Stop judging all Americans!
@theaterjunkie (342)
United States
December 31, 2006 5:57pm CST
I just had to get this out, and I am sorry. But the more posts I see about Saddam Hussein being hanged, the more I'm seeing everyone blaming America and bashing America in general.
Not every single American is pro-war! Not every single American supports our President. I'm not speaking for ALL of America, because I know some Americans on this board probably do support the war, and do support our President. But I'm one of them that doesn't. I don't judge. I'm not obsessed with the Bible...I make my own opinions based on what I experience.
I'm getting so frustrated with seeing America as a bad country. What some people don't realize is that sometimes, other countries ask America for help (I think someone else on myLot said this...I don't know who you are, but you made a very valid point and I'm agreeing with you) I think the war against Iraq was necessary? No, I don't. Do I think war is necessary at all? Sometimes. But there has to be a really good reason.
I do not agree with everything our President has said and done. I am not close-minded, I am not judgmental. I'm exactly the opposite. I am friendly, and I'm energetic, and I believe I am a joy to be around (I'm not conceited, I'm just saying what other people have told me XD) makes me sad that I can't visit countries like France, or Italy, part of my heritage, because they generalize all Americans.
Please don't assume that all Americans are ignorant, close-minded, rich idiots. I am by no means ignorant, no means close-minded, and our family certainly is not rich.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I was really starting to get offended at these comments. Thank you :)
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49 responses
@natuser28 (907)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I feel the same as you do. I'm tired of every other post about Saddam Hussein being executed or Hateful stuff towards Americans. Not all American are loud, arrogant or rude. Plus we all the agree on the war and posing other countries to show off our muscles.
Its to easy to judge people as a whole rather than indivdual because we would be here all day long. Most likely wouldn't finish.
I love other countries and cultures; I welcome them to our country and hopefully vice versa. But i can't understand were the hate is coming from.
I have made posts about no cares about
Hussein being executed, only because he is one of many ditators in this world. he was a puppet for the United States and was profiting as well and living cormtable until the war.
We have other issues that are bigger like poverty, education, starvation.
May God bless the World.
@rex3rex3 (11)
1 Jan 07
Have you asked your self the following questions: -
- Why American, through AIPAC gives $2 Billion a year to Israel?
- Why Bush has Blocked Al Jazeera in the USA, whilst im watching it here in the UK and its not doing me any harm?
- Why the Palestinian people are losing their Land and People, just becuase of what hitler did?
- Have you asked your Self why Fox is so Biased?
- Have you asked your self who runs the American broadcasting companies?
- Have you had a look at the biographies of the people who run your media companies, and realised who they are?
- Have you realized how pathetic you sound?
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I'll try to answer some of those questions.
---- Why American, through AIPAC gives $2 Billion a year to Israel?
Because the Arab countries would be able to destroy it otherwise. We all know they are trying actively with Hamas and Hizbollah.
---- Why Bush has Blocked Al Jazeera in the USA, whilst im watching it here in the UK and its not doing me any harm?
It isn't, the Al Jazeera English version is going to be on US cable television. But I could see why it could be blocked, its terrorist propaganda... Thats plain to see.
---- Why the Palestinian people are losing their Land and People, just becuase of what hitler did?
Ask the UN, they are the ones that established Israel in 1947. And because they defeated the Arab countries in the 60's to stay.
---- Have you asked your Self why Fox is so Biased?
Because all the other channels are biased to the left.
----Have you asked your self who runs the American broadcasting companies?The companies...
We are in a capitalist system, the government has no control of the media. That is quite obvious when you see the news coverage, lol. But seriously, naive to believe that it is run by the government, thats a conspiracy.
---- Have you had a look at the biographies of the people who run your media companies, and realised who they are?
Hearst I assume? Yeah, Hurst was a propaganda machine, they probably make it all up. Wait, one of their major headliners is Helen Thomas... That's out the window, obviously false then (if you've seen Helen Thomas' writing).
---Have you realized how pathetic you sound?
Almost as pathetic as someone making up lies or buying anti-American propaganda from Al-Jazeera (and at full price):)
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@natuser28 (907)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Yes, whether we like it our not Bush is our president (world leader) and we have to go along with the program. He not a divine or pleasing president.
@banta78 (4326)
• India
1 Jan 07
My friend, i am an indian. And in India our traditions and cultures teaches us to have tolerance of people of other religions and countries and to be kind and compassionate towards others. I can say that most people in India, the silent majority likes america and american people and wants to emulate the success they have achieved. Ans see america as land of opportunites. So most poeple inspite of new strict visa norms and new immigriation policy of US in wake 9/11 attacks, still would love to go to america and as there many opportunites there, many indian americans are settled there. And america is thriving democracy like us. But i feel that there is a silent minority in india, america and in rest of world who are fanactics, fundamentalist and hold extreme views, raise the pitch and try to creat anti american feelings and vice versa. I think it is sign og growing intolerance in the world we live in today. we all should be concerned about this but i don't think we need to panic or worry too much. I know that many people dislike Bush and his policies of attacking other countries. But i don't think most people dislike amaericans in general. I also feel politicians and media also tends to sensatilise news and paint the whole community or country as bad for their vested intersts. but i feel that it is high time tha silent majority around the world should raise their voice and be heard so that this negative impression be corrected. I hope more people will get tolerant, open minded, compassionate, and concerned global citizens who give honest opinions on world problems for thriving functioning democracy.
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@thechosenone (70)
• India
1 Jan 07
I agree ..
The minority is causing all the flames and anti-american remarks .. Still, a vast majority doesnt dislike America/Americans and that consists of a large educated mass..
Look at it this way dude... from the vast commuity of 50,000+ people, how many do you see anti-american ? maybe 10-20 posts ..
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
1 Jan 07
my heart goes with you, my friend. we shud not judge ppl by the political policy of a country and shud not generalise. i think commoners are above this political issues and u go in middle east or europe or in america ppl are more wise and friendly and they are HUMAN. my president and the ruling party might resort to somthing or anything but i think i wud have little or nothng to do with it in general. how can US's and iraq's war policies make the citizens of the respective countries immoral and selfish!!
it's not atall desirable to utilise this myLot platform to air some individualistic opinions which are far from being true.
thank you very much
* i am an indian
@musicmasters (73)
• India
1 Jan 07
Hey Mr. Theatrejunkie. A really controversial subject to debate upon but I would second your word for it. I am not American neither am I too close to your country, but I have an idea about it because I have been tracking the feelings of people about the Saddam issue. And hey I have also spoken to a lots of people who do not support your president also. I would say that it not a possibility that out of every 100 people we meet or know all of them are communists and love war. I completely give in to the fact that there are alot of people who are against the idea of blood shed and loss of valuable life. I am one of those who think that it is important to make this world a peaceful place to live in rather than keep fighting with each other for silly issues. It is to be accepted that Saddam was wrong in his own way but doesn't make every person in this world an owner of his life. We should give that option to the Supreme Power above us to decide what the outcome of such an action should be. And I for one agree that not all Americans are pro-war. Guys grow up.
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@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
1 Jan 07
i am a muslim and i dont hate americans at all infact islam says not to hate people based on their region it is a sin n i dont like it too
you see there are a handful of people who say that muslims are terrorist for the work of a few muslims(no idea if they actually did it) the same way there are some ppl who say that americans are bad bcos of the work done by a few ppl i think it is not good to say so
@redbull_zico (120)
• India
1 Jan 07
bwing hindu or muslim or jew or christian is nothing.... what matters most is humanity..humanity is the only and the real religion...if all men and women believed in this religion then there wuouldn't had been all these at all
@redbull_zico (120)
• India
1 Jan 07
being hindu or muslim or jew or christian is nothing....the real religion is humanity...if we all start following the religion of humanity all world problems would be erased....
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I feel the hatred towards American and Americans it about 50/50. I have seen a lot of love towards us. I have also seen a lot of people saying they don't hate all Americans they don't like President Bush and our governments policies.
Just a few months ago, I disliked President Bush myself. I have learned a lot of things that have changed my mind 99%! I no longer look at the past about why we went. I think I know why we went and there is more than one reason. What's most important now is how to get out, leave them in peace and help them rebuild.
When I see others bashing America or our president, it does not bother me that much, I know it's not true. What bothers me the most is seeing Americans bash him. In my opinion it is unpatriotic to say bad things about our president in an international forum like this. I don't think it looks good to the rest of the world, especially in times of war. It just gives the haters more amo and more reason to hate.
@theaterjunkie (342)
• United States
2 Jan 07
It's a bad thing to say bad things about our President? Except that our President is RUBBISH. Do you want us to lie and say that our country is great? Sure. We may be fortunate, but our President is not the reason why we are so lucky. We have trillions of dollars in debt as we speak, he is the single President that takes the most vacation days...he has a criminal goes on, and on, and on. Our President is not a good President. Yes, people on these boards do have a right to criticize our "leader"...but they shouldn't criticize all of America because not every American agrees with the leaders in the country.
@anilreddy12001 (57)
• India
1 Jan 07
in this age of globalisation, his is tend to happen.Whether we like it or not..
But we should also notice the fact that people of other countries[non- US] respond to US government's policies and not everyone in US.So u shouldnt take it personally or offending the pride of your nation when others blame US, which, frankly should have taken the global community in its confidence when declaring war against could have listened to the UN atleast ...
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
I can assure you my friend that those negative comments come from a tiny minority. They are very vocal and so it sounds like they represent the sentiments of the greater majority in the world. No, in many parts of the world, Americans are loved for being friendly and benovolent and America is still the land of opportunities. You may have some bad apples but it doesn't mean people are judging everyone of you. So take the comments with a grain of salt.. Be concerned but don't be alarmed. Look at the issues objectively. You can never stop people from bashing and criticizing but you can stop these bashings and criticisms from eating you. by the way, I am not an American
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@redbull_zico (120)
• India
1 Jan 07
If it is known to u all that bush is not right then why don't u people force him to step down and find a new and better man for the job of american president????? it is not ur fault.... it is the fault of whole of america they elected a good for nothing for the job
@theaterjunkie (342)
• United States
1 Jan 07
We wish that we could. I would be all for that. Things are slowly starting to turn around now that the Democrats are taking over office. But other than that, there is nothing that we can do. I highly doubt that Bush is going to step down or anything. But as a people there is nothing that we can do. There are tons of people that "hate" Bush more than I do.
@Annelise (1)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I agree that it's unfortunate that all Americans should be portrayed as pro-war neo-Cons, but to some extent it's understandable. We are equally intent on generalizing other countries--e.g. labelling all Palestinians (or even Arabs in general) as terrorists. It's not fair, and it's not right, but it happens. A Lebanese friend once asked me to explain how the war, Abu Ghraib, etc. could be allowed to happen. After all, he pointed out, we are proud of the fact that we live in a democratic system, where supposedly what happens reflects the will of the people. I think he had a good point. If we don't support the war, war crimes, or actions of our President, are we doing something about it? I think rather than feel victimized that people outside of the States see something wrong with our current government policies, we should join our voices to their objections and do what we can to change the things we don't like. And, by the way, don't let people's dislike of our current government stop you from travelling. Of course you can still visit France or Italy--and when you do people there will be able to see for themselves that not all Americans are "ignorant, close-minded, rich idiots." I think you'll be surprised at the result; I certainly have been in my travels.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
1 Jan 07
You are quite eloquent and quite right in your posts. Just because those in power make choices for all of us doesn't mean that you should judge all American's by the choices of out leaders. Plus if it were not for my boyfriend supporting me whilst I am seeking fair and good employment then I would be poorer and as homeless as the lowliest foreigner yearning to breath free here in America so not allof us are wealthy and not all of us are power mad. Yes I believe that Saddam got what he had coming to him, but I would say that of any power mad dictator on the planet.
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
1 Jan 07
I don't agree with people blaming America for every ill that besets the world, by any means. And I frequently stand up for America in debates such as this. However, from where I am standing it does appear to be the case that America has really misjudged the whole middle east situation. Sorry, for America substitute GW Bush. That man has done very bad things to America's relationship with the world and unfortunately people tend to associate the actions and deeds of one man and his cronies with the whole of America.
Its such a pity Americans voted him in (even though they didn't really, the first time). If people harass you for simply being American, they are as ignorant as any of the crazy fundamentalist terrorist supporting people who would wish to see the whole of the west destroyed. Anyone who views one country as some kind of homogenous group is wrong. There are variations of course!
Tell these people this the next time one of them annoys you. And point to a few European or Italian leaders (Mussolini comes to mind) and say you don't assume that all people follow in the footsteps of bad leaders, so why should they.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
1 Jan 07
You have to love the fact that it's here on this English speaking, probably American (?) Web site that the world feels free enough to criticize and vent and express themselves.
@foxbrain (203)
• India
1 Jan 07
I am really amazed that u came out clearly with the fact all american are not be blammed.
I respect and say that it was worth it, may ppl have found the term americans as of to only the american government. More ppl like u must also expose the other side of america were ppl are just ppl and not business minded card players.