In order to avoid conflict, do you keep your mouth shut?

@cristi20 (2139)
December 31, 2006 8:45pm CST
I don't. It seems like i can't shut up.
6 responses
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
There are times when silence is golden, there are also times when it is not. Conflict, taken objectively, is not always to be avoided. It can produce positive results. Conflict like criticism can work two ways. If the criticism is right, it can help us, if it is wrong, we can help the person. Never be afraid of conflicts, handle it maturely and objectively. I think sometimes the problem is, people talks when they are supposed to be silent, and they keep silent when they are supposed to be talking. We need wisdom in order to see the difference. As we travel along life's path, conflicts will surely arise, we should be ready to face them and not run away from them.
@cristi20 (2139)
• Romania
1 Jan 07
i agree with you friends...wisdom and making your point of view is the best maturely arm for each one of us.
• United States
1 Jan 07
For me it depends on the circumstance. I try to be upfront and honest even when a controversial issue arises...but on the other hand, I keep my mouth shut if I think I will hurt someone with what I say. I guess you have to pick which battles you want to fight.
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@jossml (464)
• Puerto Rico
1 Jan 07
Great comment, I agree with you it depends on the circumstances.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
1 Jan 07
nope. but i do not do all the talking all the time. i give the person time to talk and i expect him/her to make me talk ,too. shutting up and keeping yourself silent will not help at all.
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
It depends on the circumstances. Sometimes if it involves family or friends, then I will hold my peace till things calm down and then try to discuss it rationally. If it is someone who is being abusive, violent or obnoxious to someone else then I might say something but if I feel uncomfortable doing that, then I will call for assistance. I will not deliberately hurt anyone through the use or words, but some things do need to be discussed. One thing I never do though is get abusive to another person in an arguement because that can only exacerbate the situation plus it give them the "upper hand" or puts them in the right morally. I will say what I need to say, but also choose my time to do it.
@themyl (1423)
• United States
1 Jan 07
If I strongly believe in the issue at hand, I will definitely voice my opinion on the matter, regardless. So, I guess I am like you, I just can't keep quiet.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
1 Jan 07
It depends a lot on who the conflict is with. I will admit often when it's with my family I'll just keep my mouth shut, bite my tongue and walk away. I will spout off at times but only when it's something I feel real strong about. Now when it comes to friends, discussion boards and the like I will not shut up. I will speak my mind and back up my opinion as needed. Sometimes not always wise but I'm stubborn as well.
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