Young Earth theory... Evolution is a lie!!!!
By Mahala4me
@Mahala4me (208)
South Africa
September 28, 2006 6:11am CST
I believe the Earth is just over 6000 years old. What do you think? Or has your mind been clouded by the evolution lie?
18 responses
@smuggeridge (2148)
17 Oct 06
I am pretty sure that the earth is more than 6,000 years old, simply because i have analysed rocks which we have found to be 100,000yrs+ using Carbon-14 dating. Whether evolution is real and whether god created us is a discusssion for physicists and theologists, but as a geologist i can categorically tell you that the earth is more than 6,000 years old
@i_agree_but (1183)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Sep 06
Sometimes science deals with incredibly large numbers, sometimes with great distances still other times with infinitely small particles. In science we must expand our conception of reality all the time. One of the very difficult concepts is the understanding of time. Everyone is conscious of the changes in the physical and biological world; they give us an awareness of time. The daily rhythm, the seasons, physical changes throughout a human lifetime are familiar concepts of time to us. Time is measured by change, but where change occurs over millions of years our own perception of time is on unfamiliar territory. To understand the rhythm of change of our planet and the effects it has on life on Earth we have to expand our perception of time. The geological processes that shape the surface of our planet, move the tectonic plates, build mountains and erode them again work over millions of years. These forces provide the ever changing conditions for life, which adapted to those changes. But those changes did not go undetected. Our understanding of Earth has expanded tremendously in the past 100 years, and new technologies have provided further insight into Earth's dynamic and history.
Earth itself acts like a clock, rotating on its axis once every 24 hours. To read Earth's time it is necessary to look at the changes that have been recorded. To identify changes that occurred due to the geological processes of our planet we can look at rocks. They are key to both the past and the nature of processes. Life has managed to leave records of time and the changes it went through time as well. Fossils are the remains of ancient organisms. Some looked very similar to life forms that are still living today. Fossils can be bones, teeth, shells, impressions of plants and even imprints of animal tracks. Fossils within a rock are a type of organic clock that tick by systematic radioactive decay of certain chemical elements, which permit us to measure with remarkable accuracy the number of years that have passed since the minerals in a rock crystallized. Fossils are recorded in rocks much like your footprints are recorded on a beach. As you walk along the beach, if the sand is fine enough and soft enough, you will make footprints. If the wind and waves do not destroy your footprints, they may record your existence well after your passing.
Fossils are "footprints". Against the odds, these records of past life are preserved. In this section on Earth's history and evolution, we look at the story of Earth's geological and biological history that these "footprints" tell us.
@srinathakarapu (3093)
• India
3 Oct 06
this is jst an imagination of some cristians...
but i think evolution is not a lie its a process tat had occured......
earth was formed around 4.57 billion years ago...i'm no scientst to prove tat...
chek this

@Mahala4me (208)
• South Africa
4 Oct 06
Consider the following....
If there was no creator, there was no creation.
If we were not made, but slowly formed from a rock, into a protein, into a single cell organism etc.... etc.... what rules gouvern us? Is it self preservation? If this was true, then Hitler's theories make total sence. Destroy the inferior genes to create a superior race.
But...... consider the following.
God created the earth. Why? To give Hi glory. He owns us. So he gave us laws. Why? For our own good, to protect us. He doesn't need us. He can gain nothing from us. The Bible also says that He has written His laws on our hearts. Makes sense? So we don't go out and do silly things, causing our own destruction.
Have a look at the Hovind theory, check out This is creation explain according to the Bible. And guess what, science is proving it.
Ever wondered what destroyed the earth? The great flood of Noah! What greater cataclismic even do you need other than the earth covered with water!
Yes I read the asteroid, comet, ice age theories and well, liked them for a long time. This was until I heard and saw the creation of the Bible explained, scientifically.
There is more evidence agains evolution than for it. It is all scientific speculation. There are no facts!
@srinathakarapu (3093)
• India
8 Oct 06
ok lets think tat we are made out frm proteins these are not frm rocks but they evolved due to some natual favarable conditions....tat may a bundle of reasons but not a mare rock...
rules are man made and they govern us for our survival..u can call it self presevation...
to live on and to self preserve we need to multiply and hitlers theoires was jst survival of the best..why cant a normal man survive then?? if someone before hitler wanted the same thing then neither u nor me nor the hitler would have born to see this his essence was to make germany a greater power in the world which is proven to be wrong when he lost the war......there are more wise ppl then u can think of in this world....
God created the earth. Why?
god created us ? i said we are created by nature...and why is not knwn to anyone...if u belive in god then u call it karma else u need to think and make ur own definition for the world...a lot of ppl dont think why they are created they jst think abt their goals and subjects......
god has not given any laws....its the nature tat has made some laws which we call as facts...
well if u dont obey the natures laws then ur subjected to destruction so is every other entity in the world..
earth has not been destroyed if it was destroyed then we were are we living then?
earth is bound to the nature and the natures fundamental law is to earth has gone through floods due to nature but not coz of anything will how ever get dumped into water when the ice caps melt on north and south poles..its obvious tat earth has gone through ice age so the water on the equator and tropics have melted and land came on.....
u know wat bible was written after the christ and a long time back the live evolved and all this things have happend and i consider them as jst someones wild imaginations.........
science proved tat earth evolved a long time before human race could evolve....and wat u said science speculations are facts only if u belive to be non religious....
i saw tat described abt the unique features of some animals and birds and conclude that a to design such complex things some master mind is needed.....i jst gave a glance and could not found anything abt bible....
whar is tat u heard and saw abt the creation of the Bible?? share it with us.....

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
30 Sep 06
The measuring of uranium's rate of becoming lead, is one of a very few ways of dating, which seems to suggest great age. There are at least 68(!) alternate ways of dating, which suggest the age of the earth (and universe) as much lower; some in the lower or mid millions, and many others in the thousands, just as Genesis states. Carbon dating works well for recent dating.
Picture helium, which floats an air balloon so well, for it rises so quickly... as will our voice if we inhale it. Helium is a very uncomplicated chemical. Lacking complexity it leaves matter (minerals) and enters the atmosphere very quickly. For the amount of helium STILL IN minerals, the earth is very young. Also, the oceans have too much salt in them to be billions or even millions of years old. And the rate of erosion at Niagara Falls, suggests a young earth (for a few examples).
@Mahala4me (208)
• South Africa
4 Oct 06
Hi, read your link on a similar discussion..... 2 thumbs up.
@babaramitabh (277)
• India
2 Oct 06
NO evolution is not a lie there is substantial evidence to prove that earth is way older than 6000 yrs what about the radio carbon dating of carbonaceous material older than 6000 yrs do you think they have fallen from the space or the plants and animals os age greater than 6000yrs i think if you do some more research on this subject you would realize that
@Mahala4me (208)
• South Africa
4 Oct 06
Nope, none of those things prove anything!!!
Did you know that humans and dinosoars lived together?
Maybe the great catastrophy was the flood in Noah's time?
@cyberspies (115)
• India
12 Oct 06
Evolution is the truth .
The bible may say the opposite , but one should accept the facts.......
@kiwimac (323)
• New Zealand
7 Jan 07
Evolution is not a lie, it is rather one of the processes by which God brought all living things into being. On another topic, The Earth, held in being by God's love, is Billions of years old rather than merely a few thousand.
Evolution is not the same thing as the Geological age of the Earth.