Would you change if you suddenly became rich?

The Get Rich Quick Club - getting rich
United States
December 27, 2006 1:52am CST
I know a lot of people like to say they'd never change.. but be honest... don't you think you'd change if you suddenly became very rich?
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19 responses
• India
27 Dec 06
When there happens a windfall and suddenly I become rich. Oh, will I change that is your question. Surely I will change. But I want to change for the better. I always entertain some plans to help the needy when I am rich. That is a good change eh? Like the Good Bishop in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables I am always thinking "There is so much misery in the world, and I can do so little, So very little".
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm with you on that... I HOPE and think that I would change in the sense I could finally afford to help so many in need. I know I'd change a little bit but I'd hope not too much. My biggest thing is I'd want to remain kind hearted and giving.
@gigarange (1165)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I don't think I would.
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@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I do believe that money does make a lot of people change and a lot of times it seems like it is for the worst. I would not change the way that I treat people and would continue to be nice and caring to people as I do now. My personality would not change, regardless if I was rich or not.
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@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
27 Dec 06
I probably would abit but my goals would be the same and thats to help as many people in need as I can.
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• United States
27 Dec 06
I'd be a lot more settled if I became rich, but I don't think personally I would change who I am if I were to become rich. Yes I'd have the house and car I wanted and the comfort of knowing that things are paid for, but otherwise...no
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• Ireland
27 Dec 06
I couldn't help but change if I became very rich. I would certainly buy a big house and a new car as well as all the things which I cannot afford at the moment. I would also travel a lot more and I am sure my husband would retire on the spot. Isn't it great to dream of these things!
@finidinwa (497)
• United States
27 Dec 06
well i dint think so thanks
@dorypanda (1601)
27 Dec 06
I honestly don't think I'd change too much, but I'd certainly be more generous than I already am! :)
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@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
27 Dec 06
No i dont think that i would change if i became rich, i have lived with little monies for so long that is the way that i am. i mean i would pay off all my bill and not be stressed tht i had to worry about them. but i dont think that my attitude would change the way that i look at people and life. you know what i mean.
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@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I'm not going to say that I would not change at all. I know that I would. I know that I would be less stressed about finances. I know that I would be able to give my children everything that they want and not have to worry about saying no because the money isn't there. I know that I wouldn't be so worried about gettin money back when loaned to someone. I know that I wouldn't be so tired from watching children first and second shift because we need that income. I know that I wouldn't be getting up at 4am every morning to deliver newspapers because we need that income. So yes, I know I would change, but I believe that I would change in some very positive ways.
• India
27 Dec 06
If i suddenly becomes rich i have lot of work.First of all i have to donate funds to Blind School which i was pending for last one month(due to lack of pocket money).
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• United States
27 Dec 06
of course , why not?
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Dec 06
yes, everything will be changed. first of all , i am a richman not a poor anymore.
@unshiv (83)
• India
27 Dec 06
money makes the person i will surely upto a level when i suddenly became rich
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• United States
27 Dec 06
Yeah, I'll surely change my life if I become rich suddenly. See now I'm saying I'll change...but when I really become rich you see the same person as I'm now.
@anup12 (4177)
• India
27 Dec 06
Everybody chnages with or without money people become more selfish once they become rich because they want to make others poor
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• India
29 Dec 06
• India
27 Dec 06
no i wont change..but i will change the way of dressing, way of living but my behavior would be the same and also my friends would be the same...for them i would be only that old friends not a money minded friend
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@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
27 Dec 06
i'd probably be more spending money buying nice cars and dating nice women models :)
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