Want to make money while you sleep???

@loutrt (185)
United States
December 28, 2006 8:13pm CST
1)Hot market target 2)Research what is hot 3)Sell what people want to buy
2 responses
@santaram (1422)
• India
29 Dec 06
sleep - sleep
please tell the information how
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@tictac714 (975)
• United States
29 Dec 06
What are we talking about here exactly?
@loutrt (185)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Its not rocket sience. you find what every one wants and you sell it to them for more then anyone else. This is what I just got out of a 1 hour teleconfernce. I am in the prosess of puting it together, and when I get it I will share.
• United States
29 Dec 06
I wasn't trying to be smart...I was just trying to ask for more info. Which you already promised so I will be patient =) thanks
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@loutrt (185)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thought I had something for a while, but like usaul I almost got stuck for a bundle. you cant trust any thing you hear and only half of what you see with your own eyes.
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