how many meals do you eat on a day?

@ezzrssi (11188)
December 26, 2006 11:34am CST
tell please
7 responses
• Pakistan
27 Dec 06
Not more than 3
@chanfrado (1157)
• Portugal
26 Dec 06
As much as I can! lol Eating is my favourite hobbie lol
• United States
26 Dec 06
2 if im lucky
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
meals - We should eat at the right time, amount of food and good food. Never skip meals to help us keep strong and healthy.
I eat three times a day,i never skip meals to have energy and presence of mind to do something in work, sometimes i have my snack in the afternoon or midnight snacks.
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Dec 06
its 4 for me, breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Sometimes i have a very small breakfast at other times ill skip lunch and eat later but ideally its 4
@pmct393 (42)
• Singapore
26 Dec 06
i only eat dinner, usually fruits and a bit of meat with soup. i'm on diet
@desiret (2117)
• Italy
26 Dec 06
we use to eat 3 times per day: breakfast, lunch and dinner