who said staying at home with the kids easy and not real work???????
United States
January 2, 2007 11:55am CST
i have been a stay at home mom now for 2 years, and i must say no job is more rewarding,but my hubby seems to think that he does more work than i do, he goes in at 7 and gets off at 3:30, mostly all holidays off, vacations time, paid overtime, on the job training,and paid sick time. i went in at about the end of may of 2004 somewhere around 9:00pm (created my son)or so and ain't been off since, i started a double shift in september of 2005 sometime (created my daughter), and have to double my work load when my husband is home at 3:45 during the week and on the weekend!!!
Between daiper changing, feedings, washing clothes, dishes, snacks, book reading, post office runs, bill paying, changing clothes, making sure he goes to the potty, answering the phone, hiding candy, finding the sock monster, picking up toys, taking out toys, vaccuming,
baths, rocking to sleep, keeping the whole role of tissue out the toilet,and whatever else may come up, i have to find time to look cute, smell good, and have dinner ready........ now this is a day in the life on average for a stay at home mom...........who does the most work,the mom or the dad?
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55 responses
@iheartducks (343)
• United States
2 Jan 07
You should have your husband stay at home with the kids and take care of them for a day and you go shopping or to a friends house or something. Then he will respect what you do!!
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
2 Jan 07
when i was working i used to work 80 hour work week. Im now a stay at home mom and i think raising my three kids. Taking care of my house myself and my husband is the hardest job i ever had to do. Whoever says its not work should do it for a few weeks. I bet they wont even make it a week.
Its the hardest but most rewarding.
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@simplegal (123)
• Philippines
2 Jan 07
I know what you're feeling. I am a mom for 4 1/2 years now. And because it's hard, physically, emotionally and financially, I don't want anymore child anymore. Sometimes we need a break! Our husbands don't undestand that we can't do everything at once. We have to rest for a while. They should be considerate!!!
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@mom2rottie (620)
2 Jan 07
I too have been a stay at home mom for almost 5 yrs. We own a business so I'm also working but always have my boys (2 and almost 5) with me. It is a lot of work- that I wouldn't trade for anything. But it would be great to be able to sleep in or eat a meal before it gets cold! I know exactly how you feel!
@asazam (159)
• Netherlands
2 Jan 07
u r rite.
although i dont ve kids till now. but i plan to sumday...
i ve been babay sittin my nephew.
n i kno, its kinda full time job.. u really ve to keep an eye all the time.
n the only time tu get is wen the babay is sleepin..
n u ve lots of ur own personal things to do..
do u agree?
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@mummy2jake (399)
• Australia
3 Jan 07
well my fiance & i have work very equal.I am a sahm, but my fiance does help out around the house, cooking, etc.He knows i work hard, am up during the night at times, etc, etc.A few days ago we all had some drinks 7 he had promised me he would look after our boy if he woke-i seldom drink, so this was a little "treat" for me.Anyhow just before we went to bed at about 230 he woke & didn't go back to sleep til 7 & my fiance had to deal with him, coz hed promised.He had to sit by the cot where our son was, coz hed cry if he couldn't see dada.I think that night he realuised some of the stuff i do-he usually sleeps thru it all. Even though he sleeps through everything, im up with him & i think that night he realised what i do. Being a mum is hard work, imsaw on tv some one saying its the most thankless task on earth & u don't get paid for it, but i disagree.I wouldn't my life any other way.I love my life, my boy, my family.
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@jamie11982 (1658)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Hunny i know what your saying. Try this with four kids and a full 40 hour a week job to help make ends meet. I'm there right now and if i could stay home with the children i would in a heart beat. Talking about missing a lot of stuff. While i'm at work and he's home durring the day i get really screwed because he lets the kids trash the house and don't bother to pick up after them. When it comes to dinner i still have to cook and take care of the dishes and everything else. Ok here's what i do in a day and i'm a cashier at the local wal-mart.
Get up at 5:00am get my coffie and have time enough to get the clothes ready for the day get up the kids and get them ready to go. leave at 7:30 drop of 3 out of 4 kids to baby sitters house then go to work. work until 7:30 or so and then go get the kids go home cook dinner and while cooking dinner take care of kids change dipers do house work, start laundry if i can. sit down eat dinner feed the baby(he's 2 months) keep the 2 year old out of everything while trying to make the baby happy. hubby is sitting on couch watching tv. then after dinner give kids a bath and get ready for bed. then i can do up dishes and try to relax well if i can because we need parent time then i can go to sleep and do it all over again. my bills get paid every other thursday's while i'm on lunch. talk about bissy and i almost forgot to add that i need to make sure that all home work is done for the next day. I would say that all mom's do the most work but because we don't have any cash comming inb the house the dads don't see it that way. they say that they do all the work.
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Omg!!! lmao. Right ON!!!! That's what I've been trying to tell my man!!! He's on the road all the time and only home 2-4 days a month and wonders why the house isn't spotless and why half my hair is pulled out. lol. I'm like HELLO!!! Do you SEE all these kids!?! I know he works hard but his day ends!!!! Ours never does and they need to realize it!
GREAT post!!!
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I have stayed at home for almost 8 years now. It is the roughest job I have ever had & I was Active Duty Army before doing this. My kids are 7 1/2, almost 6 & just under 2 weeks old. I never get a break now that the baby is here. It does not bother me because there is nothing else I wold rather be doing. It does irritate me when someone tells me that I don't do anything all day. A lot of people could never last a day in my shoes.
@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I understand what you are saying. My hubby tells me he is so tired when he gets home. I look at him and say, "I'm not tired?" I take care of our 7 month old and two other little boys that are 2 and 4. I stay busy all day long except for their nap time and then I'm usually cleaning something. It's hard work to be a stay at home mom.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
2 Jan 07
LOL! i could not have said it better myself. i loved being a stay at home mom, but for the love of God it was the hardest and most rewarding job ever. between the children and their father, I had four full time jobs that i was working all at the same time! but i loved it. don't get me wrong, there are days when you just want to run and hid under the bed with the dust bunnys you promised yourself you will get to later(that was last week). then there are those days when little lips come and wake you up with the sweetiest little kiss. i am currently working out of the home and this job is a cake walk compared to me being home. it just so happens to pay better (smile)
@ilvrshn (463)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I agree with you being a stay at home mom is ajob all by itself. Especially if you do not have scholl aged kids and they are at home with you all day. Yo have to constantyl clean up after them if they are not in one particular room. Besides all that having dinner cooked and the place cleaned for your husband when he gets home. Clothes pressed for the next day, daily errands, washing clothes, etc. Good Job!
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@Meljep (1666)
• United States
3 Jan 07
A good thing to do might be keeping a list of all you do as the day goes on. Do this for 3 or 4 days and then ask him to make a list, or just show him what all you did. Until you've walked a mile in a mom's shoes it's not a good idea to judge the amount of work she does/doesn't do.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
3 Jan 07
well, teach him a lesson. leave him with the children for a day or to...go on vacation by yourself, check yourself into a spa for the weekend and leave the mommy duties to daddy. give him a list of things he has to do, include cooking dinner and putting the kids to sleep...everything you do for him, and see what he thinks of it. i always think thats the best way to put ungratful husbands in their place. luckily, my hubby doesn't think that. it was HIS desission for me to stay home and he understands most of what i do as long as i understand what he does.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
2 Jan 07
I have been a stay at home mother for only 5 months now. Wow it is hard hard work! The most rewarding ever I agree but it is also relentless work with no break. The constant no-sleep really gets you. My child is 6 months old, when does this bit end? I find it a lot harder than any other job, thats for sure.
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@goldjay (465)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Just let the dads stay home for one week and let them see how hard the job is. I know my husband doesn't know the half of what I do on a daily basis but he does at least appreciate it that I work so hard. He's out with the kids by himself tonight (I'm off to a meeting in a few minutes) and it's a HUGE chore for him to do this, or so he says. He makes it a major endeavor to go out with 2 kids for 2 hours. I do it on a daily basis and it's just part of what you do when your a SAHM. I think he'd be amazed at all the stuff that wouldn't happen if he had to do my job.