HavinG BabieS BefOre Marrige
By Roswell
@Roswell (104)
December 26, 2006 11:09am CST
ItS a wOrld full Of peOple YounG men and wOmen have Babies at the Age of 17 or 18 or even befOre they Graduate High SchOol. ThiS InstanCe happened moStly every where arOund the wOrld thOugh few peOple apprOve of it sOme think itS a Sin or CRIME!!!
In India a wOmen waS beaten sOo... muCh that her infant in her wOmb died the reaSon beinG she had a Baby BefOre Marrige nOw thiS even cOmeS straiGht fOrward tO Middle Class n Lower Class who treat their pregnency cases differently
How wOuld u put it fOrward shOuld thiS Be Given suCh importanCe in 2days bOominG society??
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