NASA recently announced the coming contruction of a Space Station on the Moon.

United States
December 27, 2006 5:57pm CST
According to predictions this is due to be completed sometime around 2025 (I may be wrong as I'm operating from memory here) and they're aiming to have this be a global effort rather than just an American one. I have thought about this a lot, as it strikes me as being the first step toward mankind really venturing out into space and perhaps one day colonizing another planet. Learning from this experience could go a long way to putting us on the road to realizing all of those things that we dream of when we look up at the night sky and see the stars. I'm just wondering what everyone thinks will happen as a result of this moon station being built. I think it's going to be the first step toward colonizing the moon at the very least. I believe that with the onset of private industry venturing into the aerospace industry that we will see things progressing a lot faster than they have in the past and that before long we'll be seeing the moon turn into a far greater version of the pioneer west. Just wondering what everyone else thinks?
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32 responses
@jmatias (11)
• United States
28 Dec 06
I am a gadget geek, a sci-fi buff, and a believer in space exploration. But... Not at this time. When there is so much need and poverty, when we haven't even fixed up New Orleans, when we have people die daily from starvation in America, how can we justify spending billions and billions of dollars on space exploration. I just cannot turn a blind eye to the world we occupy to gaze at a another one.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Dec 06
I so agree with you. I think it is just another waist of time money and brilliant minds. All could be better spent on trying to solve some of the huge problems here on Earth first. Not to mention the gas they waist and how much pollution they make.
@medooley (1873)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Wow jmatias this could be one of the best posts that I have ever read on any subject. I totally agree with you 100%. Than ks for sharing your opinion!
• India
28 Dec 06
its just a matter of fact that this research just develop a lots of improvement in science i think it wont explode becasueof this
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@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
28 Dec 06
First I don´t think that we have the capacity to build a station on the moon around 2025. But I am totally favorable to it. We must develop, think , search, try. The poverty problem can be solved if there is political will. I live in a poor country, the problem here is not lack of money, is corruption. There is, in my view, no problem on spending money on this. There is enough money to solve the problem of poverty, what the world lacks is political will.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
28 Dec 06
There is simple reason for. Global Warming. If we do not stop polution, we have only 50-60 years left on this planet before Ice Age begin.We have no choice, and moon is close.
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• India
28 Dec 06
I think the lunar base idea is cool. It can help us as a launch pad for outer space!
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@OhPenYin (289)
• United States
28 Dec 06
NASA spends too much money! This is he normal complaint from people. I used to work at NASA, I worked with the astronauts and pilos who trained them. After that experience I understand how important space exploration is. Now every time a space shuttle lifts off I get goosebumps, because I know where they are going and why they are doing it.
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• Saint Lucia
28 Dec 06
most of these NASA things are just conspiracy theories. some of them are true, i saw this documentary on BBC about these conspiracy theories and it made me change my whole perspective on these things.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
13 Jan 07
I think it would be really neat myself when it gets done.
@patootie (3592)
13 Jan 07
All those old sci-fi movies coming true then, in some ways I am surprised they haven't already done it and got a settlement on the moon .. I'm not sure I would want to make a visit myself, but I am sure many would leap at the chance to go off world. The trouble with living on the moon is leaks .. I reckoned I'd be wandering around all day checking for leaks ... I don't have a lot of trust in the way the station would be buiklt have I .. or is it just that I have seen too many sci-fi horror movies hahaha !! I wouldn't mind have my ashes scattered up there some day ..
@sam4san (61)
• India
28 Dec 06
Well there are so many issues as such. The first and foremost question to be asked is Why do we need space station on moon ? We have sent considerable number of satellites around moon and if we are able to send a rover to mars, we can always send one to moon and confirm whether moon is suitable for dwelling. Once its done, We need resources to work out with on the moon. The best one would be nothing other than solar energy. How are you going to tap it ? you cant take each and every piece of metal from earth to moon. A team will be required to settle there and start extracting the metal. Accordin to me this wont happen for atleast next 60 yrs.
@chocks (512)
• India
29 Dec 06
Oh great discussion.So we have another plant to live
@nuffsed (1271)
28 Dec 06
I love this subject matter. Here we are, after a few thousand (forget the Bible timetable) years prospering and multiplying like bacteria on our beautiful and bountiful Earth. We are so successful and smart that technology offers us the vision of space colonisation. Well bloody bravo!!! What for? Because we have made such a mess of the planet we have? Because all our religious faiths have not prevented us from trying to kill each other. Because we cannot reach armaggedon fast enough for the satisfaction of the "chosen ones". Because our economic greed has plundered the major resources without regard for the wellbeing of humanity as a whole. Because of our need to stamp our authority on others by using the most diabolical polluting, radioactive and depleted uranium weaponry? So , now we are so smart that we can move on to a planet with very little in the way of comfort, or natural resources and make it home? No Way Hose!!! The only thing driving the space program is weapons technology and military superiority. Whilst telling you to switch off your wasteful electrical appliances and cut back on waste, they are busy exploding munitions with depleted uranium, and cluster bombs that will kill and main for years to come. The fact that you and I are paying for the stuff is justified as part of the "war on terror". Well it all sounds smelling mis-information to me. Thankfully I'll be past my sell-by date by the time this planet displays some of the "shock and awe" that it has stoked up for us. But I'd rather they don't steal my tax contributions to pay for the deceptions.
• United States
29 Dec 06
Good LORD!!! I don't even know where to start... but let's take the simple path first. It's not "no way hose"... it's "No way, Jose." I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. I don't understand what your religious reference to "chosen ones" even means. And not every person that dreams of seeing man kind venture into space is motivated by visions of military superiority, man. Some of us actually want to see man kind strive toward exploration and knowledge rather than an excuse to blow up our neighbors. I really feel like a Global effort for lunar colonization might actually be something that would encourage humanity to work together and help us to get over our petty wars and in-fighting and encourage us to strive towards something together as a race rather than against other nations.
@DigWeed (225)
• Romania
28 Dec 06
this is a lye ?
• United States
29 Dec 06
lye? as in the chemical they used to use to make soap??? I hope you don't mean lie because it's not.
• United States
28 Dec 06
I'm not buying it. It's just a Bush political game. The timeframe is so far away there will be several administrations between now and then, and any one of them can axe it.
• United States
2 Jan 07
NASA is no longer a government agency. It was privatized and the president has nothing to do with this.
@prasadr (871)
• India
28 Dec 06
So, NASA is upto it too. Feels that after by one decade or so there will be a war to get land on ooon , by firms and countries.
@imbiz06 (335)
• India
28 Dec 06
i dont think so it will be built bcoz there is no much ife out of space...
@lulylove (1560)
• Brazil
28 Dec 06
base in the moon - base in the moon
I think that it will be a great step for humanity. Therefore thus that to arrive the moon, we will go to contradict all the arguments that say that the man only ruined the land. This will be a great lie, therefore the man also will ruin the moon, and later Mars and the other planets that go to conquer. Therefore I think that this great step will still have worse consequências. However it would love living in the moon.penso that would be much Nice.
@cclay34 (486)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Hahahaha The super powers know that earth is fast becoming inhabitable. They arent building a space station to use for exploration, hahaha they are building a place for the powerful and rich to escape to when it becomes unbearable here on earth. They will leave the poor and middle class behind to suffer and the most rich and powerful will start a new life on a comfortable unpolluted new planet.
@belayon (19)
• South Africa
28 Dec 06`s great that men are going to build a Space Station on the moon but we have also to think about stuff like pollution.Do not harm the moon please.It`s nice to watch it during the night So our scientists must kep it clean.
• Brazil
28 Dec 06
For me, it is a tremendous dullness to spend much money with this type of project. He would be very better if the man spent money developing ways to preserve and to take care of our planet Earth. thanks.