What is Real?
@surfincypherz (490)
United States
December 28, 2006 6:10pm CST
I mean really how do we know anything is real? When you wake up in the morning how do you know you are not still dreaming? What proof do you have that all this isn't fake. Maybe we are all the images in the dreams of some other being and none of us are really alive. Maybe this is like the Matrix and we are all jacked in to a simulated reality. If someone created a simulation real enough how would you tell the difference between the real world and the fake one?
What is real, how do we define it, and if that is real then what isn't real?
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45 responses
@balasri (26537)
• India
29 Dec 06
This is not fake because the of the reminders you get for your unpaid bills,the tickets you are given at the parking,the peaceful nights after the the miserable midnight howling dog of your neighbor is run over by a truck,and the lipstick marks on your face this morning.
@harris24982 (530)
29 Dec 06
maybe the bad things are there to balance out the good things to stop you in realizeing its all fake
that also works for the way it was explained to me ar they real when you cant see them
you know the bills tickets and lipstick are real because they are infront of you but when you leave the room are they real?
you come back into the room there still there but did they exsist when you were not in the room
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
29 Dec 06
"because the of the reminders you get for your unpaid bills,the tickets you are given at the parking,the peaceful nights after the the miserable midnight howling dog of your neighbor is run over by a truck,and the lipstick marks on your face this morning."
All of these things happen in dreams as well, no? But, then dreams are real aren't they? After all dreams exist, right, and if they exist then they are real? Of course lies exist right? Things that are fake exist. So what does it mean for something to be real? This also comes to the question of: Everything that exists is made of something, right? If everything that exists is made of some substance, then what's the substance of dreams?
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@attitudewidrulz (112)
• Pakistan
29 Dec 06
i 100% agree whatever u said there is nothing to say left
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@theaustinproject (99)
• United States
29 Dec 06
"When you wake up in the morning how do you know you are not still dreaming?"
You could try slamming your hand in a car door... if it hurts, or if you need a cast... you are awake!
You could cover yourself in syrup, wrestle with a bunch of chikens, and walk around for a few hours clucking like a chicken, preferably in front of a fast food place... if others join you... you are still asleep!
Hope this helps.
@Spheria (181)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Whether you're in a dream or in awakened life; whether you're images in the dreams of some other being, whether in a matrix and jaked up in simulated reality What They All Have In Common, is the awareness of yourself. Therefore, that is real, and that is something you do not question. YOU are real, wherever you are can be an illusion, but YOU are always where and what you will be.
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@Spheria (181)
• United States
29 Dec 06
I think what is real is more of a matter of interpretation of our awareness. It is not actually if something is or is not real, but if our interpretation of what we know and are aware is what we actually think it is.
In all of your previous examples, you have given counter examples relating to if our interpretation is real or not:
1. When you wake up in the morning, how do you know you are not still dream?
This is refering to if our interpretation is correct (or incorrect.
2. Maybe we are all images in the dream of some other being.
Once again, this is refering to if our interpreations of what we know and are aware is correct.
3. Maybe this is like the Matrix and we are all jacked up in simulated reality.
Again, what if our interpretation of all this is incorect?
4. Perhaps we are a holo deck program on Star Trek that was designed to think it is aware of itself.
Again, this is refering to if our interpretations is what actually is.
So bascially, what if what we know and think is not really the way things are? So 'real' means if our intepretations are correct. 'Existence' or 'exist' is something that is different.
What They All Have in Common is that you are aware of something, but it can have a different perception. How do we know it is real? How do we know it (our awareness) is what we think it (our interpretation) is?
Many times we certainly are deceived, in dreams for example, when we think we are NOT dreaming in which we really are. We think we are alive in the real world but in reality we are somewhere else. Yet, what is the reason of this? The reason why we are decieved in anything is because we ASSUME. In dreams, we assume we are awake (in which we are not), in the past we assumed the earth was flat (in which it was not), we onced assumed that an atom was smallest particle (in which it is not). There are many things we assume in which we do not have evidence for. Therefore, the key to know what is real or not is to not assume anything without evidence.
1. What do I assume?
2. What evidence do I have for it?
If you don't have an evidence for what you are assuming, then obviously, it's a possibly your interpretation of what you're aware isn't real.
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Are you sure that self awareness is proof enough that you are real? If so why does this make a difference?
What if awareness itself is an illusion? Perhaps we are a holodeck program on Star Trek that was designed to think that it is aware of itself. If it is possible for the world around me to be false then why does inverting my awareness in on me make the difference? Are you saying that if I focus my awareness out on reality then that world can be illusion, but when I focus my awareness in on myself that I can't be an illusion as well? It seems you are assuming that there is something that is aware and thus it must be real. How do you know that what is aware is real? Is awareness such that it could not also be an illusion? If so then why?
This still doesn't solve that problem of what is reality. In all of this we do indeed exist. Somehow some way, we are. Yet what if we are not at the same time? It again comes down to the language we use, is it capable of explaining the true nature of...."it", what ever "it" is? In our language we have this duality between real and not real, truth and false hood, and we perceive the world that way as well. How do we know that world is really even dual in nature?
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
"Therefore, the key to know what is real or not is to not assume anything without evidence.
1. What do I assume?
2. What evidence do I have for it?
If you don't have an evidence for what you are assuming, then obviously, it's a possibly your interpretation of what you're aware isn't real."
Yet, if you have no assumptions or beliefs, then what would qualify as proof that the world is real? Even without assumptions how do you know for certain?

@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Why do we need a higher being to tell us what is real or not?
@aelyus (634)
• Romania
29 Dec 06
How about you? How do yu now you are real? Maybe you are a dream of a mushroom:), or yeah, maybe is like Matrix. We live in a world of convention, a wolrd that every rule and theory is set by us. Are you sure that 2+2=4? No, this is a convention set by us, which says that sum of two numbers is adding each of them. We are composed by atoms, a sum of billions atoms... so we are conventions? I guess I have another thing to meditate for now on...thanks to you...
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@theaustinproject (99)
• United States
29 Dec 06
2+2=4 is not a convention that is made up... it is a truth that has been discovered. The symbols themselves are conventions, because 2 could just as easily be J and 4 could be I, and J+J=I or whatever. Hope that makes sense.
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
2+2=4 but One half plus one half also equals four. This is because one half of something to me maybe two of something to you. i.e. half of dollar is two quarters. I see one half of a dollar you see two quarters. We are both right and we are both wrong. The cup is neither half full or half empty, but maybe the cup is too small or two big. lol.
My interest is more in whether or not those numbers are have substance that is more than just a fleeting illusion maintained by something that keeps me in the dark to the truth. Whatever the truth maybe that is. After all maybe number is an illusion, maybe quantity does not exist and all is one. After all even in our dualistic state of perception we can not escape the fact that everything touches everything else. Nothing is ever separate, variations of the initial condition of a dynamic system may produce other variations in the long term behavior of the system. i.e. the butterfly effect.
@utsadetti (4589)
• United States
29 Dec 06
real is something we can see and we can touch lol.
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
No, I'm not so sure of that. Perhaps it is not real, also what you say could imply that what we can not see and touch is not real. So radio waves are not real, the signal a Wifi connection uses is not real, and what about all those light spectrums we are not aware of? All the sounds that we can not hear, are these also not real?
@prav2942005 (102)
• India
29 Dec 06
everything in this world is real....................................................................................................................
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@shivram123 (656)
• India
29 Dec 06
can i coment in this discuss in another way,imagine u seen a red rose now is tht a real one,no its not a real one its just a picture of flower in ur brain made by ur eyes when the light rays reflect frm the rose hit in ur retina and ofcorse it is not in red colour too??? are u suprised???
a red flower u seen is a image after the absorbtion of all other colors by the flower and only the reflected color is seen by u?? so is tht the colour of the flower really?
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
You mean electric signals interpreted by the brain? That type of thing. We never really see reality we can only see what our brain translates for us. What ever the case if this is true how can we come to an experiential understanding of this truth?
@mamabulldog60 (351)
• United States
29 Dec 06
This is what makes us human, acknowledgement and actualization of self. Whereever we are its our perception of reality at that moment in time that is real. There is not one reality, but each individuals perception of it so to me realtiy is very personal
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Are you sure that there is not a reality beyond each individuals perception? i.e. an objective reality.
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I can see that you are having trouble defining it. Think about it and call us in the morning. :)
@RogerRover (85)
• Canada
29 Dec 06
I do not know that this world is real. But one thing I do know is that God put me here to experience it and I need to believe in that. Therefore, we can't know. But it's faith that leads me on the best paths for me
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I am happy that you have found the best path for you. Thank you for replying.
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Still too simplistic, why do so many people assume that pinching yourself actually works?!
Dream analysis is a good suggestion though.
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I want the joy of seeking out the truth. I never out grew my child like curiosity.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
29 Dec 06
There is something I heard like, everything is maya (Illusion). A chair is not real, the idea of creating the chair is real. Does this sound familiar to you. If this is the logic you use, then you are not real, indeed.
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
How does the logic someone uses determine the nature of their reality? And, yes I have heard of the concept of maya (illusion), it is a bit more complicated than that though.
@blueray_01 (236)
• India
29 Dec 06
we all are in a state of dream or we all are searching for wat we really is.some do really get out from this fake world and that state is ultimate happiness and all that do is to thimk why we are here.we got many people who have self realisation have their views and rules to follow which they teach others to be in such a state.
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@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
How do you know that living in reality is ultimate happiness are you experiencing reality? If you are do you have ultimate happiness, if so what is reality like?
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
No not really because using people as an example, though you do not realize it you are indeed still dreaming when you wake up. So if we are all apart of some beings dream we would not cease to exist when that being wakes, we would simply become a part of that being subconscious until he goes back to sleep again. This could be the real reason why we have day and night. Night is when we enter the creatures sub consciousness or visa versa.
And, if this is the matrix we would not know who created it unless we sought out the boundaries of the reality. Which is maybe exactly what we should be doing to there by prove or disprove its validity? After all everything has a beginning and an end, why have we not tried to find the boundaries of reality? But, forgive me this is exactly what many in the hippy movement believed they were doing. Must give credit were credit is due.
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
29 Dec 06
One day you will realize you are creating your own world and that nothing in it is real, including you. The only thing that is real is your expanded self(spirit). You have the choice of how you want to create the world you live in. I believe your spirit and all spirits came to this place to create an adventure called life. You have the power to create your reality by using your thoughts and mind. The fun part is that no matter what you are creating, it isn't real. The world is like a movie...we see things happen on the screen, but they are only inventions of the mind and have no substance. Take care of your thoughts and all will be well.
@surfincypherz (490)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Interesting idea, were did you get it, and how do you know for certain?