my sister has been dead for 1 year now,but i just cannot get over it
By classy56
@classy56 (2880)
United States
December 30, 2006 6:35am CST
i cry everyday over her.everywere i look. i think of her,she was my only sister.i know shes in heaven at a better place.when ppl talks about her i even cry an have to leave the room.i keep busy but that dont work an i even written her letters.i need help!to cope with this
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16 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Jan 07
it has been 2 years since hubby passed and I still cry almost every day . I do it most out of site of my family but they still know and just any little thing can start you crying so soor y you had to lose her tho am hoping time will take care of this for both of us

@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I keep hoping to not cry all the time but after 42 1/2 years its very hard to not cry at alot of things. My daughter says I cry at a drop of a hat now even said she would take his pics away if I dont stop ,but I will still have my memories. We can hold on to them and that makes them close in our hearts. thanks for the prayers
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@sherryberry (17)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Hi, first off I am sorry for your loss. I can however relate 110% with how you are feeling and what your going through. I take it you and your sister were close...I lost my brother with whom I was extremely close with and I went through all the same emotions as you have and as you are. He has been gone 10 yrs now and I wish I could say it doesnt hurt as bad, but it does. I have found it just gets easier to cope with the fact.
I find comfort in talking about him and knowing he is in a better place than I am.. He isnt gone, he is just away...
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@classy56 (2880)
• United States
2 Jan 07
aww im sry,about your brother,you so are so nice,i know she in heaven an in a better place an it feels like she is just away an im setting here waiting for her to come home im try so hard to get over this emptyness an with everyone help im sure i will.thank you so much
@sherryberry (17)
• United States
3 Jan 07
classy, do you ever feel her?? I mean u could be sitting there and a smell or a song movie...etc.. can occur and you feel like she is there or you can smell her perfume..that is her...she is with you....thought you needed to know that...i know my brother is around me and that helps also
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@edelweiss (1929)
• India
3 Jan 07
Buddy, we can only sympatisize with you and maybe some will show pity but thats not what you need.
Remeber her, remember fond memories, good moments together that make you smile and would have made her smile when remembered together. Dont cry over her. Let it go... Wherever she is now, she'll be happy and expect you all, the entire family to be happy too.
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@sireesuccess (1254)
• India
13 Jan 07
i am very sory to here that.but whole heartedly i am saying this that i am ur sister from today dont feel that ur sister is no more.think that she is alive in i cant get back the same sister but i am ur sister too with the same love and affection she showed when she is alive.take care.
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@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I am truely sorry for your loss.. I havent lost any sister's but I did lose my dad and I really know how very painful it can be. I am so glad you know she is in heaven and have that belief. I know my father is there as well and I know I will see him again one day..
It's been 5 yrs since he passed and it has been real hard, I was and still am the biggest daddy's girl!
I wrote letters and poems and I still cry for him because even though he is happily in heaven, I miss him.
you know what I do? I ask God to tell my dad I love him. and I also ask him to please give him a great big hug for me. I keep him alive in my memory. I speak with his friends, I look at pictures. I do what I need to do to get through it.. you know, your never gonna get over it really.. but, it does get easier. it gets easier to face the days and easier to smile and everything.. you will always miss her ofcourse, but the pain will start to lesson a little.. it's only been a year, and she is your sister.. your feelings are very normal and they are ok to have.. you really need to be able to lean on friends too.. if you have a partner or a friend, talk to them.. let them help you get through this.. even if u have to get help from a councilor, do it.. let someone be with you and help you through this.
I will keep you in my prayers!
God Bless.
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@jayaramayodhya (109)
• India
3 Jan 07
i m really feeling jealous of u....u r having a real love to ur sister... i can't say anything to satisfy u or to relieve u frm ur pain... just try to make ur mind that she is gone but still with u to help u ... control ur feelings.. for that u have to love someone else nd u can find ur sister ...
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@spirit1949 (373)
2 Jan 07
I am sorry about your sister Classy, but she is more alive now than before. Where she is, is more beautiful than you can even imagine. You miss her presence, her everyday presense, but she walks your life with you as she always did, she will be at your side when you laugh, and when you cry she will have her arm about you, it is you that can't feel or sense her. Watch for the little things as you go about your everyday life? watch out for the aroma of, say her perfume, watch out for YOU thinking theres someone there when there isn't. Ask, in your mind, ask that your sister somehow give you a sign thats she's around, and I'll bet you a penny to a pound that she'll give somekind of sign. I've worked with spirit for 15 yrs and they never let you down. Please try, you just might be surprised.
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@Meljep (1666)
• United States
3 Jan 07
When we loose someone we love, the loss of the love leaves a big hole in our heart. It will take some time for the hurt and grief to heal. Filling the hole in your heart with something/someone else to love will be the solution.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
God appointed a time for each one of us to depart from this world or in short die. It's difficult to have a very much loved one to die. We suffer all the bad consequences, pain, loneliness, etc.
But we have to go on; we are still alive and so many other problems surround us. It's very difficult to forget her, that's true; but again, we do not force ourselves to forget and we really can't forget. Let her remain in your memories, but face the fact that she is no longer here. She would not be happy if she were here and she sees you hard up because of her. Keep her memories but also don't be too downhearted. Cry out but let this not destroy your composure. Face realities. Do everything to go on and work for your personal upliftment.
Read the Holy Bible as it could give you the best consolation, and everything. May God bless you. SEN
@SerpentsTongue (67)
• United States
3 Jan 07
It is normal to feel pain when you lose your sister. A year is not very long to deal with it. Try finding a bereavement support group, or talk to a therapist to help ease the pain. You will never get over it, but you can learn to live your life happily.
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@pufitza_mison (627)
• Romania
30 Dec 06
i'm verry sorry for your lost.Maybe the time will rezolve your problem.It's normal to suffer for such a lost.Maybe it's better to thinck that she doesn't want to see you in this situation, i'm shure she would licke to re-examin your life, that not mean to forget her, only to live in her place to.And it's normally to cry i thnck crying it macke's you fill better becouse you disembarck your soul.
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I will pray for you, and I suggest you pray as well, as God is the most powerful friend you can have :)
@irmafz (81)
• Pakistan
3 Jan 07
hey you shud not cry over it ..know why because your sister up there in the heavens is mayb watching you .. know how much the pain she would be feeling seeing you such depressed and sad ?? Secondly and most importantly you are making your creator , your God sad too .. cuz when we cry , the ones who love us feel bad ... then imagine how it wud be for our creator who loves us more then anybody else to see us cry.. He has blessed you with a life and just that he made you go thru one tuff test , you are getting so sad .. it has all happened by his will and whatever he does is ryte always so just trust God and hope & pray for a better life for your sister in the world where she is now.
Also by crying over it .. you are not doing any good to yourself ... wud she come bak if you cry?? would it do her any goods if u cry?? no! so why not pray for her whenever you feel down in that regard and just be happy for your and every1 else's sake (:
Now smile cmon! (:
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@runsgame (2031)
• India
13 Jan 07
agreed. this is the human mind and psycology . U can over from this very easily. Try to understand You . Try to get self knowledge. Who r u? who is your father and mother? from where U have come? while comming wht u brought with u? wht is lost that u had?
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