Should Bush be pardoned?

United States
December 27, 2006 1:14pm CST
Should President Bush be pardoned for his crimes?
9 responses
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Whether you kill or pardon the George W. Bush you see on TV for unjustified crimes to humanity will make no difference at all to him: Another copy will just become a substitute - the being you see is a doppel ganger of the real George W. Bush. The same goes for the Saddam Hussein you see.
• United States
28 Dec 06
Netsbridge you have a point there is a difference between the Bush the media wants you to see and the real Bush. The media put everything the wrong way for example when our troops were deployed into Iraq the media showed the soldiers as poor unlucky guys that had to go to Iraq, but when an Iraqi civilian is killed by soldiers in self defense suddenly our men are horrible people.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm not certain that's true, but thank you for your comments.
• United States
9 Jan 07
Redneckguy86, I, too, like reverse psychology. However, my response has a very literary implication - the being George W. Bush and most of your politicians and their cronies are in fact doppelgangers of their real selves! Yes, those beings you see are actually robots! If you, however, want to keep looking for more nonsense to attempt to justify the unnecessary 2003 invasion of Iraq, then y'all are free to do so. Only the uninformed do not, yet, know that the unnecessary invasion of Iraq was a customary revenue generation for the imperialistic, piracy British and US governments!
• India
28 Dec 06
will you clarify what crime he did?i think without first describing the crimes you cant ask us to jugde whether to pardon him or not.i think he has done no crime for which he needs to be pardoned.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
10 Jan 07
None of those were done to US citizens, and all of them are under the cover of national security, making them impossible to prosecute. The wiretapping isn't even real. The don't tap everyones phones, they just monitor suspicious overseas call patterns, they don't actually hear anything. It hasn't been abused yet so your rights are intact. There is nothing in the Constitution about a right to privacy.
• United States
28 Dec 06
He has implemented policies of unlawful arrest, detention, interrogation, beatings, abuse and torture and he has spied illegally on American citizens.
@sabharish (164)
• India
28 Dec 06
We have no rights to decide those:(
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I believe that people are the most powerful force in deciding what will happen in our world, but it will be difficult to motivate millions of people to fight for change. So you are basicly correct. Thanks for commenting.
@artguy (1473)
• United States
27 Dec 06
Bush has committed crimes he just hasn't been charged with any. Without being charged and then sentence for a crime, no pardon is necessary.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
27 Dec 06
I believe everything Bush has done, good or bad, has been done with the best intentions. If he's made any mistake it's been his failure to execute his plans properly. And, that can be blamed as much on partisan politics as on him.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
There is a possiblity that he may be charged with crimes in the future, but it is a very small posibilty. Most Americans would object to a past or president being charged with a crime due to their respect of the office not necessarily the person.
• United States
28 Dec 06
PARDONED?????? Pardoned for what? What crimes?
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• United States
28 Dec 06
Hey man sorry to tell you but there is this thing called war when you are at war you use things like white phosphorus and cluster bombs, And anyway Bush doesnt tell his generals where to drop the bombs and which buildings to burn. These are not crimes.
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• United States
4 Jan 07
I don't spend my time researching Bush, but I am interested in politics and current events. No I don't get my ideas from the Democrats or any one source, but I used to be a Republican until that party came to be so radical right wing. I'm kinda the middle of the road in most areas. Thanks for writing.
• United States
28 Dec 06
Conspiring to start an unlawful war of aggression- justified by lies, unlawful killing of thousand of Iraqi civilians, use of cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and white phospherus against civilian populations, violations of human rights guaranteed by the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, The Convention on Torture, the Alien Tort Claims Act, lying to congress and other federal officials. Just some examples.
@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Bush did nothing beside send our troops overseas. It is Rumsfield we should be thinking about. There is no weapon of Mass Destruction?
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I don't agree with you about the only thing Bush did was send our troops overseas. Read up on all the lies and violations of the laws and our constitution. Thanks for your comment though.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
27 Dec 06
What crimes? Every action he has taken has been signed off on by Congress, including Congressional leaders who say they don't agree with him. If he's breaking a law, so is everyone else in Washington.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
Even if those in congress agree to what Bush's actions it does not change the fact that those actions are crimes. Thank you for writing!
• United States
28 Dec 06
Opps! My typing fingers got a little tangled, but I think you know what I mean.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Yes they need to vote him out of office. he don't know what he is doing.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
thank god his term lasts untill 2008 otherwise some idiot might take over presidency and mess up everything the US has worked for
• United States
4 Jan 07
Thanks for writing. He can't be voted out. His term lasts until 2008.
• United States
27 Dec 06
He should be tried and sentenced to Hanging just like saddam
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