Young Bride

@neilf49 (809)
December 27, 2006 4:41pm CST
I got to know my wife a couple of years ago, through the internet, and we got along very, very well. We met and got along even better and are now deeply in love. The thing is, I'm 49 and my wife is 26. I don't have any issue with this as it is how we feel that is important but other people perceive it as something different, me being a pervert, a cradle snatcher amongst other things. What are your perceptions of this, I would be interested to know, and don't hold back.
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102 responses
@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
27 Dec 06
She's of consenting age and loves you. That's all that matters. Now, if she were 15 or something, then I would have an issue.
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@neilf49 (809)
27 Dec 06
Thank you for your supporting comment, and I would agree, if she was below the age of consent then that would be an issue.
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• United States
28 Dec 06
I think as long as both people involved are over the age of 18 then age is only a number because you are both adults. I am 23 and my hubby is 34 so we have 11 years between the two of us and some people have issues with it while others have none.
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thanks to you both here. The age gap was an issue with me to start with but as we grew closer it became less so.
• United States
28 Dec 06
I totally agree... as long as both of you are adults, age doesn't matter at all... Important thing is you love each other...that's what matters...
@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
At the age of 26 a person is considered an adult and you and her have every right to be with eachother. If you're together for the right reasons and you're both emotionally mature and ready, than there's nothing wrong with being together. Does her family give you their blessing? If not, than I can see how this would be a problem. As for other people (the strangers), they will always have their opinion but you can't focus too much on that. No matter what you do in life, there will always be people judging it (either negatively or positively).
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@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thank you for this, yes we do have the blessing of her family and I get on very well with them, particularly her father. As for the negative ones, we just try to keep clear of them now.
@shooie (4984)
• United States
28 Dec 06
pffft! age is but a number. I am 43 and hubby is 36. When we were married I was 36 and he was 29. We met on the internet. Maybe the people round you down deep are jealous. I know people around me changed toward me not so much my family but others and I honestly think it was not the age thing it was the way I met him. She's 26 so not a cradle snatcher. I would just let it roll of you in time it will go away. sounds like they kinda don't know what a pervert is either. Shakes head. Hold your head up and let em think what they want.
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Rock on, its nice to know that others in similar circumstances get the same sort of reactions. Thanks for your support and I hope your relationship goes from strength to strength. Have a great New Year.
• United States
28 Dec 06
You are both of age that you can decide for yourselves. Congrats on finding love. I am currently dating a man 28 years older than me. I see no problem with it.
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@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thank you, and good luck in your relationship, I hope it works for you as well as its worked for us.
@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thanks, I think we are both mature in both age and mind, and we are both working to our financial freedom so we can spend more time together.
• United States
28 Dec 06
As long as both of ya'll are mature, and ya'll are able to help each other finacially, then it's fine.
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@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
27 Dec 06
there will be people thinking that you are a cradle snatcher but what is important is that you love her and she loves you. but if that was me i would not even think about talking on the internet to some one that young shes like a daughter.
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@neilf49 (809)
27 Dec 06
Thank you for your comments. I understand what you say about chatting to someone that young, neither of us at the time were particularly looking to hook up with anyone, we just happened to start chatting as friends for a while and then realised there was some chemistry between us. I have 2 daughters from a previous marriage aged 14 and 12, they are getting to know my wife now and treat her like a big sister which is nice, I just hope that it continues that way.
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@lulylove (1560)
• Brazil
28 Dec 06
I think I eat you. Therefore for me the important one is the love that vocĂȘs feels one for the other. What the others think not and important. Nobody will go to take care of of you when it will be sad, sick, devoid... Therefore it is worried only about its happiness.
@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thank you for this contribution.
• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm going to have to agree. I find it nothing wrong about it. If she loves you for you, then that is all that matters. Age is nothing but a number, in my opinion. You don't have to be too young to love. My aunt is in her 50s and she married her husband that is 81. There is nothing wrong with it. :) Good luck to you both.
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
We love each other for each other, we spent a lot of time getting to know each other before making the final commitment. Nice to hear of your aunt, hope all goes well for her. Have a great New Year.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
28 Dec 06
If your wife was in her teens it very well would that you were a pervert and a cradle snatcher. but since your wife is 26 she should be mature enoughto know the way of the world somewhat. The thing to worry about is having things in commin as you both get older. but you will have to wor,k that out whemn the time comes. there is only 23 years difference. Whats really important is how the both of you feel.
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thank you for your support. She has a very mature outlook on life and at the moment we have a lot of common interests that we can share and hopefully will do for the rest of our lives. As we love each other unconditionally we share and support each others interests and I expect we always will do.
@aholtz (106)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I would not date someone that much younger than me. Just remeber she will like to do different things that you might have down when you was that age.
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thank you for this, these were among the issues that we discussed in the early stages of our relationship. It is something that I accept may well happen and as long as we stay faithful to each other then I don't have any issue with it. We trust each other implicitly so I don't think there is a problem.
@rosey2006 (945)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I went out with a man who was a lot older then me. We had a larger age difference then you two do. He decided to brake up with me because of the difference in the age, because I wanted to have children and he was already done having children. Well, I ended up marrying a man who is a year younger then me and am glad that I did, but that is my story. I really feel that if you two really love each other then why not stay together. You two know what the right thing to do is. Good luck to you.
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
I'm glad you found your love, the bigger age gap isn't for everyone I know, its just the ones who harp on about it that annoy me. Thanks for your time and enjoy your life.
@jatt187 (137)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
If theres no problem them its all good, the age differance isnt that much of an issue its not that bad its quite popular too actaully these days but yeah dont feel weird or anything but admmiting your a perv was awsome, repect 2 you. Ha-Ha.
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@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thanks for this, it gave me a laugh, I don't think I was actually admitting that, more that is what others tend to think. Have a good day
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@what_now (554)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
Its awesome! Now this is love regardless of age, The thing is you people connect. People are messed up themselves to think of you as a pervert etc etc. They are jealous, usually people who make negative remarks are jealous of you. Anyways if she was a teen then you'd be a pervert lol not now so take it easy and don't let people think that you give a damn about comments like those cause if you do they'll keep coming. Cheers and I hope you both stay together forever mate!
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thanks a million, I agree that a lot of the comments come from those who are jealous, I have learnt now to laugh at them (sympathetically of course). Have a great New Year.
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
Thirteen years difference, you are older than your wife, that's not a problem. As long as you love each other, go ahead. Why should you listen to what others say. We have our own lives. Make your life good, other people should mind their own business. Sometimes, people are envious and say things to destroy the ways of others. Actually, men should be older than the women as couples. So don't worry. Live life to the fullest with your wife. May God bless you both. SEN
@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thank you for your comments. I totally agree with you and we are making the best of our time together during the holiday period. Have a really good New Year.
• Malaysia
28 Dec 06
Congratulations on your wedding! May God bless you for all the coming years ahead. I have nothing to object because I truly understand what the power of love can do to us, human beings. Age has never been an issue to me because as long as you are honest with your relationship, other people's opinion no longer matters. It's true that we have to accept the fact we live in a community, so we have to consider other's opinion. But think about it this way - what is more important, people's opinion or your own happiness? Well, it's up to you to choose. I wish you both the best of luck. Happy New Year.
@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thank you, yes the power of love can overcome many obstacles put in our way and the objections of others is only a small one. Yes we take others opinions into account, mainly those of our two families, those are the ones that are significant, and as we had the blessing of both our families we're ok. Happy New Year to you too.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
Age should never matter so long as you are both happy that is all that matters, I hop it all works out for you....
@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Thanks, we are and we are sure it will work.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
27 Dec 06
You are two grown up persons and are happy together, so why care about what people say. There is always somebody who finds something to complain about. You could of course think of taking good care of your health, so that your life quality remains as good as it is now. Maybe you already are taking care of the health of the whole family, but if you wish to know more about how to do it, I would be delighted to tell my experiences. You will find some of it in my profile.
@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thank you, I'll check back to your profile soon and see what you have to say. My wife is a wonderful cook and consequently I've gained a little weight recently. We are both aware of the problems this can cause so we are starting a new exercise and diet regime in the new year (get the feasting out of the way first lol)
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
27 Dec 06
My mom was 11 years older than my dad, I have no problem with your ages. She was of legal age when you met her, and so there is absolutely nothing wrong in my book. God bless.
@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thank you for that, God bless you too
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
28 Dec 06
well at least both of you are at consented age, if you love her and she loves you then go for it, it doesn't matter what anybody thinks it's your life and your the one living it!! good luck :)
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@neilf49 (809)
28 Dec 06
Thank you so much for your good luck wishes.
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• Philippines
28 Dec 06
like what u said, age is not an issue to you and that whats important is how you two feel for each other, so forget the others who might have other perceptions. always remember that this is your life you're leading, you are the only one who has the right to decide on how it should be lived. if other people think differently from you then give it to them, meaning, let them think what they want to think but never let their thoughts or their perceptions rule your life!
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@musha_ali (391)
• Pakistan
28 Dec 06
that's bad in the case that yur wife is unhappy........
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@neilf49 (809)
29 Dec 06
Not too sure what you mean with this, but certainly at the moment both my wife and I are extremely happy and we have agreed that we should sit and talk through any issues that may upset us, and we do. Communication, even when you are very close both physically and mentally, is still a very important part of the relationship. Thanks for your comment, have a good New Year