Imperialism and Racism
By andygogo
@andygogo (1579)
December 29, 2006 11:23am CST
Imperialism and Racism
The Anglos have outsourced to India a lot of their call centre work. This is an attempt to keep UK wages low whilst inflating the money supply and to compete with Europe. But the UK is now changing policy. As well as the blatantly racist ruling which now favours European doctors training in the UK over doctors from the Indian sub-continent, the UK's state-owned Channel 4 news reports that Indian call centres are selling personal details of bank customers.
This is like the complaint that China makes counterfeit goods. The Anglo nations make nothing and counterfeiters are bound to move their operations to China. Similarly, the only place that call centre details are sold is in India because that's where the work has moved to. In the UK, such illegal selling of customers private details has always happened even the expert interviewed on Channel 4 news said so. Far worse is the US government which is illegally wiretapping the public's phones without court oversight. But what Channel 4 is trying to do is smear India. Despite such things happening constantly in the UK, there's no big "exposé".
Similarly, the corrupt claim that Pakistan was ball-tampering in the cricket match was uncalled for because in previous eras, such "tampering" was always done and openly too.
The Anglos are the world's most racist. Whereas other nations use racism as a tool for their imperialism. The Anglos are genuinely racist, small-minded and mean-spirited spurred on by racist none-stories such as this smear on India.
Clearly, the UK government is implementing a change in policy from outsourcing to bringing the work back to UK shores. There is no need for this nasty, racist way of doing it. The smearing is intended to give the Anglos a sense of superiority as the Ubermenschen. It's so funny when an Anglo scum-bag tries to effect the imperialist commanding tone with you but even funnier when you put them in their place.
War criminal Jack Straw has just deliberately insulted muslims using this imperialist tone, saying that wearing the veil in the UK is a "visible statement of separation and difference". No doubt the war criminal believes men and women should dress identically as well. But Straw's personal preferences are irrelevant. At the same time, there's a dispute over a muslim police officer who asked to be moved from his post as a security guard for the Israeli embassy. The Anglos want to assimilate, yet at the same time they commit war crimes against people's home countries as well as smearing them. Of course, this is also a switch from Nazi Germany where Jews were forced to wear Star of Davids.
In the US, English has just been made the official national language, though Amerikans such as Shrub have yet to catch up with ethnic minorities in learning English. Why should our Anglo masters stoop to speaking our language?
12 responses
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Hey, Everybody! IGNORE this guy! He is copying and pasting content from OTHER websites onto this site. He is being reported to Mylot. Don't bother with him anymore, he probably won't be around much longer. :-)
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Here's the link to the site he copied this one from:
He's basically an idiot who has nothing original to say. He's just posting what other people wrote.
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@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Have you ever taken the time to notice that the "anglos" are the most inclusive, multicultural nations in the universe?
even their physical characteristics show that they have been integrated and mixed their blood (ie, blond, brown, red, black hair etc, blue, black, green, hazel eyes etc.), since you wanted to mention race, then better look closely. I dont recall such mixed blood in countries such as China or Japan, have you?
Do you see other "non-anglo" societies with even a small percentage of integration, multiculturalism, immigration, in their mix? not that i care, but you brought it up.
Have you ever noticed that non-anglo people literally risk killing themselves to migrate to the US, canada, australia or Britain? legally and illegally? As a matter of fact you could say the "anglo" nations are havens for ethnic minorities. But then you brought up race not me.
Have you ever walked onto an american or british college campus and opened yours eyes?
You should be preaching to the people or family or country that gave you such narrow-minded, racist ideas...not to the "anglos".
If I were Sigmund Freud, i might just say you have a case of "Anglo Envy"...
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@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
30 Dec 06
...and by the way, you mentioned war-criminals so many times in your post. Funny, Saddam Hussien was hanged tonight for war crimes, but you made no mention of that...hmmmm,
Could it be because Bush was the only one that had the political nerve to be rid of that thug? and that Bush, such an "anglo"...!!
@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Where ever there is a profit to be made, the greedy will always find a way to exploit it. Doing the right thing is a choice although few people choose it but one day, it will become very important.
The west wants to insure the east has a strong middle class so they can buy western goods. As fewer and fewer goods are being produced in the west, they have to cut the cost of doing business so they look to third world nations who possess
good English.
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
30 Dec 06
The Vicar is absolutely right. Another point to make is that when US companies have sold bank information illegally it has been a big deal and reported in the press, as are times when people's identities have been compromised. However, back to the Vicar's argument, the West is trying to make goods cheaper so that other nations, like India, will buy them. And with the boom in call center business in India, what have Indians been doing? Buying more Western goods.
@doyoulikeme (242)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Isee alot of issues in your statement some I agree with some I don't. But it comes down to two things; fear and greed. Fear comes from misunderstanding sometimes it comes fromthe actions of other sometimes its prejudice and Racism.
I see alot of it now becaue people are scard. They have a right to be. The practices and policies of the past have some up and bit them on the butt. People are rising up againt there overloads, not just Anglos.
Greed, it's cheaper to put together junk over sea. You can find someone and pay them very little. Maybe .20 a day is the daily wage. I think its an excuse. I'm in the States Wal-Mart is King when it comes to selling imported junk, that's why I don't shop there.
Being an Black American womnen I come up against people in the past who don't like my braids and want me to take them out. They feel its not appropriate and in one case saftey issue. Which leaves me to the head covering. I'm concerned when people start to mess with beleifs. I'm concerned about terrorists as well. I know some guy went throught the airport dressed as a women. Who really checks those tickets. If someone can find some creative way to respect beliefs structures i'm all for it. For now my braids stay in.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Your going to really hate the changes that are probably on the way regarding US outsourcing. Our new Democratic congress is about to push for legislatue that will take tax credits away from US comapnies that are outsourcing jobs overseas that can be done in the USA...Why should we give tax breaks to companies for training foreign workers to do jobs that used to belong to Americans?
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@valey101 (6)
29 Dec 06
I don't think that your post puts people in full control of the facts. Muslim people banned in England from wearing headscarfs? Maybe. Christians banned from wearing an expression of their faith? Yes (BA worker fired from her job for wearing a cross). Please: don't tar 60 million people with the same brush, just like I don't assume that all Indians live in mud-huts!
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@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
29 Dec 06
I know
I was always against outsourcing
I know its really good for the development of india but then doesnt it makes us a slave in the hands of the mentor companies
and doesnt it make us more dependent on them?
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
29 Dec 06
A few things
1- Anglo's are the most racist? Really?
2- Smearing and racism are used to take jobs away from India? Who's jobs were they? the original countries.
3- Jack Straw was right about Muslims.
4- To compare Nazi germany with the Muslim veil problem is moronic.
Overall, this analysis is extremely bad. It doesn't make sense, its jst a confusing rant.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Uhm, for the record I'm Anglo and I'm not racist. Second of all, your categorizing all Anglos as such is in itself a form of racism. Third of all, people in general are just idiots and always tend to blame the wrong people. The people that you are not recognizing being hurt by the whole call center dealing are the laborers from UK and USA whose jobs have been lost to outsourcing. It's all about cheaper wages. In this case, you're right it is Anglos who are to blame--ultra rich Anglos who don't give a crap about anyone including their own countrymen.
@harris24982 (530)
29 Dec 06
i find your comments on english being racist rather funny as i have been reading you posts for a while now where you have been saying some very racist things about the english (me included as an english man)
you call us racists but i would never say 99.9% of the things you have been saying about my fellow english men
as for your comment about outsourcing being brought back to uk shores
you decribe it as nasty and racist
this is untrue it has nothing to do with being ether racist or nasty
we have poor people here that need jobs
england is growing all the time we have thousands without jobs that that work comeing back to uk shores will help
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