Global Warming are you doing your part?
By jtexas
@jtexas (527)
United States
12 responses
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
15 Dec 06
you are ALL very sadly misinformed on this subject, kiddies. Trust me on this - if the media repeats something often enough, then eventually everyone will accept it as a "fact". That's what has happened with this "Global Warming" nonsense!
No, I'm NOT saying that "Global Warming" is nonsense, because it's NOT - more on that in a just a minute. What I AM saying is that POLLUTION has VERY LITTLE to do with it. Yes, pollution is a problem, because toxic pollutants can make life more difficult for the world's biomass. The solution is to plant lots more trees and stop burning so much stuff, perhaps - but you'd better go around the world and plug all the volcanoes first, and stick a big cork up every cow's butt! BUT none of this has anything to do with "Global Warming".
"Global Warming" is a BIG money-spinner for all the "Greenie" and "Environmentalist" groups, and every other group looking for community support, a government research grant or just some cause to follow. But the "Global Warming" we are being TOLD about is a LIE - an outright, bald-faced LIE.
Even if the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE left Planet Earth TOMORROW, it would not do a DAMN THING to this so-called "Global Warming".
The PROBLEM, kiddies, is the SUN. Yes, you heard me right, the SUN. And the people who SHOULD know this, DO know this, but are strangely not making any effort to set the record straight. They are ALLOWING this mass delusion to continue throughour the world's media and academic circles. One wonders just what flows of money are involved in THAT anomaly.
The SUN, kiddies, is getting HOTTER. And it HAS BEEN getting hotter since they started keeping records on the subject - for many DECADES. Don't take my word for it - go and do your OWN research - but DON'T just go and ask the local "Global Warming" liaison officer (duh!). To help clarify the matter, ALL THE PLANETS IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM are experiencing their OWN "Global Warming" along with Earth! You heard me right - and it's TRUE. Mars USED TO HAVE a polar ice cap on its northern end - and it's not there any more! Go and research the subject for yourselves.
ANd PLEASE don't ask " but why would the Sun be getting hotter?" How the Hell should I know? In fact, how the Hell would ANYONE know??? NO-ONE KNOWS, because NO-ONE has a CLUE about what the Sun actually IS or how it WORKS. You can FORGET all that nonsense about how the Sun is a big fluffy ball of nuclear furnace gas - that is a load of UTTER CRAP, and we have the photos to PROVE IT. NASA has satellite photographs of the surface of the Sun, showing spectacular STATIC topographic features like mountain ranges and valleys all across it's very SOLID surface. The Sun, kiddies, is a very big, very black and very SOLID ball. The Sun, kiddies, is NOT a big fluffy nuclear furnace. So don't bother asking me OR ANYONE ELSE why it's getting hotter, because NO-ONE HAS ANY CLUE!
So PLEASE stop going on with this nonsense about "Global Warming", unless it's to discuss how we're going to learn to live with whatever it is that the Sun decides to do.
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@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
15 Dec 06
"Bitter" has NOTHING to DO with it! I could be as flowery as a little Garden Gnome or as fiery as Saddam Hussein after a bad night out on the town, and exactly HOW would any of that have any bearing whatsoever on the TRUTH??? TRUTH, kiddies, is not negotiable! The UNIVERSE is NOT a "democracy" where we all VOTE on what we'd like reality to be!!! It IS what it IS!
And PLEEEAAASE don't be SO NAIVE as to promote a frigging DVD as some sort of AUTHORITY. Where exactly has everyone's respective BRAINS gone for Christmas, hmmmm? I've got a few DVDs I can sell you starring Duck Dodgers in the 21st Century if you want to educate yourselves on the outer reaches of the known universe. For crying out loud, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, and stop being so DUMBED DOWN that you just mindlessly consume and accept whatever slick media presentation passes your way. I say again, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
The Polar Ice Caps will most probably MELT, the way things are heading. And there's STUFF ALL that we can DO about stopping it from happening, unless someone figures out a way to stuff a mighty BIG cork up the SUN's BUTT! So get your PRIORITIES RIGHT, kiddies, and stop wasting your energy and time debating this NONSENSE about how we must stop the cows from farting! Get REAL and start considering how we're going to make things work in Water World!

@ganeshprabhuk (1722)
• India
25 Dec 06
global warming should be taken care or else there will be increase in the melt of ice , water is heavier than ice so more the water than ice heavier load so chances of earthquake as upper load become higher than inner load, other chances are water level increasing the sea shore will be washed out the water will enter into cities. first of all to prevent global warming we need to use less pollution vehicles. stop using petrol or diesel vehicles start using electric or cng, i am doing my part by growing many different plants in surrounding, by going by walk rather than using vehicles for short distance
@Lackingstyle (7509)
28 Sep 06
To some extent yes. Drive a small car ( I don't on purpose though, it was just hott!) don't leave the water running while brushing your teeth (bad habbit of mine I cured!)
@hassei_takano (1411)
• Indonesia
24 Dec 06
UMh.. .. not ask my parents to bought me a car.
I just ride a car with my father. At elast it make less polution
@suchetan230044 (618)
• India
24 Dec 06
yes thats a very good topic.atleast through this discussion we the people here in mylot can help stop it.
some ideas to prevent pollution are
1.turn off your vehicle engine when you are in jam or atatic.or dont waste fuel in heating up the engine before going for any journey.if everyone follow this tip then we can save a lot of fuel and prevent pollution a bit.
2.please dont dispose off plastic on soil.pleas put it in a dust bin from where it can be recycled.plastic is slow poison.
3.stop wont belive but it is true the smoking population of the world also contributes to pollution.
4.please tune up your vehicle engine defective engines leads to pollution
5.plant tree.make world green.dont ever think of destrying even a small plant.please save green
6.dont dispose off waste anywhere .it pollutes land as well as water.
i think if properly followed by eqch and every people of the worl.we would make our world better than ever.
@whitematter (501)
• India
23 Dec 06
ways how pollution can be prevented are:-
Reduce driving time
Be careful with auto waste
Plant trees and shrubs
Be an environmental consumer
Limit household hazardous waste
Be careful with pesticides
Be aware of the dangers of lead to children
Reduce smoke, radon, asbestos and other indoor-air pollutants
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Sep 06
There are lot of things an individual can do to arrest the global warming. We have only 5 to 8 years time, within which if it is not arrested or reduced, world will be difficult to live in. I had initiated a discussion on this topic but there seem to be lack of interest in this subject.
@greengal (4286)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I replied to a similar discussion a while ago. And would like to share this.
I recently saw a DVD which contains a presentation given by Algore on Global Warming and how serious it is. By the end of it I was so overwhelmed that we are facing a grave danger in the future and we should take measures in our own way to help. I would suggest everybody who reads this to go to There is a list of things which we,as common people, can do to help. The main issue is the alarming increase of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and as a result increase in the temp and hence the melting of major ice caps at the North Pole. If corrective measures aren't taken now then without a doubt a lot many places in the world will be submerged under water..including Manhattan,NY.
The DVD was very enlightening and today's youth should watch it to educate themselves. Many of them know very vaguely what "global warming" is. The DVD is called "The Inconvenient Truth".
@SparkyG (357)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Global warming scares me. Especially when I think about it in relation to my childs future. I feel I have been trying to do my part for many years such as reclycling, carpooling, energy conservation etc. But I truly belive that we are beyond the point of no return. If a mass effort is made I think we can defenitly slow what we are doing to our planet but we can never repair the massive amount of damage that has already been done.