How good is good enough?

January 1, 2007 3:49pm CST
IF good works (living a good life) can gain entrance into heaven, how can you know when you have reached "good enough"?How many good things would you need to do in order to wipe out the bad?How good is good enough?
14 responses
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
11 Feb 07
In my opinion, we can't be so sure how good is "good enough". Also, we don't know how many good things would we need to do in order to wipe out the bad that we have done. We are NOT God. God is perfect, holy, and divine. Your goodness may not completely be perfect, holy, and divine in the eyes of God. If we do know exactly what good is good enough, it means that we are like God. Don't you think so? In fact, we have always made sins in our daily life. Even thinking of "bad" about something or someone, for instance, can also be considered sins in the eyes of God. That's why God has to come to the world through the physical body (Jesus) in order to be "sacrificed" for us. In the judgement's day, God will be able to relate us (i.e., humans) with Jesus and can forgive some of our sins that can't be wiped out because of our human nature.
@Avichail (694)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 07
Thank you cloudwatcher for helping us to know that it is impossible to be rated good by God's standard. Much easier to be rated + by myLot user =) Maybe many thinking about the ability to do good is because of the failure to recognize how sin has entered every single bit of our life. There is nothing in us that is not tainted by it. Most people I know, including myself back then, still think that we are actually not bad. Yes we do bad things, but don't we cover it up with our good things after that? We use our own standard to judge ourselve. Like Perryx said, without grace, noone can know how bad he/she actually is and incapable of saving themselves.
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• Australia
12 Mar 07
Thanks avichail. When we come to know the love of our heavenly Father through the Lord Jesus Christ, we see ourselves as HE sees us and we see Him in all His glory. We know we could NEVER pay the price, but we praise God that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son cleanses from ALL sin! What a privilege and wonder to be a child of God!
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
13 Mar 07
No one is perfect but it is best to try and be as good as possible. Society would be so much better if people would try to be polite and nice to each other. Who benefits from bad people? Who benefits from good people? Only you can answer these things for yourself. In my religion we hope for redemption through our Savior.
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• Australia
14 Mar 07
You are so right that society would be a better place if everythone concentrated on doing good things. Hope is a funny word. The meaning has changed over the years. The whole Bible teaches us we can have a real certainty of redemption through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
@zotopec (307)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
Whatever religion you are linked with, here is the key to know your own criteria: If only you practice to voice your conscious, try to talk with it, and if only you can happily live with your own self, think rightfully that you have done good enough!
@Darkwing (21583)
6 Jan 07
Cloud, I have to say here, that yes, all religions are right for those who believe in them. Take for instance that your beliefs are different to mine; you believe in One God, and I believe in several, including your God, but you are not the only one who is right... I am right too. Therefore, yes, all religions are right in their beliefs because they have the freedom to believe in what is comfortable for them. Do as ye will but harm none, Cloud. Please don't preach. I hold you in far higher esteem. Sorry, my friend, but there is not just ONE religion, and yes, they are all right in their beliefs, and should be free to believe.
• Australia
1 Jan 07
"Whatever religion"? Does that mean all religions are right? Wouldn't that mean that there are many gods? Surely, logic demands there can only be ONE God - or He wouldn't BE God! Are you saying that conscience is god? Are you saying that if I follow my conscience, that is good enough? The trouble is that everyone has a different conscience. You might believe that a certain behaviour is right and your neighbour believe it is wrong. How, then, can conscience be right? How can conscience be a reliable guide? How can I know when good is good enough? Thank you for your response.
• Australia
6 Jan 07
Hi Steve. It seems completely logical to me that there can be only one God. If there are many gods, and they all say different things, who is to say who is right? Unless all the gods say the same thing, (and they don't) it stands to reason there can only be one. As you know, my faith is dependent on logic, but on experience, but I do find everything in the Bible to be completely logical. Thanks for joining in. It always makes it more interesting.
@greenmango (1019)
• Philippines
13 Jan 07
That I would be good even if I did nothing That I would be good even if I got the thumbs down That I would be good if I got and stayed sick That I would be good even if I gained ten pounds That I would be fine even even if I went bankrupt That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth That I would be great if I was no longer queen That I would be grand if I was not all knowing That I would be loved even when I numb myself That I would be good even when I am overwhelmed That I would be loved even when I was fuming That I would be good even if I was clingy That I would be good even if I lost sanity That I would be good Whether with or without you
• Australia
13 Jan 07
That would be very good, but ... Could you live it? How would you know it is good enough? Could it be just a little bit under good enough? How can you be sure?
• United States
14 Mar 07
Are you saying that good deeds have replaced indulgences from the Middle Ages? Can I buy my way to heaven? I thought that good behavior was the result of knowing God. Heaven is the reward for believing in God. Perhaps I'm wrong, I haven't been Christian for 25 years. Oddly, I find that I'm a much better person now, than I was when I was a Christian, because I am more tolerant of other people, I'm not judgemental anymore. I do good things because I want my life to have meaning, and I think that it makes the world a better place.
• Australia
14 Mar 07
Well said, Springlady. It is because of what Christ HAS DONE, not because of what we do. We could NEVER be good enough!
@weemam (13372)
14 Mar 07
I don't think it would work if you were only doing it to gain something for yourself , I think if a persons heart is good then they would do "GOOD THINGS" without realising it , God can see into peoples hearts and know if it is genuine or not xx
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
6 Jan 07
How good is good enough? I believe that it is doing the very best we can under all circumstances and according to our own conscience. It might not be perfect of course, but if we are giving it our very best efforts what else can be asked of us? I am not too sure how we can know if we have been good enough to gain entrance into Heaven, but one day we will certainly find out and until that time I will continue to do the best I can. Now have I confused you enough cloudwatcher because I am getting confused myself here. LOL
• Australia
6 Jan 07
Trouble is, you could never know how good is good enough. What if you tried hard, only to find out when you got there, that you were only one or two "good things" behind the bar - and you missed out? I am so thankful it doesn't depend on how good I am. It all depends on how complete the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ was, and He said "It is finished!" For by GRACE we are saved, through FAITH, and not of yourselves: it is the Gift of God; not by WORKS, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 He who HAS THE SON has LIFE; he who DOES NOT have the Son of God, DOES NOT HAVE LIFE. 1 John 5:12 There is no confusion when you believe the Word of God. Thanks for your reply. God bless you.
@sunita64 (6468)
• India
7 Jan 07
Well desires have no end, similarly good things you achieve also has no end the search I feel continues lifelong. It is never good enough in life because you keep moving up and up.
• United States
3 Jan 07
um I am not sure about what you are asking? because its not about how much good you do, its more about not doing bad and repenting when you did and tring to not do the same thing again. I dont think you can do 1 wrong deed and wipe it out by doing 2 good deeds that just sounds nuts! lol
• Australia
3 Jan 07
I agree. That does sound nuts to me too, and it certainly isn't what God says. I'm asking people to consider HOW anyone can get to heaven.
@yarntales (639)
• United States
1 Jan 07
There has to be absolutes. This is why we were given the Bible. Without absolutes, one persons idea of "good" could be far less than another persons' ideas. This is why following God and the Bible is so important. For example, my husband thinks he's a good person. But he regularly lies, steals and other things most people think are sin. So if he was setting the standards for getting into heaven the doors would be wide open. Thankfully, God is the judge not us.
• Australia
1 Jan 07
Thank you for your response. I agree there have to be absolutes, but exactly what are those absolutes? I agree that following God and the Bible are important, but that doesn't answer the question of how I can know how good is good enough. I agree that God is the Judge, but how can I know how good is good enough? Is it possible that one could live a good life, thinking he had enough good to get him there, only to find out he was one or two good deeds short? How good is good enough?
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
living a good life, you will never know how good you have to be but doing the right thing for God according to the bible , and with the ten commandments and also for yourself your self conscience will know otherwise it should make you not settled within yourself.
• Australia
1 Jan 07
But if going to heaven depends on my doing the right thing according to Bible and my conscience, how will I know how good is good enough? I WILL still do wrong things. I will still sin. How can I know how many good things are enough to wipe out the bad? CAN I ever know?
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• United States
14 Mar 07
I'm speaking from a Christian standpoint, and my bible says in the book of Romans "There is none good, not even one." And even Jesus himself said, when a man called him good man, that even He was not good, only God. So we as mere mortals are not good enough and never will be good enough no matter how hard we try. It took a sacrifice to pay for our sins, and it can't come from us because there's nothing we can do to earn it. God had to provide a sacrifice that WAS good enough, and his name is Jesus. You can never do enough good to "wipe the bad out". He already did it for you. So now all you have to do is accept the gift that he bought and paid for with his blood. And then you just ask for forgiveness and try to do better and he forgives you and HE WIPES THE SLATE CLEAN.
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• United States
12 Jan 07
it is my belief that a person can lead a good life and go to church every Sunday or what ever day they worship but I believe that a person can wishop any where and pray to their God where ever they have a need...but no matter how hard you try to lead a good life you must have faith in God and believe in him
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
12 Mar 07
We can never be good enough to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. The only way we can get there is through God's Son, Jesus Christ. It is not by anything wonderful we have done, but something totally wonderful God has done for us. God bless.
• Australia
12 Mar 07
Amen!! Well said! If we tried to get there by being good, we could never know how good was good enough - and the fact remains that no amount of good is good enough. Christ has done it all! I trust Him!
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