headache, help!

United States
December 30, 2006 1:14am CST
What do you guys do to get rid of a headache? I have had one all day and nothing is helping me to get rid of it!! Any suggestions? I"m going crazy over here!
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20 responses
@Deelema (10)
• United States
7 Jan 07
It really depends on the type of headache you have. IF it starts in the base of your neck I found that yoga helps. If it's on both sides of the front of your head I gently squeeze on the pressure points by my temple. Also going to the chiropractor for an adjustment can help relieve the pain.
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@acosjo (1903)
• Canada
31 Dec 06
Normally when I have a headache I take Extra Strength Tylenol and have a nap. I have two kids here so I have a headache all the time, hehe. What also works is a backrub to get to those pressure points. Do you have a boyfriend to do that or should I start packing my bags?
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Dec 06
You're right about that. I do have a boyfriend but he doesn't give enough backrubs. =( I was thinking about getting professional massages, maybe that would help...only trouble is I can't afford them!
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@acosjo (1903)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?! Why did I not get best response?!?!?!?!?!
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@acosjo (1903)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
just kidding
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• India
30 Dec 06
I think doing proper yoga can solve your problem.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Dec 06
you are probably right. thanks. =)
• India
1 Jan 07
I have read somewhere that applying pressure to certain points on your body can help stop headache pain by releasing muscle tension and relieving stress and anxiety. Try this simple technique: Place your right index fingertip on the hollow at the right side of the base of your skull, then place your left index one finger-width above your eyebrow, lined up with your pupil. Apply a gentle but firm pressure for two minutes, breathing deeply the whole time. You want to make sure you're as relaxed as possible, so it might help to prop your elbows up on pillows to prevent your arms from getting tired. After two minutes, switch sides and repeat the technique for another two minutes. I hope It will surely solve your problem.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Jan 07
This technique does help me somewhat but I have found it is only very temporary and the pain comes back. It does help for awhile though. Thanks. =)
@habichuelo (3100)
• United States
21 Jan 07
wow nobody had told you about EXEDRIN MIGRAINE at walgreens or wal-mart... or if you smoke try marihuana smoked or in tea!!!its great to kill headaches .....yeah,well,,,and get you arrested too!!!!!!!!
• United States
21 Jan 07
LOL thanks I think I'll stick with the excedrin!
@cr1st1nel (3564)
• Romania
30 Dec 06
I have headaches too oftelny, you don't have too much things to do. This is what i do. I try to take a shower a cold one and after that i take a pill for headache and to be sure that i will pass the headache i go and take a nap for something around 2-3 hours. And when i wake up i am new and refreshed as a little baby. Good luck!
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Glad to hear you are doing better. I see a home remedy with almonds and honey. It would be tasty, and might work as they are both good sources of magnesium. It is easy to say, but try to get your stress under control.
• United States
31 Dec 06
Yeah...if I could get rid of all the stress that would be the best thing. DOesn't look like that's happinging for awhile though! =(
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thanks. I ended up taking a hot shower and some benadryl and sleeping it off. I feel better today! Thanks!
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
Oh no! come on! don't tell me we the same problem. I have this for years that I have to take paracetamol tablets wherever I go. At one point I thought it was my eyes that cause it so I changed glasses but the pain remained. Pain relievers give temporary relief but still I can't get rid of it. A friend suggested relaxation, but it didn't give a permanent cure. So here I am with my paracetamols. By the way, medicated balms also help but I found the scent annoying especially when I am in public places.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
it's a generic term for many pain killers. They are marketed under different brands. From where you are I don't know if you are familiar with Tempra or Bio-gesic, I'm not sure whether Advil is purely Ibufprofen or is it mixed with paracetamol. I hope I'm not making commercial plug-ins here. Anyway you can always ask the pharmacist. One reason I use it is that it can be taken on an empty stomach safely. Oh yes, I think Panadol is now using paracetamol. Check it out. Thanks.
• United States
1 Jan 07
What is this paracetamol???
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@moreinfo (3865)
• China
31 Dec 06
gastrodia tuber: tianma: good for ladies' health,  - gastrodia tuber: tianma: Chinese hurb good for ladies' health, and to cure headache
how about your doctor's advices?you could get improved by taking some recipes:gastrodia tuber (tianma) stewed with a dove, or with some sparrow (sorry, not so sure if you eat dove or not).
• United States
31 Dec 06
I haven't heard of tianma...No, I've never eated dove before. I didn't know people at them . Thanks though for your response.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I suffer migraines and have found that ice just makes my pain worse. Coldness or ice seem to be the common remedy. But it does not work for me. A hot shower with the water beating on my head helps take the edge off. Laying down with my head on a heating pad has also helped. Try not to take the medications that say for stress or migraines because they have caffeine in them. When you drop from the caffeine, you will get a rebound headache. If the pills with the caffeine help or you were desperate and took one, follow it up with regular Motrin a couple hours after to ward off the rebound headache. Hope some of this helps! :)
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@acosjo (1903)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
I think you need a massage!
@sagarbx (732)
• India
1 Jan 07
take a tablet with caffeine maleate, definitely you will get rid from headache. trust me i m a clinical pharmacist.............
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Jan 07
Is this caffeine maleate different from regular caffeine?
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@mayammb (1815)
• Australia
30 Dec 06
dont ever take any medicine .if its too strong apply a wet towel on the head.pranayama is the best method .other 1 is close 1 nose and inhale through the other and check which 1 is blocked .normal headache are due to lack of oxygen to the cells. so try breathing out hard through the blocked nose. did u know that the nose switches its breathing pattern every 1 and a quarter hours.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Dec 06
No, I did not know that. How so? Thanks for your reply.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I suffer from headaches and migrains a lot so here are a few suggestions. Take bengay (or another lintiment like icyhot, deep heat) and rub it on your temples and on the back of your neck. If you have tried headache medicine and it doesn't work try taking something for the sinus'. It could be sinus pressure and you don't know it. Coffee or chocolate can help with a headache. It's the caffiene in them that works. Most migraine medicines have caffiene in them. Chamomille tea or Sleepytime Tea. Drink a cup and then take a nap. The tea helps you to relax. Finally use like an eye mask, they sell them everywhere they have gel in them and you keep them in the fridge. Put it on and lay down. Sleep always does wonders. Hope you feel better soon.
• United States
31 Dec 06
ooh bengay is a great idea, I never thought of that before!! I am better right now, but I'm going to try that for my next headache. Thanks!
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@wings33 (230)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Several things to try would be lying down without a pillow and try to rest and close your eyes and try to sleep, either on your stomach or back. Try covering your eyes with your hands when you lie down. Also try splashing cold water on your face and neck. Tie a scarf around you head and try various degress of tightness. I know this all sounds weird, but I don't like taking Tylenol or aspirin since my stomach gets upset. I had to try alternatives and they seem to work for me.
• United States
2 Jan 07
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30 Dec 06
I am one who gets a bout of headaches very regularly. I have tried all sorts o remedies to get it off my head. First and foremost I sleep in a room which is pitch dark no lights at all, with an ice pack over my head. After some time I apply a paste of cinnamon powder on the area of the headache. This may burn a bit but eventually it will help ease the pain.
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• United States
30 Dec 06
That sounds like a migraine headache. They are so painful. Thanks for your response
@carolynpb (647)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Maybe it's a sinus headache. they are real bad and hard to get rid of. I use natural sinus medicines I order off of the net. they usually work good for me. If it's a migrain you need to take something exspecially for migrain.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Dec 06
thanks for your response.
@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
30 Dec 06
I say, There's the door don't slam it on your way out. Only kidding! I usually take Tylynol extra strenght or I will go relax somewhere quiet. Hope this helps?
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Dec 06
Thanks for your response!
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Someone posted the other day saying she has good luck by applying ice to forehead and temples, leaving it a few minutes (probaboy no more than 10) then removing it for awhile. Others apply warm pack to the back of the neck. My favorite OTC med for headaches that are not sinus related is a store brand that combines aspirin, acetaminophen and caffeine. Sometimes they call it migraine relief, sometimes headache relief, and sometimes body pain relief, just look for those ingredients. Sinus related, caffeine and guifensin (Mucinex type pills) a decongestant and or antihistamine. I find that since I have increased magnesium in my diet I get fewer headaches. I take a supplement, and eat more seafood, nuts , and beans. I know that will not help right now, but maybe in the long run. If all else fails, try to get some extra sleep.
• United States
30 Dec 06
I've been taking excedrin all day and it hasn't worked. =( But I think I will go try a decongestant on top of that. Thanks.
• India
30 Dec 06
Hello Friend, Do you know about Yoga/Pranayama. Your problem can be cured by doing Anulom Vilom Pranayama. If you are interested to do it, please visit this site : www.divyayoga.com. There is method of doing Pranayama. It is completely based on systematic breathing. You will not believe on it. But it is true, please ready the Anulom Vilom Pranayama etc and start it doing daily, within a 2-3 days of time you will see positive result. No medicine, no money etc required for this. Only thing require is breathing in systematic way as suggested by above site. lacs of Indians are cured by this Pranayama. Believe me. Please try it and then only comments.
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• United States
30 Dec 06
I appreciate you guys responses suggesting yoga, and this systematic breathing. I'm willing to try almost anything at this point. I have been under so much stress, that I'm at a point where I am getting headaches almost daily. I will certainly check it out and give it a try. Thanks!
@jossml (464)
• Puerto Rico
2 Jan 07
It can help to modify your diet, you have to try several days to found if something you are eating causes the headache, try avoiding cheese, chocolate and citrus one day, try by avoiding Nitrites and MSG those are found in processed meat, hot dogs, canned meat and fish, meat tenderizers, Chinese restaurant food, and other day you can avoid caffeine drinks. Try this to see if you find what is causing the headache.
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• Pakistan
30 Dec 06
Well i just take a medicine heres a tip for u In fry pan just heat up some black pepper and smell it or breath in it and after 5-10minutes u will hget rid off headache i hope it works.
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• United States
30 Dec 06
That's intereesting, I have never heard of that before. I will have to give it a shot. Thanks
@slimes (353)
• Ukraine
1 Jan 07
well guys normally take paracetamol
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