What was the worse obstacle or block in your path that you had overcome?
@purposedriven (842)
United States
December 29, 2006 8:15pm CST
What advice would you give to those experiencing set backs? I am sure you have heard that set backs are preparations for come backs, what do you think about this thought? I am an individual who has been through a lot in life and have learned from all the obstacles I have been faced with. I don’t get upset when I am faced with new obstacles because I know that it is only for a matter of time. My advice to anyone dealing with “set backs” is to accept that there are there for a reason and that in due time you will be able to understand why. There is no need to give up or get frustrated. Just re-evaluate the situation and take another route. Do you always think positive when faced with bad experiences? I am eager to know your thoughts.
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31 responses
@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
30 Dec 06
The worse obstacle I had to overcome was going througha divorce. Ilost my house, job and kids within a 8 month period dealing with my x husband. Even though I bounced back and Ihave all my kids back. I would say keep your head up. you will not always go through a storm. SOmeone is always in a worse situation than you are in!
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
You are definitely right about that. When you feel you have it bad...someone has it worse...
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thank you...
When you trip and fall, just get up and dust yourself off. Things happen for a reason and it's how we deal with them that determines the results.
@safiuddin (165)
• India
30 Dec 06
i take things easy as these are the daily life consequences which go on. So whenever i face with bad experiences i take it positive
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
You are right, going through things in life is a part of life. Thank you for your positive responds!
@kfg20012003 (1037)
• India
31 Dec 06
yes i always think how to proceed further in case of any obstacles happen..on of them was my failure insem exams ..i wrote it well inand got the highest mark..that is what u call presence of mind
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thank you. "Presence of mind"...wow, interesting thought.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
30 Dec 06
My worst obstacle was when I was a child and it was hard to make any friends because most kids would make fun of me because of me being half chinese and having small eyes and I looked different from everyone else. It was very hard for me growing up and was really shy around people. Even when I got to high school I was still shy but not afraid to be around people and was able to make friends and participated in sports and other activities. I did not let their teasing keep me down and I understand the reasoning behind the teasing. If I had kids, I would tell them to not make fun of or tease other children as it can be very hurtful and do harm to a child growing up.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
If there were more parents who spoke to their kids about the harm teasing can do, it would have been easier for many of us growing up. It bothers me when I still see this going on, but the child needs to be strong...they (like you said) should not let the name calling and teasing put them down. There is nothing more discouraging than when you allow yourself to be discouraged. People are going to be people, and it's good to know that you were able to overcome that obstacle in your life and meet friends that appreciated you for who you were.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
31 Dec 06
everyone goes through obstacles in life to me it is gods way of testing us to see how we deal with certain things in life.i have gone through alot in life and every obstacle i had to go through only made me a stronger person.it dont get me down because i know i will get through it and things will be better.things may not look to bright for those who have had a set back but life does get better instead of looking at the downside of things they should look at is as things will get better soon and it will make me a better person.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
My point exactly, God will not put you through anything that He knew you couldn't handle. Like you said, the more you go through, the stronger you become...the more proficient you are in dealing with setbacks. Thanks for sharing...
@thepromptwriter (474)
• United States
30 Dec 06
My biggest obsticle in life was overcoming my "spoiled child" syndrome. Not my childrens, but my own. When I first got married, I was a spoiled brat who thought the world owed me whatever I wanted. My advise to anyone who has gone through this is to stop and look at what is really important in life. When a person can set their own wants and needs aside and are able to give unselfishly, they can find true happiness.
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thank you so much for sharing your story and for the advice you gave. The best for the New Year!
@suchetan230044 (618)
• India
30 Dec 06
my worst obstacle on my path was my health.i had hepatitis during second year of my graduation.i was very much ill.but i was very arrogant and used to work even when i was ill which made things more complicated for me.i got pain in my abdomen and i cant go to college and sit for exams.i suffered for 2years from fatty liver syndrome.but i tried very hard and cleared all my subjects in due time by supplementary exams and now i am a graduate and with continuous rest and medical support i am quite ok to live a normal life with immense blessings from almighty above us.i thank GOD for this kindness that he showered on me and gave me strength in those days of agony and frustrations.GOD i love you.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
That is truly a powerful story about determination, faith, and patience. I am glad that you are doing better and happier that you keep the Lord as your strength and guidance. Although I am sorry for your illness, I am happy that you are now able to live a normal life. God Bless you!!!
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
30 Dec 06
wow Ive been through alot lately and I really agree that its just a matter of time..
You may be going through something bad, but as long as u keep on praying and believing and having faith, its gonna be ok.. I always tell myself when I am going through something that this too will pass.. and then you'll be on to the next one. and that ones gonna pass too!
Just dont give up.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
You are absolutely correct! There is always an end to a storm. Thank you for response and great advice.
@muralikumar2005 (622)
• India
30 Dec 06
Every goal you set is going to have obstacles. If you goals didn’t have obstacles, then you wouldn’t have any trouble achieving them. Without obstacles achieving your goals would just be activities like watching television or picking up your dry-cleaning. Obstacles are what make goals challenging and motivating. Although obstacles can be frustrating, without them any goal could be easily achieved without motivation or effort. Without obstacles or challenges, life would be dull and boring without any excitement, drive or motivation.
The problem occurs when you fail to overcome our challenges and obstacles. Worse even when you give up at the sight of a particular obstacle because you cannot see a path around it. As thrilling and motivating it can be to overcome your challenges to reach a goal it can be equally frustrating and depressing when you can’t find a way to solve them. How can you overcome the obstacles on the way to our goals and achieve that sense of motivation, achievement and excitement that defines what life is really about?
Plan Ahead
In order to successfully navigate around an obstacle you need a map. Your plan is your map. In rough waters, turbulent storms and dense fog it will allow you to stay on course and reach your destination. By planning out how you want to reach your goal, you can successfully identify and find solutions to most of the obstacles you will come across. By identifying the obstacles ahead of time, you can avoid scrambling for a solution in the last minutes before they hit you.
Your plan should logically connect where you are with your goal. If you want to lose thirty pounds, your plan should provide the logical path from your current weight to your goal weight. Your plan might include exercising for an hour every day and eating healthier foods. Your plan should also include the methods you want to use to avoid temptation and to make sure you stick to your diet and exercise routine. A vague map won’t be a good guide when you get into trouble. Similarly, a vague plan is a disaster waiting to happen.
Obstacles can be a source of frustration and pain. Obstacles and difficulties are also the source of excitement, satisfaction and fulfillment. Active planning can allow you to always have a reliable map on the path to your goal. By deciding that every problem has a solution and putting your faith in the immense creative abilities you possess, the solutions will appear. Finally by setting an unbreakable standard to not change your deadlines in the face of obstacles you ensure that you are in control of life and life isn’t controlling you. Helen Keller once said, “Life is a daring adventure, or nothing.” Obstacles are the essence of your daring adventure, so embrace them and their solutions.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thank you so much, are you sure you are not part of my family? Great minds think alike. You have great insight...thanks again!
@karimulla_ou (161)
• India
30 Dec 06
set backs are the stepping stones for our success from a failure, we should not scared about the things which went wrong, we need to analyze why this happened and we need to work out positively, we need to get out of it very positively, life is with full of adventures.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I agree, analyzing our wrongs or setbacks is a positive way of dealing with them. Once we know what went wrong, we are able to prepare ourselves for challenges the next time around.
@shivram123 (656)
• India
30 Dec 06
i really hav the same opinion abt this matter each and every obstacle lead to a nice end atlast if we are really good one not cheters any thing happens is a salary to our work so the obstacles is also u knw
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@xfresh12 (43)
• Philippines
30 Dec 06
i once gambled my tuition money and i loss all those money,luckily i got a handful help to some of my friends lending me some money,that was happened last yr..now i dont go to casino's much often so that i dont loss to much money..im concentrating my mind on taking up my cafe shops..
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Thanks for sharing that...
It seems like you have learned from your mistakes and are on the right track...keep it up!!
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
30 Dec 06
The only way you can get what you want is to never give up. The greatest obstacle to your success will be yourself. Everything is always present in life for you to have. It is your own thinking that will keep you from reaching your goals. "Set backs" are given to you for the purpose of learning and growing. You sound like you already have a good handle on what you need to do to be successful(whatever that means to you). Keeping your thoughts positve is the way to think. I have been going through a struggle to get what I want in my life for the last 6 years. I have not given up my dreams and remain positive in finding a way to life life on my terms. You are on the right track. Keep going and never give up your dreams.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. Hope others embrace what you have written. Thanks again!
@jasmin19 (219)
• India
30 Dec 06
Hi, i agree with your thoughts, i had faced many problems in my life but if you have patince, than u are able to get success in your life.
You have to wait until your all problems get vanished after that way is yours, best of luck for your future.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
You are right. Having patience is a part of life, if we demand things or expect things to work out when we want them to all the time; that's where we begin to fall. Giving yourself time and learning from your experiences produce better results. Thank you and best of luck for yours as well.
@lulylove (1560)
• Brazil
30 Dec 06
Yes Therefore they are the bad experiences that in make them to grow more to each day in the life.
They are the obstacles that in make them to be stronger and wiser not to suffer more and to teach to other people who pass for this difficulty.
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thank you for your thoughts. The best for the New Year and always!!
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I try to think positive but sometimes it's very overwhelming. My biggest set back to date is having a baby. I can't and it's furstrating. But we are now planning to adopt.
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I am sorry to hear that, but I am glad to know that you are willing to accept other means of having a family. Every set back opens a new window. There are so many babies in this world in need of a loving family. I know that you are going to make him/her happy. The best for you and your family.
@natuser28 (907)
• United States
30 Dec 06
In extreme cases, a fear of failing will cause a person to avoid anything that isn't safe or a guaranteed success. Many entrepreneurs never set out on their own for this very reason. When confronted with a questionable task, anxiety develops and, like any fear, the person backs away from the scary item.
However, taking risks is one of the only ways to get ahead in life, and with risk comes a chance of failure. Those who are not able to overcome this fear don't take the risks needed to excel at work, relationships and more. Their life may therefore become stagnant, yet it is safe.
"What I encourage people to do is picture themselves 20 years from now in the same job at the same desk and with the same people, simply to show them what will happen if they don't take any risks. The color just drains out of their faces. But if you don't make an effort to change and get what you want, then life probably won't turn out how you want it to.
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I love your view and advice. Thank you so much for your insight!!
@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I could only imagine how hard it could have been. But I am happy to know that all worked out for the best. Thanks for sharing!!
@bimmer999 (1158)
• Philippines
30 Dec 06
i guess it is to finish my studies completely without the presence of my parents..
nothing else comes to mind..
im glad i overcame that obstacle..
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@purposedriven (842)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thank you for sharing. I wish you the best in all your endeavors!