Abortion: An Insider's View
By jennifer611
@jennifer611 (2514)
United States
December 31, 2006 10:33pm CST
Partial-birth abortion is a controversial subject in our society today. The topic of partial-birth abortion can spark heated arguments on the Senate floor, in the workplace, to the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice groups. I believe to get a clear understanding of what partial-birth abortion is it should be seen from the baby’s viewpoint.
My name is Baby Jane; I was conceived through a one-night stand. My mother, who is a very successful businesswoman, started a small business in lower Manhattan that just recently expanded. My father is someone my mother knew briefly before my conception.
Before my mother knows I exist, I am already eighteen days old, my heart is formed, and my eyes are beginning to develop. At two months, my mother has not seen her menstrual period, and makes an appointment with the doctor. By this time I am well proportioned, being 1 1/8” long and weighing 1/30th oz. All my organs are present, and my heart is beating sturdily. My stomach produces digestive juices and my liver is making blood cells, even my little kidneys begin to function, while my taste buds are being formed.
After my mother discovers she is pregnant, she goes home despondent. The next few weeks are a whirlwind. She cannot locate my father and the real problem is her business. What will she do? Who can she trust to run it? She discusses her situation with close acquaintances. They have many solutions, but which one is right? The subject of abortion enters the conversation. Would this be an option?
I am now 4 months old, I have fingerprints, my eyelids and palms are sensitive to touch, and I can even suck my thumb, and have fingernails. I can kick, turn my feet, make a fist and even practice breathing. I can grasp a hand, swim, and turn somersaults. If I were born now I would not survive.
My mother has kept her monthly doctor appointments. I am 6 months now. Fine hair grows on my eyebrows and head. I have a chance of surviving at this age.
From the outside it seems that my mother has resolved her feelings about her pregnancy, but she is taking the advice of a close acquaintance, and is seeking information about abortion. She finds that there are many different types of abortions. One is the menstrual extraction method. This is a very early suction abortion, often done before the pregnancy test is positive. Another is the suction-aspiration method. In this method, the abortionist must paralyze the cervical opening and then stretch it to insert a hollow plastic tube with a knife-like edge on the tip that cuts the placenta from the inner wall of the uterus. The abortionist then proceeds to suck the baby’s body into pieces. This suction is 29 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner. Then there is the Dilatation and Curettage (D&C) method. This procedure is similar to the suction method except the abortionist inserts a curette, a loop-shaped steel knife, up into the uterus, and cuts the placenta and baby into pieces and scrapes them out into a basin. Hemorrhaging is usually profuse.
Because I’m now over 6 months old, the doctor and my mother choose partial-birth abortion. This is a breech-like delivery. The entire infant is delivered except the head. Scissors are jammed into the base of the skull, and a tube is inserted to suck the brains out. The dead infant is pulled out.
The appointment is scheduled and the day is set. I am 6 ½ months. My mother enters the hospital alone. Where are her acquaintances now? She is taken to her room, and given medication to ease her nerves. It is time for the abortion. My mother is prepared and wheeled into the operating room. Labor is induced. Once her uterus is dilated, the procedure is set into motion. I feel someone grabbing at my legs with forceps. It is not time for me to enter this world. I can her their voices. I can just make out my mother’s voice. I scream in my world, I am not ready. Nevertheless, I am pulled into the birth canal. I am delivered down to my head. What has happened? Why did they stop? Something is piercing the base of my skull. The pain is too much for me to bare. I scream and move to avoid the piercing, however; I am held in place. The person holding me is puncturing my skull, and opening the hole by opening the scissors. The scissors are removed. By this time I am losing blood and consciousness, I can barely feel the insertion of the suction catheter. As my brains are sucked out my last thoughts are, “Why? Why? Why did my mother allow this to happen to me? Didn’t she love me as I was being formed in her inward parts, or was I an inconvenience?” These questions will not be answered now. My skull has collapsed and I am removed lifeless.
There are no flowers for me, just a cold slab for my little body to lie on. How could this have been prevented? Not just to me, but the many other Baby Janes and Joes. What laws are there for my life to be preserved? There are laws to preserve the wildlife and the trees, and there are laws to save the sparrows, but my life is worth more than many sparrows. I could possess a hope and a future, nevertheless; the law allows such barbaric crime to be brought against me. Who will eventually stand for my rights? What government official or Supreme Court judge will be bold enough to go against the grain, and stop calling good evil and evil good?
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24 responses
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Abortion. Quite the controversial topic. I, for one, am pro-life. However, I do need to point out that both camps tend to exagerate. That is those entirely against abortion tend to make it seem as barbaric as possible, and those for abortion tend to downplay it. The fact is, all of the above methods mentioned above are, or have been used, but technology has gone a long way toward making it more "humane". However, partial birth abortion is barbaric, and if you don't think so, then you've got some warped opinions on the value of human life. Period.
However, to go and say that all abortion is wrong all of the time, is not looking at the big picture. One, abortion should be acceptable when the woman's life is jeopardized by the potential birth. For second, is abortion worse than bringing a baby who is unwanted into this world?
Now those who claim that the unborn baby is not at all aware, need to do some homework on the development of cognition. Unborn babies can recognize voices--they are soothed by the sound of their mothers voice and they respond in ways reminiscent of fear when there is shouting or other loud noises. Unborn babies that are exposed to certain types of music, such as classical music, as studies have shown, tend to have dispositions toward this type of music and tend to be calmer and more intelligent than those who were not exposed to these types of music before birth. No, to say that an unborn baby does not feel things or comprehend things at all is simply rationalization--making a poor excuse to justify killing the unborn infant.
But, the real issue to tackle is not abortion. The real issue is Love. Love for the self. Love for others. Quite frankly, this young lady as depicted in the narration, should have taken precautions or been ready to deal with the consequences. Hedonism and romantic idealism aside, the whole point of human sexuality, in biological terms is for the reproduction of the species. To try to do eitherwise is contrary to nature. To say that sperm or an unfertilized egg is "life" is nonsense as these things alone are little more than protoplasmic goo, but once the two join, a human life is being created. You cannot argue that--if you try, again you are only rationalizing.
People need self-restraint. Men and women both need to take responsibility for their actions, they need to Love themselves enough to not put themselves in this situation, they need to Love others enough to not use them for gratification, and they need to Love the life they are creating in the sack and in utero.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 Jan 07
" but once the two join, a human life is being created. You cannot argue that"
very true...and I never have myself..in fact ppl find it odd that I say I aborted my baby rather than aborted a fetus...but its true, I did abort my baby..for all my pregs they were never "my fetus" they have always been "my baby"....and as much as I do agree that ppl who use those rationalizing terms (fetus instead of baby for example) are downplaying somewhat, you need to understand why...Making a decision like that is VERY tough and we have to put it in a perspective that will help us through (many though not all of course) that time.....it doesnt mean for one second that we are all heartless over it or it really wasnt/isnt a big deal..
"But, the real issue to tackle is not abortion. The real issue is Love. Love for the self. Love for others"
Again very true and I agree...My abortion was about my love for myself and my family...thats what it boiled down to..what was more important the love I have for us and my concern for our wellbeing at that time or taking a very dangerous chance and goin through with that pregnancy...My love for us came first
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Aren't contraversial subjects allowed? If you don't like it, why'd you read it?
@Crystalwatson345 (441)
• United States
1 Jan 07
This made me Cry I have no childeren as of yet I am 300% against any and all abortions I feel It is Murder and I am sure God feels This away to. How come this women dont just give there baby to someone that will love them. In this story the mother goes through labor to have her baby killed why couldnt she wait the 9 months and have her baby adobted this makes me sick and to all you people out there that would do something like this I have no love for you at all you are sick and pethdic and for all that is agaist this do your part and at least speak out agaist it. Thanks I feel your story maybe a eye opener for many!
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Trying to carry a child to term would kill me, thanks to a crippling spinal defect I suffer from. So I'm sorry you think I'm sick for preferring to live rather than die along with an unborn child that would die when I did.
Adoption isn't always an option.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
1 Jan 07
First off, I'm a lesbian. But I'm disabled, and therefore three times more likely to be raped than a non-disabled woman. And rapists don't normally use birth control. Besides which, no birth control is 100%. All of it can fail. Even vasectomies can reverse themselves and tubes can come untied. There is no way to prevent pregnancy 100%.
I just get really sick of people who don't realize that some women don't have the choice to wait 9 months and put the baby up for adoption.
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Thanks for your post..
and to the responder of this reply,
I just say, if you have a sickness that prevents you from carrying a child (first off, I am very sorry to hear that)
but maybe try some type of birth control so this does not have to happen...who knows, you might already be, but u make it sound like "well oh well I cant carry it so I have the right to kill it!" sorry if I am taking it wrong but thats what I see in what you wrote and I do not agree with it at all..

@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
2 Jan 07
And once again this tale hits the forums...
Always it is about the fetus, ascribing thought and feeling to it beyond that of even a two year old. Never anything about the emotional turmoil that preceded the decision, never anything about the issues behind such a decision always calling for judgement, placing personal morals above those of others.
To me such propaganda encourages the violence against the clinics where abortions are SOMETIMES performed. Clinics where women without financial resources often go for prenatal care in hopes of delivering a healthly infant at it's alloted time. Violence against the Doctors and Nurses who provide this care. All in the name of a fetus.
I had hoped for a change someone had posted something of value, with insites into both sides of this equation. Once again I have been disappointed by someone who can only express a narrow view.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
8 Jan 07
It's not a narrow view. It's held by many. Many value life. No, obviously a "fetus" cannot think. But, stories like this, may be influential to some adults or late teens.
It is SAD that many clinics are targeted in violent hate crimes. Not saying that what MAY be going on inside is not terrible. REally, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
But, your hopes will probably be recognized. There'll will be many debates on MyLot and other sites to talk about pros and cons of saving or killing an unborn baby.
@starmoishe (58)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Amen, amen amen. Abortion is such a stupid lie. Its murder, plain and simple. I hear most women using it like birth control. It is just too heart breaking. My husband and I lost a baby through miscarriage and I will never see her. As King David said, I will go to her but she will never come to me. We have a beautiful son and are so thankful for him. How could someone end a childs life like that. Someone suggested I get an abortion when I was pregnant with my son. The reasons they said this don't matter. What matters is I would have been murdering someone who is on the honor roll at school. A godly little 9 year old who has 4 other boys that refer to him as their best friend. All the music and joy he has brought to my life. How could I ever give that up.
@Croquetilla (1797)
• Spain
1 Jan 07
i like coment some thing. The heart in the fetus bark around 6 weeks in pregnancy. The baby have 4 weeks 4x7=28 days.
@thumper2 (127)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Thank you so much for the guts to post this. Every one should read this. This is a real accurate account of partial birth abortion. People try to justify it, but IT IS MURDER! I just hope that the young (and older)girls, will listen to this.
I was 8 weeks pregnant and was so sick (throwing up all day, dehydrated down to nothing 106lbs. I was bleeding all the time and very weak), this went on for several weeks, my doctor wanted to give me a D&C to end the pregnancy and my mother agreed because she was tired of seeing me suffer. The doctor said the baby won't survive or will be malformed, but I refused, my baby's heart was still beating, I saw it on the ultrasound, so I hung in there, and the doctor gave me progestrone cream for the bleeding, 7 mos. later we had a healthy baby girl. Now I look at my beautiful daughter who is 6 yrs old now and see her so full of life bouncing around here in the living room with her older sis and I shiver at the thought of that day that I could have said okay to ending her life.
People need to stop and realized that children are a precious gift from God. People who willingly abort their babies will have to answer to God.
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Thank you so much for sharing your story. it gave me goosebumps to hear it..
and yes, these people will have to answer to God one day and explain to him why they made the choice to murder that baby..
I would rather have to answer my child why I put them up for adoption rather than "Mom, why'd you kill me?"
I do believe, no, I do KNOW that these babies are in heaven with God, and these mothers will have to answer for this.. and the doctors and who ever else is involved..
God's going to ask them why did they kill his children..
anyways, again thank u so much for your post and God Bless you!!
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
8 Jan 07
What kind of logic is that? If it was never there, it cannot happen. Can you put out a fire that hasn't been lit. Duh!!! NO! But, if the ground is wet, it'll be hard to light a fire. It's called PREVENTION.
@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Thank you for sharing this! It is very hard to read - I have 2 young children of my own and would have NEVER considered abortion of any kind. It is so sad that so many people decide that there is nothing to do except kill the baby and go on with their lives. But how can you actually go on knowing that you have killed someone? Knowing that you created someone and now do not have the chance to get to know them? More people need to take the time to sit down and read things like this. People need to be educated that there are other options. Have the baby and put him/her up for adoption - there are thousands of people looking to adopt these innocent babies. Again, thank you and I pray that the right people read this discussion. God Bless!
@sororravn (448)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Usually, abortions that are done that late in the pregnancy are done due to the fact that there is something seriously wrong with the fetus. That being said, abortions are a fact of life no matter what side of the fence you are on. While I would not personally get an abortion, I do support a couple's or a woman's right to terminate the pregnancy in this manner. Since it is a fact of life, why not use the aborted fetus for something worthwhile? Such as stem cell research? I have read that aborted fetuses are a rich resource for embryonic stem cells which could be used to help treat or even cure such diseases as those already living have, MS being one such disease.
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
This may cause tears fall. Whatever, the topic falls on abortion.
I have started a topic entitled The Bible on Birth Control where some Bible verses are quoted for information purposes of those who are interested to know relevant Bible provisions on birth control, abortion, etc.
I have also started other topics which might be of interest to many. Pls go to my Profile and choose whatever topics you may be interested in.
May God bless you. SEN
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
8 Jan 07
When I read things like this, and I have even about 12 years ago, it really saddens me. I think of many people in "hopeless" situations. People in "inconvenient" situations, or "uh-oh"... and on and on. I do not understand how people can choose to do this to their innocent, growing, baby. There's a website I found from MySpace, I think it's abort77 or something. It shows video of actual abortion footage. I hate the term, but it is what it is, "Human Garbage". I DO NOT understand how this horribleness is legal and tolerated by so many.
Yes, adoption proceedings are difficult. Yes, many are born into poverty. But, believe it or not, God has a great will for everyone. There are many people born out of terrible situations (rape, incest, poverty, whatever) that grow up to be someone great. And even if a pregnancy is a mistake, a child is NOT.
@sosweet (12)
• United States
1 Jan 07
wow, thanks for the story . Great idea the baby point of view. No body want to agree that the unborn baby have rights. people may disagree with some of the details. but they haven't disagree that it is murder.
@mustafa9190 (118)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
Abortion is the greatest crime that a human could ever make for the cause that a un-born child is has a right to live even he/she was'nt born yet. Beter yet think for one momment that what is a un-born child could have done to diserve that. Why dose he/she hve to suffer even if she/he knew that it was'nt his/her fault to exist and to be un-wanted. You're novel is very convicing to see what is an unborn child could say
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
1 Jan 07
yes, that is crime. no questions ask. I would never do it. it should never be done.
@nhtpscd (1416)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
I gave birth at 24weeks to a baby weighing just 675g she is now 16. To me it was murder only on the grounds it was not life threatening to either the baby nor the mother. Australian doctors will not do abortions after 20 weeks unless medically neccessary. We even have the right to give the child a full burial at 20 weeks.
@UnHolyLove (96)
• India
1 Jan 07
I really cant say much but in my view.....It should be alowed, i know it is killing a babey prematurely but if that baby was born, how hard would it be for the mother...what if the mother happend to be a teenager? I say it should be enforced because there are indeed some circumstances which it is a probable choice to avoid greater troubles in life. In the woumb, the babey isnt full developed and cant and wont remember anything so should it really matter for it? It is a natural course for it to be born but what if it was an accident. Imagine a 15 year old girl had a baby. It would make her and outcast to her family, her friends, and even her self. If she had an abortion, only the family would know...It wont hinder her from being prosperous in life...I say abortion is a good thing, after all it is in the persons own will to have it