Who is God? Why is it that people do not believe in God?
By cloudwatcher
@cloudwatcher (6861)
January 1, 2007 3:40pm CST
Why do people fashion their own idea of God?LOGICALLY, if there IS a God, He would have to be perfect - totally perfect - or He wouldn't be God. He would have to be THE (only) authority in everything - or He wouldn't be God.
Why do people reject this concept of God?Is it because if God is God, we have a responsibility to Him?Is it because if God is God, we are accountable to Him?Is it because if we make God into a benevolent being, who will excuse and tolerate our waywardness, we can do as we please?
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66 responses
@foxbrain (203)
• India
1 Jan 07
Hi cloud, God is a trend that was started with culture and centered on a belief called religion. The very existence of gods existence is questioned becoz from analysis of lot of cultures every religion states God differently if god existed then his presence must be felt on all people since he is the creator as stated in every religion.
Also as believed if he is omnipresent, he is the same everywhere y do people different him by religions. As for Christianity is considered there exist those who worship christ and those who worship mary and there are those who say god sent his son "christ" so lets say he is x? and now lest take the closest relational religion to Christians , the muslims they do follows things which are nearly the same as chiritans after a period of time there are is no relation at all.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
Foxbrain thank you so much for your reply. You have put some thought into this and I appreciate it. May I ask what BASIS you have for what you say?
I must disagree with you that God is a trend. How can He be a trend and also a Creator, as you later state. Surely if He is Creator, He is much more than a trend.
Your observations about the differences in beliefs are very accurate, and they go to prove my point that man fashions his own god according to his own thinking.
My only basis for anything about God is His Word, the Bible.
@berlynn1975 (737)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I agree with Cloudwatcher. I believe in the Bible as God's Word. I believe it was divinely inspired. Meaning, God had His hand in the writing (and translations, etc) of It. I believe that what is in there, is there because God planned it. I think, that even though things don't make sense to us, we need to try and study His Word as He meant it. I believe it is meant to be followed to the best of our abilities.
As far as the Word of God vs. the Koran, I believe if you read and study the Bible you will find great condtadictions in the Bible, especially the New Testament, and the Koran.
If you're to believe the Bible, I believe, you're to believe all or nothing. Asking God to help you understand along the way.
I'm a Christian, but not Catholic. I do respect Catholics. However, a lot of my beliefs differ. I try to belive the Bible literally. I believe that Mary was chosen of God to produce a miracle. However, she was human and not a "god". I do not believe in worshipping her, to me that would be worshipping more than one god. I praise and pray to the one God (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit - as One - like an egg is an egg but has 3 parts). I do believe, as the Bible states, that Mary was blessed. Of course she was! God chose her to preform a miracle. However, she was merely a human.
If you read the book, Miracle of Miracles, you'll learn a lot abour Christianity vs. Islam.
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@foxbrain (203)
• India
4 Jan 07
Well here we go again cloud mythology u think it as stories well according to Hindus its their god, according to Greeks its their god an many more so mythology is u consider those as mythology i shall consider bible n its saying as another mythology.
As far ur saying "HISTORY As I said earlier, man has always found a god to worship, or to put it another way, has found a RELIGION to follow. Many of these called themselves Christian without following the teachings of Christ. History is full of conflicts and atrocities done in the name of Christ as well as against the name of Christ. I will not judge atheists by the works of some misguided atheists (Hitler, Mussolini, whoever). Do not judge Christ or Christians by the works of people who call themselves Christians without knowing Christ."
I jus want to emphasize when a foreigner studies it it all comes under 1 word Christians. They say there were 2 types of Christians one as said by Christ others who are Christians without knowing christ. Y is there such thing as that? U r actually not think in their shoes everything is different in every ages. Which proves ppl change with age.
As for the last sentence it shows again differences, many people i know are not by birth Christians but they act as said in bible. More ppl who are by birth Christians and they seem to have varied thinking of ppl who got converted.
I had time to just brush up fast. So I couldn't comment more. But all in all cloud ur taking the topic into Christianity more than considering existence of god in every religion. Becoz i find it hard to tell u if you sate Christianity alone there are ppl who think other religions are not accounted for. In a way we are disrespecting them.

@Darkwing (21583)
5 Jan 07
Paul, I am not a Christian, although I had a Christian upbringing, and part of that upbringing was reading the Bible.
However, I do not regard myself as a sinner for changing my path, and I do not reject God as one of the forces of power which controls this Universe.
What I do object to, is that a number of people who believe In God as The One and Only, reject anybody else's opinion and cast them out as sinners. Is this not contrary to your God's teachings?
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
Very true!
And because of that, they make themselves their own god.
Thank you for your reply.

@forfein (2507)
2 Jan 07
Interesting discussion!
IF there is a GOD then you are right He would have to be perfect!
But isnt there some reasoning that says that there are two??
The Devil (Satan) and God?
God is all things that are good and the Devil is all things that are bad.
Are we not given a choice as to which "tend" we want to follow?
Isnt that why we are supposed to be intelligent beings, so that we can think these things through, and then make up our own mind as to what is Good and what is Bad?
Then, when we die, we are supposed to be "Judged" by what we have done?
After all, if there is no "Judgement Day" then why dont we all become Bad, make as much money as we can, live our lives like Millionaires, then when we die "to hell with it"

@yarntales (639)
• United States
1 Jan 07
A God fashioned in our image isn't God at all, it's 'a god'.
However, people for whatever reason, can't accept that God lets bad things happen to good people. So they distort their idea of God instead of changing their own views. It's easier.
Probably everyone does some, just non-Christians do more imo.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
I totally agree with you that people fashion their own gods in their own image. I'd like to know if this gives them any assurance or makes their life any easier.
I believe that if there is a God (and I know there is) then He MUST have total authority or He wouldn't BE God. How can people get around this?
I'd like people who "fashion their own god" to explain why they do it and to tell me how it helps them.

@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
You please me. Thank you for your testimony. I love Him too, and without Him I am nothing.
I do not agree with people who reject God, but we must love them with the love of Christ and pray for them.
God bless you
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
God made man and woman in the beginning, and he gave us our conscience to know good and bad, right and wrong, and the human being does not like to do the right thing, and they are greedy to get what they can in the wrong way instead of doing it in God's way.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
I agree with the reason you have given, but do people believe this man-made god can do anything for them? Does it satisfy them or give them hope for a future?
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
5 Jan 07
I have gone through almost this whole thread and must say I found it interesting. I admire cloudwatcher's faith. Indeed God is God. The only Creator. The Merciful Benefactor and The Merciful Redeemer.
Let me tell you, I am a Muslim and do believe in God. What I would like to ask here is, as cloudwatcher has said there are two types of christians. One who practice their religion the other who are just born into christian families (same is the case with Muslims as well). So what I would like to know is what will happen to them in the 'Day of Judgement'. Will they be punished for not practicing their religion. And I also would like to know what will be the fate of the 'non-believers'?

@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
6 Jan 07
thankyou for your reply cloudwatcher.
Obviosly being a muslim I do believe in Jesus, though it is different than the way you (christians) believe in him. I am certainly not going to go into that detail or this discussion will convert into a debate between Islam and Christianity.
What I understand from your reply is that the 'non-practicing' christians will not be punished for not following their religion but those who do not believe in Jesus to be the son of God will be put into hell. I am sorry to say I feel that is not fair. Can a practicing christian be equal to a non-practicing christian. If yes than what is the benefit to somebody restricting themselves and not enjoying their life like others are doing.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
7 Jan 07
Naseem, I wouldn't want this to develop into a debate between Christianity and Islam either. I respect your rights and was just seeking to give you an answer to your questions.
I would not classify anyone as a "non-practising" Christian. Either a person IS a Christian or is NOT. Either a person accepts Christ as Saviour, or he doesn't. Either a person is adopted into the family of God, or not.
Unfortunatly many people classify themselves as Christian, but are not so according to the Scriptures. This is where you get the term "non-practising" but in effect, there is really no such thing. In other words, "non-practising" Christians are not Christians and are therefore in the same categopry as non believers.
Your last sentence is one on which I must comment. I am a Christian, and I can assure you my life is NOT restricted and certainly is FULL of enjoyment. The Christian life is an ABUNDANT life.
I do not say that non Christians cannot enjoy life, but the MOST enjoyable and happy life comes from living with the Lord Jesus Christ as part of the life. I do not miss out on any of the "enjoyment" that non believers have. I might not find enjoyment in the same way as some of them do, but I do not miss out on anything good.
I lived for 22 years as a non Christian and have lived 48 years as a Christian, so I think I know what both lives have to offer. The Christian life is ABUNDANT life.
Thank you again for your interest and your courtesy. We should be able to compare like this, without treading on one another's toes. It has been talk to talk with you.

@Darkwing (21583)
2 Jan 07
Hi Cloudwatcher. A very fascinating debate here... I can't help myself! lol.
Firstly, where did the initial concept of God, or indeed, where did God himself, come from? If He is a divine Being, as he is written to be, and all that is written in the Bible is accurate, then where did this superhuman come from? I'm sure a lot of people ask themselves this question, and also realise that God did not write the Bible, and therefore, parts of it, if not all of it, may not be as accurate as it should be. Parts of it could be from people's explanations for strange or miraculous happenings, which they did not understand... for instance, Jesus being borne by a virgin. How did God come into that in the first place.
People need proof of things in this life and I guess that's why they make their own concepts of God up. I think you read my concept of God in a previous discussion, but I will reiterate, that I don't think He's a Supreme Being... I think He's one of many powers that make up the balance of the Universe. Hence, to my mind He is A God and not The God.
I know you'll debate with me on this, but I'm always open to discussion and reasoning. Take care, Cloud... Blessed Be! :-)

@Darkwing (21583)
4 Jan 07
What is it about you, Cloudwatcher? You tempted me back, yet again! lol.
No, I can't disprove anything that's written in the Bible, and nor can anybody else. How could we possibly? It was written in a language strange to us, and much must have been lost in translation, so, how can it be proven true. It must be a matter of whatever you want to believe, and I don't condemn you for your beliefs. They are correct, both in your eyes, and the eyes of many other Christians.
However, in my eyes, it may be correct or it may not. I have an open mind about it, but my beliefs are that it is just another story book, as perhaps, are the ones that I believe in and you don't. Still, I respect what you believe and I hope you respect what I believe, for neither of us has proof of any darned thing!
I'll say yet again, that I believe in God, but not in the same way as you do. (Notice I am avoiding the use of "I feel" or "I think"). lol.
The whole thing is a mystery which we have to research and find our true selves and our own beliefs. I will not ever deny anybody their religions, their deities, or anything like that. I know where I'm going... I know what I believe, and I'm comfortable with that. I believe in what I believe in, and I believe that what I do and where I'm going is right for me, and me alone. Whichever way anybody else goes, whatever their path, is right for them, and right for me, also.
In other words, each to his own... whatever their religion... love is the law and love is the bond. Do what ye will, but harm none.
Brightest Blessings to you, my dear friend.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
PS I've given you a + because you put forward a good discussion.

@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
3 Jan 07
First off my preception of God is way different than your preception of God. See my preception of God is the god that lives within each and every one of us. See I believe that we individually are not God but it is when we are collectively togather that we become God upon this earth. The idea of the old man in the sky that looks down on each and every one of us is a fairytale to mee.
So to answer your questions. I fashon my ideals of god from a lot of research and inner reflection, why would God have to be perfect, is that what you preceive of him/her? the word God in the webster dictionary is just "Supream being"
People reject the religon aspect of God since it really makes no sense to most people.
We are not responsible to God since that is a scapegoat ploy. If something goes good then it is God and if it goes bad it is the devil. If we are to make a real change in our lives we must be respnsible to ourselves. In the world of religon there is no responsibility on our part it is all either God or Devil, not ourselves thus it is a scape goat ploy.
I am sorry if I offend you with this but it is only my opinion. thank you for an interesting discussion and have a great day!
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
Thank you for your thoughts, meandnotyou. No, of course you didn't offend me. Everyone is free to express an opinion and I am interested in what people have to say. I have the right to agree or disagree, just as you do.
I believe in God and believe me I do take responsibility for my life and for the things I do. I think you class people who call themselves Christian just because they live in a so-called Christian country, alongside genuine Christians who have a personal relationship with God the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ. There is a very big difference between the Christian "religion" and Christianity and I'm afraid the former has given the latter a bad name.
You talk a lot about what you believe or think, but you do not give a basis for it. Do you have a right to determine such things? I don't mean you don't have a right to think or to express what you believe. I respect your right to express your thoughts, but I wonder WHY you believe them?
You see, I need rock solid evidence for my belief, and I have that in the Word of God and in my relationship with Him.
I do thank you for your thoughts. It's a pleasure to be able to share in this way.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
4 Jan 07
Meeandnotyou, welcome back. It is a pleasure to talk with you again. I respect your right to believe as you do and I'm interested in pursuing the discussion.
If you don't mind, I'll respond to the last verse of the three first. This verse is a favourite of mine, and has great meaning to me, but I think we need to realise that it was written to Christians only, NOT to everyone. From a purely logical view, it couldn't refer to everyone, since the Holy Spirit wasn't given as an indweller until after Jesus left. Jesus Himself said that He would send the Holy Spirit to come and be IN His followers. In fact He made a difference about being "with" them and "in" them.
Jesus many times differentiated between believers and unbelievers and the difference between them. He made great differences between those who "have the Son" and those who "have not the Son". Since you quote Corinthians, which was written by Paul, how about so many of Paul's writings where he makes a huge difference between those who are "spiritual" and those who are "natural" and "carnal". He says some are led by the Spirit and some do not have the Spirit of God.
Let's now look at Luke 17:21. When Jesus said "the kingdom of God is with you" where was Jesus? He was with them. He was in the midst of them. He was speaking of Himself. In just such a way, after John the Baptist announced Jesus' coming, we are told Jesus preached the kingdom of God, saying the kingdom of God was at hand, and that they should repent and believe the Gospel. Mark 1:14-15. Evidently, if the kingdom of God was at hand it wasn't within the people. The same applies to Matthew 18:20 where Jesus was promising His presence.
2 Timothy 2:15 has been my theme for many years. I have diligently studied the Word for 48 years and, believe me, "rightly dividing the Word of truth" has been paramount in my study while depending on the Holy Spirit for His teaching.
Thank you again for your response. I appreciate your contribution.
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
4 Jan 07
Luke 17:21 "...The kingdom of God is within you"
Mathew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered togather in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
I Corenthians 6:19 "...your body is the Temple of the holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own."
We will work only with these three from the Holy Bible, I will only use the Bible since Cristians have a habit of throwing the baby out with the water if it doesn't come from #1 the Bible, or #2- another Christian they respect.
First it is well known and I do not remember an exact verse that Jesus acended to his father into his kingdom to prepair a place for us...but Jesus when questioned about the comming of the Kingdom (the one he ascended to) of God he said (Luke 17:21)do not look here and there for the kingdom since"....the kingdom of God is within you" this is the dwelling place for God and Jesus. Do not take this as meaning that we are GODs or anything since we are not eventhough we were "created in his image and likeness" but lets deal with this in second part.
Second, Matthew 18:20 "for where ever two or three are gathered togather in my name,there i am in the midst of them." We are not God in and of ourselves but we all contain part of the divinity, this is why Jesus made that statment in Matthew 18:20, this is to let us know that individually we are servants of the most high but togather.... hmmm...there he is.
Third, last but not least. I Corenthians 6:19 "...your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own." It is a well know and accepted doctrine that the Almighty is a trinity or Father, Son and Holy Spirit and all three are one, thus all three are GOD. The Holy spirit being part of God, just like Jesus, living within us!! Hmmmmmmm..... what does that tell us about the indwelling of God within each of us?!?
Well here are just a couple of the reasons that I believe the way I do. Please remember.....II Timothy 2:15 "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed,...." That there in and of itself is great and well respected by most Christians yet it continues " ... rightly dividing the word of truth." Be good my friend and have a great day!!

@sudhir4441 (668)
• India
2 Jan 07
It all depends on your opinion, i am a strong believer of GOD. I think that there is a power which rules this whole world.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
I also believe in God. He is the absolute authority and one day every person will know this. Until then I'll just keep loving and praising Him.
Thank you for your response
@eternalskyes (273)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I was baptisted Catholic. Yes, I believe in God. BUT there are other religions that do not believe in God. They pray to another God. Hindu's (SP?) have a different god they we do. Are you preaching that everyone should believe in One God???
@noachide (162)
• India
2 Jan 07
Hindus have One God too. But the mythology revolves around different facets of God, and they called by diffferent names like Rama, krishna, or vishnu etc.. these are usually like the angels which come in Judaism. But Hindus worship them ,and give them physical form.according to the mythological sources. Even then they do pray to One God. Hinduism is actually a Monotheism
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
eternalskyes, thanks for your reply.
No, I am not preaching that everyone should believe in one God. Everyone is completely free to make their choice and believe in whatever or whoever they like.
The fact that there CAN only be ONE God, or He couldn't BE God is one I'd like to discuss. Since different groups have different ideas of God, they cannot all be right. There can only be ONE God.
@unithorn (193)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Which idol are you referring to? The Christian god? What about greek gods? Norse? Allah? What about the gods and spirits of the African,and Asian cultures, or those of the Native Americans?
There is a significant difference between religion and faith. Faith is internal belief, while religion is the system through which belief is enforced. Religion in mind control - faith is respect for the idol of your choosing (or whichever that your family drilled into you at a young age).
I have total respect for those who choose to believe, and their right to do so. So long as no one's beliefs harm another, I see no problem. For me, however, the theory goes as follows.
I feel that any god is the personification of an individual's conscience. The devil reads much the same. Old Inuit faith indicates many gods, essentially stating that the good people have a good "god", the wicked aa "wicked" god, and so on. Everyone that believes in a higher power as their ruling/guiding force sees that higher power slightly differently than the person next to him does.
To answer your question, I feel that many people reject the concept of "god" because there is so much left unanswered. The existence of god is just as theoretical (if not greatly moreso), than that of evolution. You can see proof of evolution concepts in everyday life...certain points have merit, though the entire process is still not defined (still not completely valid).
With the concept of God, however, especially regarding specifics to the New Testament, solid physical proof is minimal. Also, the role played by the Catholic Church over the last 500 years (though it predates that, easily), is quite disturbing. As a world with a rapidly growing population divided by many seperate (and often, opposing) governments, the most effective way to reach the masses was to unite them in fear.
This is how Catholicism grew - manipulating people around their own fears. No matter how ill or pure the intent, that is the cut and dry of it.
I suspect that you will find a great deal of people who do not practice any sort of religion (even those who have a blantant disregard for Christianity) to be very spiritual, understanding, and to conduct themselves through high moral standard.
Also, people with no sort of faith, who believe that humans are nothing more than advanced animals and that the human soul is nothing more than chemical and electrical reaction...can be excellent people as well.
So long as we do not harm eachother because of them, spirituality in any sense (or a complete lack therof) is not a problem.
Notice the spawn of most wars.
Just a thought.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
You are so right when you say there is a difference between faith and belief and I'll agree with much of what you said, but you haven't answered any of the questions. You have philosophised, but I can find no evidence in your response.
Surely, if eternity - or even just the span of a lifetime - is involved, we need something rock solid to base our way of life on.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
4 Jan 07
Unithorn, thank you for a comprehensive and intelligent reply - and since I notice you are a new member, welcome to myLot. You will be an asset here.
I feel I must answer your last question before commenting on your responses.
Why is God an entity to be feared? I would say people who really know God do NOT fear Him. I have known and loved God for 48 of my 70 years and I have NEVER feared Him, either before or after coming to know Him. This is part of the misconceptions of God that I am trying to address in this discussion.
God is love. God is not full of hate, distrust and malicious intent, as you query. In fact, these attributes are IMPOSSIBLE for God. God hates sin, but He loves all people. God must punish sin, because He is just, but because of His love, He made a Way through whom forgiveness is possible. He sent His Son to bear the punishment for us. God does not want anyone to perish, but wants all to be united with Him for eternity. Man CHOOSES not to accept His offer.
1. I agree people fashion their own mental image of God because of their own environment and needs, but this doesn't alter who God is. Just because I might see green as purple, it doesn't alter the colour of green. I agree one's concept of God can vary because of events in the life, just as one's own disposition can vary differently. A dear friend of mine lost her daughter in a car crash on the eve of her wedding. She lost a son through illness and another son has a serious illness. My friend is a shining example of a close relationship with her Lord. Others, who do not know the comfort of a loving heavenly Father can turn bitter and rile against Him, blaming Him for what has happened, even though they never took Him into account in their lives. If they haven't acknowledged Him, why should they expect Him to intervene? None of this offers proof that God doesn't exist or that He becomes whatever our concept of Him is. God can only be who He says He is.
2. I have already responded to the first part of your response here. You say many people reject God because there are too many questions to be asked. I would agree with you there, but if they are interested in the answers, why not ask God? Why not consult His Word? All the answers are to be found there. I believe people reject the concept of a perfect God with total authority simply because if they acknowledge this, it would mean they are responsible to Him and they prefer to run their own lives. They are at liberty to do this, but if they do, they shouldn't blame Him when things go wrong.
3 and 4. You say there is an "intimidation factor" involved. The points you make here are popularly held beliefs, but they have no Biblical foundation. I certainly agree with you that to "ask Jesus into one's heart without believing in His existence is pointless" and I would also agree that to be held accountable for our actions is scary, which is why people change the image of God into something which they can accept.
5. Many people do believe that because God is a God of love, He will allow everyone into an eternity of bliss, but God is also a God of truth and justice. Yes, it is possible to justify our actions, but does this make them right? People give all sorts of reasons for rape and murder and other crimes, but it doesn't make them right.
God is a God of love, who has already done everything possible for mankind to be reconciled with Him, but each person is free to CHOOSE to accept or reject His offer.
I thank you again for taking the time to reply. Your thoughts are interesting, but I find no reason in them NOT to believe in God. My God has proven Himself to me in my life and I could do no other than love Him and praise Him for everything He has done, is doing, and will continue to do for me.
@unithorn (193)
• United States
4 Jan 07
My final point is this - you can't believe in something that you don't feel to begin with. If you can't feel the presence of god within your heart: reading the Bible is reading a good book of moral stories. Prayer is talking to yourself.
No matter how vigorously you read, no matter how desperately you want to cling or believe, you will not if it does not strike youe emotional strings. People do no believe in god because they are either too scientific in thought, smothered by their own sorrows, or too inquisitive to accept a solid answer. That, or they simply feel nothing.

@82idiots (595)
• United States
2 Jan 07
People reject the concept of God because it is just that--a concept! We don't need to believe in the grown up version of Santa Claus like most mentally immature humans do.
Of course, that is summarized; there are many subtle reasons how and why people reject the god notion, but basically they all have to do with being educated, mentally healthy, and grown up mentally. Logical thinking and knowledge of the natural world leads one away from god, not closer to him.

@Darkwing (21583)
5 Jan 07
Please tell me, 82idiots, exactly who you think you are that you can tell other people what they should and should not believe in? You think you're God?
I'm not Christian, but I would not welcome you into my world. You have nothing positive to say about anybody and you're very rude!
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
I'm sorry to disappoint you, 82Idiots, but I am not mentally immature. I am "educated, mentally healthy and grown up mentally". I am a "logical thinker and have a knowledge of the natural world".
According to your belief, I would have to reject God.
I know the REALITY of God and I experience His loving presence in my daily life.
That proves you wrong on at least one point!

@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
But God wants everyone to be with Him for eternity, which is why He gave His only Son to die for us.
God loves you. Thanks for your reply.
@GlussBrazil (290)
• Brazil
2 Jan 07
Good question. Who is God? Easy to think but almost impossible to put in words.
God is peace, god is love, God is all good things on earth. God is a suprem thing that is not material, does not have meat and bone.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
Thank you for your thoughts. I agree with what you said, and a lot more. God bless you.
@llwilkins (384)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I think the confusion in this world is that people don't beleive that God can allow bad things to happen and they ask themselves if there is a God why does he allow bad things to happen. But the answer is in his word if you are not obedient he will allow bad things to happen to you. It says in his word God is the creator of both good and evil. He created evil to draw you near to him. Because if you notice alot of people don't call on God until there is a bad situation at hand. Now tell me I am lying.
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@angnima (772)
• Nepal
3 Jan 07
Nobody is confident about GOD.
Everyone has their own god and all are
fighting with each other in the name of god.
We all are puzzled from our childhood.
Every question and answer about GOD is absurd for us.
It may continue in future if we carry our ideas,concepts etc...I mean old ideas & concepts of god.
Hope,somebody resposible would give us the real answer for our poor condition.
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
4 Jan 07
Thank you for your honest comments and for the expressed hope for real answers.
If you are really interested, I would suggest that you read my responses to others in this discussion. I hope you will find the answers you hope for.
You say no one is confident about God. Well, I have known and loved God for 48 of my 70 years, and I can assure you I have COMPLETE confidence in Him. In all that time, He has never let me down. I praise Him for all He has done for me, what He is doing, and what He will continue to do for me.
God bless you. May you know His peace.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
2 Jan 07
You make light of this, but you only have three choices ... God is a He, God is a She, God is neither.
God refers to Himself as a He. If He is a She then She's a liar. If She's a liar then She's not God at all.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
NUFFSED You are entitled to worship the god of YOUR making, but please don't insult my God. My God cannot lie, and He says HE!
IMADRISCOLL Thanks. A good reply. I'm afraid you are right. Nuffsed has no God, only a god.
ISLANDER Thanks for your comments, but how can we agree with ALL religions when they contradict each other? Logically, they can't ALL be right!
@harshilmehta87 (68)
• India
3 Jan 07
I could not say about this but Few last months I can say that the most existing force which always acting on our life is available in nature
@Kpratham (33)
• India
2 Jan 07
God is just a power that exists in the universe.It displays itself in the form you want to see it!!!It is what moves the universe,the sun , the plants everything u can probably think of.
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
2 Jan 07
If God is "just" a power that displays itself in the form that you want to see it ... then you would be more powerful then this so called power that moves the universe, the sun and the planets.
If you choose to see it internally, then you dictate how the "power" is experienced. If the "power" doesn't display itself on its own terms then it really doesn't have any power at all.
If it doesn't have the power to display itself on its own terms then it certainly doesn't have the power to move the universe, the sun and the planets.
Therefore the power that you have explained does not exist at all, but just gives you an excuse to walk away from a Creator that displays Himself as He chooses and is very involved in the lives of humans.
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
Thanks again imadriscoll. Join in any time. I love your comments.