The Rich giving to the Poor?
By Goranimal
@Goranimal (315)
United States
December 31, 2006 10:19am CST
I've been seeing alot of topics about how the rich should just hand over there money to the poor people of the world, one discussion was about a "poor" tax placed on the wealthy to be givin to the poor.
Do people truely think this way? or are they just trying to start a hot topic.
Why would I give away money I worked very hard to get in the first place, im not talking about donating to charities I do my part with that, but what do these people think the poor will actuly do with the money they would get?
Wouldn't the so called Poor people be better off if they had a chance to get a degree and a decent job and maybe do something with there lives instead of collecting a monthly welfare check and popping out babies for which my huge amount of tax helps to pay for.
whats your thoughts on this...
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37 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Certainly, you are correct that merely giving money to the poor is an incredibly bad idea. Non contingent money except in small amounts as a gift is always a bad idea.
Well, consider the case of poor people. If it was government policy to just give these people money, what would be the result? If the money was non contingent, that is, they could spend it any way they wanted, do I have to tell you where a large portion of that money would go?
Non contingent, spend it any way you want money is what destroyed the USA welfare system and why it was reformed in the recent past. The government of the USA finally had to admit that just handing money out to people who do not know how to make good decisions actually makes those people's lives worse as they misspend what they see merely as FREE MONEY.
So, am I implying that only people who make bad decisions are poor in the USA? No, not at all. I am saying that only people who make bad decisions STAY POOR in the USA.
Putting conditions on money handed out to the poor does not bother people poor who make good decisions. The conditions amount to how they would have spent the money anyway.
Conditions put on money handed out to the poor who make bad decisions keeps those people from using the money to make their lives worse.
Anyway, I agree with you that taking money from the rich to give to the poor is incredibly stupid and does harm.
The best thing for the rich to do with their money is to start a business or invest in a business. The next best thing for the rich to do with their money is to spend it. This creates jobs by providing demand for products that require people to manufacture them.
The absolute worse thing for the rich to do with their money is to give it to the poor.
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@Goranimal (315)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Thank you for providing an Intelligent and well thought out answer!
@82idiots (595)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Yes, but the truth is, there's a lot of soft Marxism in people still...and socialism. Those who have something are compelled by certain capitalistically challenged individuals to spread it around--the result being a socialist melting pot!
@Goranimal (315)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Don't drink and drive...happy new year
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@furiousguy (29)
• India
31 Dec 06
If u hav more money...
u shud !
u shud help the poors..
cuz ur a human !
u shud hav the tendency to...
cuz rich guyz tend to spend it in the wrong way..
so y not try to use it 4 a better purpose ???
so the rich shud help the poor !!!!!!!!
@Goranimal (315)
• United States
1 Jan 07
So because i have money which i worked hard for i should just give it away because i dont know how to spend it right...
I guess giving donations every year doesnt count?
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
31 Dec 06
Give man a fish and you save his meal. Teach him how to fish, you save his life. Helping is more than just handing out money, that I agree with you. Giving out cold cash to the poor and even to beggars can do more harm that good. One point worth mentioning though. When you talk of "poor" in the context of a highly develop western world, you talk about the unemployed receiving welfare checks and lives in government provided housing. Poor in developing countries is different. You talk about people with hand to mouth existence, no jobs, no welfare checks, no housing absolutely nothing!
@Goranimal (315)
• United States
31 Dec 06
You are correct on the context of my use of the word poor, since it does cover a wide area of the term.
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@masterminds (352)
• India
1 Jan 07
Throughout history, it has always been the case that some people are rich and others are poor. So, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that the Bible warns us about the spiritual impact that wealth and poverty can have on people. There is certainly nothing wrong with either one; being poor doesn’t automatically mean a person is cursed by God, and being rich doesn’t necessarily mean a person is greedy or evil. However, Scripture makes it clear that riches can pose a serious danger to those people in possession of them.
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@Goranimal (315)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Why? we already give billions every year to other countries, and yet these same countries burn our flags in there streets
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I agree but gee I also believe charity begins at home. Here in the US we have starving children and adults with no where to live or living in deplorable conditions. This could be changed but money is not spent to fix the problems.
I think in the case of the US we should take care of our own people first and stop trying to boss the world around. Yes provide assistance to other countries but stop trying to run them.. Look at all the money that is wasted by countries at war. How many millions would that money benefit if it was wasted on stupidity. Just my opinion.
Why can't we all just get along !!
@omeriqbal (66)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
nice discussion!!! welll if G0D has givenn u m0ore thn ur neeed thnn u shudd give it t0o p0or ppll...tht ll shower summ blesssinzz t0 u nd ur family and most probably ur money:P
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@Goranimal (315)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Just a little suggestion, your opinion is welcomed, but if you want to be taken on a serious level then dont respond like a 9 year old would
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@natuser28 (907)
• United States
31 Dec 06
No, i don't think you should hand over your money to people who are not trying to better thmeselves. Instead of money they should get homeless out of the street, clean them up and re-education them to get a better life. Now i would put my money on that.
And for those would refuse the offer, send them to war or other country instead of our kids going their.
@sharkbiter (382)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I agree about the homeless needing help from people, but not just walk up and do it yourself. I think an organization needs to be set up for this, and one that won't put our money in their pockets. It is so sad to see someone sleeping on a park bench or under a bush and not know anyway that you can help.
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@sam4san (61)
• India
1 Jan 07
I think we will be heading in a wrong direction if we keep helping them by providing more and more facilities for easy life. Well how was dhirubai ambani earlier ?? poor right ? i think we should teach poor people how to fish rather than giving them a fish daily. bcos we cant do it everyday. I have seen many of the poor people end up spending the money given to them in drinking in most of the cases or it gets over within very few days. Whats the use of it ? we should instill in them a feeling to change their lives into something beautiful rather than giving them incentives and keeping them as "poor"
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Brilliant observation. Taking from the rich and redistributing it the poor will never work. But government's keep trying. It would be much easier to help the poor by giving or donating. When the government takes money in the form of taxes, much of it gets squandered before it does any good. If people start getting a free ride on the backs of the rich, they will never have any reason to try and improve their lives. People who hate or dislike the rich are only jealous. They are to lazy to go out and find their own riches. I am so sick and tired of all this socialism crap. Free enterprise will help more people than socialism. Socialism is only a government ploy to keep people under control...that is the purpose of every government. Even in the U.S...both parties go out of their way to help kill capitalism and keep people poor. When I become a multi-millionaire, I will gladly support many charities and people in need of some help. It is because I am rich that i am able to help. If the gov't takes my riches through taxation, then I no longer have the means to help poorer people. It is so simple..but so many have been brainwashed and have closed their minds...what a shame.
@usman400 (1587)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
I dont think so that u r right, poor ppl also include disabled ones so if some one not gives them money then they will die (some may have no family members as well) moreover, may be there is some one who cannot manage to work of any type due to some medical problems !
All in all rich should help poor ppl, yes charity is a good idea 2 !
@santoo (36)
• India
1 Jan 07
poor shud b paid and served..if v crores of money wid us!! then what's the point in keeping that much money wid us????..just donate and help the poor live their life happily..u don' need to donate more..jus' a penny a person will do wonders..believe me.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Farmboss, I just had to comment that I think your response is inappropriate and rude. Perhaps english is your first language and that's nice. But there are alot of people on this site who's native language is not and they try very hard to use the english language. Have you even the vaguest idea of how difficult a language English is to learn. Clearly you have not mastered it. You really don't need to critisize do you.
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@grigore704 (134)
• Romania
1 Jan 07
This problem of the rich people and the poor ones is thought of since the day man started to gatter things..But a lot have changed since then. I can say that this days the the "gap" between the social classes is getting bigger and bigger.I can say that I agree a little with goranimal couse a poor person not only that is poor but cannot find a way to live theyr life better. They are, if I can say this... born this way.
@annettenasser (2992)
• Kuwait
1 Jan 07
people are two types,there are some rich that are willing to share their blessing to the less fortunate but there are lots of selfish rich that would like to take what others has and even willing to kill just to have what people got. they are evil and unworthy to this precious world.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I agree with you. I think poor people donot need a hand out. They need the tools to better themselves. They need education. In underdevelop countries, there should be things implace for them to develop whatever natural resources they have. If you give someone monies, most of them are not going to use it wisely.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Why would anyone want to give there money away that they earned. Bad enough we have to pay taxes. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm having to pay city and county taxes. I really don't like the term poor. I like upper, middle and lower class better. Even though a lot of the middle classes are very close to being in the lower class group.
It has been proven what some people will do with money handed over to them. Look at the people given the FEMA checks. I never knew you could cash a check at a tattoo parlor, bails bondsman, casino, etc. I was like oh my goodness. Instead of finding a place to live, get food and clothing, they went and got themselves a tattoo, bailed someone out of jail and gambled. That right there makes people in this world look bad.
As my husband put it, a lot of people aren't up to change. They rather stay in a small town where money is short and jobs are hard to come by. Then complain that they don't have enough. But at the same time, to scared to pack up there family and move where there are more jobs. Sad huh.
@torkyeugen (8)
• Romania
1 Jan 07
maybe ... but not every time .. it`s depends of what kind of people it is .
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
1 Jan 07
I think that the poor should each individually be taken into a special place where they can build themselves up, get jobs, and maybe coureers so that they are able to get off the streets and what not. There are too many people today out there cheeting the system on welfare because they don't 'feel' like working, or just don't like it... I don't think many of us like working, but it's something you have to do in order to get anywhere in life, and i think that if everyone was on welfare, the world would be a lot worse off then it is, well either that or it would just crash...
People like to come out with 'Ideas' on what things should be like, It's kind of pathetic in a way because usually the people that come out with these 'ideas' are the ones that won't contribute to them. If i won the lottery i would definately put up some kind of apartment building for all of the homeless, get them started and working, and have a small amount of rent to be paid in every month to keep it going. I would insure that the people were taught budgeting, because of how few peope can do it now a days, and that is one of the reasons that so many people end up in those dreadful situations. They would learn life skills and have coureer coaching, so that one day in the near future they would be able to go and get a place of their own and support themselves...
I don't think that we should have to spend our hard earned money on things like welfare and what not, because it's not even really going to those who need it, I think it should be put into rehabilitation programs for the homeless....
Peace and love to you and all the ones you love
Blessed be.