Have you done your family history?

United States
September 27, 2006 4:53pm CST
I did a complete family history and i would like to know how many people have acctually done one?
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9 responses
28 Sep 06
Can a family history be ever complete? My Dad's been doing his, got back to 1700's something, no pirates yet. :(
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@1alyssa (758)
• United States
28 Sep 06
my cousin does our family tree stuff and she has got a lot of information out of it it is pretty intresting
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@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Sep 06
Yes, My son (aged 12 years) did it with collection of photographs and finding out little detail for 150 years and it was difficult to trace history before that.
@HomerBundy (1325)
• United States
28 Sep 06
id love to sit down and work on my families history...when i get the chance i will look more into it...i dont know how good record keeping is in China, so i may not be able to go very far back...
• United States
2 Nov 06
i havent really been able to gather too much information...i hope to find more time for this later...
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
28 Sep 06
I did my family history. I've always been interested in doing it. My great aunt had started it quite a few years ago, and then when I took it over my brother got me Family Tree Maker to keep it all organized so it's not confusing. I found out SO much stuff that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. Through the searching process, I actually found cousins that I didn't know we had overseas. I had fun with it!
@skittlez353 (1402)
• United States
27 Sep 06
I tried to but my family is too big. It branched off so many times, we lost track of everyone. My father had 6 brothers and sisters and all their kids and my mom had like 5-6 brothers and sisters and all their kids, and now their kids, kids! too much. i can go all the way back to my great grandaparents who had 12 kids, and thats just on moms side.
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@justnitya (1392)
• India
2 Nov 06
ya i once made a website for my family
@adonica (439)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I have tried working on one but I got so frustrated I stopped.
@design (849)
• Ireland
30 Dec 06
My mother is a genealogist, Its amazing what you find out about your ancestors. Its amazing how many notes she has found written in to margins by a priest or persons doing the census that really has nothing to do with them. Its nice to see how people lived years ago too.