Girl mauled to death by a pit bull - I'm outraged!

January 1, 2007 7:26pm CST
5 year old girl got killed today here in the uk by a pit bull. It happened at her home while she was looked after by her grandma who tried to help but to no avail. The owner of this dog was warned not long ago about his dangerous animal. How can this be he is so indiferent and now a child was killed? The dog got destroyed but what good is it now? I hope he gets a life for the life his carelessness took away - people like this just make me mad!!! And now I too am scared to go to the park with the kids as there are dogs everywhere!?
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62 responses
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
This topic always garners a lot of discussion, and, as a dog owner, I too, am outraged. I don't own pit bulls, and never would, but people who do have to accept responsiblity for them. The need to train their dogs, and realize that people have an inherent fear of them. They are big and powerful dogs, and are not usually people agressive, but when they are, they do a lot more damage than other dogs. I would rather be nipped by a golden retriever that a pit. The pit bulls are so powerful, a bite will do a lot of damage. My prayers are with this little girls family. I hope this owner is sufficiently punished, but, historically when this sort of thing happens, it usually doesn't.
• Australia
2 Jan 07
im also a owner of 3 dogs but none are a "vicious breed". i think ppl that own dogs like that should keep them in a pen or some sort of barrier when they are not supervised. i know that having the dog destroyed doesnt help the poor girl any but atleast now the dog cant get anyone else
3 people like this
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
i am a dog owner and i don't agree with a "vicious breed" some dog breeds tend to be on more aggressive than others but they do it to protect themselves.i own a rottweiller and he is not a bit aggressive. i think there are just "vicious breeders and owners" owing to their lack of knowledge about their dogs.
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@katprice (806)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I agree. No such thing as a "vicious breed" just irresponsible dog owners. Pit bulls can be complete pussycats. I own Dobermans and they are so sweet. Bad dog owners give responsible dog owners a bad name, and ruin it for all the law-abiding people out there.
• United States
2 Jan 07
First of all, do people really know what kind of dog this was? I know of cases where Labs mauled people & the media still called it a "pit bull". American Pit Bull Terriers are bred not to be human agressive (the true ones. 70 lbs & under). But for some reason, people have started breeding other dogs with these great dogs & then they end up huge agressive dogs. It's a shame really. & it's horrible when things like this happen. But it's rediculous that people try to blame a breed of dog. I have 4 American Pit Bull Terriers & I wouldn't trade them for any other breed.
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@Katy238 (1028)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I love dogs.... period. Although some are not good for kids such as the oh so harmless looking Dalmation. Be wise in your chioce of dog. I have 3 small kids and all three were around my sis-in-laws Pit bull. He would have never hurt the kids. I cant say I totally trusted him but he never once even nipped at them. I am now a proud owner of a beautiful Boxer. :)
• United States
2 Jan 07
If you look at other statistics that compare amount of bites per population of each breed, "pit bulls" actually have far less than other breeds. But believe what you will. I just happen to know better.
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• United States
2 Jan 07 Here's a good reason why I feel how I do about "pit bulls"
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• United States
2 Jan 07
What make me mad is how uneducated people are about the breeds that people call "pit bulls". It's more than one breed. What also makes me mad is how the media calls every stinkin' dog that mauls someone a "pit bull" when it's usually NOT. But they do it because it sounds better than saying that someone's Lab mauled someone. So called "pit bulls" have the same temperament as a Golden Retriever. Would you tell someone that those are dangerous dogs & can't be around children?! Of course not! ANY dog can be dangerous if they are in the wrong hands. I don't get why almost everyone tries to label certain breeds of dogs unless they happen to own those breeds.
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• United States
2 Jan 07
I do feel bad that someone lost their little girl. As I said in my 1st post, it's horrible when things like that happen. It's horrible for anyone to lose a child for whatever reason. I just get tired of hearing the words "pit bull" associated with bad things.
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• United States
2 Jan 07
That is the biggest myth there is about pit bulls. Their jaw is not built any different than any other dog's jaw. It can't lock. They just have more muscle in their jaw than most other dogs.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Jan 07
Thank you for your educated comments
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@sundance (150)
2 Jan 07
it is outrageous but its far from the first time - in the UK - that this kind of thing has happened. its the dog owners that should be brought to book and made to protect us from out of control animals.
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@aizavel (558)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
i think we should look at all of the risk on taking up an animal at home before we get one, and we have tomake sure that our children are safe at home poor kid... :0(
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• United States
3 Jan 07
I totally agree with you! Cesar can fix ALMOST any case! He does say sometimes he cant fix all of them but he is soo awesome!
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• Philippines
2 Jan 07
Call in the DOG WHISPERER Cesar Millan. That Pit Bull I think is A Red Zone Case.
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2 Jan 07
the first question that came to my mind when i read this was... "Where was the owner of the pit bull and why wasn't this nasty animal on a lead?" Iam outraged at the thought of this because there are so many kids playing on the streets, this could happen to anyone ( i hope it doesn't! ).
• United States
2 Jan 07
They are not nasty dogs. They're no worse than any other dog. Their temperament is the same as a Golden Retriever's or a Labrador's according to the AKC temperament testing.
2 people like this
• United States
3 Jan 07
Aww...! I feel bad for the little girls mom and dad and also for the Pitbull. I honestly dont think it was the Pitbulls fault. Pitbulls arent bad dogs. It is the way the Pitbull OR any other dog is brought up. Any dog can turn at any moment for any reason. I watch Dog Whisperer all the time and Ceaser said that small dogs are the most viscious dog in the world! I bet all u people putting hate towards Pitbulls never would have thought about a small dog mauling someone. Right? It could happen! Dont think of the "BREED" of the dog think of the dog as a dog. All dogs are the same no matter what breed they are. A dog is a dog. I mean think about it....
• United States
3 Jan 07
Great response! I would LOVE to watch Ceasar...but I don't get that channel. :( I've been to his web page though & he's got some great ideas.
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
2 Jan 07
too many people out there refuse to acknowledge the tests and studies that conclude there are dogs out there predisposed to violent attacks and sometimes they happen even if nothing provokes them. They value their dogs over the lives of humans, and that's just plain sick!
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• United States
2 Jan 07
i have a pit bull and she is very sweet
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jan 07
she is a very nice dog she would never do something like that.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
2 Jan 07
yes i read this incident before, it's sad :( the owner of the dog shouldn't of let it near that child as he did know that it is a dangerous animal, i think he is stupid and alot more words but can't say them on here!
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@minsmins (162)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
I really feel sorry for the girl and for the family. It is sad to know that there are pet owners who cannot really be responsible to their pets. I love dogs, I take care of them and hold responsible whatever they do, but I do not own large breeds. Huh! everybody learns from something, it's just hard to accept that before you learn a life was taken.
@mikaghi (388)
• United States
2 Jan 07
thats crazy..u know people are now beginning to love animals more than humans. i am serious. otherwise why would they have pit bulls around children..don't they know that these are dangerous dogs.
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• United States
2 Jan 07
u are an idiot!
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@emcdiehl (19)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I am also outraged by people who even have a pit-bull. I think they should go to prison and suffer a little too , its not all the dogs fault, yes I beleive they should put the dog to sleep but the owner especially after being warned should pay his dues too...big fine and prsion time...
2 people like this
• Romania
2 Jan 07
I make me mad that this 5 year old girl got kild today by a pit bull. The dog was destroyed but at wat cost? A life for a life? The owner is the responsible here because he was warned about his dangerous animal. If he listen to this warning that shoul not hapend.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
20 Mar 07
If you're outraged, it should only be at the owner for not raising their pitbull properly. It's very sad that pitbulls are seen as such bad animals just because they weren't trained properly and brought up in the right living conditions. Of course it's unfortunate with what happened to this little girl but it could have been prevented in my view..
• United States
5 Mar 07
ok so the pit bull learned how to open the door and go in the home?? not all pit bulls are bad, and the ones that are were probably abused. so somehow these dogs that get abused are in the wrong? hmm...being thrown into fight after fight by the people who feed him...and the dog turns kill him and kill all the other pits too. does that not seem stupid? ok, lets look at it this way. OMG i heard that this man killed a little girl today at the little girls grandmas home. so now lets kill the entire human race cause they are too agressive...right...its stupid.
@jirkahav (364)
• Czech Republic
2 Jan 07
it is very sad ...
2 Jan 07
@usman400 (1587)
• Pakistan
2 Jan 07
Too sad news :(:(:( Yes u must not take ur children out, instead if there is some little park which is covered and where dogs are not allowed. When animals overcome human it means the stone age damn ppl dont care warnings :(
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@hurri03 (40)
• Romania
2 Jan 07
You are right.The owners of these dogs should be very carefull about what the "pet" is doing.They must realise that the "little dog" is in fact a beast and they should be aware about what a pit bull can do.
@AmStaff (142)
• Romania
2 Jan 07
Every dog is a potential danger. (execpt small breeds' like chiuaua .. lol) If a dog isn't raised in a good way it can do bad things. It doesn't mather what breed is it. I agree that a pitbull is hard to raise, and it's not a dog for all persons. You must have some knollege and you must be strong enough mentaly. And if you are strong enough... you can control him. Not with brute force, with brains. You must be the leader of the pack not him. And he will obay you.
@hirumon (90)
• India
4 Jan 07
Its not the breeds problem.. Many pit bull owners will give their hands on the fact that pit bull is no more aggressive than other terriors.. The lack of care and proper training is a big reason that the dogs misbehave...