Do you think that wearing uniforms to school is a good idea?

@flor1n (234)
December 26, 2006 12:42pm CST
so do you?
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8 responses
• India
26 Dec 06
i think its objection 2 it...
@flor1n (234)
• Romania
30 Dec 06
thanks for your answer :D
• Philippines
26 Dec 06
in some point yes cause it can control the clothes that teenagers use with the fact the more teenagers now are so liberated. but on the other hand it can suppressed the self expression of a person. like me in my high school years up to college i can wear anything beside our uniform which sometimes makes me feel unconfortable.
@flor1n (234)
• Romania
26 Dec 06
i thin that uniform it's like an prison for the students , she don't give much liberty to they
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
3 Feb 07
It is a good idea for equality but we can at different time have our own self-identity especially for the students.
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
22 Feb 07
I do think it's a good idea. In Ireland the students wear uniforms and it takes pressure off students in terms of having to keep up with the latest fashions, and it's financially sound.
• India
3 Feb 07
ofcourse i support this school life, all students are under maturity and wearing uniform leads them towards discipline and respect to its school which should be acquired from school life.
• India
22 Feb 07
is a very good idea
• United States
26 Dec 06
I have mixed feelings about it. I think it does take away some self expression but I think it's good so that maybe some poorer kids won't be made fun of as badly. Now I do hate the whole "same color & type folder" thing. I think that does take away too much self expression. With uniforms you can add your own flavor to them to a point and you've still got your hair, face, ect to express yourself. But plain folders and such is boring and too uniform to me.
• India
30 Dec 06
yes its a good idea to have uniform in schools.