tips on naming a baby

December 28, 2006 3:03am CST
my friend is going to have a baby...share some tips on naming a baby...a few names would do or you could suggest some way of naming a baby..who knows...your suggestion might just name a baby...
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1 response
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
You know what I myself was so busy then when I was pregnant looking for a good name for my upcoming baby, I surf the net lot of times printed those names read them all over again, sort them, and chose those one that like until I came up with my user name.. MYEISHA GABRIELLE..yeah it is my daughter's name. Myeisha actually spells as myiesha it means life's blessing and gabrielle means god is my strenght. I got this at if you want you can check out this site. There are lot of names you can choose from it.
• Philippines
28 Dec 06
hey I forgot to tell you that you must first know the gender of your baby so that you'll just look for a boy or a girl's name.ok. another thing if you want your baby's name start with certain letter just look at to the names that start to that letter so you wont have to browse all the letters of the alphabet. Good Luck. May you find the best name for your baby.
• India
28 Dec 06
thank you so much dear...must say..u have chosen a beautiful name for your daughter...take care n god bless