Christianity and America
By FredOsborne
@FredOsborne (35)
United States
January 2, 2007 1:19am CST
America was founded on Christian principles found in the Holy bible our form of government is found in scriptures as well as our legal system.
Our country was intended to be Christian and the Church allowed the country to fall from it's roots by the apostate doctrines preached today.
Immorality is the norm today,good is called evil and evil is called good as the bible tells us that is what would happen.
No surprise to the real Christian.
Consider why we,being the youngest country in the world became the richest,strongest and best country in the world,it was no accident,it was because we were founded on the bible and God promised to bless a nation that obeys his word and he also promised to curse the nation that would turn against God,we have done exactly that.
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33 responses
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Fred, get a new history book and a life. The Puritans were not Christians nor founded this nation based on Christianity. They came over here to escape persecution for their beliefs which were AGAINST the Christian Church's doctrines in England. Our Bill of Rights demands that among others, we allow FREEDOM OF RELIGION and that didnt have any addedum anywhere stating ONLY within the limits of Christian doctrine.
@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Your history couldn't be more ignorant than your response,it was catholicism that the Christians were escaping.
@Ekacker (26)
• United States
2 Jan 07
The Founding Fathers were largely Deists...not "Christians" in the sense of the word that most people today think of it. They included freedom of religion in the Bill of Rights precisely because they wanted to ensure that ALL religions would be welcome in our society. One of the people who helped finance the entire American Revolution was Haym Solomon...a Jew.

@missjackie (1357)
• Ypsilanti, Michigan
2 Jan 07
Oh please. This country has thrived because of greed, not because of some make believe bible, about some make believe god.
@lulylove (1560)
• Brazil
3 Jan 07
I do not think as you!
I believe that America today is blessed by God, therefore a people who acradita in the alive God and that tries to fulfill its word, dying for its country. God only can be in these lives.
I think that without God America would not have as many forces.
@Lackingstyle (7509)
2 Jan 07
America fed mostly off war and as I recall I don‘t believe that is too Christian?
The two world wars were a fantastic prospect for her, where were they before? Hardly the richest country yet after it all changed. They sat back and watched for the most of it whilst selling weapons to Germany and Great Britain making a fortune on the side before deciding to enter late on.
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@tulwave (174)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Very true my friend. However, we were not founded on war, we simply relish in the prosperity it brings.
It seems to me we were founded by a group of guys who didn't want to pay their taxes to King George. We didn't want to get taxed without due representation. Then came some timely wars.
@iknowitall (455)
• United States
2 Jan 07
ahh, the delights of the free market system....muhahaha....

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Well I have to disagree with you. Our government gives us the freedom to choose a religin of our choice. I was brought up Christian but to be honest I never did understand it. Nor did I get the results nor satisfaction that I hear about from other Christians. Ever since I decided to follow another religin I have been able to obtain the necessities in life, love, friendship, a place to live and sleep, and even enough money to just support my family. I didnt get that when I was a Christian.
I am NOT a Satinist, I dont believe in Satan, and they wouldent want me in there church. I am a proud Wiccan. I serve the same God you do. I just dont drive to another building to do it. I go outside.
In a way you are saying that Christianity is THE 1 TRUE religin. That is just YOUR opnion and if it works for you that is great.
My problem is why is it ok to attack another country just because they have diffrent religis beliefs? Why is it ok to murder others because they choose to practice and worship diffrently? Isnt Thou Shal Not Kill one of your 10 comandments?
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@tulwave (174)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Here is an example of an American fore father and his view on the divisiveness of a Christian Nation.
"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and inprisoned; yet we have advanced not one inch toward uniformity.
Thomas Jeffeson, Notes on Virginia, 1782
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@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
2 Jan 07
There are many countries younger than America. Australia and Timor, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Phillipes and that is just off the top of my head, so I am sure the list would be much longer.
Out of all countries in the world USA is probably the last one founded on the Bible. Separation between State and religion is rarely as enforced as it is in the American constitution.
Really, you need to brush up on some facts because making them up yourself just doesnt work.

@tulwave (174)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Fred is a very stupid person with no knowledge of history.
Here is a little quote from our founding father Thomas Jefferson. This should brighten your day and remember that fred is a bit meanlingless to the world
"In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance to the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection of his own."
-Thomas Jeffeson, Letter to Horatio G. Spafford, March 17, 1814
thanks for responding to the idiots of mylot. This place seems to be becoming a mission field for the insane.
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@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Seperation of church and state is never mentioned in the constitution.
I am sorry but yo are the one that needs to learn history and the constitution.

@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Our country was not intended to be Christian. It was intended that people could choose whatever religion they wanted. People ran from religious persecution. Why would they want to start a country where others could not be free to have their own religion as well?

@Fenja1 (66)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Our country was intended to be Christian, encouraging us to live by the Bible. God doesn't force us to accept Him while we live on this earth. He gives us a choice to choose Him or not, and our country gives us the same choice. That is part of Christianity.

@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I think history will prove this hypothosis wrong.
The separation of church and state is clearly defined in the Constitution. The people who lived in the first years of this country fought for the right to believe or not to believe as they wished, this however was a side issue.
Our Constitution actually was a mixture of the things the eastern US Indians believed, they way their societies were run, and the Greek and Roman Senates.
It is stated in our Constitution by the forefathers of this nation that neither the state nor the church should rule.
Given that not all of the founders and writers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were what one might consider Christian it would follow that allowances were made for pro and con in that these were reasonable men who were the visionaries of their time.
There is also a proviso for religious freedoms for people of all faiths or lack of it.
The wording is strictured by the attitudes of the times, but the meanings are clear.
The church has no more or less rights than any individual. The Church can not and will not be allowed to allow or not allow anything within the realm of the government.
The US is not the youngest country in the world, we are not even the oldest democracy. We have the distinction of being the largest democracy in history, both in area and in population.

@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
3 Jan 07
First error,we are not a democracy but rather a Republic.

@satyamss (870)
• India
2 Jan 07
All religions hv lost their root...
if u ask to any one what is yr religion?...he/she will give u responnse just in seconds...ask back them what is religion? most of them can't....and its religion!
preist are making fool us...and now a days religion is used to descriminate ..and to fight!
and god did not make any religion....B sure...
some peoples...u can say some minded and good people...walked on a path...and after their followers named it as a religion and made those man "The god".....
@tulwave (174)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Thomas Jefferson often referred to "the corruption of Christianity" as it regarded government.
Here is a quote highlighting his disregard for the importance of Christianity.
"But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg"
Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia 1782

@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I won't waste my time with an empty argument but Thomas Jeffferson was a Christian
@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Your interpretation is completly skewed,Jefferson was a powerful Christian and this statement was to say that a non Christian doesn't bother me at all.

@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
I agree with you and sooner or later the words "in God we trust" in your money will be changed to in gold we trust. The words " help me God" in courts have been erased already. Is there a way to reverse this trend of apostasy? Are the days of revivals a thing of the past? Be that as it may, there will always be those who will remain loyal to the Faith and will strive to preach by lips and life their Lord and Master.
@cajundharma (641)
• United States
2 Jan 07
This is why it says "In God We Trust" on our money. This is taken from the US treasure department website. So it has nothing to do with the founding fathers:
The motto IN GOD WE TRUST was placed on United States coins largely because of the increased religious sentiment existing during the Civil War. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase received many appeals from devout persons throughout the country, urging that the United States recognize the Deity on United States coins. From Treasury Department records, it appears that the first such appeal came in a letter dated November 13, 1861. It was written to Secretary Chase by Rev. M. R. Watkinson, Minister of the Gospel from Ridleyville, Pennsylvania

@Fenja1 (66)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Great post, Fred! Hang in there ... you are so right. As a follow up, I believe there is a reason why one of the worst hurricanes in our country hit one of the most sinful cities in our nation. It is so sad, but true, that so many preachers today have strayed from the Bible and preach what their church members want to hear rather than what they need to be told. I am fortunate to have found a preacher that preaches straight from the Bible even though he knows at times he will have members walk out during his sermon. As he says ... at night when he ends his day and turns out the lights, what his God thinks of him and how he lived his day is all that matters.
@Fenja1 (66)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Actually, Cajundharma, I didn't mention the gays. And, no, I don't blame them for the storm. I personally believe the reason for the hurricane is because we, as a Christian country, was not doing our part at the time to protect Israel. The Bible states that we are to protect Israel at all costs and great harm will come to any country that does not take part in protecting Israel. At the time, we were involved in peace talks which lead to spliting up Isreal. I believe our punishment was destruction to New Orleans. But I'm sure this is way more than anything you know about the Bible.

@Omaghphil (75)
2 Jan 07
Firstly, best country in the world is your opinion. Secondly the world isnt black and white. Good and Evil. Attempt to define good and evil and you will have a hard time. Definitions have been thought of since the words were created and people still argue over them today. Good and Evil is something that is defined in ones own autonomy, it is indoctrinated into what you've been nurtured and told as a child. What is good and evil is different in each individuals' eyes. There is a fine line between them. One must always be aware that everything they know and have been taught could very well be untrue.
"The only true wisedom is knowing that you know nothing." - Socrates
@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Good and evil is already defined for you and it s absolute.
The problem with the world today is people that don't know the truth as you.

@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Well, it is a Shame when the people in this World condemn the things that this world was based on such as the Bible, and Prayer. They do not want to allow Prayer in the schools, at work, etc. And a lot of people get mocked if they get caught reading a Bible at work, or at school, while allowing immorality, and such to be rampant. And then you wonder why AA Halls, and jail cells are getting fuller by the moment, not to say people dying of diseases and such unheard of back in the Bible days.
It is time for a change that is for sure, but when you really look at things if you are a Bible believer and scholar, you look at the Book of Revelations, and realize everything happening today is just like it was then. So people just need to keep ready for you will never know what will happen next unless you keep prepared.
@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
2 Jan 07
This is a wonderful history lesson, however, I believe that america is also a country where we are free to believe as we will. Therefore, I find it irritating when people feel they need to force us to believe otherwise. If I wanted to be in a country where I did not have the ability or freedom to make my own decisions, etc. then I would move. Please do not attack a country based on freedom by trying to get us to believe we are all "evil" etc. because we have turned against "your god" not everyone believes the same as you do and you need to respect that. I am pretty sure "your god" also says that you should not judge others...however I see this being the hidden agenda behind your discussion. Let's find the one that is perfect...and they can be the first to cast the stone...okay?
@FredOsborne (35)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Youare correct in saying we are a country free to worship or not as we wish but you are missing the point,no one is forcing anyone to do or believe anything.
If I were to warn you of impending danger and you chose to ignore it,that is your business but you are likely to suffer for your lack of concern.
@tulwave (174)
• United States
3 Jan 07
I cannot believe that i am even wasting my time with such stupid blabber, but as I read your ridiculus comments to others, I feel compelled to defend my own history as an american.
We are not a Christian nation. We are a nation of religious freedom. Thomas Jefferson suffered politically for his emphatic belief of the separation of church and state as he battled what he called a "corupt philidelphia clergy".
In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote of the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Nature's God, but nowhere does he mention Christianity. He was irritated when the Philidelphia Clergy used that to mean that he was against Christians. He simply felt that our rights did not depend on our religious affiliation. If it did we could not be free.
His use of the term Nature's God acknowledged a myriad of religious followings to show that as a governor he would hold no allegance to one over the others. If he did, we would not be free.
He went on to reject accepted Christian belief of the times, when he penned "the jefferson bible." There he altered the gospels to exclude mention of miracles and the mysticism of Jesus, leaving only the basic philosophy of Christian Thought.
He was a true American and stood up for his belief in our government and our people's freedom to be as ignorant as you.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Although this country was founded on many Christian principles, that is only because they are universal principles, i.e. fairness, respect. But the fact of the matter is many of our founding fathers including Jefferson and Franklin were not Christians--they were Deists. There is no mention of God in the U.S. Constitution. The only mention of God in the Declaration of Independence refers to "Nature's God." I'll agree with you that our nation is going downhill, because we are forgetting our religion and our roots and heritage. But to say that our country was "intended to be Christian" is...uhm, wrong. Now, at our founding most people were Christian and that was that. It was an inherent part of culture. But our founders wanted to make sure religion and government stayed separate. God doesn't curse people anyway. We curse ourselves by turning away "His" principles--that of Love, self-restraint and responsibility.
@oliree (51)
2 Jan 07
This sort of discussion and argument does nothing for the world view of America. The arrogant rant that started the discussion alienates those that may otherwise be curious about religion. God did not come down from heaven and tell us whoever follows me is better than their neighbour! Come on USA put this guy right!!