Is your Cat intelligent????
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
December 26, 2006 10:06pm CST
My cat will try any means possible to sit on my lap. One day, she began to move really slowly towards me thinking I wouldn't notice her. Then she started to limp as she walked towards me. After a few days, she was still limping so I took her to the vets. This she hated. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her.
I asked the vet if she was doing it for attention and he looked at me and said "Cats aren't that intelligent".
However, when I got her home the limp had gone and she has never limped since. Was my cat on a wind-up with me.
Have you got an intelligent cat???
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29 responses
@meeoww (1174)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Oh, yes, cats are so smart! I had one that liked to drink water from the glass that I was drinking out of. One time, the water level was sort of low, so he stuck his head in as far as he could. The size of the cup was such that once he got his face in, he could barely open his mouth, and he couldn't squeeze his tongue out far enough to reach the water. So he pulled his head out, looked at the water, then stuck his paw in and then licked water off of his paw! I said, ok, if you can figure that one out...have at it!
@onlyme123 (124)
• United States
31 Dec 06
My cat THINKS he's smart, but he's so gullible. I can always lure him into his cat cage whenever I need to take him to the vet. He can always be bribed with treats and food. He's big and clumsy, not stealthy and lean like a lot of cats. He's a big lug, not too bright, but that's what makes him so LOVABLE!
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 Dec 06
That is so funny!!!!
We can have such great relationships with our cats. I know some people think cat lovers, who tell stories about what their cats can do are mad, I know from experience, but we have respect for all living creatures and anyone who respects animals is worth knowing. Great story.
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
31 Dec 06
yes . my cat, ipus its very smart. some how he managed to open my window in the morning so that i will get up from bed.
and when he was return home he calling me over and over till i answer him. and sometime when he got realy exited he gave me a kiss in my cheek at a rush then he will run hide because he shy. :
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 Dec 06
He sounds so cute. I have never heard of a cat being shy before. Sweet!!
@groomtobe23 (635)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Well I know that cats are intelligent, and mine know exactly what is needed to get a treat, or a new dish of food. I often feel like I am being "played" with them, and I highly respect their intelligence as a result. Mine go outside and know their way back, so thats one point for them, but I guess they lose points for continuously jumping on the counter. I do think they are smart, and wouldn't put it past one of them to fake a limp.!
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@iknowitall (455)
• United States
27 Dec 06
my cat eats with his paws,sometimes he dunks it in the water first, its really funny... but yes I think the cats pretty smart
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
29 Dec 06
I used to have a cat that we rescued. She had been ill treated by her previous owner. I remember when she went to the vets, she seemed to know where she was going. One time she attacked the vet and they had to call for assistance.
Although at times even I was scared of her, she was beautiful and lived to the grand old age of 100 yrs (in cat yrs).
Dear old Aggy.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
29 Dec 06
One of my two cats is very intelligent. For instance, today she inexplicably knew that we were taking her to the vet (vaccinations), and first thing in the morning raced outside without eating breakfast. She has hidden all day and missed two vet appointments.
At other times, she has climbed onto the outside window sill, & reached out to try and turn the door handle, even though there is a cat flap.
@angelashupe (343)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I used to have a cat that did that too. We had a big cat food feeder, and if the food wouldn't come down, she'd use her paw to knock it down. She also used her paws to dig the last of canned food out of the corners of the can and to open the cupboards.
@Seattle2007 (344)
• United States
2 Feb 07
Hi is most likely your cat had lightly stunned/bruised herself and the injury healed by the time she was evaluated by your veterinarian.
On the subject of intelligence, it is a relative term to the species of the animal as ALL animals have the capacity to learn. Two primary factors will influence accuracy in the interpretation of any test for animal intelligence--an understanding of the animal's natural history and and an understanding of the limits of the test. an animal will naturally show an aptititude for a concept it needs or uses regularly in the wild.
As a professional animal trainer to exotic and domestic felines while we are educated that intelligence has very little to do with how trainable an animal is. Yet, as humans, the subject of intelligence continues to fascinate us.
Anyhow, I could go on and on with the scientific aspect and the anthropomorphic aspects which are the biggest reason for the dispute.
Both my housecates not only understand obedience cues (come, sit, down, etc), but are also toilet trained, can flush the toilet, go to wherever I point (called targeting), jump through hoops, rollover, twirl, play fetch/retrieve, take apart a 3-D layered pyramid puzzle, wave, give a high-five, raise a paw to ask a question, sit/stay while being served meal time, pat the human on the head to tell "good human", do agility (like dog agility), walk on leash in public and so much more. The both understand both visual and verbal cues as well as learn most new behaviours quite quickly within a matter of days and for the more complex behaviours such as balancing on a ball within a month.
Training is conducted using operant conditioning techniques through positive reinforcement just as with canines. We never coerce/mold an animal to learn rather reward desired behaviours with treats, toys and ignore undesired behaviours so that they extinguish themselves over time.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Feb 07
I didn't know a cat could be trained like a dog.
Go to the tiolet and flush, thats amazing. I wish I had trained my cats to do this as I hate litter trays.
Thanks for this insight it was interesting reading.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
3 Feb 07
I had a look at the pics but sadly could not connect to see the videos.
Thanks it was very interesting. I hope Man U or Arsenal don't get wind of this!! lol
@Seattle2007 (344)
• United States
3 Feb 07
cats can absolutely be trained as well as nearly all animals. Even goldfish can be trained to learn new behaviours. Here's a great website that includes video clips of goldfish being trained to play soccer, go through a hoop, etc.:

@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Haha that's so funny. I think cats are intelligent. I have to keep the cat litter in my room cause the dogs will attack her at any chance they get. So one day she was mad at me for yelling at her for climbing on my bookshelf with breakable stuff....well after I yelled at her, she used her litter box and then WIPED her paws on my bed.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I have to add this even although it is about a small dog who was used to being walked first thing in the morning. One morning I was running late, when I would take him out I would put on a pair of old shoes I kept by the front door, I finally got ready to take him out, put on my shoes and he had peed in one of them. I got the message!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
27 Dec 06
I think my cat is, if he wants to go out during the night he gently touches my pillow to wake me up....
@angelopetrescu (244)
• Romania
29 Dec 06
I think your cat isnt inteligente coz of this, u just assume that she wants out, but actually, the cats want to play, coz during the day all the cats are sleepy or bored, and when ur cat is coming to ur pillow and wakes u up, u just throw her out not to bother u anymore. hahahahaha
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
28 Dec 06
Wow!!! I remember my mum's cat could fetch a hairband when you threw it for her. She would bring it back and do a roly poly each time over your hand.
@moonlight_dream (520)
• Romania
30 Dec 06
Yeah, he is! They are, actually!I have a lot of cats! They're clever, yeah!
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Our cat, Taffy, is funny. He knows when the alarm goes off that it's time to get CJ up for school and he makes a bee-line toward his room. He also stands at the door with me when I wave CJ off to school on bus; he's at the door before the bus comes up the road after school as well.
I don't care what anyone thinks, cats are intelligent and they can be taught; at least some of them.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 Jan 07
Cats are very intelligent and at the same time independent.
I have the most soppiest cat going. Although she stalks me at every given oppotunity I would not want it any other way.
She chats away to me and when I slowly open and close my eyes to her she always responds with a meow!!
Its been great to read all the responses I have received, as there are so many who love their cats.
Thanks for your comments.
@COLady (7)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Our cat, Itchy, does that slow-moving-so-no-one-will-notice thing too. It's adorable. He also knows that he is not allowed on my husband's lap with his cushion (because his back claws don'y husband wi fully retract). When my husband sits down Itchy stares at him until he puts the pillow onto his lap and then Itchy jumps right up.
Scratchy is on a diet and will beg my husband for food. He started hollering for more to both of us, but I never relent and my husband will. Scratchy soon learned not to bother with me, but will start screaming as soon as my husband comes in the door.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
11 Jan 07
He sounds like a real character.
Thanks for your funny tale. lol
@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
31 Jan 07
Yep, two of them! Both of them seem to know when it's bedtime. One curls up on his favorite cushioned chair around 9 pm or so, while the other jumps on my bed as soon as I shut the lights off. Both cats also know that they get something to eat as soon as I get out of bed in the morning.
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@mrsanderson (271)
• United States
31 Jan 07
I have had many kitty friends over the years. I can honestly say I have owned 1 really dumb cat...dont know what happened there. The rest of the lovely felines that have passed throughout my life have been very intelligent creatures. Have you ever sat and looked into your little furry friends eyes? There is something there. An intelligence, but something also bordering on arrogance. Like they are your masters...I know most of the cats I've owned have been the rulers in the household!
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@mrsanderson (271)
• United States
1 Feb 07
One of my favorite cats was a long haired pure black kitty named BB (short for Black Beauty of course) I remember when I would lay on the floor or bed to do my homework she used to sit and watch me forever. When she wanted something she would come over and try to flip pages in my book. I would shoo her away and she'd wait a few minutes and do it again. This would repeat untill I got up and figured out what it was she wanted. She was pure joy to be around.
@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
4 Jan 07
My cat is VERY smart! He knows just what to do to push my buttons! I've had to start keeping only soft items on my headboard, cause if he's ready to get up, then I have to get up. And if I don't want to, he with methodically knock one thing at a time off onto my head until I give in...hence the soft objects! He's so smart in so many ways!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Our cats are very smart although sometimes very stubborn. Our one cat Patches tries to open the door to the garage. She does this by standing with her back paws on the stove and her front paws on the door handle. So far she hasn't opened it but she tries. I never underestimate what the cats will do next. They always seem to surprise me.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
31 Dec 06
This is what is so great about owning cats. They have this air of superiority about them that makes them still independent, unlike dogs who rely on their owners for everything. I am sure one day your cat will open the garage door!!
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Cats are smarter that a lot of people give them credit for (though just like people there are also some dumb cats). One of my cats dragged out a musical Christmas Chihuahua just before the holidays when we were starting to decorate. My husband picked it up and said "you can't play with it unless you are going to do it right" and then, while the cat was watching, he activated it so it played a Christmas song. When it stopped he set it down on the end table. Just a minute or two later, the cat jumped up by it and just as my husband got ready to yell at him, the cat activated the music. My husband stood there with his mouth open as the rest of us laughed at him and I said "Now you,ve done it. You told him he could play with it IF he did it right and then you showed him how!" When the music stopped the cat started it up again.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
They know how to make us look stupid sometimes as well. LOL.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
4 Jan 07
LOL!!! Your cat was definitely trying to get your attention. of course animals are more intelligent than we give them credit for! Just like humans, some are more intelligent than others, of course, and it sounds like you have one smart kitty! *laugh* Thanks for sharing your story with everyone. It's so cute, picturing your cat attemping to sneak up on you like that and get onto your lap! ^_^
@cassiej2005 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I believe they are very smart. My cat will claw at any closed door, because she wants access, and when she's pissed off at me she will bring embassaing pieces of clothing out into the living room for all to see
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Jan 07
Don't you just love them. Although you can get your own back sometimes.
When my mum was visiting one day my partner broke wind and blamed it on the cat. So cruel. LOL
Thanks, that made me laugh!!
@dollyd (9)
• Philippines
4 Jan 07
We had a cat once named Barney. He was intelligent in a way that he possessed human behavior. Like if he commits a mistake and somebody in the family scolds him, he goes out and stays somewhere in the backyard and does not interact with anybody. One time he got scolded by my stepfather and he put him in the cage. We felt sorry for him so we opened the cage and tried to take him out but he would not budge and would not even stare at us. Another time he committed another mistake, was reprimanded again and he climbed on the roof of our little storage house in the backyard. He eats almost anything, even icecream and chocolates. We tried to coax him out from the roof by giving him food and he wouldn't even look at the food nor anyone of us. He would also refuse to be carried by making himself heavy. I guess that he was feeling low in spirits because he was being reprimanded. He was such a sweetie.
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
You have one intelligent cat. He sounds more like a toddler!!!
Thanks for sharing that.