My Step daughter is trying to tear us apart

United States
December 26, 2006 8:34am CST
My step daughter has been trying to tear me and my husband apart for 4 years. I thought she just needed time but she is now getting worse instead of better. She is always making my husband feel guilty. She has broken us up once and we got back together. We love each other like crazy. We have decide to have our own child and she just found out that I had my tubes reversed. Yesterday she turned to me and stated that she was giving her father a choice. If he had a baby with me she would never see him again. That it was me or her. Now I am worried I have never wanted my husband to have to choose. It's just wrong. She is 15 and spoiled rotten which is the problem. Any advice. I have other children that love and adore him and he has two other children that love and adore me and always come over. What should I do. Should I tell him what she said to me? Or just let it go and see what happens.
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48 responses
@katskie (128)
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
Its is too much for A STEP-DAUGHTER to make his poor daddy choose. Remember BLOOD is thicker than WATER. This gurl needs some spanking i guess. She is becoming too selfish. If she truly loves her father then she would be happy to see her daddy happy with you. Only you can make her daddy happy. She needs to realize that.I wish your husband can think of a way to resolve this and learn how to discipline his daughter right.Your husband has spoiled his daughter im afraid.I wish you the best.I would be happy to hear one day that you are pregnant already. The baby will definately distract daddys attention for his spoiled daughter hahaha....
• United States
26 Dec 06
My husband has come along way in the years I have known him. Which is the reason that she hates me. She moved in with us and wanted to control everything when she was 11. I put my foot down and refused stating that it wasn't healthy. She made my children miserable to the point that they refused to come out of there rooms when she was around. I finally told my husband that if he didn't despline her and didn't stop giving her everything she wanted she would have to move back to her mom's. He left with her and got his own apartment. Then he realized she was using him and she was becoming unbearable. He moved back in with me and her with her mother. Since then she has tried alot of things to tear us apart. I think I might tell him what she said after I get pregnant in front of her. So that he can see how vicious she is.
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@rash219 (808)
• United States
27 Dec 06
u know i think u betta say it sooner than later for who know wat all crazie thingss she might try.....
@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
26 Dec 06
For along time I was in this situation with my girlfriend kids. Actually 2 of them treated me good it was 1 daughter always trying to break us up. We sat down with her and told her I was'nt trying to be her new dad I was just trying to be with their mom. Things got alittle worst before they got better. We made the mistake of telling the kids we where thinking on having our own baby together. 2 of them where ok with it but the other just did'nt want to hear it. Well today the kids have gotten better and we all get along great MOST OF THE TIME. I think either your daughter needs time to come around where she feels ok with everything and if that dont work just sit her down and tell her its not fair shes trying to break you's up and theres nothing she could do to break you's up. She might hit the roof but I think once it settles in, your going to stay with him no matter what made she will turn around. Sorry to hear about this but I hope all works out for you.
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• United States
26 Dec 06
Thank you it's nice to hear that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. She is almost 16 and I don't know if she will ever come around but the other kids to get along great and are happy to have another addition to the family.
@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
28 Dec 06
step daughter - step daughter
your husband should be hard hitting to her, because she has been a very bad girl and if he let her then she will grow up to be a selfis cruel person and nobody will like her. because what he did by spoiling her only will make her should tell him what his daughter said to you.if your husband finally made decision by letting you go for her then u got to accept it.but you must convince him and make him realize that as a parents we sometimes have to be bit hard on our child just to let them understand how life is.
• United States
28 Dec 06
I am afraid she has already turned into the selfish cruel person. She has no regard for anybodys feelings. Not even her siblings. She has been this way since I have know her 6 years. She just gets worse with age. I have talked to my husband and he has told her our decision is not going to change because of what she has said. She is not talking to her father now. He in return has cut out her extra funding. Stating that if she doesn't want to have anything to do with him then we are not giving her any extras till she learns to behave. He still gives her mom child support but he use to give her all kinds of money and anything else she asked for. I think he has made a great break through in seeing what is happening.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
26 Dec 06
I think I would let it go, try not to show her it is bothering you, I know thats hard. She just wants to cause trouble. And I think if you show her it doesnt bother you, she will eventually get tired and stop. Best of luck
@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
27 Dec 06
Get the girl some couselling. Seriouisly. You are going to have to have a serious converstion with your husband. Spoiled or not, this is his life, and she's trying to control it. A 15 year-old should not be calling the shots for a grown man. You need to present her with a united front and tell her that she does not get to decide what decisions her father makes. You can only do that if he is willing to put his foot down. If he won't, it's probably better that you don't have kids with this man, because she's just going to continue to make trouble for you.
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@mfibong (138)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
if she's really a spoiled brat and will try to do everything to ruin your relationship with your husband, why don't you two try to be away from your kids first..find someone who can look after them..then you and your husband go some place else until your child is born..even though your husband knows that she's such a brat, a threat like the one you mentioned can still ruin your relationship with her dad because you can't prevent your husband from being worried about her daughter if she threatens him like, i think the best thing is to be away from her for some time so as not to give her an opportunity to threaten you and your husband..
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@Stiletto (4579)
27 Dec 06
Well a lot of it will be her age - 15 year olds can be very difficult! It does sound from your other comments though that she has been quite a handful for a while. Personally I would ignore it and carry on with your plans. I've no doubt she does feel threatened by the prospect of another baby competing for her fathers affection but it sounds like she is throwing a teenage tantrum and really it's best for you not to react.
@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I would probably be the type to tell him in front of her. Do you think she will deny it if you do? That is a possibility. You could tell him privately, and then confront her together. She is just going to have to see that you have a untied front.
• United States
27 Dec 06
To late my other step daughter told her father. She is 9 and as sweet as button. I guess her sister and her got into a fight because she over heard what was said to me. So she told her dad. He just talked to me about it. We are having our baby. He said we need to sit down and talk to her and she needs to either behave or not come around. I am on cloud nine. Although I did not want the other children involved. I think it worked out better because he just realized that she would hurt her own sister with her words to get her way. Now she can't deny the accusations.When he asked me I told him everything and started crying because i was scared. He then told me how he found out. I got on the phone with my 9 year old step daughter she was also crying she wants the baby and was worried. We both drove down and held her in our arms and told her not to worry that we would have the baby. It was the greatest moment. I felt a weight lifted knowing he would stand by me even if she walks away. We tried to talk to our 15 year old she refused. Stating she hates us both, My husband for the first time replied then forget about all the money since you hate us there also be no trip that is paid for by us till she straighten out. She yelled at him and stormed away stating that he wouldn't. On the way home he stated that he was serious and would not put up with it anymore. I really hope that she comes around although she has done a lot to hurt me she is still a child and I want her in our lives. We both love her but maybe now we can get her the help she needs without tearing ourselves apart. Thank you everybody for all the advice.
@soldenski (2503)
• United States
26 Dec 06
Welcome to my world!!!lol. I my life, it's my 15 year old that hates my husband. Although, we have a son together and she love's him. His daughter is close to becoming an adult, if she does not want to see him, because you have a baby, oh well, it's her loss. Someone told me, that when you love someone, you want them to be happy, if you don't want them happy, that is because you are selfish. That's what I think your step-daughter and my daughter are, selfish. I would mention what she told you to your husband, but would still have a baby with him, if she can't get over it, too bad. You deserve happiness and so does her father. Good luck
@Goranimal (315)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Excuse me for being harsh, but a good idea might be to start acting like a parent, your allowing a 15 your child to run your life and to allow her to have you and your husband split up is insane. Ground her, take away something she loves until she understands that he's not going away and if she doesnt then she needs to learn and live with it.
• United States
27 Dec 06
The reason she hates me is because I act like a parent and she has never had that and since her dad acts more like a parent then a friend she blames me. She liked all the money and the ability to do as she pleased when she wanted and that is were all the problems are arising from. I will not tolerate it under my roof. I do not allow my children to run wild and find it unacceptable for a 15 year old to do the same. She has been like this since I met her and she was 10. He left because he felt guilty and could not handle her being unhappy. I wrote him a letter basically to let him know that if this is what he choose because he could not make her follow rules then I hope one day he would be happy with his decision because I would not be there when she deserted him. He must have discussed it with her because he showed up in tears saying that I was right and she was out of control and going back to her mother's he knows that he is partly to blame as wells as her mum. I agree she needs a good spanking and put in her place but it should have been done when she was 10.
• India
26 Dec 06
Hi... i can understand your want to be with your husband and your husband is in such a position that he cant leave you and his daughter tooo.......but once you try to talk with your step daughter if she still hates you then its better you say everything to your husband because if anything happens you will be in guilty that whatever happened is because of you so..... its better to say everything to your husband...... all the best....
• United States
26 Dec 06
I have always been open and honest with my husband. I am afraid that he will not want to have a baby if she threatens him. I might be wrong. I am just scared. We have gone through a lot and the surgery was very painful for us to just throw it away because she is spoiled. Also the other kids are excited about it. What drives anh almost adult to say something that cruel on christmas? I was always taught to respect and treat people with care not be mean to them. That is what I am also trying to teach my children but how do you do that if you give just one child everything she wants when you know her actions are wrong?
• United States
26 Dec 06
First of all, I would love information about your reversal!! I have clamps on mine and started a discussion about it--would love your feedback pleaseeeee.... My children are younger, 12, 11, and 10 and they are good with my husband. My ex and I have a wonderful parental relationship and if they show disrespect to my husband he does not tolerate it. I am lucky because my ex and I are on the same page with raising the children and he thinks my husband is good with the kids. He know he loves them and trusts him. Do you have any contact with the mother? What is the relationship like? When kids are involved I think it's important that all of the parents at least have a good parental relationship so that the child(ren) know they cannot get away with disrespect or playing either parent.
• United States
26 Dec 06
I agree with you a 100%. It's great that you have the support of your x. Her mother I believe is the cause of a lot of our problems with my step daughter. Our other children are great together and we treat them equally when one disrepects us we correct it. For some reason with her my husband has a hard time because she is very manipulative. The other kids know and respect both of us. They know the rules and abide by them. When she isn't around we are all great together. When she is around it's a battle ground not just the tension between me and my husband but between her and the other kids. Including her siblings. It sounds like your are doing all the right things with your kids. I just have to figure out how to make it work with my step daughter for her fathers sake. If that is ever possible.
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
That attitude of your step daughter is a normal thing although not all kids do behave like that. What shes doing is just a defence mechanism because she feels that youre a threat to their family. She considers you as an intruder who is going to take away her father to them. Only one solution to this problem. try to befriend her. Its a hard task to do but it attainable. once you succeeded on thisa your dillema will end. Just be sure not to overdo it. Make her feel that youre somebody she could turn into at times of her troubles.
• United States
27 Dec 06
I understand the whole threat thing because all the children went through it in the beginning. But it has been 6 years of this and she hasn't out grown it. She is almost 16. We use to be close till she tried to get me to choose between my own daughter and her. When I refused she turned on me and it just keeps getting worse as she gets older.
• India
26 Dec 06
i think she is feeling unsecure and thus being possasive of her father. i would rather suggest you that you should take her into confidence and assure her that though u both love each other but u all love ur step daughter i think if you assure her that she is safe and secure she would not have a problem. as she is problebly facing depression
• United States
26 Dec 06
I have told her that I love her and tried doing special things with her so that she feels wanted. We even went to family counseling together. But if she doesn't get her way she lashes out and the things she wants to do are unhealthy and in my point of view unacceptable. Like when she moved in things got really bad because she told me she didn't want my daughter around that I had to choose and I refused telling her that I loved them both and would not make such a choice. She told me my life would be hell till I choose and that is what she did till I couldn't take it anymore. She always did in back of her father. She would tell her father that I was abusive and I never touched her or yelled at her then she would smile behind his back as she was telling him to me. I started carrying a tape recorder isn't that in sane.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I can't give you any advice on this situation but I do feel for you. Just make sure she knows she is loved. it is hard to come from a broken family. Kids always wish that their parents will reunite.
@rap_craig (154)
• India
27 Dec 06
go n tell the truth.
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
Maybe your husband should talk to his daughter and explain that she cant have all she want.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
27 Dec 06
This child needs to be taught a lesson. She needs to see that the world does not spin around her and that she is not the center of everything. I can imagine that the both of u are going through some tough times. the dad loving his daughter and you, and u not wanting himto choose - but maybe that´s what it takes, maybe she needs to see that her dad really loves you and is dedicated to you. just make sure that her dad is not making the choise - she is!!!
@babs6219 (153)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Have you ever thought about getting her some counseling? She may have some serious issues like an abandonment problem, or clinical depression. The manipulation, the rages, all pointto a problem of some sort. Good luck!
• Singapore
27 Dec 06
U need professional help, call the counselling hotline. Seek help at once.