Do You Take Vitamins???

@loutrt (185)
United States
January 1, 2007 4:36pm CST I found these that even pay you to take there products, check it out.
2 responses
@cristi20 (2139)
• Romania
1 Jan 07
An organic compound required in very small amounts for the normal functioning of the body and obtained mainly from foods. Vitamins are present in food in minute quantities compared to the other utilizable components of the diet, namely, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals. Synthetic and natural vitamins usually have the same biological value. Different vitamins, which are often not related to each other chemically or functionally, are conventionally divided into a fat-soluble group (vitamins A, D, E, and K) and a water-soluble group [vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and the various B vitamins: thiamine, vitamin B, riboflavin, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, and pantothenic acid]. The vitamins, particularly the water-soluble ones, occur almost universally throughout the animal and plant kingdoms individual articles on each vitamin. The B vitamins function as coenzymes that catalyze many of the anabolic and catabolic reactions of living organisms necessary for the production of energy; the synthesis of tissue components, hormones, and chemical regulators; and the detoxification and degradation of waste products and toxins. On the other hand, vitamin C and the fat-soluble vitamins do not function as coenzymes. Vitamins C and E and ?-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A) act as antioxidants, helping to prevent tissue injury from free-radical reactions. In addition, vitamin C functions as a cofactor in hydroxylation reactions. Vitamin D has hormonelike activity in calcium metabolism; vitamin A plays a critical role in night vision, growth, and maintaining normal differentiation of epithelial tissue; and vitamin K has a unique posttranscriptional role in the formation of active blood-clotting factors. source:
@loutrt (185)
• United States
1 Jan 07
Sounds like you know your vitamins, then you would do your self a favor to check these out, their all natural.
@ezzrssi (11188)
• Italy
1 Jan 07
no i don't i need not for now
@loutrt (185)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I work out and being 50 I think it is good.