When you get married, are you going to get a prenup?
By hassanchop
@hassanchop (820)
United States
35 responses
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
I have been married for 36 years now and definately did not have a pre-nup. In fact I do not think that they even existed in those days. The laws here in Australia are different in that there is generally an equal split on assets and the courts do not recognise a pre-nup anyway. There is no alimony anymore, although there is child support for any child/ren of the marriage.
Our son is still single and if he marries, then it is up to him to decide what he wants to do. We have made Wills that leave certain things in trust to any future grandchildren, as they are the future and it will be into their safe hands that the family memorabilia goes.
Each to his own of course but I do believe that something like a pre-nup is going in with a rather negative attitude towards the marriage.
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@puma_nz (999)
• New Zealand
9 Jan 07
Thats just IT! What do you need protection from??? This is a person you should TRUST regardless.. Thats the NEGATIVE side to things.. You making HER feel like shes NOTHING when things go wrong??? My gawd! People today.. Soon the word "MARRIAGE" will be non exsistant.
@hassanchop (820)
• United States
9 Jan 07
How is it going in with a negative attitude? It's simply protection in case something out of your control happens - just like car insurance protects you in the same case but with you car. Nobody has explained this to me yet.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
30 Jan 07
It is a negative attitude because with a pre-nup you are saying "okay this is mine and when this marriage doesn't work then I am taking what is mine back". That is being negative as far as I am concerned and totally lacking in trust on which the relationship should be built.
It is like saying "Yes I will marry you, yes I love you, yes I trust you, but no you cannot have what is mine" and if anyone tried that one of me I would immediately believe that they didn't trust me and in turn believe that they didn't love me. Love and trust go hand in hand and are part of each other, so no trust then no love.
@hassanchop (820)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Well, like I said, is having car insurance giving yourself a "nice way out" if you decide you don't like the car? No, it's protecting you in case something unforeseen happens and you end up without the car.
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
8 Jan 07
I don't need any pre-nuptial agreement as well any divorce in the future because I don't want my children to suffer. It's a matter of commitment.It is just a waste of money and time.
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Like I said, you can't always control whether divorce will happen or not - your spouse may up and leave you and you will have no say in it.

@car0811 (184)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
It's okay with me if I'll get married without a prenup. If I love the person, Prenup agreement shouldn't be given much importance.I believe, it is extended to those who always want to be on the safe side.
@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
Look at it from the parents point of view. We have worked our buns off from the first day we got married to get to where we are now. I will follow in my parents footsteps and have a hands off clause in my will (as they did)and you can bet I will pressure my son into making any girl sign a prenup before they get married.
If there were children from the marriage that would be different. But no "twinky" is going to run off with half of what we worked our fingers to the bone for.
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Nope. If I made millions, maybe I would. But since my fiance and I both make pretty much equal amounts, I feel it would be pointless for us - plus it would just add on extra "we might get divorced someday" feelings. I don't believe in divorce unless there is abuse, so if I ever get divorced b/c of that, I would want to go through the courts and get every dime I could! That's not gonna happen though so pre-nups don't really matter to us.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
9 Jan 07
No, I disagree with you. Divorce is nothing like Car Accidents!
Marriage involves 2 commited people, who together must decide they want to spend their lives together, therefore it IS in our control. The husband and wife both have 100% control over all their actions in a marriage and can choose to make it work or not work.
A car accident involves me, and some random on the road. A car accident is not in my control b/c no matter how well I drive, I can't stop someone else from hitting me.
@hassanchop (820)
• United States
3 Jan 07
But that's like saying "I'm not going to get car insurance because I don't believe in car accidents". Divorce is not always in your control - it could happen regardless of how hard you try to prevent it, just like car accidents. My truck was totalled two weeks ago by absolutely zero fault of my own - I was rear-ended in traffic at 75 MPH. Just cuz you get a prenup doesn't mean you always have to worry about if you get divorced - just like car insurance doesn't mean you worry about wrecking your car. In fact, it can actually help you worry less about it.

@italianbella8686 (87)
• United States
8 Jan 07
my fiance always jokes yeah get your gonna get a prenupwhen we get married and im liek and y..u dont trust me.. but we discussed it and we would never do that. it jsut means u donttrust the person. thats just our opinion though
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@kruell_intentionz (1159)
• United States
28 Jan 07
well I didnt do a prenup I loved my hubby and I wasnt planning on divorce. Although some times it does happen I just hope it doesnt happen to us. We have a beautiful son and we are very happy. I hope u find the right woman!
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
6 Jan 07
When i get married i dont think i will prenup i dont think its necessary for us to do that.Its not like we are the rich and famous.I sure dont have much.
@itsokrelax (733)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I am getting married very soon and although I don't plan on getting one... I wouldn't be saying no if she offered.
@natuser28 (907)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Ughhhh! I've been struggling with this question for the past two years. I just can't come to an conclusion as whether to give up have of what i own or protect my asset. It's not her but the laywers and court systems i don't trust.
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@natuser28 (907)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I'm more afraid of losing what i've work hard for than bringing it up to her. I'm afraid of losing the children if i have some with her.
The reality is, i'm never gonna know what
i'm getting after marriage.
So it will be a risk should i decide.
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Are you afraid of what she might reply if you brought up the pre-nup question to her? If that's your main obstacle, I honestly don't think most women would react THAT badly to it - and if they did, well, honestly, we know where their priorities are.
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@puma_nz (999)
• New Zealand
8 Jan 07
Geee its sooo different here in NZ.. You do have the option of having a "Prenup" but very FEW people do.. The Law here is that.. If you have been in a Relationship with someone for more than 3 years.. You are considered Married and you are entitled to HALF of what your partner owns and vise-versa..
For me personally.. If it ever came to that with my partner.. I said to him "You can have Everything" I even wanted to put it down in writing in front of a Lawyer.. but he said "No" I dont have a problem with the things that I own. Thats all they are... "THINGS" IMO
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
31 Jan 07
If you have something that's worth protecting then a prenup is the way to go. If the other person is offended then chances are it isn't going to work out to begin with. If I had it to do all over again I would have had some type of agreement drawn up but I was a supid foolish love sick girl back then .. someone who never thought she'd get cheated on ... but that's a whole different post. Bottom line, if you have something you love and don't want someone asking for it in a divorce settlement, get it all in writing and have it notarized or have a prenup drawn up.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
31 Jan 07
I don't think someone's reaction to a pre-nup is a reflection of who that person is at all. If there was never any talk about it and then after the proposal suddenly the idea of pre-nup is sprung on them it is fair and normal to be surprised if not offended outright. For alot of people this would shock them. It doesn't mean they are bad or waiting to rip their partner off....
I can understand that past experiences can shape someone's attitude towards the event. But would you have been fine with it if your man would have asked you for one? I think there would be some reaction from you.
@Lady_Vincy (1538)
• United States
8 Jan 07
No because I only plan on getting married once. I'm not getting a divorce. Never!
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
9 Jan 07
But what if your husband divorces you and there's nothing you can do about it?

@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
19 Jul 08
In the country I live in it is common to have a contract like a prenup.
I would certainly get one myself if I ever decided to actually marry someone.
I think that if you have something of your own and stand to lose it then you should protect it.
As for your comment on alimony- If your wife works full time the whole way through then she should not get alimony however if you want her to be a housewife and not work then yeah you better pay her alimony if you divorce as she will have no way to support herself then as she hadn't been working. That wouldn't be right at all.
@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
1 Feb 07
Would I sing a prenup Yes I would but since I have been married for almost 13 years it is a little late lol.
@cjthedog64 (1552)
• United States
1 Feb 07
We didn't. Of course, neither of us really had anything either. We're both mature enough to deal with things civilly. If we ever did divorce, we'd work something out.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
7 May 08
I am not againts about it but in my case, if you love someone you have to trust wholeheartedly and sincerely! You have to take time knowing with each other deeper and never haste to any decision!
@MsEddie86 (234)
• United States
16 Jun 08
I dont want a prenup at all i dont see the reason for one. I think that if you love one another then there shouldnt b a reason to think that you need one. I mean of course if you get one its only for the purpose if you do break up then you both wont be struggling tryin to find ur way after everything is all said and done. I honestly dont want a prenup when i get married. If me and my husband decided its not gonna work i would gladly go my way and let him have what he has i would expect the same from him
@Elixiress (3878)
16 Jun 08
I am not planning on getting married but if I do I could possibly want as prenup. If me and my partner are equal in wealth then I probably will not, but if I am richer than my husband then I will want a prenup. I think that caught tend to give women more than they give men generally, which is why if wealth is equal I do not think it is important.