Religion in public, i.e. Religion in Public Schools, etc..
By chuggs
@chuggs (314)
United States
December 26, 2006 5:46pm CST
While I totally understand and agree that public schools should not be allowed to preach to children on any certain religion, what is the harm in students, on their own, praying and so forth? Also what is the harm in school clubs that are voluntary that have to do with religion? Why are some parents so afraid of their children actually believing in God, or a god? Espacially if the parents themselves don't believe in anything, why would they worry what their children believe? I do, however, understand parents who do believe in certain things, such as Christians, wanting their children to also be Christians and so on. Please give your opinions.
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41 responses
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
27 Dec 06
One peice of information. I was in school when they took prayer out of schools and from them on I watched the decline in respect for teachers and the cooperation for learning. We left the city due to rioting and in this present day I homeschool my children. Our country was founded by people who believed in God. He has never called us to kill others so why not let that kind of religion into school, and study others so that awareness becomes common and when old enough they can make their own decisions. just a thought!!

@mamabulldog60 (351)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I agree when religion and discipline went so went the children
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Its a rejection of the traditional values or system. its ironic that is politically correct to exclude Christianity but its ok to teach Islam in schools to educate the children to "tolerate" it more, but dressing up and praising Allah?
its just the same old story of stripping Christians.
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@penny78256 (288)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I ask the same question of people to and it always comes back to the same thing it started woth one person so we have to separate church and public schools now but i see nothing wrong with any clubs or anything like that for christians to have at school its not like they are forcing anyone to attend these.

@dnatureofdtrain (5273)
• Janesville, Wisconsin
14 May 07
At my school if you had a cross or a religious necklace on you were told to wear it under your shirt... - DNatureofDTrain

@mynameismine (771)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I personally don't care what religion others are as a general rule, nor do I really worry about what they do as long as it is not harming others.
What I have a problem with is when others tell me that I'm wrong because I don't do what they do. I'm a Witch and my husband is "somewhat" Christian, it is hard to explain.
Me and my husband have agreed that we will not teach our children any organized religion as the right way rather we will answer all questions to the best of our knowledge and when they are old enough they can follow their own heart and head as to what is right for them.
Some religions are extremely pushy and bossy and try to force themselves on other no matter how many times they are told "NO", that gets on my nerves in a really bad way. I have persecuted in so many ways I'm always on the defensive when it comes to religion.
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@hannahgracesmom (151)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Ok. First of all, I am a Christian. However I totally don't believe in forcing others to believe as I do. That being aid, I thiink all peaceful religions could hypotheticaly have a placve in school. I understand those who don't want religious beliefs they don't agree with shoved on their kids. So don't shove. For example, perhaps there is a student led Christian club on campus. Whats wrong with finding common ground? Maybe there could also be student led jewish, muslim, or buddhist clubs. To me, while I don't believe in other religions besides mine, I know others do. Personally, I don't know how someone can propel throughout their day and not include their faith, let alone their life. I think we should be allowed to include that. I also don't think the teachers themselves should lead the clubs. However, I think it might be worthwhile to look into hiring teachers to teach basic religious beliefs for different religions as a separate subject if they are all equally allowed to have classes based on interest. Just something to intellectually stimulate kids and include their faith if they choose it. I am talking a different class for each religion there's a great interest in.
For example, in my high school, they approved n Old testament Bible History course for the new school year. However, we (being a select few who heard rumors of th class. There were less than 5.) had study halls and were able to get out of it. We were told we had to have like 20 people 2 days later (Wednesday)to keep the class on the schedule. The guidance counselor was swapped to to schedules that needed to be edited, and she had to do ones that were her mistake first. We begged them to extend the deadline so she could get to the students for our elective class. We also asked them to make an announcement about the class. They did neither. So the class got dropped. I thought it would have been great because Private schools have classes like that but most people can't afford them.
I also think if they're not going to allow religion to be taught in school, they shouldn't be able to teach kids things that contradict religions, like evolution.
What you you think?
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@mynameismine (771)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I know when I was in high school there were some religion based clubs and some race based clubs. You either were in them or you were not.
It honestly was not an issue back then. So many things have changed in the last few years, people as a whole have become less tolerant of each other I think. At least that is what I have been seeing here.
I would like to see the "factual" information given to all children in the higher grades when they are old enough to decide important things for themselves, evolution included (I believe it myself cause it makes more sense to me.)
I homeschool my kids and I keep an open dialog with them about stuff like this. They know what my opinions are but they know that my opinions are just that ~~ mine. If they feel differently that is their right and not for me to choose for them.
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@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
I am a Christian but I do not agree that religion should be taught in schools. I am more in favor of teaching good manners and right conduct in schools in lower grades, no longer in high schools.
By not teaching any religion at all in schools, freedom of religion could be practised. In Christianity, God does not compel anybody to believe and obey Him. And so freedom of religion and freedom to choose should be given to all.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I agree with your comment and the sad thing is Christianity is still promoted in the schools. School is let out for Winter break so people can celebrate "Christmas" Which is a religious holiday and should not be a holiday. They should no more let school out for Christmas and Easter than they would for Islamic or Buddah or Jewish Holidays. But our government has yet to realize they still do adhere to relgious holidays in the schools. New Year, St. Valentine's day, St. Patrick's day, Easter, May Day, Halloween and Christmas are ALL relgious holidays that schools are let out for or observe and other's who object to them teaching children in school are looked down on but it is still teaching one religious practice or belief over another. Be it Chrisitanity or Paganism and plain should NOT be observed in the schools period any more than prayer should. The schools are state run government agencies and to favor one religous holiday over another is a violation in the USA of church and state. Period. Fine observe national holidays, MLK, Presidents, Memorial day, even Mother's and Father's day and Vetern's and Labor day and Columbus day and even Thanksgiving they are national holidays not religious. Eventually people will see that and slowly they are.
@chuggs (314)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I totally dissagree Celanith. Yes those are religious holidays, but not every one who celebrates them is. Plus, you shouldn't want to take things away from people just because you don't like something, or don't believe in something. And what if I didn't like fathers, or didn't beleive in them, does that give me the right to take the holiday away from someone else? NO! It doesn't! Plus, you seem to have you 'seperation of church and state' ideas confused, as most people do. It was created by Christians who didn't want the church running the government. Celebrating Christmas and Easter does not mean that the church is running the government. Anyway, people tend to look into things way to much, if the fore fathers of this country, who were God fearing good people, knew how people of today were gonna annalize everything they they wrote, they probably would have changed what they wrote. No matter what anyone may say, the forefathers of our country were beleivers in God. God bless you all, and God help those that are lost.
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@mikaghi (388)
• United States
27 Dec 06
religion in public will promote discrimination. for example: i am a hindu and i pray according to my faith in my school. other students will look at me, see that i am different and will not treat me the same. this is especially true in case of children, who place a lot of value in being "one of the crowd", they are not mature to accept difference. placing religion in the mix will only make the minorities uncomfortable.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
27 Dec 06
I believe all religion should be kept out of schools and that includes any form of religious dress, all religion should be kept for home.
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@casper20 (1463)
• India
27 Dec 06
i think that believing in god and believing in a religion are completely different things.public schools first of all are for all religious and non religious students alike,so children should be taught to believe in god and not in any certain religion in schools ,so i don't agree with religion being taught in schools.schools can teach more relevent things in schools as their public behaviour,discipline and good manners.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
27 Dec 06
Well what you and many are messing is, children ARE free to discuss their religion with their firends. Students and Teachers ARE allowed to pray quietly to themselves, and they ARE allowed to wear religious articles, like a cross. What they are NOT allowed to do is turn a Public School into a church and promote their religious agendas. Teachers and staff are not allowed to convert. Which is good for many since, if the door is open for one, it's gonna be open to all. I'm sure many would NOT set fine, knowing little sally is learning all about a Goddess today in school. Most of all they are NOT allowed to make children of different faiths feel shameful, different and build prejudices amongst their peers.
I am all for keeping religion out of my girls school. I'll teach them about god, isn't that my job as a parent anyway?
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@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
27 Dec 06
It is my opinion that there is no harm at all in giving chilren time for "meditation" as long as the word religion is not used. During a trip with a Christian woman (I totally support anyone who has belief in anything; as well as respect for all religious beliefs) the woman expressed that she was angered that the local schools had to remove the pictures of Jesus from the walls. When I commented that not "all" students were Christians, her reply was, "Well, they should be! If we went to their countries we would be forced to be whatever they are, so if they come to our country they should be forced to be a Christian!" I wanted to ask her why then we send missionaries to countries all around the world, but knew that there would be no sense in trying to have a discussion with such a biased view as this.
@mynameismine (771)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I just had somebody here make the same type of comment about religion and other countries and this country. For some reason some people have an overwhelming opinion that the US is a completely Christian country but it isn't and hasn't been one even in the very beginning there were people from other religions and even then they were ridiculed for being non-Christian. I didn't bother to respond to her comment either cause I knew the wall I would have been speaking too.
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@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
27 Dec 06
The problem is that we don't all believe the same thing when it comes to religion. Even among Christians, there are so many different branches and even they don't get along or believe the same thing.
Most parents are afraid that if their kids are exposed at an early age to other religions, the kids will start questioning the families religion. Since a lot of religion is based on faith not facts this puts the parent in a difficult situation.
I personally have no problem with kids saying a fast prayer at meal times or before a test as long as it is not disruptive and they don't make a big production out of it or expect special considerations. However, some religions require that!
I do have a problem with religious clubs on school property because the schools are funded with public dollars and the utilities are paid with public dollars and the wear and tear on the facilities is paid for with public dollars, etc. Also everyone (both teachers and students) knows who the club members are, there is no privacy and "if you DON'T belong then you are a not a good ....... " Special privileges do come out of club memberships - just look at cheerleading, band, etc. and they should not get special treatment in school just because of their religion. They can have religious clubs in their church or homes if they want.
@fuinharlz (8)
• Brazil
27 Dec 06
Well, I think that, while some religions are taught just in history concept (human history, to be completelly understood, should engage in how religions where created, which ones desapeared, wich ones currentely exist), it's fine, because it's some kind of knowledge, and; and, is there anything better than knowledge?
But, when it run out of the historical view and become a "religious class, teaching childrens how to serve this religion god, and that other religions r bad, the only good one is the religion taught, I think it turn into a VIOLATION of global human rights, where each person on the world has the right to choose what to be, what creed to follow, and what's good and bad for him.
Personally, my parents NEVER dicussed religion with me, and gave me the freedom to chose whenever to belive or to be. And I see I have now more freedom and knowledge to live than some guys that had grow with me, but parents choosed they'r religions.
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@aneer72 (179)
• India
29 Dec 06
GOD is real and accepting HIM to be supernatural will not change if the parent is not going to believe in HIM. It is absurd that one should try and thrust upon the children what they believe. If the child is taught in school that he has a supernatural being on he can lean on in times of trouble it is for the nest of the child since the parent is not going to be with the child all his life. He needs some one or something to lean on. If the child is taught that he can lean on GOD he would tend to lean less on other vises in the society you know about that. Hence I feel that teaching the child that there is a GODHEAD and that he is ready to accept you as his friend will help the child in latter years.
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
27 Dec 06
Religion is the source and a giving from the parents
Schools have no right to teach it
There can be many from different religions what about them
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@AlmightyBigfoot888 (553)
• United States
27 Dec 06
i think it is the child's right to be whatever religion they are forced to be by their parents. Now, an interesting quote from someone whose name i forgot always pops into my mind when someone talks about religion:
"A little Philosophy inclineth men's minds to be Atheist"
:) it is something i have found to be true.
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@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Please look at the US Constitution and you will see that the first amendment says that Congress can not make a law establishing religion, but there is no mention of separation of church and state. The US government can still legally encourage relgion and allow religion in schools. When the US government says that we can not pray or talk about religion in schools, then the government is in effect establishing a state religion of atheism. This is especially true when only the theory of evolution can be taught is public schools, ignoring the evidence of Devine Creation of all living things.
@pufitza_mison (627)
• Romania
27 Dec 06
I thnck that children must follow they'r own ways in life.I thnck they must chose they own decision so if they belive in a religion then they must follow it.They must belive in God i thnck that is te most impotrtant thinck.In time they will know what is best for them.
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
27 Dec 06
For a decades Christianity and Catolicism were taught in public schools in the form of holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter celebrations. I remember Catolic children being allowed to leave early from schoolon Fridays to go to special masses when I was younger. Hannukah, Purim, You Kippur and Islamic holidays were ignored or forbidden. When their parents came to school to take their children out to attend their religious service on an holiday that happened to fall midweek, I witnessed the school refusing them or telling them the child wouod receive a incomplete for his courses for the day! Then came the religious legalization of equality in the 1980s and 90s and the Christians are crying that they are now being discriminated against because they no longer are the vocal majority in schools! Yes, in order to be tolerant and not ignorant, your children must learn about other religions and cultures besides your own. Where? In school, where learning begins and belongs. Its obvious the parents were not teaching it correctly at home so the children learn about the dress, the religions,the traditions and the foods in the classroom. Isn't this what social studies and history classes are suppose to teach? As for independent prayer, its been tried and many children were either ridiculed by the differences they pray or the timing of their prayers disrupting classes, thus leaving it out of schools completely or with an open-minded staff making time for it. Unfortunately some of the complainers were the staff members themselves. The statement: "We never had to do it like this before" still runs rampant (Fools!). I ought to know, I am a former teacher who is an American Muslima who had to deal with them.
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@mainakit (8)
• India
27 Dec 06
obviously all men are free to believe in their own religion after all its a personal matter.These public schools are often making a fuss over all these things which are quite unnecessary.Children just need to have a faith in Almighty in any way they want.No religion should be imposed or forced upon them by anymeans. God is a realtive concept and is worshipped in many forms .I believe that it does nt matter whom u worship but in what sense or rather with what amont of faith u worship that matters the most
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