Potty Training - Advice??
@MothersWorkAtHome (966)
United States
December 30, 2006 10:19am CST
OK, my 2 year old is just about ready to go potty! We got him his own "Throne" that plays music when they "go".
I have sit him on the potty a few times and he loves it and thinks he is such a big boy. However he has yet to go potty in it and wont even tell me until he has already "went" in his diaper.
Since we are just starting and getting the idea of everything I am afraid to put underwear on him yet. I know there are pull ups to use but some of those just make a mess and I don't want to use them as diapers or for over night just yet.
I guess my question is how do I begin? It's been a LONG time since I potty trained! Should we try underwear during the day (the padded ones for training) or just keep the diapers on and when we change his diaper sit him on the potty for a while to get him used to the idea or put him there when I go?
What did you do and what worked best for you? Thanks for any help in getting him trained! I have 2 in diapers right now and it is expensive!!
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38 responses
@nuffsed (1271)
30 Dec 06
Hey Mom, think about where that poop comes from.
Food, right, well done!!
Get to know your child. about fifteen to twenty minutes after eating, he will want to enpty his bowels.
So ten minutes after eating place him on his pot. Entertain him, untill you are aware that he is doing the business, then praise him loads. Don't keep him on the pot after job done. Let him know he did well.
You say he is just starting at two years? That's a pity. potty training is a good idea as soon as your child is firm enough to sit up straight. He could be asking for a potty by age two, in some cases.
Good luck, and leave him bare for a while every day, after he has done his stuff.
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@MothersWorkAtHome (966)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Thanks for the advice! i HAVE SIT HIM ON THE POTTY MANY TIMES NOW WITH nothing.. (opps caps) He is telling me he has to go AFTER he go's... mabe soon he will get the idea!
@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I also have a 2 year old that is showing signs of wanting to be potty trained. He is very stubbern though! We have put him in pullups during the day and diapers at night. Encouraged him to go and tell us when he has to go. He refuses to take the lead! I have even tried puttin ghim in regular underwear so he can really feel the wetness - doesn't bother him. If we tell him to go sit on the potty he will go - and has even number 2 in there twice! You just have to keep trying and "plugging away" Unfortunately I have found there is nothing you can do to force a child to become trained. My daughter was in pull ups for over a year. Then one day she just decided it was time to move to the potty and panties. Hopefully this helps - I know it's not answers that you were probably looking for - but no one has those answers. If they did all the kids would be trained at birth!:) At least I hope this helps you feel better and to know you are doing the right things.
@mansha (6298)
• India
30 Dec 06
I used to have that problem too. I think for a week note arounbd what time your child does potty, its generally at the same time half an hour up or down. leave all the work and sit with him near the potty with him propped on it and play some thing with him. keep him busy there and soon you will be able to make him sit on it and relieve himself. You have to be patient and vigilant while potty training.
@MothersWorkAtHome (966)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I believe this too... this is another reason I am not pushing him that much.. I know when he is GOOD and ready he will go.
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Dec 06
Hi,telling you is the last step in training,I have found that if you get rid of the pull-ups and go to cotton training pants with plastic pants over them,they get the idea faster.
you could also set the kitchen timer for about the time she needs to go and reward her with an m&m's if she goes in the pot.
I would use the pull-ups only as night time pants,and no longer use diapers at all.
naked time is also good,as they get to see first hand what is going on.
I hope this helps.
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@jen20619 (1300)
• Ireland
30 Dec 06
I did train my 2 year old and it wasnt easy.First of all you have repeat what you want them to do over and over.Keep pointing to the potty and sitting them in it .Gives them a good idea what you want them to do.It only takes about a very lot of times.
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@MothersWorkAtHome (966)
• United States
2 Jan 07
REPITITON IS THE KEY HUH? err caps.. I have been sitting him there 4-5x a day and he has not did anything yet!
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
30 Dec 06
This worked with my oldest but not my youngest: Brooke was the type of baby who would cry the second her daiper became wet. She resisted potty training until I put her in a pair of underwear and she peed in it. Grant it, I had a big mess to clean up, but she only peed in her underwear one time. After that, she ran to the potty whenever she felt it coming on. We had to Bribe taylor. We told her she couldn't go to school until she learned to use the potty. FYI, pull-ups are too much like a daiper. I've known very few people who have had luck with them.
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@ljmc24 (413)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I bought one of those cute little throne ones that played music and the whole bit. It was a serious waste of money. To my child that was a toy not a potty. So I ended up have to go and get one of the little seats that sit on the big potty and a step stool. It worked pretty well. I also just put her in panties, they sell training panties at target, that is the only place I had seen them. I also took her every 30 minutes and made her sit on the toilet for a few minutes. She also got a piece of candy if she did go, I used jolly ranchers, and if she went in her pants then I just let her know I was disappointed in her and she didn't get any candy. I had her fully trained by the time she was 2 1/2 I was determined to, since I had another baby coming and I did not want two in diapers. Also if you do go to pull ups or panties don't go back to diapers, it confuses them. Mine would know when someone would put a pull up or diaper on her. I sent her to preschool and they didn't believe she was potty trained and put a pull up on her. It was another week before she would go back in the potty. Just be persistent and let him know that you are unhappy about him not going to the potty. The aim to please and if you make a big deal out of him going to the potty then he will want to continue going.
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@sexymuma (1261)
30 Dec 06
let him go with nothing on,let him sit on the potty ask him if he has finished if he say yes get him of the potty place some liquid inthe potty with out him seeing,then praise him for being a good boy,let him help empty the potty say bye bye to the pee pee,it may encourge him to go on his own knowing that if he leaves something in the potty he will be praised,x
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
30 Dec 06
Thats what I did. I stayed at home with mine and let them go bare with the potty always in the room with them. I would encourage them to sit on it as a game and put their fav doll or ted on it.
Praise and staying really calm are the main thing. If they see you getting anxious they sense it and will begin to refuse. Clever little things.
Also its best not to use pull-ups as these keep them just as dry.
It took me 2 weeks to get my son to sit on the pot when he realised he wanted to go. However I still would put a nappy on him when I took him out. One day my mum said just put him in pants. So we made him feel special that he was going to wear pants to the shop.
Although I expected an accident, he stayed dry. It felt like such an achievement. Then within no time at all he didn't need nappies at night.
I wish you all the best.
@Khangura (924)
• Canada
31 Dec 06
potty training
Ready, Set, Potty!
Experts tout many different methods of potty training. Some of them work for some children or they would not have become popular. A better understanding of the underlying forces that surround this issue will help you identify which of the many suggestions out there are most likely to work for your child. The most important thing to understand about the potty training process is that it requires loads of patience and a willingness to accept setbacks – and that goes for both you and your child! And don’t forget to recognize all those little successes along the way!
Learning to Use the Toilet
Potty Training
How and When Do I Potty Train?
Better Late Than Early?
Successfully Mastering Toilet Training
Tips For Potty Training
Expressing Pride in Our Children
Potty Training Difficulties
Potty Struggles
Learning To Poop In The Potty
The D3 Cycle
Poop Problems
Stool Holding
Fecal Incontinence
Dealing with Irrational Fears
Confusional Arousal and Potty Training
Playing with Poop
Terrible Twos
Constipation and Diarrhea
Babies and Constipation
Infant Constipation
Managing Constipation and Spit-up
Milk And Constipation
Relieving Constipation With Diet
Abdominal Pain
Bowel Movement Frequency
Stool Changes
Stool Consistency
The Consistency of Poop
Stool Regularity
Diagnosing Diarrhea
Diarrhea and Infants
Formula and Diarrhea
Real Treatment for Diarrhea
Loose Stools
Lactose-free Milk
Milk Allergy
Meconium Aspiration
Urine Color
Illnesses, Organisms and Bowel Movements
Celiac Disease
Clostridium Perfringens
E. Coli
Study Results Can Save Lives
Fecal-Oral Transmission
Food Allergies
Viral Gastroenteritis
Giardia Lamblia
Honey and Infant Botulism
Infant Botulism
Norwalk Virus
Don't use that vaccine!
Rotavirus Vaccine and Intussusception
Fast Facts about Rotaviruses
What is Rotavirus?
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
31 Dec 06
This is not a "get used to the idea " situation.
One of the best ways to get things going is to track how often the child needs to urinate, which means you are going to have to control his fluids. If he is accustomed to drinking at will, that has to stop.
Start after breakfast. Let him have his usually beverage at breafast and time how long it takes for the diaper to get moist. Place a dry diaper on. Allow a full 6 to 8 oz of beverage...watch for the next moist diaper. Once you have his pattern down ...you sit him on the potty when you expect a moist diaper. When you take him to the potty you use a word that you expect him to use later to indicate he needs go. Don't play music, don't distract him. He needs to FEEL what is happening, otherwise he'll still be in diapers at 3. DO NOT BUY PULL UPS. He has to feel uncomfortable when he is wet. He can't feel wet wearing something that wicks fluid away from his skin. Get good old fashioned thick training pants.
Once you get the timing on fluids down, then start putting him in the heaviest pairs of training pants while at home. When you anticipated dampness, take him to the potty. Talk to him about how big boys do this, praise him for cooperating. Stay focused. and have him sit on the seat until he goes.
You will get the theory down and he will be trained.
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
31 Dec 06
I agree fully with you,but in my place,I always use plastic pants over the trainers to help save the carpets.
after 40 years of babysitting,I will only use cloth diapers,training pants and if accidents still happen in small amounts,I continue with the plastic pants over regular underwear as well till they are fully trained.
@MothersWorkAtHome (966)
• United States
2 Jan 07
potty training is funny or your english is just not that good yet???
@xXmeganxX (4420)
31 Dec 06
im trying this potty training with my daughter now she is 19 months and when i sit her on the potty she just crys and runs away :-/ so looks like im going to leave it till she gets to the age of 2 then she might kick the habit of the nappies and i very much agree wit you i buy the disposable nappies and they are so expensive that i dread buying them but after all it's something that we need :(
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
6 Jan 07
I'm sorry megan,but cloth diapers are much less exspensive and help the children learn the feeling of being wet.
disposables are the worst marketing scam going,they are a disaster to the environment and prolong the potty training process.
I also found that by using cloth and plastic pants,they learn how to pull the pants up and down.
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
30 Dec 06
well, my two year old decided he wanted to, so we tried it and he has been very successful. I think the major thing was that we keep him in underwear, but we have hardwood floors, and it's easy to clean up any mistakes.. he hates getting wet, and NOW prefers to use the potty. when we first started, we had him teach a teddy bear how to go.. we put underwear on his teddy bear, "gave" him some juice in a sippy cup and had him show his teddy bear how to go (i put water in the little potty to make it look like he went) then we took it and flushed it and i gave teddy a prize (m and m's) then i put the prize in a cup and told my boy that if he went, he could get a prize too and i put it out of his reach but in sight.. later after i filled him full of juice, i put him on the potty in front of a video, he sat and eventually went, he didn't mean to, but he went, and i got to give him the prize.. we did this for a little while, and then gradually he liked to be dry, and we tried to put all the emphasis on staying dry, not the potty, that way we could ask him, Are you dry? and he'd check, and if he was, we'd give him a treat (a sticker, or a small piece of candy or a fun drink) I think that's the most important thing, is to emphasize staying dry and downplay the potty, that way if they aren't doing so well on the potty, you can still find a way to praise them for stayign dry. I got my ideas from a book called "potty wise" it has a couple of different potty training ideas, and i absolutely suggest it. Good Luck!!
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@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
31 Dec 06
When we potty trained my 4 year old, we used to let me go bare tushy around the house and whenever he made a pea we would tell him go potty and it worked. Every time he makes a B.M. we reward him with some sort of candy. We are trying to night train him.
@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
I think it will really took you a long time before you will train him to tell you he is on his way. Maybe you should keep on telling him to speak everytime he is on his way. You still needs to put him diapers until he is already well trained.
@gajodhar_pande (274)
• India
31 Dec 06
internal matter
handle it yourself
i am reluctant to answer
@abakers (72)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I have an 19 month old that I am getting ready to potty train. I have already potty trained 2. One at 18 months and one at 26 months. They have to be ready. DO NOT USE DIAPER TRAINING PANTS, those are the worst. Right after taking a sippy cup of juice, take off diaper and watch him or her carefully for a little while. If they can hold their pee and don't want to pee without a diaper then you are ready to potty train. If they are ready then just let them go naked taking them to the potty every 20 to 30 minutes. Eventually they will have to go and won't be able to hold it anymore. That is how I trained mine and it worked with both, just at different times. Hope this helps.
@missy1 (104)
31 Dec 06
as a mother of 8 kids i always found that if you sit them on the potty and give them a big drink he will use it then you make a huge fuss of him,after a couple of days he will knowwhat it feels like when he needs to go and that you are really pleased when he does.
@hbmavuri (254)
• India
31 Dec 06
hai,relax.stop worrying first.ausually make note that how many times he went to potty in a day.And after he wakes up in the morning sit him on the potty for sometime.If he did potty in that time ok otherwise make him sit after having milk or breakfast.And also dont forget to sit him on potty in the afternoon and the evening at the starting.While he is sit on the potty tell him everytime that if he want to go potty then he has to sit on it or otherwise tell to momma.At first,he tells only one time for 4times then slowly he learns.BUT DONT SCOLD HIM WHEN HE did potty in his pants.tell him slowly and patiently.It will work definetely. All the best.Dont forget it is a slow process.