live conversation since i have a homebase job.Distance wasnt only the problem between the 2 of us. One issue is culture clash. Ive been very understanding when he is having doubts of me before, since we still havent met in person yet. I try my best to gain his trust and understanding why hes acting what hes acting.He seems to be very blunt and intentionally hurts me with his words against me most of the time.When he sees me crying after the fight.We pinoys are very sensitive.Be careful with what you say.He said "I ONLY TOLD YOU THAT TO GET A REACTION; I KNOW YOU CANT DO THAT AGAINST ME, IM SORRY". I thought after our dating and after we have spent time together when he came to the PI last September and got engage, things are gonna be ok.When he came back to London, he became more suspicious and more possessive.Now he doesnt want to see me gone for a moment infront of the webcam just to pee.I need to ask permission first hehehe.He gets jelous to everything from my guy friends from college before up to my cat.It really seem i can never do right.Well, as usual he is still doin what hes doin still hurting me.This January we planned to work on my fiance visa. I realize if he truly loves me then he should have stopped hurting me intentionally by his words.Were going to get married soon,I had enough and realize I should discuss the problem with him and he should change at least before I get there.I love him so much but I cant sacrifice my happiness all the time.Is it too much to ask?I only want him to control his temper and try not to use those hurting words and accusations against me once and for all.Please help me. I feel like I lost my interest working on the visa this January 2007.We are having a time out in our relationship at the moment. If this is the only way I can teach him a lesson. What if he doesnt change? Does it mean were done?
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54 responses
@rhilanthos (95)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
Point out to him is that his jealousy is getting in the way of your feelings. Tell him that you are hurt by his continuos paranoia. Make him understand that you really love him ;) If he really doesn't change, make the decision to either stay with him (even when he has that attitude) or break of with him. Either way, make sure that you are emotionally ready to face the consequences of the decision.
Happy trip (if you really do make it to London). Make sure to visit Buckingham Palace. Heard (unfortunately, I haven't gone their yet) it was a blast from my friends who work there.
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@katskie (128)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
I have already made all the efforts you know. Its still not working. I have already tried to discuss this and promise not to do it again. Hes doing the same mistakes again.The reason why it bothers me a lot because I adore him so much...What are the other ways I can make him feel secure of my love?
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@tobproud (2)
• United States
27 Dec 06
i think that u should just get out more in the real worl get out from in front of the screen and see people in the flesh get a hug from a dear friend and follow ur instict of fear he is dangerous due to his obssesive behavior and his untrustworthy of u get out hon this is not for u
@combat_girl (166)
• India
26 Dec 06
he doesnt trust u. If he does this before u met then god only save u after marriage my brother who is also a mylot user has a girl friend in philippines he's commited to her. I see him talking most of the time with her on the computer and even on phone but i don't think so he's so obsessive about her. I know distance kills but i need to say this if i wud be in ur position i wud ask him to shut his mouth shut his computer down and go to sleep lol. But he needs to change i seriously think u need to talk if he still doesnt change there's no other option but to dump him but ur engaged so think over my friend
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@kokopelli (4842)
• United States
26 Dec 06
getting married is a big step, you should not rush it. if you have this doubts and fear on your relationship coz of the way he's treating you now, it's not right to jump into the main level. it is essential that couple treat each other right. being away from home is hard enough, how much more if you're in another territory and having a relationship with respect and trust problems. you need time, you both need to know each other well, and need to make major adjustments yet. every person is different, and every couple go thru adaption and acceptance period, can you imagine how much it would take for both of you having different cultures? marriage is not a joke. you're young. take time to sort things out. if your love for each other is deep and real, you can wait til you clear things out, when you're both ready to take that big leap.
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@scorpius (1792)
• India
26 Dec 06
well i am a guy and yea there are times that we do hurt the people we love the most.why well maybe we boys are made like that.but please remember that to any relationship communicaiton is the key.make him aware as to how much he hurts yuo with his words and that u cannot take that.if necessary seek help from a counsellor.but more importantly communicate!that said i think that u guys shoold e able to work it out.and tell him that being possessive is not really that attractive a quality.give him a taste of his own medicine,start being possessive of him.
mayi ask something,is he a scorpio?
@Interlude (88)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Long distance relationships can be very hard-- especially if it's online-based, without having met the other person at all. I've been in a long-term online relationship before, so I can, to a certain extent, sympathize. We were together for about a year or so, and we were "engaged," as well. Really, though, I think that being engaged to someone else you haven't really met or have only met a few times is not always the best idea. A person can be VERY different from how they act online... You don't know if he is going to be as jealous or doubtful in person, or if he will be worse.
Also, because you aren't able to be with that other person, trust can be a very big issue in online/long distance dating. I myself am a very insecure person, so I can relate to your boyfriend. Even if you spend most of the time talking to him-- and one webcam, at that, you still are not getting quite the same feel/vibe/visuals/communication (or whatever else you want to call it). You do not have that PERSONAL contact that can be so reassuring. Touch is not something that should be underestimated in its impact on a relationship. There's also the fact that they don't know your friends, and probably they have not even met them or know too much about them. Your boyfriend isn't going to see your life apart from the immediate location of the webcam, for the most part. It's...well, I guess scary, if you're afraid of losing someone. And sometimes a person that has such doubts...takes it out on the other person. Like, with me, I doubt myself (that is, I don't think I'm good enough), so I doubt my boyfriend. (Currently, I am dating someone in person. I couldn't take it anymore with the online guy-- a lot of that was trust related, but there's also the fact that he had been begging some other girls do things on webcam with him, then a month later started spending a lot of time/the night with a girl in person, so... That's the sort of thing I was always afraid of, and it happened, and after enough is enough.) But I don't want to think about how much I may or may not dislike myself, so I don't think about that-- and I use the fears I have in my relationship to distract myself-- every time he does something wrong, I dwell on it, and I add it into justifications for not trusting him.
So, yeah. I guess I'm saying that I understand how your boyfriend feels... It's hard. On the other hand, when you're feeling HURT by his actions/words... See, if you have given him any reason not to trust you, that would maybe make things different. He might not be trying to hurt you-- he might just be releasing his anger, frustration, or his own hurt. It's painful to deal with betrayal, and sometimes people do that in ways that can be even more damaging to the relationship. But if you have done nothing to betray him or damage his trust in you, then he really is not behaving appropriately toward you. It really isn't right to take out insecurities or problems on others. Now, is he always blunt? Because some people are just like that, and they might not understand that it makes other people uncomfortable. But if he's just started or if he is only doing it toward you about certain things, well...
I don't know what to say, really. He might just be really afraid of losing you, or he might not be the right guy for you. Because if this is how he is, and it hurts you, you can't expect him to change who he is entirely... If you love him, you love him for who he is. Of course he can work on certain things-- that's why it's important to understand if he is like this only about you/certain things, or if this is his general personality. But, either way, if you've expressed to him your feelings on the matter, and he hasn't tried to change at all, he just isn't willing, and if he doesn't care enough to try to make you happy, I don't think that either of you are ready to marry each other.
I know this isn't really any help... I can understand how hard it is, but I can't really put any advice I might have into words. It's probably good to be taking a "time out" right now, just to evaluate how much you care about him and how much he cares about you. Because, from your article above, I can't tell how he feels for you, and I didn't really take away great feelings of love for him that you have... You said you do, but what you wrote sounded like you had already given up, but you felt guilty and were trying to justifiy it. (Or perhaps I'm reading too much of myself into this.) The only thing you can do is figure out what you want, and talk to him. No one here can tell you what to do. If he doesn't change, that doesn't mean that you are done-- because that is up to you. Be careful about teaching lessons this way, though... Don't treat it too much like a game-- having space can be good, but not if you're doing it spitefully. So, I guess my advice is to think about things yourself, first, and then talk to him in a serious, mature manner. That's the only way this can be dealt with. Oh, and also-- every relationship is going to have troubles. It's how you handle those troubles that make the relationship solid or not. Love comes with time. That means working through those troubles, and staying with your partner through it. That, in my opinion, is what defines a relationship.
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@katskie (128)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
One thing im sure of. I dont want to loose him, how long can I stand? that is the question.My mom told me that the glow in my face is back after a while my fiance and I hasnt contacted each other. Maybe all the upset he have given me was showing in my face already and my family is aware of whats happening. I never tried to really open up to them since I dont want them to hate him espe. now that he is going to be a part of my family soon.Im trying to protect him from there judgement. I think I have showed enough assurance that I wasnt fooling around. I can only go out with the family but never alone since he doesnt like that.I also need to ask permission too coz hes gonna call me on my mobile to check on me.I agree talking online and being together in person is a totally diff thing.I am sure that I love him, im willing to give space a little to make him think. This COOL OFF situation is helping me recover plus I can do whatever i want to do now. Ive enjoying my friends company and I just realize how long we havent seen each other since I try not to join them because my fiance dont trust any guy een my closest guy friends.Maybe its the freedom I want to have. Thank you for your advice.I really appreciate it
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
26 Dec 06
Well I really think that it sounds like he has issues..and until he can deal with them this will continue. If he treats you like this will be worse when you are married. I think you need to tell him how you feel and tell him if he can't change then you really can't see a future with him...You don't want to be married and then divorced a few months later...
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@katskie (128)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
I already tried to make him feel secured of me and my love for him.I have told him many times about this and he says he will try his best but when he gets mad he really gets mad and tends to forget to watch his mouth again...I love him and I will be willing to wait until he change his ways.I miss him already and I dont know how long can I hold on with this "COOL OFF" situation.If I give in now it wont really help me and him.He calls everyday just to let me know he missed me too.Its easy to forgive him you know but hard to forget.I feel down sometimes knowing the man you love so dearly is the man who could hurt you deeply more than any other person.I really dont like to divorce him eventually too.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Dec 06
I would say if he doesn't change then I would call it a Day as that is terrible and it is not good at all
I think you need to put it straight to him what point is there in a Relationship when there is no trust at all
I am in a Relationship and we are 3 Hours apart at the moment and both of us have to trust the other we speak on the Phone everyday
I am moving closer to him next year but we have been together 3 Years now and there is none of that what so ever
@Beautiful_Nightmare (1337)
27 Dec 06
He doesn't trust you and he shouldn't be hurting you emotionally either. Explain how you feel to him and tell him that his jealously and possiveness has to stop. If it doesn't stop or at least slow down, then I'm sorry but you need to dump him. Give him the benefit of the doubt and a 2nd chance but make sure he knows how you feel and were he stands if it doesn't stop.
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@johnalan (64)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 06
In my opinion, long distance relationship don't come with good ending.
If he hurting you with his words, he is not the guy for you.
as a guy, he must love his partner and trust her, not keep hurting her and control her.
As 1 of my suggestion, it is no good to marry him.
he can do anything he want but you cant, it is not fair.
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@jangali123 (245)
27 Dec 06
i do'nt know how to solve that problem but i can say it's better to solve or try to solve it before.b'coz it will be very difficult after marriage b'coz after that men become more possesive,he just started thinking legal right on you have time to think ,decide.once you will be married it will be more wiered.i am telling you,b'coz i got married after that i experienced he become more possesive.some timeit hurts lot
first use your mind,think after that do whatever you think right
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
26 Dec 06
Well some people do have a perception that distant relationships donot work
It worked for me too
Well i used to chat with my gf on net talk to her on phone met her many times and we are into a relationship since 4 years
It all depends seriously it seems that your bf isnt interested!
So if at all he shows such signs its better to dump him
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@juliocstryfe (2019)
• Brazil
27 Dec 06
Sadly we men are like that, sometimes we only realise how much we need something after we loose it.
And sadly, men dont change easily.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
26 Dec 06
If he is actinglike this, and you havenĀ“t even metin person yet i would be scared and i would not persue the relation. I do not belive that this relationship has a future, he sounds to be alittle bit possessive of you - imagine how it will be when u meet?
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@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
well i guess you have to fix that as soon as now. January is nearly fast approaching. He is obviously a very jealous guy. Being jealous is ok but too much of it is not good. He is very insecure and in that case he dont trust you. As soon as now you have to make it clear to him because if he dont trust you here what more if your there. What could be the worst thing to happen if someone is too much over jealous.
@josan181237 (1204)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
i'm a Filipino too! ^_^ yeah..boys can be really possessive but that is not an excuse for them to say harsh words that can be very offensive. i think you need more time to know your boyfriend more before finally tying the knot. and if he can't still control his temper then that means you won't be happy together so might as well go on separate ways.